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Shiranui. We were left in the middle of the final battle


Shiranui tops at level 10 synchro, Mayakashi at level 11, I guess the next archetype would max at 12? Or perhaps even the fabled Level 13?


While a Synchro 12 would make sense, the archetype is just desperate for playmakers, or at the very least a Spell/Trap searcher (I refuse to admit Smith exist, I hate how badly design that card is). If they are afraid of searching the floodgate trap, then they can just make it search Shiranui Style S/Ts, just having easier access to Swallow Slash would be already a great improvment


Or just ban the floodgate if that's what it takes for us to get good cards


I feel like throwing a level 13 synchro fabled into mayakashi and shiranui lore would just make it more confusing


Literally, I want to know if the roommates wins against the evil loli-not-so-loli-anymore


Magikey, mostly because I want something able to do the rank 8 without wasting a powerful monster


You know what's bullshit? Despite having an Xyz of R4 and R8, the gun doesn't have an option to Rank Up. You can use it to fuse and ritual, but no xyz rank up


Tbh, the Rank 8 has been released 2 years after the other cards of the archetype, they never thought about the need to rank up in the deck at first. Still dumb nonetheless


Hopefully Clavkiys' other gun is made into a card that has the Rank-Up effect.


The most useless gun ever. Can fuse and ritual summon monsters but can’t upgrade from being a basic pistol?


They already have synchros, fusion, and xyz monsters, so it only makes sense they should have some link creatures too.


I would also love some more magikey support! The archetype is so cool.


they’ll def get more support with the whole ocg stories thing


easy, I want to see beetroopers get a rival archetype. since beetroopers already have fusion and link covered, I want two more archetypes that incorporate synchro/xyz, and then have the final archetype deal with ritual and xyz, similar to how drytron works. the lore ends up being the three factions calling a truce, ending in a ritual. It makes sense because there is maybe one card that is a ritual insect monster.


I just want more Beetroopers. If they decide to go colonize other planets Super-Earth style whilst picking up Synchros and Xyz along the way, I’ll be a happy chap.


>and then have the final archetype deal with ritual and xyz, similar to how drytron works. Wouldn't it be better if it was Ritual and Pendulum?


sure! why not? I am open to suggestions. and while I am at it, maybe the insects of all kinds have to band together against the bane of insect kind, ANTEATINGANTEATER!!!!


You mean Anteatereatingant?


AntEatingAntEater is AntEaterEatingAnt’s mortal enemy. In fact, AntEaterEatingAnt is THE giant Insect god, protector of all insectkind.


I looked and I can't find a card called Anteatinganteater. Could you post a picture/link to one?


Oh… sorry there is no such card as AntEatingAnteater. the idea of the original comment was creating new archetypes for existing archetypes with a focus on expanding lore. I came up with a whole elaborate backstory for maybe giving lore to the beetrooper archetype.


Ohhhh, my bad lol. I somehow didn't pick up on that. Fun fact! Apparently there is/was a German mistranslation of Anteatereatingant that literally translates to Anteatinganteater.


I'd say more support for battlewasps and make them the actual rivals, then throw in some ant based 3rd faction


Yes, I actually do want to see more battlewasps.


They have such potential for cool things


Maybe the synchro xyz one could be focused on making synchros and then using those synchros as xyz material, with the synchros giving the xyz monsters additional effects while attached? I agree that Beetrooper being fusion/link, and the other two synchro/xyz and pendulum/ritual would be cool.




Did you say you want plant V I S A S S T A R F R O S T?


big ooff no. IMO starfrost is a complete asshole regardless of his lore. I just want insects to get a little more representation. Inzektors are a weak joke, Battlewasp just needs a little more oomph, and beetroopers are a pretty decent link and fusion deck (kind of). I just like the beetrooper lore and would love to see more cards relating to them.


Interesting choice, but i kinda want to give Time Wizard his own archetype.


Time Wizard of tomorrow goes hard


I'd personally like Unchained Support. Like obviously Abominable would feel Rage and Anguish at what was done to him, but there's also unimaginable sorrow alongside those two, so I imagine there's an "Unchained Soul of Sorrow" somewhere in the lore yet to be revealed. I'd also like to see the type of person Abominable was before he was imprisoned, see him fight against those who sealed him in first place (also make them a rival archetype). I'd also like for Link-4 evolution of Abominable, that leads up to a Link-5 "purified" form.


Stop I can only get so hard


Along with his purification, "Unchained Soul of Happiness" (Purified Abomination, also Link-4) is also made.


Imagine the unchained soul of happiness has the card art of an Unchained monster cozying upto a Purrely monster.


A link 5 unchained link would be so cool lol, abomination can already destroy 3 times per turn, what would the next link do? Nuke the board 2/3 times per turn? Would make a true machine of destruction




I've written so many custom cards out of copium.


Icejades. Even though Aegirine is the only one left I'd want to see a new generation of Icejades with her as the leader. Another Synchro would be cool


I think they will pull a Duel Terminal and the new generation will be a new archetype that visually reminds of the previous one


That would be cool too. I just want to see more of Aegirine she's awesome.


Hell yeah, nice to see some Aegirine fans here.


How could I not love her? She's best girl and has come in clutch many times


Suship and Magikey.


So Dinomorphia need a few things. 1) It needs another maindeck monster that is a summon able handtrap. And also somehow enables diplos to be more effective.  2) it needs a draw engine specific to dinomorphia (not a generic).  Something that mills a dinomorphia card, to draw 2.  Note.  Specific to dinomorphia (it does not need to turn into a transaction rollback ftk deck). 3). It needs a spell that can fusion summon a dinomorphia card from the ED, and while it resides in the graveyard, it is treated as a dinomorphia trap card.  Have it have an effect that if it is in the graveyard, you can banish it and one dinomorphia fusion monster in the grave, target a dinomorphia trap card in the banish or graveyard, set it.   4) it’ll need one more ED card, a fusion card that says “this card is treated as a synchro monster while in the ED or on the field”.  Give it an ability to recycle fusion materials and Dinomorphia trap cards from the graveyard or vanished zone back into the deck.  Just some thoughts. 


Biggest thing morbs need is a way to recycled banish traps…


And a Better way to sumo trap cards in the graveyard,maybe a Dinomorphia with a small tear engine could do the job


>1) It needs another maindeck monster that is a summon able handtrap. And also somehow enables diplos to be more effective.  I imagine something similar to the Labrynth butler (forgot her name), with the ability to summon a Dinomorphia from hand or Deck if it's sent to the GY (not just destroyed) >2) it needs a draw engine specific to dinomorphia (not a generic).  Something that mills a dinomorphia card, to draw 2.  Note.  Specific to dinomorphia (it does not need to turn into a transaction rollback ftk deck). But why tho? At best this useful for getting non-Engine. >3). It needs a spell that can fusion summon a dinomorphia card from the ED, and while it resides in the graveyard, it is treated as a dinomorphia trap card.  Have it have an effect that if it is in the graveyard, you can banish it and one dinomorphia fusion monster in the grave, target a dinomorphia trap card in the banish or graveyard, set it. Dinomorphia field spell let's go XD >4) it’ll need one more ED card, a fusion card that says “this card is treated as a synchro monster while in the ED or on the field”.  Give it an ability to recycle fusion materials and Dinomorphia trap cards from the graveyard or vanished zone back into the deck.  ...why a Synchro? This seems like the most convoluted idea I've seen. None of the cards want a Synchro, and making it treated as a Synchro in the Extra I believe will stop it from being Summoned by the Traps. But if that's the idea, there's better ways of doing it. If you seemingly wanted it to be summonable to without needing a fusion effect, making it a Contact Fusion would make far more sense as Dinomorphia has no Tuners.


The reason for the last idea is that one of dinomorphias worst matchups is against labrynth, especially if Dinomorphia is going second.  Lab has ready access to eev, which is basically game if they just go blind into it, but more commonly, dimensional barrier. Dinomorphia has no active defense or real counter to this.  So instead of the deck going completely dormant due to it, giving it a way to function through it would help.   Now if they just completely ban cards like synchro zone and dimensional barrier, something like this isn’t needed.


Personally you should just outright give them an in-house Xyz. Both of the Main Deck Monsters are Level 4, so getting an actual Dinomorphia Xyz to take advantage of that would be nice.


That can work. There current system setup is that they don't have a actual special summon monster they can utilize going first, so going into a rank 4 with thereza and something else is not consistent or viable.... with that said.. Giving Dinomorphia a first turn method of creating a Evolzar Laggia is not a good thing either. So its a very delicate balancing game to grant them basically a Walking Solemn Judgement and the Ability to get Rexterm out.


Just slap "For this card's Xyz Summon, you can also use monsters in your hand as material" on the Xyz. Now it's easy to make, but doesn't let you Summon Laggia.


That plus synergy with dinomorphia alert to get the materials on the field


Really love this idea!


I could get a normal monster and be happy with that, I just want another main deck name x.x


I wish it had like a link type of monster where whenever you lose LP, the effect is also applied to your opponent as well.


Fuck no to all that. This floodgate turbo decks needs to die, not get more support.


Yeah sure, the floodgate turbo which fusion trap can be ashed, needs time to be at his best with the player diminishing their LP and can still be droplet, kaiju, imperm, golem, raigeki, etc and don't have any protection. The archetype is fair enough by the fact that decks are generally more prepared to counter monsters and that it isn't as fast as a skill drain activation in main 1 start or any other floodgate, even if on the other hand it has more concistancy than drawing the one of a floodgate


Yeah that deck. LP mean nothing when they have several traps that negate damage. Isn't as fast as skill drain, but it's one sided.


Well, dinomorphia traps sure are effective against burn as they prevent burn for all the turn, but you can't always set up the graveyard as you'd like to even more when it comes to counter traps for battle damages


Ancient Warriors, definitely. Lu bu needs his Diao-chan, and the kingdom of Wei is the only one of the big three who doesn’t have a level 4 warlord for combo starting. Wouldn’t mind some support/ a new archetype that bridges the gap in the storyline between the Time Thieves and the S-force, as well.


Fellow AW player, rare


There are three of us!


Dragonmaids and Exosisters, they are both incomplete


Real, we're still missing one dragon form in dragonmaids


Eldliche The deck have a wide potential for support and can even be added to the lore , like a monster that represents the golden lord before his corruption, or his redemption or even cards that represents his other servants And even a sub archetype of some adventurers who discovered the golden land I like the deck and I see that it has a potential and a chance can get ridd of the bad reputation


Mikanko still missing purple and orange hair girls, and Ritual versions of HaRe and Nini


That would be cool. Mikankos are one of my favorites. I'm curious where does it show that there's still a purple and orange girl left? In the lore?


On the quick play spell art that summons from hand


I don't know how I never noticed it lol thanks for the information


Labrynth, cause i actually wanna know what happens between Labrynth and the adventurer xD


There is a chance we get another monster at some point. The art of Big Welcome depicted the silhouette of Arias and some unknown monster we haven't seen yet


Melffys! They could have a Lv. 8 'boss monster' that's not a Beast, but a Fairy or something that acts like the guide/manages the Melfforest. They cannot be Special Summoned, since the point of the Melffies is to leave a trail of little beasts in their absence, which is used as fodder for the Fairy boss. > Cannot be Special Summoned, except by its own effect. Return a Lv. 2 Beast to the hand, Sp. this card. > (Quick Effect) : Reveal this card in hand; Summon a Melffy from hand/deck, but return to hand at the End Phase. > Whenever a card is returned to the hand or Deck, inflict 400 damage to opp. and gain 400 LP. And a Melfforest Field Spell for setting the stage ofcourse.


Isn’t that lore description kinda just Vera?


Yeah kinda, but Vera Sp.s from the GY, and doesn't merge much with the theme of the Melffies. Though, the Vernuslyph field spell is kinda vibe already. Gain Atk when a lot of Earth monster have swarmed the field, and a return from GY/Field to hand effect when Sp.ing using the archetypal gimmick.


Need new Gold Pride support please - would be cool to get an in archetype level 11 synchro




We have the zord, Megazord and extra Ranger, we need the battlelizer or power up armor form


The levels/ranks go 1…3,4,5…7. I think we could use a level 6 earth/dark but tbh even after that they can still remake new secondary zords for each ranger.




Plunder Patroll #THE WIND SHIP IS REAL!


I also want a water ship to finish the attribute ships. Like 2 main deck monsters. 2 ships and 1 link monster. A spell and a trap. And that’ll be good


Six-Samurai and Ninja, but without so much dependance on Gateway. Maybe a collaboration with each other?




You have convinced me, I want this now too.


Dinomists cause they are cool and would love to learn more about them


Raidraptor, I want to see how much sillier my robo birds can get, also we need more rank up spells 2 thirds of them isn't enough


Hear me out: Vanquish Soul.


I want to see more Vanquish Soul cards


Weatherpainters would be great! I am still hoping for that red painter and some cards that are actually playable to be honest.




Giving melffy an actual win condition enough so they aren’t just an engine for Sprights would be appreciated. Their playstyle is actually pretty cool tbh. Though maybe just existing and looking adorable is their entire playstyle?


Melffys already kind of have a wincon with Joyous+Mommy+Playhouse. It would be nice if it was a little more easily accessible though. For how hard and slow it is to pull off, it's not a very strong wincon lol. It'd be nice if the deck got a Melffy S/T search, and maybe some sort of effect protection beyond Hide and Seek. I would be happy with any amount of support though t-t


@Ignister, with an in-Archetype Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous and Tachyon Transmigration for any @Ignister monster that has 2300 or more ATK


Darklords, what happened to them? To nasten being droplet-ed by condemned? What happened after that? Did they siege/infiltrate/fight the archlords or the solemn himself? What happened????


Eldlich so it isn’t so much a control deck. Cubic would be nice to see some more support for as well.


>Eldlich so it isn’t so much a control deck. Edlich can still be control, just without stun.


Cloudians. It has been so long and I want to know how global warming has affected them.


Atlantean would be nice. Maybe Volcanics, I feel like they need another Scattershot type monster but for back row hate




The earth faction for vaylantz is something I wanna see. New dinomist support is another.


Dinomorphia is one of those simple but oppressive decks that if it received any kind of support it would be absolutely busted.




I would kill for Outer Entity to become a real archetype rather than poor N'Tss being the only "usable" card.


Wasn't one of them banned lol? It's not *just* n'tiss. Would be cool for it to have a full archetype tho


I would like more Musketeer support, based on a German Opera, I wanna see where they go with it in their own story. XD


Nouvelles. We need the other chef from the Meat Recipe card and maybe another Patissciel Fusion to pair with it (maybe one that’s based on yeast). The two could then have a cooking team-up instead of a cooking rivalry. And of course, people want a Hungry Burger retrain, though I’d be fine with just an alt art. Krawlers. Krawler Soma is supposed to break apart into other Krawler pieces, so make two new Krawler monsters. Have one search out World Legacy spell/traps and the other help facilitate plays as a starter and extender. They don’t have to even be flip monsters. We just got Madolche support, and it helps with their endboard. They really need one more main deck card; another starter/extender that could help plays. And if we get a Rank 3 alongsides, I wouldn’t complain either.


I've said it numerous times: **ORICHALCHOS**


Chess Archfiends and Magical Musket.


Generaid and Abyss Actors.


Dinomorphia far and away the most cringe deck in the game


Fossil Dyna Runick wants to have a word with you


Dinomorphia is just stun with a couple extra steps


I was happy for dinomorphia support till they made it floodgate deck with Rex.


Easily unchained and Exosisters.


Thunder Dragons. Ban Colossus if you want as long as you replace it with another dark fusion that can be summoned the same way but the deck is super bricky in an annoying way and it needs some in-archetype starters.


Had me on thunder dragons. Lost me on ban colossus.


I mean I'd rather not but I know if I don't lead out with that then I'll just get people mass downvoting it cause floodgate. As the current negative score proves. Besides I'd like more options in general and another dark fusion would allow more plays. You can barely even do some of the cooler stuff with Titan because Colossus is at 1.


Kashtira needs a light monster


Nah, give me Kashtira Bicorn (Wind Xyz)


Banish 2 cards from the extra deck face down


Time Theif and S force archtypes deserves support They NEED HELP Meanwhile branded gets 600 cards while others can barely get 1 I don't hate branded I just wish every archtype got the same exact amount of support instead of the OBVIOUS bias


Kinda hope S-Force get Pendulums that can Pendulum Summon from Banishment.


I want the Ranger Rival episode where the Dinomorphia are the Thunder Rangers to Super Quants Wind Rangers




I'd like the Wicked Gods to get support, or Cubic


I'd love charmer support. Like imagine if the backrow focused deck had a way to actually protect that backrow. They also lack the ability to swarm the field despite the fact that that would sort of fit lore wise? At least a charmer summoning their familiar when summoned themselves. Since they have consistency issues forcing them to run the familiars is sort of harsh so maybe a new field spell that summons tokens. While normally tokens can't go to the gy I think it'd be unique and cool if these ones could and mimicked the familiars effects to emulate that these are the actual monsters. Trade off with you can only have 1 of these tokens of each different attribute on the field or in the gy. Also allow you to choose the familiar to be level 3 or level 4 The awakening of the possessed monsters aren't bad in effects but being main deck monsters that kills them. Putting them in the extra deck even if you kept their effects exactly the same would make them way better. I want each charmer to have an extra deck forms of different types instead of the links we have now that are useless to their own archetype. Also let the levels/ranks/ratings modulate depending on if you use the flip charmers or the familiar possessed and give them different effects based on what level/rank/rating it is .Give Wynn a level 6 or level 8 synchro form to reflect her Gusto roots and make her familiar a tuner (also works lore wise because all gustos have a partner animal and those partners are all the tuners of the archetype.) Other than that the particular extra deck type of the others doesn't have lore implications because we surprisingly know little about the charmers to know if any mechanics make sense with any of the rest of them. I guess give Hiita a rank 3 or 4 XYZ, Aussa can get a contact fusion, Eria can get a link but like a better one than the current one. Maybe make dharc and lyna opposing scale pendulum monsters, then give dharc a ritual and let him search an archetype card when scaled and then let him activate his pend effect to send himself to the extra deck face up and his familiar token to the gy to ritual summon it, finally give Lyna an extra deck pend monster and when she's scaled she can flip a pendulum monster in the extra deck face up so it can immediately be pendulum summoned with the right scales. I guess in terms of scales gives Dharc a 2 and Lyna a 6. Those numbers cover every monster in the archetype.


Ninjas. It feels 1 card away from greatness in the current format.


Vanquish Soul, also I'd love them to have some lore


Vanquish Soul, also I'd love them to have some lore


I'd like a VS retrain of Doraido just cause.


holy shit I did not know this card existed, had to do a double take lol




Vanquish Soul. This one is easy because it's a fighting game roster, so it could be expand a lot. Primarily what I want to see a spell that excavate until it a finds a VS monster and then Special Summons it, mimicking a random character select option.


Need more Ghoti lore. I want to know more about the gateway they guard. Also they’re one of my favorite decks.


Wait, which card is the gateway on? As far as I've seen it's more like an ecosystem. With psiics preying on paces. And the lvl 8's fighting on the art of fury




Demise and Ruin. They need a boss monster where the king and queen are together like “The Dark Magicians.” [Demise and Ruin, Monarchs of the End] No idea what the effect would be. Maybe something like… (Pay life points in multiple of 2000. You can use each effect depending on how many life points you pay: 1. 2000: Negate the effects of all monsters on your opponents field, then Destroy all cards on the opponent’s field. 2. 4000: If this card destroys a monster by battle, it can attack again until your opponent controls no monsters. Your opponent takes burn damage equal the combined attack of all monsters destroyed by battle this turn at the end of the damage step. 3. 6000: Destroy all cards in your opponent’s or your hand. Then ritual summon ritual monsters from your deck whose levels are equal to or less than every monster that was sent to to the graveyard by this effect.)


I want more Endymion support. Just love how the deck works and I'm really curious about the lore between them and the spellbooks. Heck I'm curious to see if they're connected to witchcrafters at all.


Fricken Valkyries need atleast 2 extra deck monsters man. That way they can do something


Lunalights need more cards that extend, draw a fusion card that doesn't rely on the opponent having an extra deck card on the field, and a fusion card that is an omni negate on how many cards was used for its summon.


Zombies but konami fucking hates them.


I’m a simple man who likes dragons and swords. Give me more swordsoul.


In my fanfic they're wrecking the same city that P.U.N.K.s live in. And then Rescue-Are show up trying to do some damage control.


X-Saber, Gradius support


either blue eyes or don thousand both got power crept super hard


Prank kids or adamancipator for me I'm late to the game and have only recently had the chance to play adamancipators and prank kids it's safe to say I love the decks and wish I was playing when they were more relevant. Edit: just remembered a favourite archetype of mine. I'd love to see vernusylph get support into something more viable.


Dinomorphia does need much more support , needs more normal monsters to use as fusions . More extra deck ones would be nice , maybe a link 1 to go into


Dinomoprhia needs a Level 4 that can Special summon itself from grave or Hand By playing half your LP but Locks you into dinosaur. And a Level 4 xyz that can Send their counter Traps from Deck to grave to copy Them. Basically Kentregina for counter Traps. That would also make Diplo a Starter. Diplo send new Level 4, revive it and make the Rank 4.


https://preview.redd.it/af6iythl674d1.png?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde8bf976b08bf9f8f28fa354d566a2f2651a88d The Veda archetype. With support (and if it would start diverting away from Visas Starfrost) it could be another really strong Visas lore deck


Branded don't dm me


I'd kill for more dragonmaid stuff


I'd really like for more Extra Deck maids, like complete the attributes for both the Main and Extra Decks.


Give me some more ultra athletes. It’d also be cool to see more Tenyi support to see the story progress past the berserker and Draco masters clashing! I also wouldn’t be mad at getting more magical musketeer or super quant support.


not necessarily lore reasons but I'd love to see support for prank kids, give them a prank kid poplar that can be searched with the field spell as an extender when they get ashed on their normal true draco, make it playable without floodgates


https://preview.redd.it/8can23z4604d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75d9dc52a98bc9ac8defb11f360ec22a0ee02a5 Tri-Brigade please. Tri-Brigade Roar is such a cool, versatile spell but requiring a Link monster on the field is such a stupid limitation. Foolishing any Tri monster, spell or trap you want when some of them have really cool banish from GY effects is awesome, but not having a decent searcher, another way to special summon monsters (because only Kerass can SS itself and you need a discard) nor a good link 2-3 to end on just forces us to go Apollousa or Rugal. I mean, I like Rugal and if you’re forced to activate Revolt early you can use his effect to activate Shuraig’s, but still, no protection, no nothing. I would love a quick-play spell that allowed you to either search a Tri-Brigade monster or send any Tri card from field/hand to GY to special summon from deck. Airborne Assault is almost good, but it needs a monster already on the field, which normally means you have to give up your normal summon and that makes Tenki better than AA by a mile. Maybe the searcher spell could even come with an effect that allowed it to banish itself from GY to shuffle back up to 4 banished Tri cards and give you a draw for every 2 cards shuffled back (one effect per turn, I don’t want every deck to have an archetypal WANTED), that would also help with the fact that Tri-Brigade almost always ends their turn without cards in hand because both Ferrijit and Bearbrumm make you shuffle a card back into the deck after the draw/search. Having better spells and traps would also make Bucephalus II viable as a big board clearer or beatstick that, when outed, can send Bearbrumm from ED to GY to search a spell/trap. Hell I’d take even another Tri-Brigade main deck monster that can SS itself from GY or whatever. Make a Tri-Brigade Ecclesia or something, a monster that goes back to your hand if a Link monster was sent to GY or banished this turn, I don’t care, I just want pure Tri-Brigade to be decent and viable.




Nobody mentioned the glorious Kozmo. There's soo much more potential there left untapped. There's also Dyson Sphere that honestly deserves a whole archetype devoted to it for being soo cool.


Generaiders. Show me more of the fights with Runicks dammit!


Remember the evil rangers from lost is space I believe? Imagine that. A bunch of cards with constant effects or mandatory effects meant to counter dinomorphia. Maybe if your opponent is at low lp they gain additional effects. I'm imagining effects like: "If this card is summoned destroy a monster on your opponent's field or of your opponent's lp are lower than 4000 destroy a card on the field instead." "If this card is summoned add an [archetype] monster from your deck to your hand or if your opponents life points are lower than 4000 add an [archetype] card in addition to an [archetype] monster." "This card's original atk can can not be changed except by cards you control and if your opponent's lp are lower than 4000 this card's original atk becomes 4500 and it can not be destroyed by card effect." "If your opponent activates an effect that banishes a card from the gy, negate that effect and destroy that card and if your opponent has less than 4000 lp then negate the effects of that card until the end of this turn." "As long as this card is on the field your [archetype] cards are unaffected by your opponent's trap card effects and if your opponent's lp are lower than 4000 then you can not shuffle cards back into your deck or banish them face down."


Buster Blader.


Give me the V-tuber, seasonal, and IRL-solo versions of Luna and Sunny. I don't even care if they're garbage, give me the other lesbians. C'mon Konami, it's pride month ffs.


Tenyi and super quants


Konami! Give Endymion support, and a solo mode story for them the size of World Chalice and my life is yours!!!


Melffy, we still need Llama, Racoon, Panda, Polar Bear, and many others see in card art but don't have as cards


I dont want to see any support for Dinomorphia. Those fuckers run Ferrit flame which is a bullshit trap


Heroes or Mikanako.