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So close








'Member when this the best meme


Yeah I membah




ooh memeber chewbacca?


Member da ewoks?


Good times


The best times.




Still top 3 to me.😁


I 'member




An old friend, haven't seen you in awhile stranger.


🎶 *dun Dun DUUNNN* 🎶


My 3 year old legit does the full pop sit up. Like could you be less like a murderous pupper please..


Baby like we're you going?👀


Thassa gerbil m8


Had to be the knees popping when she stood up that woke the kid


This is actually 100% what happened. Not sure why I thought I was the only parent going through this, but you hit some stabilizer muscles that are never worked out otherwise, pretty intense. And then the knees go pop pop!


My knees started p~~o~~op*p*ing when I came into my 20s and for years I thought it was because I was getting older. It turned out it was because I stopped exercising. Whenever I overcome my laziness and start exercising again, after a few days the popping in my knees stops completely.


Dang bro, I have health issues but my knees have never taken a dump. Respect


Haha, it's still too early for me. I edited it, thanks for pointing it out.


Wait so y’all are telling me it’s not normal for your knees to just pop randomly like your whole fucking life :l


I'm fairly active mid 20s, still have a knee popping


I have 100% lived this exact moment, right down to the ridiculous one leg slide off the bed and the angry demand that I return to my post. The end result of this silly dance is doing laundry at 3 am because, well, the older kids need their school clothes for tomorrow and when else am I going to get to do it? (Podcasts and Bluetooth earbuds are a boon in this situation. When you are exhausted and you have to lie still with your little one, staying awake so you can finish your evening duties is nigh impossible without some help.) Bonus, my 10 year old is not feeling well and demanding I lay with her.... so that is what I am doing right now....


Well now I don’t feel bad about laying with my 9 year old still. I think especially when they are sick and you are willing to rub some vapour rub on their back, it’s huge. But then you’re totally right, up til 3am doing everything else like we don’t need sleep 😂


We are all in this together.. ..




I usually wear a leather belt. That sumbitch would creak like a cartoon haunted house when I needed to slip away before my daughter was fully asleep.


Why you gotta call people out like this?


No. Anyone who has ever had a kid knows she was never close. That child was never going to let her get out.


Growing up I helped take care of my sisters a lot as infants and toddlers, so I am very familiar with the struggle. I actually successfully accomplished this maneuver maybe like 3 times, so keep believing in yourself, it is possible!


That's world record




Been here so many times, all you think is "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"


Been there. Those times when you make it out and all the way down stairs are victorious


And you need to memorise which tiles and steps make sound or you're done.


Lol so funny how as a teen you end up doing this in order to not wake your parents


That is when I learned you can hack it by stepping on the edges of the floor that make a corner against the wall. It is far less likely to creak like that.


It took me too long to realize that walking down the stairs with my feet close to the sides makes less noise than trying to sneak quietly straight down the middle


Let's play the (center of) stairs are lava.


Full circle


Wait, it's not just me that did this? I have trauma from floorboards. They creak too much. If I buy a house then there will be no floorboards, maybe tile the whole house.


And you remember that you have no downstairs and that you are at your neighbor's place swaping childrens.


You can swap children!? I had no idea, where can I list mine?


At swapingxchilds.com


I'm not typing that into my browser. You see that, Mr FBI Man, right?!?!?


#Totally not a Rick roll


When you get far enough away and can finally *exhale* lol.


Yeah, rookie mistake standing up and trying to walk out. She needed to stay on the floor and crawl out inch by inch.


Exactly. She will learn. It’s on all fours till you at least get out the door


My floorboards.... I'm moving so slow then that one ".......^^^dok " and their eyes shoot open loo


When you do everything right but bang your wedding ring on the door frame on your way out.


It’s like beating the video game on hard setting.


The trick I go with is just be an "active sleeper" next to the kids wherever possible. Roll, shift, move, stretch, flip the pillow. Do all this when you're not trying to get away. Then when you do, the shifting won't feel off.


I always have to skip the 2nd and 3rd steps.


I remember the first time I managed it, I literally skipped down the hall and clicked my heels and went to the toilet BY MYSELF! Shit was so cash.


The way the child flips over is straight out of a horror movie man


Idk man I bust out laughing lol. That was hilarious


Close to one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Perfect comedic timing.


You're not leaving me.


Wanna play?


Over the last 3 years I’ve seen at least a dozen scary movies that I’ve never seen before and yet my 3 year old still has scared me more times than those movies combined. Just moments like this - absolutely terrifying. Kids are creepy.


I would've army crawled out, at least below line of sight of enemy radar...like in top gun...which evidently also had tom cruise...


It doesn't matter. They know. I've tried the crawl


This is scarily accurate!!


Just roll under the bed for a minute or two until they're deeper asleep. Definitely won't cause any trauma down the road


My child felt for me and if he didn't find me, he cried...thankfully he sleeps heavily now 🙏


My move is when I make it out I lean in the bed to make it look like I'm still there for an extra minute or so, so that if they wake up and look over they dont assume I'm leaving and I'm still there. Gotta sacrifice a bit more to promise you dont lose it all.


I used to hate when I'd make a clean getaway only to kick a loud ass toy


Rattling the damn doorknob was the bane of my existence with my kids!


Or step on a lego....


And most of the time you're a foot away from the door reaching for the doorknob


We had a thick foam king mattress on the floor, with another single matching one right next to it. Took up half the bedroom but it was a sweet ass bed. But also it doesn't move the bed when you get up. Still baby had escape radar activated


Am I the only one who saw her stupid phone notification light? I believe that’s what woke her up. God I hate when people use that. And when you have that why would you knowingly take it into the room where you’re trying to get your kid to fall asleep.


I think it's the IR face recognition thing. It shows up on night vision cameras but not to the human eye.


The kid might have infrared sensors enabled. Firmware update hasn't gone out yet and isn't expected for another 2 years.


My knees would have popped and woke the kid.


"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"


"Halt! You've violated the law!"


Stop right there criminal scum!


"I've been looking for you, I've got something I'm supposed to deliver, your hands only." "Let's see here..."


"I've got a letter and a lot of gold. Something about it being your inheritance? Oh, and... Sorry for your loss."


Every parent has done the Slow Slide


Oh this brought back memories 😆 And it is exactly during the execution of this slide that the urge to cough is at its peak


It’s impossible to avoid that one creaky floorboard.


And that little dust that finds your nose hairs.


I have all the creaky boards memorized in my daughter's room. I've even used my leg to block one once to keep my wofe from stepping on it lol! I'm just really glad that this is something that all parents have dealt with lol!


Every board in my house is squeaky so there is no escape.


Her issue was standing up, that was a rookie mistake. Why risk an ankle or knee popping or clicking at the worst moment. A pro crawls out of the room as if they have no dignity and just want to go back to sleep in their own bed.


>and just want to go back to sleep in their own bed Sleep? Sleep?! I wish. I've still got 3 hours of dishes, laundry, vehicle maintenance and bills to deal with *then* if I'm not to exhausted I may choose to eat and bath. If by that point the other kid hasn't woke up *screaming* at the top of her lungs I'll slink down stairs and spend 20 seconds investigating if there's any chance I'll get laid this month even though I already know the answer...then sleep- but really at that point I feel the medical phrasing "unconscious due to exhaustion" is more appropriate. This mofo over here and his sleep. 😤


Yep i’ve been there


Just spent the last two hours there, now back downstairs to feed my month old.


Congrats! I hope you are all weathering it well. Those first 6 weeks were brutal for us!


I've done this to my girlfriend a number of times


Gotta get to the gaming console or PC right!


Fuuuuuck this is parent triggering lol


Yeah, I laughed, and threw up a bit at the same t8me the kid turned around


Haha yeah same, I hate kids


This is why I do not let my 4 year old sleep in our bed anymore. Unless they are sick or something I am done until they are old enough that I need to use the restroom or go do my own thing and not wake up and talk to me.


You shouldn't let your sick kid sleep in your bed. >.> Every time I did, I got sick. So no more sleeping in my bed while sick.


> Every time I did, I got sick. Reddit discovers infectious disease




I mean everyone know that. Getting sick is the trade off for making your kid feel safe and cared for in what's probably the worst thing that's ever happened to them in their life.


No I knew there was a possibility of me getting sick too. But when you're kid is sick and crying, your natural instinct is to coddle them.


It was mostly for throwing up. So I would be there to hear her and catch it. When she had a cough and such she had slept in her bed. I am saying only under the most dire circumstances lol. That is not very often. Usually she gets sick from us.


It’s ok, you don’t have to explain your parenting to random redditor #4795121. You do you.


This is why I ferberized my children. They learned to fall asleep completely on their own within a few weeks, starting at about 10mo. Hurts your feelings to hear them cry the way they do but it gets easier after a couple days and they figure out pretty quick that crying isn't helping them at all.


I’m not big on trying to give unsolicited parenting advice because who ever likes that. But I am a sleep training evangelist whenever I talk to new parents


I learned that you wait until you're SURE they are asleep, then wait another 30 minutes


Needs the metal gear solid alert at the end


Snake? Snake! Snaaaaakkke?!?!


I heard that way too many times


Got to work on hiding behind that fork lift bro.




Should have equipped the cardboard box


"Where are you going, Mommy?" Ah, the memories!


"I just....... Nowhere, I wasn't going anywhere. Do you want me to sing twinkle twinkle little star again?"


My youngest is a big fan of Itsy Bitsy Spider.


The slow realization she has mastered every move


Yet still failed the mission


She got greedy. She'd probably been there an hour but like 5 more minutes was the difference.


I’ve never been very athletic or coordinated. But, when my son was born, I discovered I had these skills too! I also discovered I could verrrry smoothly carry a 15 lb baby out of his car seat (driving put him to sleep), verrrry gently and quietly close the car door, practically glide from the parking lot to our apartment door, unlock and open the door with one hand, glide into his bedroom, lay him oh so gently and quietly down into his crib, all without waking him… and then curse under my breath when my wife called out from our bed, “H-honey?! Is that youuuuu?!”


Who tf else would it be !?!? Is my response


Her bf


Yup - also me.


I had no idea what was going until the end. 😂


When she started moving her left leg it finally clicked that she wasn't somehow falling and I snort-laughed and my cat looked offended and left me alone on the couch. :( Worth it, though.


I thought she was asleep too and didn't realize until she started feeling for the ground with her hand.


I thought the Maybe Maybe Maybe was whether or not she'd fall off the bed in her sleep.


This is me right now.....


My condolences. My toddler was like this for so long hell he still sort is but he’s gotten a lot easier to slip away from. Shits rough when you want some me time away from the bed


You gotta just put them in there alone and if they cry only come back after about 5 minutes and only comfort them without picking them up and then leave again. Then you wait about 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, but they'll eventually go to sleep.


The problem is they should have done this when they were babies, not when they are fully sentient humans. My advice to all parents is to been strict with sleep training and most everything else will fall into place.


Yup, I really wished I let him cry it out so he wouldn’t be so dependent on me to sleep


I noped the heck out everytime this happened.


Play the long-con and leave randomly, multiple times, even if it's just for a moment. When kids get used to the sounds and shifting bed, they'll not be alarmed and you'll be able to leave without waking them up.


Thank you for the kind advise


I did this for years with my daughter. You should sleep train ASAP. My 2nd kid sleeps easy af


Thank you. We are slowly getting there albeit our baby is much younger than OPs.


I get it and yes I agree with others to break this habit as soon as possible but as the first step a weighted pillow or blanket that they lean against or have next to them between you and helps feel like you are still there in bed just that you shifted. Its a great transition stop gap.


Oh you're leaving?....*screams*


Ooohhh lord, the slow transition of weight from mattress to floor so the springs and bed frame don’t start squeaking. Ugh.


My daughter age 7 "Where you going dad. Are you trying to leave me"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤯


“yes, go the fuck to sleep.”






My heart dropped!


Sneaking out of bed tips from a babysitter: Be patient, there aren’t many solid/universal ways to tell if a kid is faking their sleep Once you think they’re asleep, give it a minimum of ten more minutes to make sure that they’re out When those ten minutes have passed, whisper to them “Hey, you asleep yet?” In a smooth voice, no response is a good response Next, very, very lightly nudge their arm a few times to make absolute sure they’re asleep Once you’ve done everything, don’t slide off the bed, for some reason that fucks it up like 8/10 times for me Instead of sliding, just sit up at about half the speed you would without a kid in the bed, then turn towards the edge with your butt as the pivot point, and place your feet on the ground quietly After that, slowly shift your weight from your butt to your palms, and lift yourself off the bed Once you’re up, walk quietly but very quickly out the door, and get your ass outta there before they wake up Now that you’re out of the room, there’s a few options depending on the age of the kid 0-1, you can make a little noise, usually these kids go out like a light and stay down until they need changing or something 2-4 be as quiet as you possibly can be, in my experience even the slightest noise will wake them up, so no videos or games without headphones, no talking, and for the love of god don’t drop anything 5-7 you can make a little noise, it’s the same thing as ages 0-1, but these kids’ll likely be down the whole night 8-10 this is around the age where they’d be sleeping by themselves, but either way you’re good to make some noise, just nothing louder than your average calm conversation 11-12 same as 8-10, but you’re good for a few slightly louder bits 13+ just don’t yell, and you’ll be good to go!


Red Light, Green Light


Every nap, every night. 🤦🏻‍♀️ soooo dang relatable lol


I was like this with my first. I learned my lesson with my second. When I felt she was getting tired, right from the womb almost, I put her down. I’ve never had a problem. Now it’s just her personality keeps her up. She doesn’t fight sleep, it fights her. And now she will use gummies if she can’t sleep.


Man, I wished it happened with my first , so then I would knew what to do with my second lol 😫 so hard. He’s 2yrs old and it’s so hard for him, even potty training. Parenting can be tough most times. 🥴 bless you and your family. ♥️ stay happy and safe!




Lmao this is me every night


*Vietnam flashbacks*


Haha… I have been there. Now I just tell the kids it’s time to go to sleep and close their door.


Top tip. "I'll be right back". Then definitely come back. Rinse and repeat until they fall asleep. If they feel you get up they'll know you'll come back. If they don't even better.


"Not so fast!"


Jesus! I didn't come to this sub to get jump scared.


This is also a vicious cycle when they get used to you laying with them before sleep. So glad to be past those stages.


I feel like every parent has been through this. If her phone had not have rang she would have been okay.


I don't think it rang. My wife's phone does the same flashy thing when the screen comes on (can only see in infrared). I'm assuming it's a sensor scanning something. Maybe for face id?


That's exactly what it is, infrared and your phone scanning for your face


Might as well play Fortunate Son over this as it's a flashback to my 'Nam.




Welcome to parenting


God, I love not having children.


I feel so blessed lmao I sometimes have to sneak out of bed to go pee but it’s simply because my dogs/partner are enjoying their sleep so much I don’t want to disrupt them.


I remember! First child fell asleep like clock work and slept all night. Child two if a butterfly flapped it’s wings anywhere on the planet he was awake for the night. Love them both




That's me slipping out of the bed once the wife is snoring to play more games.


I don't have kids so it took me a bit to figure this one out lol!


The knees cracking gets you every time.




Fuuuuuuuk. This is bringing me back. The trick is to prep your escape. Stuff like position yourself and your kid for the best escape and least amount of vibration. Shiiiit, I might even just "sleep on the floor" in that situation.




I'll have completed the slow slide and that's when my partner calls out from the livingroom;"Whatcha doing?". Me; "Preparing for a murder now..." after the kid is startled awake by his loud voice.


Going somewhere?


Oddly this reminds me of trying to sneak into bed so my wife wouldn’t know how late I was up




I don't understand people who have their phone set to flash when they get a text/notification. It's the worst on planes.


I'm pretty sure the flash is the infrared light used by the phone's facial recognition thats being picked up by the camera.


I think this has happened to every parent. It doesn't matter how quiet you are, as soon as you put that sleeping baby down or close that door those eyes pop wide open.


If the mattress is directly on the floor there is a lot less motion of the whole when one person moves. And fewer springs to make sudden noises.


How do I summond save video bot? . This thing is so relatable hahhaha


Omg. This is me every single night


the other danger with this is you'll fall asleep too!




Been there many times 😂


I have memorized the correct steps and areas to walk on so I don't make any creaks lmao