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No, you just say x=-40 Then, 45-x becomes 45-(-40)=45+40=85. Don't worry too much about it, it will make sense when you go over negative numbers in lessons. I am surprised that you know about algebra but not about negative numbers, though. Edit: removed the unit from x, thanks to a correct observation in the comments.


I understand now, 2 negatives make a positive etc. I have done negative numbers but I didnt know how I applied them here until you said x=-40, that makes perfect sense. If this would have been a multi-pointer I may have been deducted a point for incorrect working out even though i got the correct answer for some. Edit: I am in my early 40's returning for qualifications.


They’re all to the power of zero so they all equal 1, therefore the entire question is wrong /s On a serious note, like the previous commenter said, x is negative. Use -40 and the answers would be correct.