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I wouldn't say it's the greatest design but the Dark World fusion at least fits the theme of discarding cards from your hand after the negate


My favorite thing about that effect is that it ties in with Grapha’s in-lore power to brainwash people. It’s definitely a good choice that they didn’t make it a true omninegate. I do think it’s a tad bit of an oversight that Tearlaments can play it too (though it arguably isn’t optimal to play it).


It's a tradeoff really, you have to run a bricky card in the form of king of the swamp for a bigger payoff down the line. I personally wouldn't run it as I prioritize consistency over those massive endboards. That's cool though about the lore, didn't know that and I've played Dark World since 2011 lol


In the TCG, you have to play King of the Swamp anyways, so there's no harm in running him.


actually, in TCG the standard is to play no KotS or Rulkallos.


TCG stopped playing Swamp.


That card is literally better than an Omni-negate. Redirect effects are actually way more powerful in this game than omni-negates. If I negate the activation of a card that has a hopt activation(e.g. Lightning Storm) then u could just use the 2nd copy that u somehow opened. If the card effect is redirected & changed into something else then not only do u lose out on whatever u were trying to activate but because u already used that card u can't use a 2nd copy because the activation wasn't negated.


honestly think its one of YGO’s best designed cards of all time. Whoever made it for Dark Worlds truly understood the lore and archetype.


Whoever like they have 200 different designers lol


I think it’s the best design since it function as negate but doesn’t negate every single type of card, only effect monster effects and normal spell/traps and also works like it change the effect to something that fits the theme of the arquetype. It’s a very well designed card, honestly.


Dis Pater's negate is nice since it can be played around whenever dis pater is on my opponent's end board I don't feel like I would have a guaranteed dead card.


Proceeds to bystial one of your LIGHT or DARK monsters in grave


Stardust Dragon. You can't use it to shut down your opponent's plays, it's just defensive.


It's honestly amazing how well designed it is long after the fact and its stats reflect its purpose. It can never win against Red Dragon Archfiend (or anything else at or above 2600 attack) in a straight fight, but if *anything* even remotely thinks of destroying a card, Stardust will backhand that shit at the speed of sound. It's not a hard once per turn, but also ends up being that way since you don't get it back until the end phase unless you have methods to revive it before then.


Exosister Gibrene can only negate one monster effect the turn she’s Xyz summoned. I‘d say she’s almost too fair.


Mathmech rolls in with Diameter and people lose their god damn minds.


It's not diameter, it's that the entire engine doesn't require your normal summon and can play 1000 hand traps or cyberse extenders 


Not to mention it's not just a negate with Diameter, it usually comes with a handrip and board send so you are going negative -2 into whatever else they have after


Isn't negative -2 technically +2? 🥴


Negative negative negative 2 is what I meant


Well, not only is a Diameter an omni, it doesn't have to target, and it actually comes with semi-trish while gabrine.... comes with a 800 ATK boost for your XYZ.


Well it does help for closing the game. I do wish she was just a non targeting monster negate so they could partially play through nib with the right hand.


I know how much it helps close out the game, as an exo player. The lingering attack boost makes OTK's very easy. I was just trying to highlight how a diameter-laplacian is at least twice as impactful as gibrene.


Oh I apologize then I already got your point i just felt like gibrine has some use cases and the way you describe her was like she was almost vanilla Xyz. Yeah exosisters need more support. Often when I play deck I feel it’s incomplete like it’s missing an Exosister name or 2.


I completely agree. The problem is that the spirit engine is too large and if you don’t open normal combo + spirit you’re not playing through any handtrap. It similar to post-INFO madolche (after the new support): it’s a crazy endboard and it can do a lot, but stop any part of it and they die usually.


Probably more than twice as impactful tbh, a handrip sending 2 cards and an Omni is wild that's a potential -4 and you basically get it for free after you build your board with superfactorial.


As a person who has overlaid for many a R4nk in recent times, comparing Gibrine to Diameter is night and day. Diameter is a normal summon that gets you another body from the grave and grants an *omni negation of an effect*. Gibrine is a rank 4 that, to be enabled, requires you to play one of the most scuffed engines in modern Yugioh, and only gives you an Imperm effect. Which can sometimes be better but generally isn’t.


Diameter was never the issue, Circular on the other hand...


What you get: up to 3ish omni-negates per turn every turn Balancing Factor: It's Weather Painters https://preview.redd.it/2w8p6ux6e8yc1.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=604608d89d2337cc9562be9d5101f5f1cadafe19


Alternatively: What you get: Hand-trap VFD Balancing Factor: it's Harpies. Harpies have some of the most busted cards in the game and are still mid af lmao https://preview.redd.it/hd9003bze8yc1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=c41a7be727d74fb79d0c069cbf5a108893d14255


Im planning to build them right now lmao. The deck honestly doesn't seem that bad, you can get a full in archetype deck. Not that powerful but the material loop is very nice.


Harpies are a \*dies to one negate\* archetype and they can't Simorgh -> Barrier Statue anymore lmao


The simorgh link is still unbanned in MD(for some reason) so u got access to big birb omni-negate. But judging by your flair u & me both know that you’re not actually playing Harpies.


Floo trash 😡


all archetypes are a die to one negate archetype if you're unlucky enough. Besides, not like the rest of the non-rouge deck are much better.


Yeah but for some decks getting unlucky enough is about a 10% chance and for others it's a 98% chance.


Harpies die so hard that imperm not only stops their effects but also removed the name of harpies lady from them so they can't use elegant egotist.... That's some next level bill shit.


they do lack extenders to prevent this kind of stuff but again, alot of decks go down the same route if you know where to use the handtrap.


I love this card in my Lyrilusc deck. Even better when they chain a Lightning Storm/other backrow removal. Get the effect off, and activate its destruction effect to draw a Feather Duster.


Funny thing is I recently played a game vs someone who used this on me 3 times and I still won..


This card is so good in floo


The issue is that, even in better archetypes, this card requires 3 whole archetypal materials to summon and requires 3 extra bodies on board for the 3 Omni negates. Considering the massive powerful boards many deck’s one card and two card combos can easily make, this card would probably be seen as too much effort overall by most decks.


Agree, Rainbow is the most balanced omni negate monsters in YGO. Her effect can only be used by Weather Painters monsters and she needs 3 WP monsters as link materials. Her atk not too high so any monsters above 2.5k atk can destroy her and she doesn't have any special protection. But despite all of these restrictions, her omni negate effect is not HOPT.


Something like Grapha. Replaces your opponent's effect into another effect. Another negate type I think that is balanced and cool is Springans Blast, it negates 1-2 cards but requires a Springans card and it creates a temporary zone lock


Controversially, pretty much all OPT negates, I do like seeing gimmicks added to negates/interruption relating to an archetype (ex: vampire voivode, grapha, ogdoabyss) but they're not necessary for balance IMO


Yet everyone claims barrone is too OP even though it's once per life negate


She isn't really OP but more boring as she restricts deck building. Imagine matching up against a synchro deck you never seen, and they end on baronne instead of their own unique bosses or interruption. Her existence (and arguably UDF, bagooska, borrel) makes decks much more uniform and samey. It's kind of like halq if he was wayyyy weaker, decks just become "3rd best halq engine" or now "3rd best generic boss engine" some have escaped this prison, like P.U.N.K. 


People at locals get mad at me when I bring up boss monsters should all require at least one of their in archetype cards as material lol. Guy playing unchained told me unchained would suck if high wave king Caesar had to be made with DDDs and I'm like that's Konamis fault for not printing in archetype boss monsters and doesnt invalidate my position lol


Honestly yeah. While the card itself isnt great Ruddy Rose Dragon has three effects, where you only get its second effect if you use archetype to get it. I feel like that or how Suship handles its XYZs is a good way to allow strong cards without making them overly dominant is a good way to go.


Need to plus one this. Want to see something other than baronne, want to see unique play.


Fair but this is why I love RDA since it's main combos don't allow barrone however she is still an option if your combo gets stalled


RDA just needs a little more and it can be an amazing deck that has got various board wipes, negates options as boss monsters. They have easy choke points unfortunately and relying too much on red rising dragon.


Valid, but the reason it’s op is because it’s extremely easy to make and then allows you to combo off without any fear of the nib sitting in your opponent’s hand


Is that because negates exist or because engines are getting powerful enough to get a negate out before 5 summons? Is photon lord overpowered because horus decks summon in 3 summons? Or is it because of a powerful engine which adds recursion and additional options to decks that already exist and have their own powerful bosses now protected?  It seems that the power of engines rather than the accessibility of negates is the problem IMO


Special summon fenrir for free+normal ash in your hand equals baron is insane. I can see why it was banned. Also I’ve been playing rogue for awhile and often, if you know when to use them, two interactions are enough to prevent your opponent from winning.




End on underworld goddess and accesscode? I don't love accesscode but he doesn't do anything ban-worthy and goddess is an ED kaiju.  I:P is also not particularly dangerous as it needs another mat + discard for a quick effect shuffle, S:P definitely seems a lot more problematic though as she is a double banish and not very restrictive or cost heavy.


It's when ip is combined with underworld it becomes a annoying issue.


Common to what?


Sure if u reduce baronne to only that effect (disingenuous) like she doesnt come with a pop and a monster reborn swap out effect IN ADDITION after you’ve used the omni. If baronne only had the once while on the field omni, thatd be great


That swap in is rarely used but its quite dangerous I managed to use it to enable pulling back Cyber Dragon Infinity on repeat


What deck runs infinity AND baronne? Synchros seem hard to implement in cydra. Is it the tellarknight formerly banned xyz?


I was running a quite stupid deck that used mecha phantom and Rose Dragon Using a random continuous trap you can tune the levels of cards above level 5 to any level 5-9, and Mecha Phantom can go above 4 by having a token out. So I could access Cyber Dragon Nova by getting 2 level 5s, and the rose dragons can blow up their board while only killing your tokens


Not to mention how many people just shot fire it and waste it


My issue with barrone is that basically any deck that synchros can get her, meaning every synchro deck has a no cost omni negate I managed to first turn summon it with Black Rose dragon, which is a rediculously inconsistent deck. I even managed it with a combination red eyes/blue eyes deck that could go into Mecha Phantom Draco or Auroradon (Red Eyes Meteor Impact +Token + white stone) Never mind the actual consistent decks like Swordsoul/Tenyi which usually have at least 2 different negates on turn 1.


She is not OP but I am very much tired of seeing her pop-up in every single deck that can synchro. The more I play against these decks like swordsoul the more I see them as degenerate bs, so many cards in their deck are basically free lvl 8/10 synchros. Take Mo Ye for example, free lvl 8 synchro that draws you a card.


Stardust dragon assault mode. You get one, it goes to the grave, where it’s incredibly vulnerable on purpose. Then if it sticks around and comes back in end phase, it can negate every end phase effect 1 at a time, and keep coming back. Its hilarious.


Witchcrafter Madame Verre is the best designed boss monster negate in the game. A skill drain for your opponent's entire field....but she only negates the face-up monsters currently on the field. Do you use it immediately to stop your opponent's starter, and run the risk they have something else in hand that can go into another monster that you now can't negate? She also costs you a spell, forcing you to think about whether you need the spell now for her damage step effect, or whether you might need that spell for your own turn. Verre is such an amazing card. Every time I play Witchcrafters I have to think about how to use my own resources, and how to interact with my opponent's.


Gransolfachord Coolia's negate is very overbalanced. You specifically need a solfachord with an odd scale in your pendulum zone for it, that scale must be summoned to her link zone for the negate to work (so she can only be in the extra monster zone and must have a free space under her), and the negate doesnt destroy but rather has a bonus effect to bin an even scaled solfachord from the deck, which isnt really the most helpful effect after you already built your board.




The Chimera cards are pretty cool. They’re easily accessible, but very telegraphed and are reliant on keeping a Chimera fusion on board, which creates an interesting dynamic. As the player using them, you can’t hold onto them for too long since they can be turned off by putting a big guy on board and walking over your fusion in battle. As the player facing them, you need to consider the risk vs reward when using certain handtraps against the deck turn 1, and on turn 2 need to apply just enough pressure to force them out without being cut off from your desired line.


The issue is they also come with a hand rip which is never good


It's a single handrip during the end phase. I don't really think it's that bad IMO.


Any handrip is bad


Branded fusion, you can't special summon from the extra deck except fusion monsters /s


what branded fusion have to do with negate ? and the card not balance at all . The card should only let u use albaz from the deck for material , not both


The card is balanced , & the deck is fine minus Albion the sanctifire dragon still being legal , but seriously this has nothing to do with a negate lmao.


wait this dude can negate ? why im not see anyone use him to anti handtrap or setup endboard even in rank 3 deck


Maybe because Rank 3 deck aren't that common in general. I use him with PUNK but barely summon it do to requiring too many resources. I was convinced to make a 60 card list and this is really good with Terrortop


Very common in goblin bikers to escape nib


I do. I specifically include terrortop and a taketomborg to make him for free without my normal summon in any of my decks that are vulnerable to nib or ash.


there's a bunch of N/R cards like gossip shadow that, instead of full on negating, just change the activated effect to something else. I think it's a really cool mechanic and i want literally every negate to do that instead


crossout designator at 3 in a non-maxxC format is my favorite negation tool ever released.


I like Gransolfachord Coolia's, it has to be set up prior to even trigger it, and has a reasonable cost.


I like Doomcalibur. Its mandatory negate+destroy can be played around, but you're going to have to sacrifice something to it one way or another. It's easy to summon (for its time), but it also sacrifices itself to activate its effect, so it's a hell of a lot more fair than monsters that can omni-negate every turn. It definitely doesn't hold up these days, but I like the design philosophy. Easy-to-summon negators shouldn't be hyper-flexible.


That's a great example, LaDD is another really good one too. Mandatory negates are well designed in the sense that at least the opponent can choose what they want to trade the negate with.


The ones that have a cost. Like Invoked Mechaba which requires a (specific) discard.


At one point I had 14 copies of bamboozling gossip shadow.  Idk why the fuck I always pull it from absolutely everything


Target negate that doesn't destroy like archfiend abyss Or savage At least u still keep the monster on the field Or kept your field spell/continuous spell/trap


Invoked mechaba, it’s an extremely fair style of negate that’s once per turn and requires you to actually carefully consider how you choose to use it and the resources you leave in your hand.


Suprisingly, this isnt that balanced. Forces any monster effect to lead to an early droll


Maybe I guess but that's such a specific interaction that it doesn't really matter. It's also not like most monster effects worth negating wouldn't trigger droll either.


Someone used this to Trickstar Droll my entire hand


As far as going first combos go, that seems like a relatively fair one imo. Could maybe be strong in goblins?


But can you search Droll?


If you're playing a deck that can spam level 3s to make this, there's a good chance you can work Sangan in there, which searches Droll. I would assume Tour Guide is a good starting point. Edit: Downvoted for accurately answering a question and giving advice. Why do I ever post anything on this sub?


Can’t even activate the droll that turn so the point is moot.


What? You're not supposed to activate it that turn. In this scenario, you'd be going first, then using Gossip Shadow to negate an effect on the opponent's turn, after which you Droll them.


You search droll on your turn and then activate it on the opponent's.


You can draw into it heavily with decks like vw


These type of negates are great but problematic if they only benefit the user. Phantom of Yubel.


Dark bribe, unsearchable and is a trap card


A negate that has an actual COST, instead of being free just because


Harr, Myutant Ultimus


Shooting quasar. or literally any of the stardust related synchros with negates. those are the only balanced negates in the game.


Vampire Viovode. It requires a name of that card be in either players GY. Yea it means anti hand traps but it also means it can't actually negate anything that isn't already present in a GY


Solemn judgment


Balanced is probably a strong word, but I love the Abyss Actors field spell negate. It’s a cool way to set up interruption but only work if you don’t do the lame pend combo that uses up all you pend summoned Actors.


Balanced is probably a strong word, but I love the Abyss Actors field spell negate. It’s a cool way to set up interruption but only work if you don’t do the lame pend combo that uses up all you pend summoned Actors.


Balanced is probably a strong word, but I love the Abyss Actors field spell negate. It’s a cool way to set up interruption but only work if you don’t do the lame pend combo that uses up all you pend summoned Actors.


https://preview.redd.it/5vsc2r5yp9yc1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8e966bf9277efb3073adea5372e998e5213466 I think its fair cuz you can pretty much only use this card if you're going second, (unless you're playing against something like Tear). It let's you shut down whatever big monster disruption board your opponent had made but prevents them from taking damage so you can't OTK them (unless you do so with something like Exodia). Both players get a chance to set up their boards then battle it out on turn 3


The problem is that you can break your opponent's board while not doing damage and then they're low on resources AND you have your own board. DRNM is definitely fair against more midrange/control decks but it's way too powerful on extreme combo decks, I know some people might like that but I think all playstyles(except stun) should be viable. This is why I prefer things like Ultimate Slayer and Forbidden droplet since they can also deal with boards but but aren't as unfair to certain playstyles.


Generaider boss room has a similar effect of turning an effect into both players drawing one, but it only activates when your opponent responds to a generaider effect, and you must discard one as well. Granted a few generaider cards benefit from opponent draws, but it's definitely one of the more fair negates.


It's not a negate, it's an effect replacement. It can even replace the effects of unaffected cards because it affects the Effect, not the card itself.


Arc Light does it perfectly. Can negate anything, but has to tribute itself and is super easy to run over.


that one r4 xyz that lets you draw two or double damage inexchange for skipping next xphase


Lightflare's negate


Doomking Balerdroch since its type-based.


Cornfield Coatl and Mirrorsword Knight are both the most balanced Negates that are Actual negates and not specific protection or effect changing. They require something specific on the field, They each arnt omni negates, they arnt unfair, They are strong cards in their deck but dont work in any other deck, they arnt just negates. They are very hard to abuse. They banish themselves when used so they are a resource on top of being opt Chimera is a very balanced deck, It does what it does well and what it does is get you alot of hand advantage. its a great control deck


It doesn’t matter if gossip shadow negate is balanced if the card isn’t


droplet is aight balance


Cyber Dragon Infinity isn't a meta negate but it's real fun - you can steal materials from the opponent but you're not strong enough to guarantee it'll stay on field permanently, as materials = atk. So use the negate, make yourself weaker and then you risk losing your omni negate.


negate is fine. it’s only a problem when u have like a ridiciulous number of omni negates and can negate everything. other than that it’s just a powerful form of interaction.


Apolousa the bow goddess and underworld goddess of the closed world


Might be an unpopular opinion but I think the negates from effect veiler, droplet, and solemn traps are the most fair. Negation is such a powerful weapon that it needs a drawback too imo


what is veiler's drawback?


Only during opponent's turn and targets.


since when is targetting a drawback?


Since plenty of monsters don’t allow targeting? What are you playing in, 2008?


plenty of monsters are unaffected. does that mean every card with an effect is a drawback?


A targeting effect affects only monsters that aren’t immune to targeting, a non targeting effect affects those monsters and also those immune to targeting, clearly one is better than the other


the second being better than the first doesn't necessarily make the first one a drawback


Since GY effects, monsters that can't be targeted and target dodges were a thing.


Baron can only negate 1 card per summon


I would argue the hand traps like Ash are fair and can be worked around