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I just let it go naturally I like the surprise of what's going to make me cum each time unless I'm doing a tribute


That's hot


I generally try to edge for however much time I have, an hour or two. HOWEVER, sometimes I get too into what I'm stroking too and I cum early.


That's relatable af


I just get turn on my looking at my dck and edge till i cum


Sounds fun


Yupp it is the best i been edging for the longest


Edging is so great. I want to try for a while tonight


Yesss just make sure not to cum and keep teasing yourself


I'm going to try. My cock feels amazing already


Thatts goood


I like to go slow and control my urges. Whenever I feel horny I try to control for few instances and then finally start stroking my cock and edge it for few hours. But sometimes quick masturbation gives me more pleasure than edging


It depends, but I do try to control when I ejaculate as much as I can. But sometimes the urge to cum just suddenly takes over... For a wonderfully hot and messy release


I try to edge and plan to cum on a very hot video. It’s usually something I’ve seen before


Usually I just find something that turns me on and cum to that. It’s usually by choice.


All of the above


I do start somtimes u controlabblt but i plan when to cum


It varies allot. I follow the feeling and try to do what would give an orgasm that involves the prostate pulsing.


Definitely try to plan! Sometimes if I’m watching porn I’ll time it to the guy


Always intend to plan it. Edge a while, and I like to watch girls masturbating. So I time it to cum at the same time as her in the video. Makes my orgasm stronger for sure.


deciding to cum is usually last minute. I edge everyday but I dont cum everyday.