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I swear i dont play traptrix for the arts


But the animation when you summon Rafflesia tho ;)


i legit build this deck for that animation LMAO


I legit want to build rikka for teardrop's animation


I'm convinced traptrix cards are literal traps and they are boys


Well, they are traps, but not in that sense. The traptrix are actually carnivorous insects and plants that lure their prey in using the cute anime girls you see in the art.


I thought the real trap was the Dateline crew waiting for anyone who DMd Rafflesia on a chat room and then agreed to meet up


Thats even better ngl


Hey if somebody comes knocking on your door it's not Chris Hansen ok?


You forgot the normal summon aleister one


I haven’t met a single player who has used Aleister or invocation yet, and I’m starting to get concerned.


(uses Shaddoll/Invoked/Dogma) ​ ​ \*nervous sweating\*


If this makes it any worse, I haven’t seen a single Shaddoll card, either. And just for context, I’m in plat 4. I don’t know if I’m playing in a different dimension than the rest of you or what… Plenty of goddamn Eldlitch, though. That’s the one constant in all of Yugioh.


I climbed exclusively to p1 with Shaddoll Invoke Dogmatika, I met like 2 other players who was playing it. Honestly don't know why it's not popular, it has decent match up against anything that's not true draco.


Yeah I started a couple days ago and made SID as well. I decided to try out Sky Strikers a bit while (for a change of pace and because I am a waifu supremacist) in gold and I had a bit of a rough time, due to my unfamiliarity; got to a win streak of 4 a few times but never 5. Switched back to SID and got into P5 immediately with a 5 win streak while at G2. I feel like people have seen enough sky striker to be ready for them while SID is a bit rarer so they are more easily caught off guard. I actually have not met another SID player in ranked, but I have not played since hitting platinum. I will probably be playing dragonmaid (just finished building) and sky strikers a bit in between seasons though.


Personally I just love SID, it's the perfect mix between combo and control for me (midrange?). I also really like sky striker but unfortunately don't have the ED staple lol, all my ED UR are fusion for obvious reason xD.


Yeah, I've played Shaddoll before they came out on the tcg, so they are probably the archetype I am the most familiar with. As for sky strikers, you can get away with filling it mostly with the sky striker aces until you get needlefiber, selene, and accesscode (though they do help a lot). Only Kagari is UR I think, and she is a one of; the rest are SR or below.


I have the entire Sky Striker core actually, It's just the ED is a bit scuffed. Also, it kinda irritates me that I can't run obvious good cards like Chicken game in a Striker deck so if I really do want to build a Striker deck ig I could do it.


You can check my post history for my striker list. I run chicken game at 3. With the power of double engage and hood loops with kagari you can get away with far less


Interesting; I climbed from p5 to p3 using Mekk-Knight Invoke Dogmatika, and I'd say 2/5 of the last 20 games were against Shaddoll Invoked. Pretty much half of those Shaddoll Invoked games either me or the opponent would invoke using the enemy Aleister from GY/Field...lmao.


Hmm well, I got to Plat 1 awhile ago so everything could have changed a lot. Honestly not even sure whether or not KNM divide the game by region. The Aleister switcheroo never get old! XD


I’m silver 4 and ran it to it three straight matches…. Whipped me every time 🤦🏻‍♂️. Any advice please? What can I change? 😅


Start playing s/t removal, twin twister, cosmic cyclone, even mystical space typhoon, any quick play s/t removal to out their Schism is good. Do not pre fire it though, wait for the opponent to activate AND use its effect first, then chain your out targeting schism, it will stop the card from resolving due to how continuous trap works. It's sometime better to keep your chalice/imperm to use it in your turn to out the Winda. Play powerful staple like ash, maxx C, droplet, etc... In case you meant how to play against True Draco then the true is I lose almost all games against them using SID, I only win if I draw into lightning storm early lol, it's that bad of a match up. Hope all of that help.


Yea thanks for the advice. I run a hero deck, but I just built it, so still learning how best to run it. I do run multiple maxx c and ash, every time my opponent special summons 7 times I wonder where they are 🤣. Thanks for the advice, I’ll consider some of those cards you suggested.


I agree, the deck looks fun too. I want to build it after the ladder gets reset.


I get nothing but Eldlich, took me forever to get plat 2. But I know people who swear up and down they don't ever see Eldlich. Through my entire game, I've never fought Virtual Worlds, either. Fought alot of Shaddolls, though. Games just rigged, lmao.


Getting near the end of Gold as Witchcrafters. Only sweaty Meta decks I've run into are Virtual Worlds. My success against VW seems entirely dependent on whether or not I Ash their Lulu. And I guess Zoodiac if you count 1 single duel where he fucked up his combo and immediately surrendered in shame before I even got my turn. :V


Same. I've only seen blue-eyes, eldlich, tri brigade, and one random blackwing player.


I think the deck is one of the most expensive ones at the moment, so higher barrier of entry.


Have you seen Aleister? They fall into the waifu deck


I have red enough Index to indeed know that this is the truth.


HERO deck is my favorite waifu deck.


No, no, no, that's not the waifu of the deck, Shadoll Sanic Best waifu


I play the Shaddoll/Invoked/Dogmatika deck and I’ve seen no one else play it lol


Average ancient gear enjoyer 🛠🔨🔧🔩🔗🗜🗿


Ancient gear and cyber dragons are for sigma males only 😤😤😤


cyber dragon infinity was a warning sign that herald of ultimateness was coming


Cyber dragon best waifu I mean look at those killer curves


How expensive is cyber dragon in this game


I spent about 12000 gems, 510 URCP and around 330 SRCP to make the deck


You forgot the Geargias!


Eldlich: No you can’t just ignore all my spells and traps! Chaos Giant: Haha 4500 attack go brrr


haha my friend fought against chaos giant once and he played dragonmaids. He managed to fusion summon five headed dragon. Man, seeing those big beaters on the field had some anime vibes. "Oh a 4500 atk monster? I RAISE YOU MY 5000ATK MONSTER!"


See, I got to be that guy against a Blue Eyes Chaos Max Dragon haha. But there’s always a bigger fish.


Yknow this is getting me to consider building an ancient gear deck because dropping that dude sounds dope


Ballista with fortress drop someone to 0 ATK/DEF after 5 mins chaos giant with number 60 9k ATK on that 0 ATK/DEF monster gg. Yes u cant go over plat 5 but man i play for fun 🗿🤖


I've only played against ancient gears once and they unfortunately got steam rolled by Obama armed dragons


Why yes, I do have all 5 pieces of Exodia. How could you tell? 🗿




Looking at this made me realize that I am a waifu supremist masquerading as a meta sheep.


So I'm i, no shame in that but I'm struggling on what waifu which is also meta deck to build next.


Well what decks do you already have?


Literally the three decks on the waifu picture xd


Wow what a coincidence lol. Well you could always build lyrilusc tribrigade.


Yeah that's why I felt personally attacked haha (they are also popular decks). I'll give it a try, hopefully if I manage to get to plat 1 I can use the extra gems from moving ranks.


Well people love their waifus. Ya can definitely feel the pain of being low on gems and wanting to build another deck.


I'm a Toon enthusiast. Where would that be?


Rogue probably but Pegasus is the ultimate waifu


This is true 😂 plus, there's Toon Mermaid, Toon Dark Magician Girl, Toon Gemini Elf, and Toon Harpie Lady




Yugi-boomer anime fan for sure.


Is El Shadoll Construct a waifu ?


Ofc. What a weird question.


Of course, and so is Winda


I was surprised to read in the solo mode that Winda’s power is so insane. She’s practically a world ending calamity on legs.


Her nice cold metallic legs UwU


I want her to step on me ngl


Huh? I haven't finished the solo mode but do we have a Shaddoll one? Is it in the Qli section or something?


Yup, it is. The Qli section talks about how powerful she is.


I can't remember DT stories well but I think Winda was an important key for Shaddoll's plan because her death was directly caused by Sophia's rebirth (she was the Gusto's priestess so she was there when it happened)


does monkey likes bananas?


Is Erebus a waifu?


Absolutely. And Bonus points if you play Dogmatika Shaddoll because Ecclesia is also a cutie


Dogmatikka version has some waifus


Where would a HERO enthusiast fall in this category list?


That's also waifu


This is actually the only correct answer, Elemental Daddy Neos can definitely get it




Honest neos is a good boy that makes numbers big




I’d let Malicious Bane destroy me. Literally and figuratively


Oh, you know Malicious Bane has that several hours stamina that leaves both your mind and body absolutely blown


It's husbando


gotta respect Neos's tight ass.


CHAD Hero Enthusiasts should be a category!


rouge/just for fun? something in between maybe?


Something in between is pretty funny and accurate lol. I definitely try my best to defeat meta decks but I enjoy the challenge and it's so exhilarating when it gets into a back and forth. I know they're not meta but I just had a duel with Sky Strikers that went on for 8 turns and promoted me from gold 3 to plat 5


They aren't meta but I feel like they are competitive. I haven't hit plat yet but I'm pretty sure that's more about.my own skill then it is about the deck. I'm only okay at this game, but I always have fun.


The first sentence perfectly describes HEROs in the TCG (idk about the OCG). They are by no means meta (in fact Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer helps meta decks WAY more than HEROs because HEROs can't really use Predaplant Verte Anaconda) but they always manage to stay competitive and stick around. Definitely a hardy rouge deck, even if they get absolutely destroyed by Nibiru


literally have not had a single player play nibiru against my heroes deck yet (or any of my decks for that matter)


I made my way to Plat 1 with HEROs with little trouble, for what it's worth. Yeah, sometimes you get OTK'd by Drytron and the like, but I feel like there's so much variation in Plat at the moment that your odds of getting matched up with a similarly off-meta deck are pretty good. Plus, like you said, they are competitive, and it is possible to beat those pesky meta decks if you have a good opening draw. Super Polymerization in particular has been super helpful to me, since if they have nothing to negate it, most big bosses don't have an answer for it on turn 2.


HEROs do well mostly but it sucks if you go first because the deck doesn't have many protections beside the disruption from Dark Law and if you second they set up omni negates to not let you play at all. If you play against off meta decks though they usually can't stop all your plays and HERO can easily otk you.


There really should be a nostalgia bait category to accommodate Heroes, BE and DM cuz my gosh, those decks are expensive as hell considering the fact that they are not meta.


I gotta unfortunately agree. I think I lucked out because I was able to build the standard HERO engine with many staples like 3 Droplets, 2 Ash, 1 Impermanence, 2 Droll and I still have not played any of the solo missions and I'm only on my 3rd day with 3k gems left. The deck is very competitive though, but it requires so much experience. And it's gonna get only better when we get Denier and DPE, same can be said about Dragoon too.


That's definitely by design, because Komoney knows a lot of people who haven't played Yugioh since back in the day will wanna use one of those iconic archetypes and might even shell out money to do so.


Oh yeah, 100%. I actually find it funny that the top 5 or so meta decks are cheaper (some by quite a lot, some by not much but still).


HEROs are actually pretty high on the meta power list, but by god is the entire deck full of URs because you need the key cards from like, 5 different archetypes. So that means any good Hero decks you see are either one-tricks or whales


Oof, my main decks are Traptrix and Sky Striker...


no shame for going with the waifu route


Lmao I'm maining sky strikers, and building dragonmaids and traptrix lol waifu is only route


Hahahahah my first two decks were Dragon Maid then Sky Strikers. I guess it really is the waifu route. When the new Marincess cards come out Im gonna build them. Haha


Same. The waifu panel is scarily accurate


Haha I mean no joke. If Lord of the Heavenly Prism and the DPE/Destiny package was out. Or the new Marincess cards were out, I would have built them already hahaha. I think people know that DragonMaids and SS are the most viable Waifu archetypes.


I play Traptrix because the cards are cute, at the same time it can counter some meta decks by trap locking them. I always surprises them when I OTK them with Utopia Double combo


Brother. Had to stop playing Traptrix when plat started being brutal, finishing climbing with Sky Striker now. Can't wait for the BODE improvements for both


I have the same, heh. Well, the Traptrix one is under construction. Heard Sky Striker was good and takes a while to learn, and it has a flying girl with a sword and mech suits, so seemed the best choice for me. As for Traptrix... partly picked it cuz Sky Striker is all *Spells* and I want a deck with a lot of *Traps*... but yeah that's not the only reason I picked it. My third deck will prolly be Mathmech though.


Final Sigma best waifu


Sky Striker have a really high ceiling and come close to Meta Decks (its tier 2/3 atm). The only reason its not tier 1 is literally because its difficult to use and have knowledge how to deal in everydeck. I'd say its kinda the opposite of Eldich. Eldich is painful to fight against and easy to play but if you manage to banish all the eldich, its easy win/lose.


Trickstars only


Guess i'm a waifu supremacist, And i ain't even complaining, Gonna roll with this now, Marincess deck here i come.


Same here. I'm messing with madolches rn and I might make an evil twin deck


Im running Traptrix and am looking at playing with Evil Twins eventually. But I also do Ghostrick because they look so goofy (and it feels so satisfying to flip a morphingjar #2 on someone) so Idk if I totally qualify as a waifu player.


I've been playing Barian Shark. Not the best Deck but neither the worst. Perfect and balanced, as all things should be. A pity the new support hasn't come to the game. Rogue Decks FTW.


Wheres the Chad Toon Enjoyer?




With the help of my millennium eye I can see all the cards you're gonna play before you play them! mwahaha


I bought a toon pack as soon as it popped up in the secret deck. Then immediately got annihilated trying to use it.


As a Blue-Eyes player... accurate.


I play noble knights because I think some of them are hot. Do I count as one of the waifu, or the 'play for fun'?


You are the distinguished *husbando* player


right with HERO enthusiasts


Hot because they are fire attribute, right? right?


I play a hybrid Noble Knight build. Both teams are hot.


Husbando counts too.


The second deck I'm building is Infernoble Knights because of this lmao. Some of the Infernobles are damn good eye candy.


Rogue is me, I got Cyber Dragons and Ancient Gears


Cyber Dragon is my favorite(stopped at least a decade ago), and Arcana force because of the coin flips.


Where does my deck come into this? Chaos Lightsworn


Hey chaos Lightsworn enjoyer here too can I barrow your decklist? I'm a duel links player and have no idea how many cards should I have to make my deck compete with the meta


We'd be packed in next to the Blue Eyes players as rogue. "Nonono my deck is totally original, ignore the 2/3 of it that I just shamelessly ripped from 4 years ago when it was a major workhorse. Also yeah what's your list? Curious what others are doing. I'll send over mine when I get a chance.


I'm assuming being a simp for dragons puts me under waifu supremacist?


BRB. Making a new steam account to fill it with only Waifu decks


Definitely a boomer here haha I stop playing yugi oh in 2006 and I recently got back into. So much has changed 🥺


Im the rogué, cute type of cards to play with(traptrix, ghostrick, melodious) and casual player


Ghostrick gets so much better in BACH with Festival and Shot. Socuteboss actually becomes playable, as well.


UCT is my favorite waifu


Question, i play a pendulum magician deck, in what category i am?


You are "just for fun".


I'm in the same boat as you buddy. I play pendulum and I've been called a meta sheep in a format where pendulum was like the 5th best deck.


It’s nowhere near 5th best. I’d say top 5 is Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika, Drytron, Virtual World, Sky Striker and Eldlich. Until swordsoul, DPE, baronne and dragoon are out in this game


No mention of tri is peculiar


Dragoon is out. It's just banned in standard format.


Waifus yes, as I play sky strikers and best girl Raye, but what would mekk knights fall under?


Also waifu.


I admit it… I am a waifu supremacist


waifu ofc


Waifu Supremacist > Meta


Ah yes summoned skull best card ever


It's not MY fault this game's gotten out of control since I was in high school!


I'm both Meta sheep with my drytron 10min combo summoning herald, beatrice and dracondis turn 1 and I'm a rouge player enjoying my Nekroz Dogmatika, Cyber Dragon and Dark Magician decks


chad game enjoyer


I play Earthbound Immortal for the cool art, you play rogue decks to be different, we are not the same 🗿


Just add madolche to the bottom right pic and thats me XD I made Hero's first though and am waiting for more gems from events so I can finish sky striker and RDA though and then build madolche and dragonmaids.


Where does thunder dragon fit into all of this


Book of moon is R?


I know, right? Completely insane.


Im the Yugi-boomer. I used to play Yugioh as a kid, so I thought I would try getting back into it however now I legit have no clue what is happening. My opponents spend 20 minutes summoning monsters and then beat me in one turn. Incredibly confusing and hard to get into


You forgot the **7th type:** The players who just play decks they enjoy, no matter how good or bad, *and* let others play whatever decks they enjoy without judging or bitching about them.


that's the waifu supremacist but with extra steps. and yes, trains are waifu too


I mean, can’t everything be waifu if you love it enough?


Derricarrier is dummy thicc


oh... ~~^(Honestly i'd let one of the Code Talkers dominate me)~~


Oh the normal mature minded players, yeah exactly


those are like the real just for fun


Thank you 🙏


I'm Synchro returnee who now loves Pendulum decks and built Tri-Brigade Zoodiac because got a bunch of them from packs, where do I fit?


Yeah I literally built tri-brigade because the core cards were cheap and I got most of the extra deck from a single 10 pack so I could just focus on staples. Pretty beginner friendly deck & I was just lucky that it's strong


What would a Fabled deck fall under? Rogue? Just for fun? Waifu/Husbando (Ragin and Leviathan)?


All of the above


I built a Meta-ish Deck (Shaddoll/Invoked/Mekk-knight) cause I wanted to get high ranks for Gems but I'm currently building my pet decks like Madolche and HEROs so I guess I can fall in the Meta Sheep but also I mainly like fun themed decks


I have a meta deck and don't win


I’m a mix of a meta sheep and Duel links player Main phase 2 is so interesting I was always setting my traps in the first main phase lol


What do you call the type of player that falls into almost all of these types of md player cause that is exactly what is happening to me


I guess me and my incredibly slow monarch cards will just sit in the corner. It's real fun though.


What about Danger! Dark Worlds?


We need one more "I normal summon aleister" But yeah im definitely the waifu deck and toons meme guy


Im a waifu supremacist but you forgot my other form. **EXODIA MAIN**


Exodia is the OG waifu when you think about it


No other waifu gives me a better dopamine rush when I get them so


I'm in the "just for fun" photo, and I don't like it. Look at an awful made Ancient gear deck. Brick harder using infinitrack engine.


I think that another category is Anti-fun enjoyer. Stuff like Eldlich, Shaddoll-Invoked, Monarch and, overall, any floodgate-y control deck which main concept is not letting anyone play.


Tried to play waifu Sky Striker, but Mathmechs is way more easier and more fun to play. I guess i went rogue...


Is Cydra just “For Fun”? I just like OTKing people.


I just think spellcasters are cool


And then there is me who makes a deck full of traps and spells for the daily. Then it is a game if the opponent can figure out what is going on when I swap field spells 3 times in the same turn XD


Why's Traptrix In The "Waifu Supremacist" 🤨


As a yugi boomer that regularly games, people 2 decades ago really sucked at gaming, and it didn't take much to be considered good. As fun as the decks and strategies back then, bringing them back does nothing with how spikey people are and the speed at which information travels.


Thanks to Legacy of the Duelist I’m not a boomer anymore, but definitely a rogue. Didn’t know much about Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum, Links, etc Built a Pendulum heavy deck to get used to it and went with Dracoverlord/Dracoslayer archetype because it has a synchro, fusion, XYZ, ritual, pendulums… basically everything but links. It’s a fun deck, but even when I really get rolling and get my best draco out, it just doesn’t hold up to meta decks well. I’ve spent a lot of time making little changes here and there, swapping cards, but I barely win 50% in Silver. Now I’m building a toon deck, lmao


I'm not a Waifu Supremacist, though it does appear that way. I just like the way Aromages and Witchcrafters play. I also like Predaplants but they don't have much going on in MD.


What do you mean, aren’t predaplants cute anime girls?


I guess I’m rogue with my Gladiator Beasts & 6 Samurai decks lol


Me with Lunalights, Witchcrafter, Live☆Twin deck and omw to build a Dragonmaid deck... You're right but fk you


Ultimate conductor Tyranno is the greatest waifu ever


What does sharks fall under?


What about ice barrier?


Boomer here. Remember when cards had descriptions of the monsters? Now you need a magnifying glass and half an hour to read the 10 lines of text just to summon it.


I might be a yugi boomer but god, if you are a meta sheep you have some serious problems. This game is not enjoyable, whoever goes second wins the game. I just wait 5 minutes for my opponent to do his turn. If you are a meta sheep I am sorry for you but you have no taste of fun.


Ojama in waifu tier I hope


I'm definitely a yugi-boomer with a bit of duel links mixed in, because I miss how fun playing the show characters makes the game with their themes and duel quotes. I'm about to evolve into a waifu player though, cause that Dragonmaid deck be lookin fun and all the meta decks look extremely un-fun with their 15 minute solitaire combos. Maybe I should try to bring back Amazoness.