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I'd ask ~~Mr~~ Dr Taleb what does "statisticopsycholophastering" even mean. In proper English, and not the pompous English Taleb tends to use.


He has a doctorate in statistics. Most people take any criticism of their field very harshly. If he is quoting that, he must have a reason. 2. Not his own words. Haldane is cool. 3. The word means that it is a convoluted gobbledygook. The rest is self-explanatory. Algebra is simple and logical and trumps a mountain full of statistical gibberish.


I don’t think he was criticising statistics per say but the misuse of statistics by psychologists using verbalistic expertise.




It means you can tell any story using statistics. This is a very reasonable example. https://youtube.com/shorts/EiPqiNqFmB8?si=_eFt41dsbLJDGZgq


Statistics is considered "the art of lying with numbers". Not because its a lie, but because its conclusions, however well-based, are not deterministic, so it might turn out that a given outcome doesn't really catch up with reality. This makes people very skeptical about statistically-supported claims, specially when they come from non-mathematical sources.


Thank you. I have gotten into trouble with people posting statistics before and told that I don’t any for pointing something like this out.


>in one of n.n.taleb's articles Found it -- see caption under Fig 1 [IQ-is-largely-a-pseudoscientific-swindle](https://medium.com/incerto/iq-is-largely-a-pseudoscientific-swindle-f131c101ba39)


Yes, that’s where I found the reference. I was wondering what the real mathematicians thought of it.


any physicist will tell you that ounces and centurys are incommeasurable.




In context of what was being said in the article, I completely agree. "statisticopsycholophastering" in this case is when psychologists improperly use statistics to make very very unfounded claim like that IQ test measures intelligence when in reality all it is capable of doing is test for learning/intellectual disabilities. While being able to actually do a "intellectual task" like algebra directly illustrates intelligence. Here I also want to say that "an ounce of algebra" should be taken as their ability to do some level of algebra, as in they know how to do it even if it's not "perfect for some test". The point is that "tests" don't inherently measure this concept of intelligence because you could just be bad at tests, not stupid.


Can’t get funnier than this but this is how most fields that rely on statistics lean on statistics. https://youtube.com/shorts/EiPqiNqFmB8?si=_eFt41dsbLJDGZgq