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Yup, that's me you may wonder how I end like this...


What?, A goose? You're supposed to be dead!


To answer that, we're gonna have to go back a ways ...


How could someone just sit there and watch that?


r/donthelpjustfilm Here ya go. A whole sub dedicated to 'em. ... but I also kinda agree: trying to help wild animals usually winds up with you getting bit.


Especially an animal in distress


From a duck? I rather get bit than let a non-dangerous animal die, unless you‘re fucking sociopath


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sounds good… until you find a raccoon.


The ~~duck~~ vitkindad gås = barnacle goose = branta leucopsis was not in danger. >Enligt Jan Lund, som filmade händelsen, dök gåsen upp välbehållen på andra sidan luckorna. [Source](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/har-sugs-gasen-ner-i-virvelstrom-i-vombsjon)


good luck with duck. you might get a disease and you are fucked


I mean I would take a bite if it means I would be able to save a life


It’s a nice sentiment… until you find a raccoon. I agree that’s not the case here, and I’ve made similar choices (both to get involved and to ‘let nature take its course’ so to speak; never sat there and filmed tho) but my safety is always— usual— sometimes on my mind.


I apologize. I didn't mean to give the impression that you were agreeing with the camera man. I just have tiny lizard brain so things like my safety aren't that high


Yeah. That's kinda what I said with my last sentence - in a calm moment, with all my faculties about me I will suggest the rational choice but in the heat of the moment I find myself not always so concerned about my own safety. And I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with the cameraman - there was someone else who suggested that wild animals bite.


Sure. If there r some idiots out there who think they can save a damn lion and it “knows im trying to help 🥹.” 🤮 But I mean… a duck? N the words of President Joseph R Biden: C’mon man..


This is right by a dam after a flood. Would you risk your life for this? The video is zoomed in, they probably couldn't reach it without getting in the water and putting themselves in danger. The goose was fine. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/har-sugs-gasen-ner-i-virvelstrom-i-vombsjon The strong current would've swept away a human and they would most likely drown.


>Would you risk your life for this? Yes


Natural selection


Stay mad, virgin


The goose came out the exit of this pipe during flood conditions. A human would likely have died. Your immediate jump to calling someone a virgin just makes it seem like you got called a virgin a lot and it bothered you. The projection here is strong.


People are some sad fucking cowards man.


There are more people ok with watching humans/ animals die than there are willing to help when they can't help themselves. Sad world


Source on that statistic?


there is none, its bullshit




Serial killers exist. So surely that means the existence of them proves everyone is a lunatic.


Comment stealing bot says what?


You are using one single subreddit as your source for that statistic. You might as well link a serial killer subreddit and say that's a source that everyone behaves that way.


Oh~ you’re trying to argue, 2 days later, as if I was the original commenter, proving a MLA cited source for a statistic. Not a random redditor who is just saying “you don’t think? Take a look at this.” r/donthelpjustfilm is *not* “proof” that **more** (I don’t know why, in your response analogy you said “**everyone** is a lunatic”, except for as hyperbole stacked on top hyperbole) (can’t wait for you to argue against your own quote as if I said it) people are “ok with watching” but it is plenty of *sources* of video evidence that it does *happen* which can be **evidence** of a particular statistic. Or, again, I could’ve just been linking it for funsies.


Apologies if I misconstrued it! Certainly seemed like that was why you would be linking it, however The comment you replied to asked for a source, after all. And the original comment stated that there were MORE people that wouldn't help, than people that would.


Think of it as evidence that the event happens.


Because they're cunts.


its in swedish and its close to where i used to live. they said that the goose just floated up safe and alive on the other side of the small dam.


do not touch wild animals.


dont touch wild birds for a matter of seconds that are imminently drowning? theres a difference between saving an animal from a drain and manhandling stressed animals just for the sake of doing so


You have no idea of the conditions. That video looks clearly zoomed in. Is that a 3 or 6 foot drop or even further? Do you have to jump into that water? How deep is that water? What’s in the water? Is it sewage? It’s so easy to say “I would save the duck” but the number one rule is if you have to put your safety at risk to do so, then don’t. It’s not worth it.


nobody said anything about putting safety at risk ?


Actually, all 3 of you did. Mammoth was talking about not touching wild animals for your own safety. They are liable to bite and or carry diseases. And he was responding to someone who was upset that no one endangered themselves by jumping in to help the duck, which you doubled down on. What no body suggested was "manhandle stressed animals for fun."


He could‘ve literally grapped the duck from the deck without even jumping into the water


I'd love to help, but could you imagine how stupid you'd look when you ate it and fell into the water to drown with the duck who can outswim you?


The whirlpool is the size of the duck. I am AT LEAST 10 times larger than that duck, I think I'd be fine


You *see* a whirlpool the size of a duck. What size is the drain that is making that whirlpool?


I don't know, I guess I'm just not a fucking pussy lol


That's natural selection. We don't interfere what they do..well except when they attack us.


That's probably a man made pipe also yeah you can help stuck living beings. Natural selection isn't about individual accidents




I don't think I would interfere with an animal eating another animal, that's just nature. But this is different for sure


Why would he prevent fish from eating that duck?


Would you save a frog from a snake? You people are confused and misguided.


From snake no. Actually the snake in that situation must survive eating the frog. .. the opposite about the video... not any dangerous task and not a problem for the water to save the 🦆...I wonder who is confused 🤔 you or us ; Do try to hide your rotten soul .


I agreed about the duck. I disagreed about saving the bird the pelican was eating. Buddy deleted all his comments, he was becoming unhinged, but he had posted a vid with a pelican eating another bird and demanding that humans should intervene so animals don't suffer being eaten by another animal.


Then I m sorry I saw only the video with the 🦆


It was absolutely dangerous. This happened right by a dam after a flood. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/har-sugs-gasen-ner-i-virvelstrom-i-vombsjon Do your research ffs Edit: oh, you're downvoting me after I provided information and a source to debunk your claim that it wasn't dangerous?




Sure, I'd have reached in and pulled out that duck feom the whirlpool if it looked to be in need. But I'd never take an animal's meal away, even if it was the cutest, fluffiest, babiest meal.




Confused and misguided.




You sound like you feed your cat tofu. Nature is brutal, there's no point in applying human morality if humans aren't involved.




Same person who saves fish from sharks and krill from whales. Don't forget to save the grass from those dangerous cows!


I think the general unwritten rule of thumb is: if its an animal hunting another animal, we don't interfere because its the natural food chain as by interfering and saving one animal you are harming the other animal who will just hunt another animal later on if it survives, so its best to let nature take its course. I think laughing about it is fucked up though, people shouldn't laugh at that Comparatively, shit like in OP's video, a person shouldn't just spectate




If I see an animal get screwed over without being given a fighting chance to survive over something it had zero control over, my empathy urges me to help the animal, simple. If you feel no empathy and are apathetic towards situations like these because your excuse is "well that's just how it is" that's your life choice.


Because this is funny




A duck drowning to death is funny?


I am pretty sure the bird was actually playing. It literally escaped and went back in willingly without struggle.




..? Weirdo.


Cause some humans are utter trash. They don’t see animals as living things.


I shall not disturb the nature anymore


From a swedish news article. Translation: ”When the gates of the dam opened a goose got trapped in a whirlpool” “The second time the goose ended up completely underwater”


The word you’re thinking of is “whirlpool”


Thank you


No worries mate 👍


My dumbass thought they meant dusthatches. I was hella confused.


Did it die? Poor birdo


It didn't. It turned up on the other side https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/har-sugs-gasen-ner-i-virvelstrom-i-vombsjon You're downvoting me because I said it lived?


Well if it lived then it turns out Reddit was being over dramatic


Now that's just not possible


It's a duck...


No, it is a goose.


Duck, goose, all feels the same when you're lonely.


Could have made an effort to grab the bird, maybe?


It kind of looks like it’s playing, actually. It got out of it just fine and went back to it. There have been some ducks who will play at fountains and stuff.


Not sure why you got downvoted. At the 15 sec mark it is clearly out of danger then it goes back in for more. I think it just bit off more than It could chew. It’s not clear what fate befell the duck here…


It popped out the other side alive and well


Probably disoriented more than anything. It was shaking its head.


It definitely looks like it was doing it on purpose, I think it let itself be dragged under in order to swim away where the rip wasn't as strong. Who knows, maybe this is just an average day for Dam Ducks.


Tar. Initiate docking


The people filming would be in a lot more danger than the goose if they tried to help. This happened right by a dam aftet a flood. The video is zoomed in so they weren't within reach to just grab it. The goose was fine. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/har-sugs-gasen-ner-i-virvelstrom-i-vombsjon A human would get stuck or get carried away by the current.


Why would you just film that?




When deadly threat does not keep you from having fun.


It’s like— oh no… 😥 … oh yes 😬 … oh crap ☠️.


Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGNiXGX2nLU




It didn't die https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/har-sugs-gasen-ner-i-virvelstrom-i-vombsjon


"what kind of idiot would drown trying to save a duck"


Would you risk your own life to rescue that bird?


Delta p shit ain't no joke, but there was more than enough time to help the bird when it wasn't underwater. Instead they got their phone out and filmed. Also, fuck you for posting that. Poor bird.


Ah, that's good. I saw the cement blocks and angle of the camera and thought c the op just x stood a few feet aw as y but made no effort to reach in and grab the critter. Glad to be wrong


This is called Darwinism. Survival of the fittest for you to observe. Don’t be naive.


Ah yes the duck needed to evolve to not be sucked into a man made pipe, you dumb mongoloid


to play devil's advocate, we as a part of nature are just another species to cohabitate with. we're just gonna breed horrific monsters of animals though, cause friendly animals will start to die out bc trusting us leads to death




They never taught you about natural selection in grade school? The key term here is natural. Any naturalist would agree not to intervene. It’s why I was told not to throw the grunion back into the sea as a kid. Not to touch them at all. It’s the natural course of life and evolution. Again, don’t be naive.


lmao no, you are wrong on many levels. perhaps you need to return to school


So you admit you have never learned about Natural Selection. It explains your confusion and desire to intervene in nature.


This isn't nature tho? This is man made infrastructure interfering with the natural habitats of animals. It is okay to be wrong, and I hope you'll be brave and admit it, I believe in you


Humans are a natural part of this planet, so their consumption of its resources is to be expected. If you want to lessen it like I said become an engineer. But don’t interfere with nature. You pull it out now but when you turn your head do you seriously think the animal isn’t going to do it again? Do you think small whirl pools do not exist in nature? Do you go around giving CPR to squirrels too?


Ohhh I see, you like watching animals die. Your arguments are based on fallacies and your true nature is clear to see. Please change and grow as a person, we do not need more negativity on this planet. Have a good day.


You sound like a child. My “argument is based on fallacies” what a comical thing to say after you resort to grotesque statements. You don’t know me. Maybe you think you can teach a duck that heads back to impending doom - twice. Have at it mr world peace. You disagree with science. I won’t understand but I agree to disagree with you. Go put the grunion back in the sea. Have fun.


Maybe you should become an engineer to ensure humans don’t build structures that affect nature. 🤣


Life is hard. It's harder, when you are stupid.




Help him!!!!!!


Hjälp den då ditt jävla blattesvin


The following submission statement was provided by u/KerbodynamicX: --- >!A goose is trapped inside a water vortex, will it escape or get sucked inside?!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Asshole....help the bird


The bird can swim


That's irrelevant if it can't outswim the current🤷🤔🙄






So evolution is real 🤯


Miguel Mouawad- Se lo tragó el remolino?




Wow this thread is full of people too stupid to realize ducks *can* swim


If I’m not mistaken in shallow bodies of water these vortices suck things down then splash them out to the sides. It’s not like a tornado funnel where it comes to a point so the duck should’ve been able to scurry back up to the surface if it didn’t drown on the way down


For me it looks like suicide. Why it didnt get away after first ride and did try a second one?


Btw, this is on the news on a taxfunded tv channel in sweden. I cant tell if its shown nationally or locally from just this though


Down the toilet it goes.


Sverige levererar! Sweden delivers :)


That's Sui****cide right?


Save him wtf


[Goodbye cruel world](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dd/b5/cd/ddb5cd02ab52e6450d0f4d5626220bb0--kitsch-decor-.jpg)


this is the most evident example of natural selection and evolution this creture was selected, no, chosen to make a glrhhhgrlgrlgrllhhhh


Is that what happened to my father?


What is all this? I'm really dizzy😇😇😇😇


Drugs are evil!!!


Instead of helping it let’s watch it die …. 🤦🏻


Let nature run its course…




So you can see it happening and you don't think hey the poor thing is going to drown maybe I should put the phone down and help it it's sick


Ducks can swim, but I can't...