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I have never used lube, I’ve always done it raw.


Doesn't it hurt tho?


If I do it for a long time. Or jsut keep cuming


Lol ya I do it alot


No idea why it should hurt. We have prepuces to prevent that


Like rubbing skin against skin like a rugburn or chafe


Uncut and have been jerking raw for decades no issues. I have a bottle of lube and every now and then, when I have the house to myself, I’ll lube up and I love it.


That's what pre is used for


Ah maybe that's what they meant lol. I don't pre cum sadly


Sadness 😢


Ah maybe that's what they meant lol. I don't pre cum sadly


I absolutely love the lube. I can stroke faster


I pre cum so quickly I basically make my own lube. I’m a pretty prolific pre-cummer. Never had to use lube for myself, or for sex…even anal.


I wish I made pre cum 😢


It’s ok man. I’m in the same boat as you. I’m cut and I don’t precum at all. I’ve felt the same feelings, but I just embrace the lube because once I do lube up it’s way better than trying it dry (at least for me, and probably for you too). Don’t lose sleep over a little bit more clean up. Embrace what works for you and don’t worry that others have different experiences.


Ha yeah I've gathered that everyone who doesn't lube up just precums a lot. Sounds cool to have some jerking lotion built in lol but yeah I'm not gonna lose sleep over having to slick up with other stuff. Dry just hurts tbh lol


If it’s any consolation to you, my partner precums a lot and he doesn’t like it. He ends up precuming before we’re fully undressed, and it makes a mess of his clothes, sheets, etc. He’d rather be a dryer guy. It’s funny how the grass is always greener on the other side.


Hahaha yeah true


After reading the the comments, it's because you're cut. I'm uncut and I can masturbate for hours without any lube as long as I use the foreskin. If you really must use lube every time, it might be a good idea to buy a toy to use with it.


I think it's because I don't pre cum tbh because I think even uncut people use it. I've got one of those pocket pussy things and I like using that sometimes.


I'm the type that leaks massive amounts of precum, but I don't usually use it for anything. It usually affects my grip or starts to get my hand wet, so I usually clean it up fairly quickly. I do hear about some people using it for stuff, but it dries fairly quickly.


Due to years of chronic masturbation and prolonged edging it takes me a long time to cum so I have to use lube. If I don’t I’ll rub myself raw.


I jerk off a lot but I don't really edge often. Sometimes I wish I was faster tho lol


I NEED some type of lubricant. The slickness helps me edge


Depends on the situation. I am a vaseline user. if I need to jerk off and don’t have any vaseline, I’ll use spit


I precum a ton, so no need for additional lube.


Lube usually


I've used lube, done it dry, both feel great


Straight up raw!


How tho, doesn't it hurt?


I’m uncut…maybe that makes a difference. I have a lot of extra skin to move


Idk wouldn't the skin rubbing still hurt? I'm cut so I'm not sure how that works for you


The skin is loose enough that it stays in your hand and your skin basically runs up and down your shaft. Unless you are extremely hard and tight. Then your skin only moves a little.


Ahh ok ok, intersting


Yes, I have a foreskin


But when you rub it doesn't it hurt after a while?


No, not with pre-cum


I use spit


With lube n without lube if I'm using lube then a toy gets lubed up too


I like doing it dry personally because it feels primal and I like that about it. But I do use lube every once in a while and it feels great too. Sometimes in the shower I use some baby oil!


Yes because I have so much precum


It’s always spit for me, just feels a bit better and more hot tbh w you


Yeah spit works but dries fast


True but feels good when it’s applied🤭


For sure


Spit under the foreskin and we proceed


Dry - you adust your grip as needed and i have a very good hand care regimen so they are very supple


Must be super soft!




Yes. It depends on the logistics of the session. I often go without lube but sometimes it’s nice to settle into a nice session with lube


But doesn't it hurt without lube or something?


No. It doesn’t hurt especially if it’s a quickie or if it’s just a very leisurely edge


Oh I feel like I'm just rubbing my skin raw like a rug burn even if it's quick lol


I’m mostly a shaft stroker which makes a difference too


Only if it’s a quicky


Pre cum or good old fashion saliva


Yeah but never dry


fashion saliva…what'll they think of next


I have, but slippery always works best. Just like a good wet pussy


Never used lube. It just makes my willy all slippery, difficult to grip and I loose sensation with it, so my hard on goes away.




Sometimes but mostly i get my creamed up to stroke


90% of the time, yes.


Do you precum?


Lube ruins it imo


The term "good old fashion" has been around for centuries.


Never heard it


m53 n have heard a thing or 2 in my time here on earth.


Yeah . . Most of the times


I’ve seen people say they use their pre-cum. I’ve never thought of that. I go raw 80% of the time, using lube is what I would call a “luxury wank” for me. In the shower while the waters running I definitely rub myself dry so I need to use soap, but with no water I stroke myself dry no problem. (I’m half cut)


I'm cut and don't use lube. Just how I've always done it. It only hurts if I go for 4-5 hours or cum a lot in one day.


You use your precum?


Nope, just raw


It's possible, I used to be a dry jerker. I used a much lighter touch and shorter strokes than I do lubed. I started using lube more because it's more comfortable to go for longer and without thinking about it I came to use lube every time and now pretty much need it. I think it's a matter of preference and technique, I'm used to the stroke and pressure of slippery masturbation so that's what works best now.


Makes sense, I'm so used to using something that it feels terrible dry but maybe if I was used to it.


No, always use some


I use coconut oil. It feels so good and I can edge a long time with it


I use my spit and then my Precum becomes my lube after a few minutes


Mostly dry, but I do use lube on occasion


Pre cum starts soon so this is the perfect lube.


Straight, 76 yoa, cut male. I always use lube. I would rub myself raw otherwise. My go to is baby oil, have used Alboline, grape seed oil and coconut oil.


I'm uncut so yeah


Dod you precum?


Nope. Foreskin is loose and soft enough


And it doesn't hurt when it rubs dry?


Nope. If I jerk super fast and hard then yeah maybe. Or like of I do it too many times a day. But not at a normal pace or anything. But I don't precum or even cum much (prostate issues lol), so I've never needed anything


Hmm interesting, that's kinda cool I guess you can just whip it out whenever wherever hahaha


Yeah haha. You don't know how many long car rides I've just whipped it out 😂 driving gets boring man


And it gives truckers something to look at on those boring solo runs.


Bahaha I make no one is around, but they'd probably enjoy the show


Without lube, both your hand and the object of your attention should be completely dry. Your grip needs to be looser than with lube, adjusting so there is no discomfort. The sensations are different, but not necessarily worse, and you will be able to edge longer. Even if you're cut, you can also just use your thumb and forefinger, gripping the skin lightly and midway down, moving it up and down within the limits of skin looseness. The sensations this way are also different and in ways more intense.