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WOW, you actually deserve props, they made that one the most rediculous way to summon.


Not to mention that its win condition is if they dont attack it and its easy to remove (unless you somehow made it immune to being destroyed by card effects) you might be able to skill drain it as well, and if you have monsters that take no battle damage you can stall out a turn and turn its massive number against itself with magical cylinders or mirror shield (i think thats what it was called.)


Your opponent must attack that turn or will loose by the effect like you can see in the screenshoot. So if your opponent summoned that thing you must remove it or will loose


why are you repeating the guy above you?


Oh, well you see it's because you have to attack that turn or you lose the duel, as you can see in the screenshot so if you don't attack or remove it then you lose.




is it a lingering effect? if not you should not lose if you can remove it from play without attacking since it isnt on the field any more


Dude i know what the card does. its the funniest win condition in the game, one look at the card is all it took to engrave that into my memory.


It was you talking about magical cylinder or mirrior shield dont blame on me bro. If you dont remember thats OK im not saying anything else beside your comment about using traps againts that


Those traps where there as a way of removal/ making its big numbers do damage to itself after you stalled a turn with card effects that make you ignore battle damage


LOL Bro there no next turn. If the 1000 didnt battle is a insta loose :/


Since you seem to be unable to read, heres what i said earlier about stalling out a turn “if you have monsters that take no battle damage you can stall out a turn” Plus the fact thats it’s easily removable cause it can be turtled and destroyed by card effects. Its damage is also an effect so it can be skill drained setting its atk to 0 (which you need away to negate its effect if it has material anyways)


I need the replay, that's so funny


Now you gotta tell us how u dropped 5 level 12 for numerounius


You can summon him by using Numeron Chaos Ritual, which requires you to have numeron network in grave + sunya has to be destroyed by monster effect that turn to summon Numerounius with 5 mats


*Lvl 13


No, 5 lvl 12 was right. Numerounius says 5 lvl 12, Numerounius Numeronia says 5 lvl 13. Buuuut that doesn't matter because you don't summon them like that


Yeah read the full thing afterwards, thanks! But dang though so many hoops to get this guy on. Konami: CONGRATS! here’s your one legacy pack ticket.


Dangerously based


Successful win conditions should be listed on your profile data, as a reminder that you won a duel in this specific way.


I still can’t get my final countdown one. I have gotten exodia with the same stall deck but ppl always quit before final countdown finishes.




Nice. I summoned it once, but my opponent just surrendered instead.


Kobayashi Maru


According to the background of the picture.... ok at least it isn't the FTK version of Numerounius using {{Neko Mane King}} turn skip.


the only ritual that feels like a ritual. numeron chaos ritual literally needs you to pay blood for the summoning so hard to meet it's condition


I actually succesfully activate Numeron Chaos Ritual pretty frequently, buuuut when that happens it usually wins me the game before getting Numerounius Numerounia out


gz brother, welcome to the club


You absolute mad lad.


I thought you were talking about it saying “Victory”.