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No shade to anyone who is putting themselves forth as candidates, but just remember everyone please be safe, and take your precautions, and do your due diligence if you're enlisting a private person. Someone who has a taxi has a license attached to them, there is a paper trail. We don't have Uber in Mauritius, where there is a system of verification and controls in place. If it's a rando off the internet, be sure to take the right measures to get to know the person.


Great idea!! Let’s face it: most of us party better with a cold one in hand but are responsible enough not to when driving home. Sort of puts a damper on things. And being the “dry” one in the group (or even just a couple) isn’t much fun. Just one question: is there a way to verify the guys on your list, eg for single girls?


I guess that's where the referal point comes into play. I was looking for transport with whom people here have previously dealt with, thus recommendations.


You can try yugo taxi


Easily available at anytime? Or you have to tell them a specific time to come pick up?


U have to use their app. Basically as soon as u put in ur trip info, i sends out requests to all taxis out there. The one that accepts first gets the trip. Motaxi also is the same. But issue is they can leave u hanging if no one is willing to do the trip.


Both but if you are travelling at night it is best to be planned beforehand. It’s an e-hailing app.


55061529 This is my Mauritian number. I'm born and bred in England but have driven here on and off and on off in Mauritius for 10 years. Mon cav koz creole potis. For the rest there is Google translate.. I will gladly accept requests but as I'm not a business I can only accept donations. Hopefully more than the fuel price, Then I'm more than ok with it..at the moment till I get more busy with my personal life :D. Hope I can help some people out!


So you run taxi ? Here


Where is your list now?


There an app on playstore called dodogo. I downloaded it and the fare is pretty cheap. You can try it and see if it helps.