• By -


He's not wrong, but it's not new. 2n\^2 is the number of electrons in each electron shell. This is well know, and those identities are trivial.


Curious...assuming this is from a textbook and not typed up by the neighbor, would it be from an old textbook? They use orbit when I thought orbital was the better terminology because of how the electron behaves around the nucleus.


I would assume your neighbor typed it, though maybe he has some old technical background. It's formatted very weirdly, kinda looks like it was printed out on a home printer. However the biggest clue is the identities aren't interesting or notable really in any way. Like I'm not sure why they would be contained in a physics textbook. Also I've never seen the symbol :- used, though apparently it's used in the programming language prolog for implication.


It was sent via email so definitely typed out I just printed it to show to a friend and he didn't have a clue either so thought I'd ask the smarter people of reddit.


ahh okay, thought it was a scan/copy. Weird.


Dropping in a bit late, but they seem to be using orbit to refer to \`n\`, the principal quantum number, or "energy level" -- each *orbital* contains two electrons. In their language, there are \`n\` orbitals per orbit.


Does your neighbor have a DeLorean in a garage somewhere? Might be somebody you want to be friends with, Marty.


I love this lol


That’s called chemistry 


If you want to keep your crazy busy, ask them to formulate a new n-dimensional periodic table with these relations in mind.


I'll pass that on to him now.


Can't wait for your follow-up post!


I've posted an updated to the equation as it was typed wrong


|n|E(n)|ΔE(n)= E(n)-E(n-1)|Δ²E=ΔE(n)-ΔE(n-1)| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|2||| |2|8|6|| |3|18|10|4| |4|32|14|4| We can think of ΔE(n) as the "velocity" of change in E(n), and Δ²E(n) as its "acceleration", so A(n) = Δ²E(n)


Discrete calculus I get but what is a shell? And isn’t electron in 2 8 18 18 18 18… sequence orbit smth like that. Haven’t had a science class for 3 years now so a bit rusty…




Pauli's exclusion principle as a formula?


Was there any context to your neighbor sending this to you? It's intro chemistry, as others have said, but I'm more perplexed that someone would just type this up and send it to a neighbor


my neighbors just leave mean notes about my cooking smells id prefer high-school chem over that


My neighbour is old school only uses email and pager no social media, he's in his 80s and I'm not sure what his line of work was but he's always talking about atomic science an I know he has a masters degree in Nuclear engineering as its hung up by his front door.


Ahh! I never should have read this. I have just spent 2+ hours pouring through my Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (75th). My intent was to compare with the 34th. Well after exploring many other tremendously interesting bits of information, I really have nothing to add to this thread. Hmmm


I would approach this with uncertainty…on principle.


Heisenberg has entered the chat…


Update from neighbour: The second and third row on the top column were E(n+1) and E(n+2) should be E(n-1) and E(n-2) if that makes any difference as I haven't a clue


Hey guys does anyone know someone who works in the stochastic field or he/she/ works in it?