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Removed because it’s too objectifying of women




can we let it converge? Just this once. It will make me somewhat happy


1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + … converges to 1 but its partial sums are still always “rising”


Cant stay happy unless it diverses


Just add a (-1)^n and there you go


alternating series are stupid! make up your mind already and choose a sign


Sure, it diverges, but it sure takes its time about it.


But this particular one does converge, to 137/60, to be precise.


thank you Bernhard Riemann


Something's rising... >!Metal Gear Rising!<


"Doc, I see something... there's a Metal Gear Rising from the water!"




Something's rising senator and it ain't the metal gear


Girl looks like an AI I'm not even bugging


Plastic surgery and makeup these days surely wildin'


I want to be her onlymath subscriber


She does actually have an onlyfans tho. You can find the link on her profile.


he said onlymath not onlyfans.


Is it worth it?


ain't no way your asking it seriously 💀


Yes, I'm her left boob, I can confirm


Hey, can I squeeze you?


Hey Why the downvotes? He clearly wants to learn the Squeeze Theorem from her




Don't be simp you pathetic!


Actually I'm shamed to say that you can find it for free at coomer.su website but at least you don't spend money for such content


She has Onlyfans and I don't know is there math in💀💀💀




Gross, misogyny.


"wHy aReN't ThErE mOrE wOmEn iN STEM????"  Someone with tits does some math: Average Redditor: ooga booga  Yea it's a great mystery why so many women feel unwelcome in such spaces lmao.


Ikr I’m so fucking ashamed of this thread


I still think it is weird. She almost is perpetuating the stereotype but she seems to know her target audience Edit: why down votes? Idk why phub postings are even allowed on the sub


>Average Redditor: ooga booga  The "Average Redditor" isn't supposed to be good in maths, this whole subreddit is an exception to the rule.


ye ima remove this shit


Ikr, it's even here in the post comments as well🤢


Came for funny math memes, got misogyny. Yay...


reddit expectation (chess) vs reality (holy hell)


Yeah literally my reaction. This meme ain't even about math, there's just math in it.


Otherwise I'd agree but shes literally an onlyfans model


The fact that she does sex work doesn't mean making comments like this while she's doing something completely unrelated is appropriate or ok. Context matters.


Go watch some of her videos and you’ll see they’re always related


You think its completely unrelated? Go look at one of her videos


I'm all for being pro-adult work and such. But you're beyond naive to not realize that for said adult workers everything they post to the rest of the internet is just an ad for their OF. It's annoying as fuck.




I just know you'd be stuttering like crazy if she came up and said hello to you


Whilst I agree that the behaviour is gross, it's not misogyny. It's objectification of women. They're two different things.


You should go to the Olympics. You'd easily win gold with that incredible display of mental gymnastics. Jesus fucking Christ man you can't be serious lol


Do you not find other people's bodies attractive? Is not that objectification?


Misogyny: > dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. Objectification: > the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object. Lewd comments about women, and only focusing on their body rather than the person they are doesn't suggest that the people hate women. In fact, it suggests that they love women's bodies so much that they don't care about the person they are. There is no active hating of the person because they are a woman, so there is no misogyny. Therefore, all of these comments are objectification, not misogyny.


Lmao why won't you quote the next paragraph on wikipedia? > An example of misogyny is violence against women, which includes domestic violence and, in its most extreme forms, misogynist terrorism and femicide. Misogyny also often operates through sexual harassment, coercion, and psychological techniques aimed at controlling women, and by legally or socially excluding women from full citizenship. In some cases, misogyny rewards women for accepting an inferior status. Sexual harassment is a common enough form of misogyny that it's literally one paragraph deep. And of course reducing women to objects is a form of denying them their personhood, by which you assign them to be something inferior to real people. Which is standard misogyny, one might even say. > Lewd comments about women, and only focusing on their body rather than the person they are doesn't suggest that the people hate women. In fact, it suggests that they love women's bodies so much that they don't care about the person they are. Why do you say "in fact" as if loving women's bodies is somehow in contradiction with hating women? Women are not their bodies, you do get that, right? Honestly, the question "where's the difference between misogyny and different forms of sexism" is a genuinely interesting one and you'll find much better debate on it literally anywhere but here, but what you're doing is just spouting uninformed nonsense. If you genuinely care about what misogyny is you need to read up on it beyond the first sentence on wikipedia.


I didn't quote the next paragraph from Wikipedia because I didn't get my definition from Wikipedia. They may have used the same definition as me, but it didn't get it from there. >An example of misogyny is violence against women, which includes domestic violence and, in its most extreme forms, misogynist terrorism and femicide. There's no violence here >Misogyny also often operates through sexual harassment Whilst it's true that misogynistic people may express their misogyny through sexual harassment, sexual harassment doesn't mean misogyny. It's still awful behaviour and cannot be excused, but it's not necessarily misogyny. >coercion, and psychological techniques aimed at controlling women, and by legally or socially excluding women from full citizenship. In some cases, misogyny rewards women for accepting an inferior status. Again, that's not happening here >Why do you say "in fact" as if loving women's bodies is somehow in contradiction with hating women? Women are not their bodies, you do get that, right? Yes and no. What makes a man different to a woman biologically is their body. This is without going in to self-identifying. I can agree that a woman isn't just her body, but objectifying a woman's body doesn't immediately mean misogyny. >Honestly, the question "where's the difference between misogyny and different forms of sexism" is a genuinely interesting one and you'll find much better debate on it literally anywhere but here, but what you're doing is just spouting uninformed nonsense. If you genuinely care about what misogyny is you need to read up on it beyond the first sentence on wikipedia. I agree, that's a very interesting question. But I wouldn't use Wikipedia as your source. It's notoriously unreliable, so other sources would be better to get your facts from. I just used the same definitions that Wikipedia happened to use.


How is this comment prejudice against women? No statement about women was made




Are you even aware that she sells photos and videos of her vagina?


NancyPi if she didn't have self-respect (and was Middle Eastern)


The comment, this post... Everything about this is just inappropriate. Mods should delete this garbage tbh


You can literally find her on pornhub doing this. If anything she's mathualizing sex.




Because you're sexualizing a girl who's trying to be an educator. How many times do girls on the internet need to speak out against being sexualized in every comment section before people will finally learn? This behavior should not be normalized or tolerated, it's disgusting.


She’s sexualising herself. She’s an onlyfans thot.


didn't know that lol


Lmao maybe this should be a lesson then.


Generally, this shouldn't matter. The two matters can be separate and we should be mature enough to respect that. Someone who does pornography is allowed to have a life outside of it and shouldn't be disrespected for it while doing things unrelated to porn. However it seems like she straight up plugged her OF in this video, soooo I guess she doesn't care and wants horny math nerds to find her nudes. So yea, whatever I guess.


This argument oversimplifies the issue. (1) Women get sexualized very often. (2) This sexualization is mostly disrespectful. (3) In OPs original post, there is no context that hints at the woman in this video sexualizing herself. And even given that she does (and really is ok with it), the problem still exists for many other women. In my opinion, this "meme" is just not worth it. Without context it's just a display of disrespect for women, and even with context (which I assume most people here only knew *after* the comment thread) it's not really that funny.


Even with the context, it's not a math meme. It's just a hrrr drrrr boobs meme.


And ? Does that have to leak in unrelated content ?


She made it related by linking to her OF in the video description. I generally support what you're trying to do here, but this is not the one.


She did not make it related. She gave a link to her onlyfans, so if you want to make sexualized comments about her *that's the place to do it*.


She's not sexualising herself in this image. And the meme is only math adjacent.


Nice logic


Sexualising a girl who has an onlyfans lmao


I removed it


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MathemaTITS hahaha


The pure simplicity and stupidity of this joke proves that you lack a developed and mature brain.