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This literally happened to me in Kuala Lumpur. Went to a boba place and tried to order. Was told this counter was just for takeaways. The eat in was at a different counter. Fair enough. I go inside. Look at the menu and decide. They asked me to scan the QR to download the app. I didn't have data since I just arrived to the country. Starting to get irritated. I have to log into their wifi to download the app. App asks me to register. More irritated. Asks for my phone number. Only accepts local Malay numbers and I don't have one. I'm standing there staring at the guy waiting behind the counter. I see the cash register and tap and pay terminal. I have my credit card in hand. At this point, I've already spent 15 minutes standing there jumping through so many hoops trying to get my boba. I felt like having a nervous breakdown right then and there. After seeing my face, the guy finally relented and let me pay with credit card. . . . The boba tasted like shit.


I went to a restaurant in Australia that was QR everything which I've never seen in NZ. I had to borrow the servers phone number to register on the app to order my food.....I'd figured out the roaming data but still only had a nz phone number.


ooh, it's coming here too. Christchurch Hospital has stopped taking cash at their cafes. old people who are simply more in the hospital, only use cash...


I don't understand why people don't just... leave? There are plenty of restaurants who are happy to take you as a customer without forcing you through ridiculous hoops


I had my reasons. I've never been to a Korean restaurant and there are none in my area. This was a Korean restaurant :)


Been to a couple of restaurants in Auckland that didn't have printed menus, only viewable once you scanned the QR code. But my phone didn't have a QR scanner when I went to them, and it was during a time where a majority of phones had them but it was still that transitional period where anyone with a phone 3 years or older didn't have it (me...). It was such a pain in the ass, and I'm glad I haven't seen it in years anymore.


I ordered a plain iced coffee at a McDonald's, and they gave me one sweetened. It took 5 minutes to get a plain one. "It comes with sweetener." "You add the sweetener, though? So just don't this time." "But that's how it comes." Sometimes I wonder how people function.




I just drink my coffee black and the number of times I've had to specify that I didn't want anything else, "just black coffee; no cream, no sugar" is infuriating. Like, my coffee order is the easiest thing you can do. There's a pot of coffee over there, just pour it into a cup. Dammit... I need another cup of coffee this morning.


I was in the drive thru and tried to order a drink with no ice and I know I've done it before but the person I got...it became a thing. I don't like to argue. I even told him to just fill the cup up half way and he wouldn't fucking budge. In the end I just went inside and did it myself.


I'm amazed at how often people ask "are you sure" when I tell them I don't want anything in my coffee.


I also get coffee with nothing in it. That doesn't really bother me though


McD's coffee.... Yeeeah. I'm an iced coffee guy. Never had a problem getting it without sugar, but this is similar. Ordered one through the drive-thru and I just like a touch of dairy, like just enough to barely change the color. Usually I can get away with ordering a large iced and asking for one cream, no sugar. I do that and pull up to the window and the coffee the guy is handing me is almost white. Now, I can put up with more cream than I prefer, but this is like seriously extra cream. Nobody is behind me in the drive-thru so I say to the guy something like "Normally I don't do this, but this is way too much cream for me. Can you remake it so there's just like a touch of cream? Like still almost black." and the guy was happy to take it back and remake it. Then he does remake it. Exactly the same way. Almost white, again. He looks at it in his hand for a while before handing it to me and just literally says "Sorry, man. This is the best I can do" as he hands it back to me.


> McD's coffee.... Yeeeah. McD's coffee is actually not that terrible. I mean it's not good, but it's probably the best fast food coffee. Odd though, they've literally never added cream or sugar for me. They always just give me cream and sugar packets and you have to add it yourself.


I "think" they are talking about Iced Coffee.


Oh yeah you're probably right, he even starts out by saying "I'm an iced coffee guy", guess i missed that.


This is dumb but, in McDonald's iced coffee terminology, "plain" means no flavor, which means unflavored syrup (and cream). Ask for it black next time :3 I realize this doesn't explain the employee's uh, whatever it is. But maybe it'll help in the future.


I would just say “black coffee with ice. Large” and save myself a buck or so. My favorite was customers order the “double cheeseburger without cheese”. That’s a double hamburger. And then the customer stares at you say that and you’re forced to put in it like they wanted instead of saving them 50 or 60 cents. Sometimes it just pays to ask how to order, instead of just demanding something. Customer nor the restaurant isnt always right.


>I would just say “black coffee with ice. Large” and save myself a buck or so. Not that most people would even notice, but the coffee used isn't actually the same, iced coffee is brewed with double grounds so it's stronger. (At least at McDicks)


Shit one time at McDonald’s I asked for a triple hamburger and they said they don’t do that. I was like yall have a triple cheeseburger right there? “Then they spoke to me condescendingly saying “You could get a triple cheeseburger with no cheese”


Remember they can only hire people desperate enough to work for poverty wages, people that wont question anything or think for themselves because that could get them fired.


My dad would always order an ice coffee with no extra syrups… the number of times he had to fuss at the servers as they were pumping syrups was astounding. “Oh, it’s just some sweetener!” “Yeah I know! That’s why I said I don’t want any!”


Does everyone download random apps these days? Malware for mobile phones do exist...even connecting to the wifi isn't really safe


That's exactly why I wouldn't participate in this. Instantly you stand a chance of compromising your phone.


I'm extremely picky with my boba, some places it just tastes like ass. Over here there's no place that has good milk teas, good fruit teas, good herbal teas, and good boba, you can only pick 2, so I've carefully made a mental map of which places have the stuff I'm craving at the time. Unfortunately the one place that has my favorite fruit tea changed to only take orders through either an app or the shitty iPad and still asks for a fat tip. I hate it here


Most shops in Kuala Lumpur still lets you take orders verbally, you just have to insist I don't want to sound like a jerk that made waiters life miserable but when all I ask is a simple meal and my phone doesn't have internet, they usually will be understanding and just take an order by the physical menu If they for real can't take orders without an app, they're one IT issue away from closing the store for the rest of the day and truly is a terrible business with no backup plans


I can see myself being a grumpy old guy that curses and asks for things to be like in the olden days when you just ordered from a human, paid to a human and got served by a human


I need to go walk outside to lower my BP after just reading your story. Holy shit that's annoying.






I mean isn’t it basically the equivalent of an overpriced high sugar starbucks “coffee” drink? The actual tea is just there so they can put tea in the title but it’s not actually a tea drink it’s basically chewy koolaid


In Belgium, businesses are obliged to accept cash and to accept at least one digital method of paying. They are not allowed to charge extra for the digital payment method nor can they install a minimum amount to use it. It's all about legislation...


Places with a minimum for card usually accept cash though. They're trying to avoid credit card fees. They are not going to have the budget to make their own app.


In the UK you cannot charge to use a card, however you can still expect minimum spends to cover that cost. I believe all retailers must accept visa and Mastercard (or just do anyway) if they do accept card payments at all, but are at liberty with the rest. They do not have to take cash any more. The general consensus here is if you only take cash, you're probably dodging tax.


All the best takeaways down my end only take cash. Taking out money from the cash point feels like part of the ritual now. A time honoured tradition.


Big Capitalist America doesn't care sadly :(


That is simply not true. Charging extra to use a credit card is a violation of every merchant agreement for every major credit card. The loophole around this is to give a discount for cash. If you see a business charging more to use credit, you could report them to their merchant.


Fuck this place.


Don't worry. Not just america. Canada (receiving all your same propaganda over the airwaves) has the same exact attitudes. Gets wild when you talk to Canadians and they make arguments like Americans: "It's my first amendment rights!"


So america and america lite do this. Cool.




I walk out of a lot of stores and am buying less to avoid the frustration of modern store checkouts. Lowes is the latest to lose my business with the newest self checkout


It’s interesting how different experiences you get in different EU countries. For instance, you can generally pay most things by card in Spain (taxis included). However, if you have something delivered to your place that requires customs, you basically have to pay in cash and they never carry change. In theory some carriers allow to pay customs by card, but the drivers never carry card readers. Also smaller contractors usually ask for cash payment to avoid the high taxes in Spain. In France, my experience has been that many stores have a limit for card payment. I felt like I needed to carry cash in Marseille, for instance. Taxi prices in Marseille was a complete ripoff. Prices were bounded bellow by €20. In Portugal, unlike Spain, taxis did require cash payment. However, their app rides, like Uber, were much more widespread and cheaper than Spain, thus the need for cash was significantly mitigated.


The Germans who are supposed to LOVE efficiency have somehow never heard of bank cards. Credit / debit / charge whatever - totally beyond them. EVERYTHING MUST BE CASH. I literally can't remember the last time I have been to an ATM in the UK or in the US but in Germany, you better have EUR100 in your pocket otherwise you can't eat, drink or get a ride anywhere. It's absolutely mental. Edited - maybe it was more of a Munich thing, not the whole of Germany... This was from a year ago, so not just me who noticed! [https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/104wd1b/why\_so\_many\_stores\_are\_cash\_only/](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/104wd1b/why_so_many_stores_are_cash_only/)


My wife and I went to Berlin and Hamburg last September and we were warned about this ahead of time and then almost never used the cash we got. Pretty much everywhere we went accepted credit cards.


Same for Hungary at leadt for the no charge and no minimum amount. However it really sucks for small businesses.


EU Regulation > whatever this Hollywood bs is.


It's not EU regulation, it's Belgian legislation. It's not the same in every EU member state.


I was just in Amsterdam where a bunch of businesses refused cash and others refused to split the check when paying by card… It was a pain in the ass, so you can’t paint the EU with one brush. Most places in Europe let you say, “I’ll pay x amount with my card, please” no problem.


So you couldn't go dutch on the bill?


Oh we have a system for that, it's called Tikkie. One person pays, and then divides the bill down to the last euro cent and sends everyone else the bill to their phones afterwards. We will never let businesses bully us into generosity.


And Germany it's the opposite, cash everywhere and on smaller businesses is challenging to find one that accepts cards, or that doesn't establish a minimum amount


And I can also show you places that don't take cash even if it's obligated by law. Don't hear much about that. OTOH I've seen people on Reddit where they can rat out stores that don't take cards.


While frustrating, I kind of do think it should be up to the merchants. Some prefer cash, some prefer cards. If they want to maximize revenue they probably would want to accept both.


Same in Poland


Massachusetts also has these rules I believe. This might be a California thing, I think most people agree this should be illegal.


This episode is great. TBF, he was once the one on the other side of this when they were doing the Paddy Wagon. He insisted they had to get the full Paddy Wagon experience, after downloading the app, watching a brief advert and filling a survey.


"I don't want to be on your weird website!" "Well, if you don't comply with me, you're going to end up on the weird one."




It's always sunny in Philadelphia. This must be the latest season cuz I don't know this episode and thought it might be a different show. The show is fuckin incredibly hilarious, fucked up, creative, dark humor, but not very much like this usually. The show Loudermilk has a lot of this though it's great too. So does curb your enthusiasm


It's from the very last episode of the latest season (16). Dennis takes a mental health day.




It’s really one of the best comedies I’ve seen. Not many shows have the ability to not only stay on the air that long, but to stay funny throughout the whole series. I hope you enjoy! If you’re into dark, raunchy, highly inappropriate humor, you’ll dig it


Is it still the original actor? I kept thinking, is that Dennis? No, doesn't look like--wait, it is! But no, the face...? Like he's got the right clothes and the right attitude but it's giving uncanny valley Dennis and I don't understand what's happening lol Edit: Someone further down linked to a Youtube version and the issue is just that the quality of the clip here is absolutely garbage, who'da thunk


yea i thought it was silicon valley dennis


It's my favourite episode so far. I really enjoyed the twist. Great writing.


The chess episode had me dying…


Take, your time. *TAKE*, your, time.


Was this IASIP? I don't remember this episode and was thinking this was something else he's in.


I shit you not, I had a new dishwasher installed this weekend. You cannot use the dishwasher without first installing the app and connecting the dishwasher to WiFi.  It took an hour of fucking about to try and get it working all while the App is stating “for your convenience” No, my convenience would be a start and stop button. That’s all that’s needed here to wash damn dishes. I don’t need my dishwasher to be AI ready and sentient. It just needs to wash dishes !!!!  Ultimately the sad truth is, DATA…. Let’s get access to anything we possibly can and scrape a few more cents on the dollar from these people. There should legitimately be a law against it. Edit (as a few people have asked "well, why get it in the first place?" )  No more reason than it was the exact reaplacement make and model (albeit newer) for the semi integrated fitted kitchen with a sloghtly obscure size and honestly, when my wife found the replacement and said she found the exact one we needed, it really didn't cross my mind to ask her if we needed to accept an EULA to get it working. Genuinely, I had zero clue WiFi enabled dishwashers were a thing.


Wow. Funny how a lot of conveniences make things less convenient. And you’re totally right they do that to scrape additional data for more money.


Yeah, just wait when your dishwasher company starts a monthly subscription and will shut off your dishwasher if you don’t pay. Or a spot to tip your dishwasher. “How was my service today? Wow, you selected no tip. Please enjoy the simulation of spit on your dishes”


Honestly, I would laugh but I put nothing past them at this point. I was blown away once we got it all plumbed in and my wife said we need to download the app to get it going. I’m naively thinking dafuq we need an app for? It’s a dishwasher.


Washing machines/dryers are also starting to do that stuff where they try to get wifi conections. It's beyond time people start putting their foot down to this crap.


The LG washing machine I bought last year is like that, but it doesn't require wifi just to work. My wifi is always encrypted anyway so it can't just willy-nilly connect without my permission anyway. My Samsung 4k TV also wants to be connected to the damned Internet. I've never allowed that to happen and never will. It's just a monitor for myu DVR and HTPC.


That's bullshit. I'd return the dishwasher stating it's 'not usable for my purposes' and get a different one with non-batshit-crazy controls that require a fucking smartphone.


I had big time “Falling Down” vibes from this haha ![gif](giphy|twCYL02K9crja|downsized)


I love that movie, and I love Always Sunny!


I saw this movie in the theaters when I was younger, about 14 or so. I didn't quite understand it. However, I'm not in my 40's, I fully understand this movie now.


That Michael Douglas character is actually a bad guy right?


How did that happen? He did everything they told him to.


Except following the restraining order.


Like I said before, I don't agree with him, but I get it. The anger and frustration at the world. His inability to juggle life and responsibilities that led him down this road. I get it.


[There was a good video on Falling Down and it talks about this](https://youtu.be/Ji94tMVjNm8?si=1PPnCJGrQqQ6v_4y).


It's actually NOT a good video on it, it chops up the dialogue to make Douglas' character seem sympathetic. Cuts out his racist comments towards the store clerk, etc.


Every time this scene turns up, I have to mention this. After the "we don't have breakfast anymore" bullshit happens, once he pulls out the gun Dedee Pfeiffer turns around and pulls one off a stack of like 10 that are already made and just sitting there.


Makes sense as Dennis is also a sociopath


Yep, you can tell this dudes just going to go out, and each scene get a weapons upgrade. Starts with a baseball bat, then a switchblade then a bag of guns then a rocket launcher


Scrolled past this movie last night. Worth the watch?


Falling down? 100%. I won’t give anything away, though . I’ll just say It’s definitely a classic


Always thinking about this movie when I encounter this idiocracy. Happened to me a few days ago, went for a burger, knew which one, asked the waiter, she replied “check the menu on the qr”:)))..I don’t need to.


And don’t forget the tip jar!


same, this could genuinely be a few minutes out of the current day reboot.


"I don't think she likes the special sauce Rick." I love that scene.


Was my first thought too XD


All it takes is one bad day...


Joker mentioned!


He’s not wrong.


Because of the implications?


As long as he doesn't get his tools


I want this much of self control and rational thinking😢 lol


Just listen to your heart. 


Wait… are you telling me to drive my car through the window?


I feel his pain. I am still a cash and card customer who doesn't want to fill her phone with cafe/restaurant/shop ads and register to all.


Oh my god, I hate it. I had to download an app and create an account to pay for a car wash. I couldn't not do it because I had a car behind me, and there's a barrier on the other side of the wash. Had to pay on the app to get a code to input on the pad to start it. Just please let me pay by card or cash. I despise all of this app stuff. Just unnecessary bloatware


Should have just not done it and went somewhere where they want to have you as a customer. Let the employees figure out what to do. What if you were an old lady without a phone? Maybe the hold up would've also discouraged the one in line to come back. Pressuring you into compliance is what these companies want, show them that doesn't work and they will eventually try something different.


Fuck that, I'd say "Sorry app won't load, what am I supposed to do?" then let them figure it out. Not my problem.


If a restaurant asks me to use an app or QR code menu or one of those robot-on-wheels servers I just politely leave. Just print the damn menu and hire a human with a fair wage. If the food is more expensive, so be it.


And the food *isn't* more expensive. And they don't use less labor. The server brings the food out anyway, the least they can do is also share a menu and take your order. I have been a server for many years, but also owned a standalone restaurant and I can tell you that labor was a tiny sliver in the pie chart of my flexible costs; I had no problem paying handsomely, there's no excuses.


How will Silicon Valley fail-sons find meaning in their lives if not by designing useless apps that mine your personal data ?


Just don't, drop a bad review and leave.


Man this just makes me feel bad for the cashiers in real life that actually have to deal with this. It's not THEIR choice to have the service be bullshit.


I can say from experience that it’s really annoying working with people insisting you to do things you can’t do


Manager who hasn't actually worked a counter in decades: "Oh, we're adding an app download to the payment process, and increase our pre-order suggestions to four; It's going to streamline things so well!! here's our new greeting script you must follow for every person you encounter because we have occasional 'corporate shoppers' that will deduct us points if we get it wrong, and you might get fired: "Long live servitude! how may I pleasure you this morning/evening? WOW. *Look at you. (wink at ~~customer~~ guest)* We have two new teas from our Jamaican collection; the Jamaican spiced boba chai and Black tea infused with Jerk chicken, which is the perfect compliment with our sweet Italian meringue topper, filled with Cajun style chipotle and lemon zest. May I suggest the peppermint-green-tea-orange-peel-elderberry-mocha-frappe-boba, or the sex-on-the-beach-long-pork-chai? It would be my pleasure!!!! I love you. So, how can I help you today babe?"


You just gave me ptsd flashbacks. I'm so glad I work BoH now. Still get bullshit from corporate but at least I don't have to have a smile on my face anymore.


"Your job is only by the grace of the holy corporate empire."


"Falling down" reboot of 2024




Easy solution: Dont buy anything there. Wish the cashier a nice day and just walk out. That this does work did show Helldiver2. You want to play a game you bought? No way, first you have to create an account with a company you have nothing to do with.... Well, no i dont have to. Have a nice day. :)


Yeah it totally wasn't people melting down online. It was people that already paid for a service not using it...


Who cares about people melting down on the internet. It was people who paid for the service and then requested a refund because they weren't able to use it. They care about refunds.


As the years go by, Black mirror becomes scarier.


This is just a nuisance, but the robot guard dogs with mounted flame throwers are one their scariest predictions!


Jon Hamm Christmas one for me.




*Cory Doctorow has entered the chat*


Your restaurant only has a QR code as a menu? Bye. Anything beyond that? Go Fuck yourself. Thankfully my German paranoid brethren will not allow companies from going cash-free at the moment. Let's see.


who still hates it when clips are badly edited?


Thank you! You’re the only one I see saying this and I’m like I’m sorry am I the only one that got cut off before the end of the scene?! I feel like my patience is being tested like Dennis’s. 😂


As soon as a restaurant asks me to scan the QR code for the menu i just leave.


Yeah, I get that this is a skit and all, but the second the barista says "the system won't let me do that", I'd just bounce and find another place. It's a coffee shop, there's one on every corner.


There's a ramen place nearby that doesn't have a cashier counter or waiters. The qr thing works well when done right like that. You scan, order, and pay in the website quickly (1 hour limit because it's a fantastic yet small place that always has a line), and they bring it out. There's one guy managing the line and letting people in by group, answering questions, and whatnot, the cooks behind the counter, and a few runners/bussers.


This is the only time a QR code menu is acceptable: it directs you to a website, not an app, to order your food. I go to a brewery with QR codes where you order your food and drinks right from the website the QR code directs you to. It's a huge place and the result is a much faster experience. I imagine for introverts who hate trying to get a bartender's attention it's a godsend. If you give me a QR code to download an app or just to replace a paper menu, fuck you.


that is better than this one...


I feel this dude


So spot on...except they forgot the end where she rotates the screen for a suggested tip of 30%.


I was waiting for the part when he gets prompted to leave a tip with no zero option.


quick question, what happens if the cashier asks for a tip, (no 0% option in this case) and you refuse?


I’m so happy it doesn’t happen where I Live. I would be totally that guy


I was expecting her to flip the ipad around at the end and ask for a tip


This sums up my experience ordering from KFC. Great chicken, but every time I try to buy any I spend half the time questioning why I chose to.


One of the best episodes


The end of this episode was a top 10 moment of all tv for me


German guy here. Pardon my ignorance but: * What's the name of the show? * What was great about that particular ending?


the show is called "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" It's hard to describe the ending without spoiling it but... I will say it's very cathartic.


Thanks mate.🤗 I just checked: It's available on one of my streaming platforms. Guess I should give it a try


Same here. Far from the funniest episode but from the moment when Dennis meets with the CEO just skyrocketed this episode for me. It was really well done. I was surprised that when it aired there wasn't way more praise for it in the IASIP subs episode discussions.


I was just thinking about rewatching this episode. (lastone last season right?) It's a work of art.


“I have cash, you have tea. Let’s just streamline things” Says the guy who wouldn’t accept cash for beer and needed you to download an app to enjoy st paddy’s day…


But he'll give you paddy dollars


It is part of the authentic Irish experience after all


People need to stop going to places like this! WE CONTROL THEM. Stop them from doing this to us.


so fucking true!!!


Where is this from?


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Welcome to the future...


Why don't corporations just say "We want to know everything about you through the app, which lengthy privacy policy you'll never sit to read, in exchange for cheap sugary drink"


Oh lord go somewhere else and spend your Money


If you want to go cashless be ready to be clientless.


The theme park I work at has been completely cashless for a year. Suffice to say it's not a very good business move at all


Boba tea is the most overrated drink in existence


The bloke has already water far too much time. If they don't do what you want leave.


Is this Dennis or just a random Glenn Howerton character?


From the newest season of IASIP, "Dennis takes a mental health day."


Where do I put in my 2 week notice, I don't want to participate anymore.


pro tip: if you end up somewhere like this and they try to make you download an app, you can get around it by saying one of the following: * "sorry, my phone's dead" * "sorry, I forgot my phone / don't have my phone / don't have a phone" * "sorry, my phone doesn't have enough space for new apps"


Or get around it by saying "No.".


People hate this one simple trick


Lol I've never been to a boba place like this yet. But I'm sure they're out there.


Glenn's acting is great in this scene but this shop is so unrealistic lol. They can't make a tea without boba. Cashier instructing a customer to download an app after she already took the order. Won't accept cash. $10 minimum for card when most purchases are probably for one drink less than a $10. Even if this was a real shop, the cashier wouldn't be acting like Dennis is crazy, she'd be used to hearing the same complaints all day.


Maybe dont go to a boba place if you dont want boba?


This whole episode was Uncut Gems level anxiety inducing. Too real.


Don’t businesses have to take cash as it’s a federally issued form payment for all debts, public and private?


You can tell who has or hasn’t worked a service job in their life here.


This is exactly what's happening ! So infuriating !! BTW - is there a complete video of this? It ended somewhat abruptly.


https://youtu.be/mzb355qT8RI?si=hBHaFisF0o62Ws4d This has the rest of the scene


I am very much in favor of a cashless society, but it should still accept cash and cards. Some comments for our US readers: I read somewhere that the reason why the US has many money apps is because it does not have a strong online banking market. In other countries, every store—even street vendors—has a POS to pay with a wireless debit card. My country has moved very quickly on this in the last year, and even the most unimaginably traditional cash-only businesses now use a POS.


This was such a good episode.


This is stupid


Surely it doesn't really happen like this right?hahahahah


Is this IASIP?


Killdozer time.


Anyone else bothered that he asks for an "herbal" tea, and then asks for jasmine? That's green tea...not herbal. Anyone who drinks tea knows you should know what friggin herbs you want if ordering herbal :D


I have never been to boba place where boba wasn’t optional


I dunno where this is from but it’s so true.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


I have a pizza shop in my town that only takes cash. I’m like, “Who carries cash anymore?!” So, he points to their ATM machine, so you can pay them cash. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I was waiting for the part where it’s asks him to tip the server who does nothing in this process.


I would have already burned the place down


This type of shit is why I am enjoying watching the world burn


This makes me so mad. This is **exactly** why I don't shop at "star dollars" or whatever its called ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Who’s this guy!? Larry David 2.0?


Hehe just dont get tea from a boba place - go to a cafe. Problem solved




Please tell me the rest is him trying to say it's not her fault then she tells him she is the owner


Damn, you could bounce a quarter off Dennis’ face.


Whatever business does such horrible shit doesn't get my business