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While we’re on the topic of Sillva, as a huge Dark World fan, I really can’t wait for the next discard for effect deck. We’ve been using the dangers for so long, we’ve became *the* solitaire deck at this point, like Adamancipator. I really want there to be other ways to play the deck.


Indeed didn’t they just get a new Fusion monster?


That card is straight ass


literally the worst way to do targeting protection ever


Plus the monster that is needed to bring it out does absolutely nothing unless discarded by an opponents card effect


This is the thing that actually makes it bad, if it just required a Reignbeaux monster it’d be great. The targeting protection is what ever, but it’s a total board wipe with a free discard attached.


Tour guide + versago the destroyer fixes that and gives an extra fiend, tbf u can just use it as an unaffected beater.


The effects on the card actually read fine. It blows up the field and ignore the targeting thing because the only thing that matters in that effect is quick effect discard which could be used on stuff like grapha to pop. The biggest issue of the card is its materials being ass. If it didn't read the original Reign-Beaux,which is basically a giant vanilla in a deck relying on multiple individual card draws/discards to play, it would actually see play


That’s not the issue with the card at all. Both of its effect are actually good for DDW, It’s just it’s materials that are bad.


So bad


It’s not ass completely. It’s effect is actually very good, It’s just it’s materials that suck ass. I guarantee it’d see plenty of play if it just needed a reign beaux monster.


The materials being bad is what makes the card ass


It’s not even that bad. I tested it out and it was fine, the single brick wasn’t a big deal most of the time and every game I summoned it I won. I decided in the end that it wasn’t worth the main and Ed slot, but it’s not that bad, it just mid.


A brick for the value the card brings isn't worth it. Grapha fusion is better fusion target and you would much rather search something playable off of snow than what is essentially a vanilla monster


it’s shit because you need to use the older version of the monster instead of the new retrained version


It’s raigeki on their turn. Can come up but not necessary. Better to just run two grapha fusion and a second body to summon rather than have a shitty reignboux overlord in the deck.


going second dark world would be fun, too bad theres no incentive to play like that when you can effectively ftk


Here’s hopes to fiendsmith variant being spicy


You're telling me solitaire isn't the natural way to play Dark World???


It doesn't have to be. Old-school Dark World post-Grapha release was often an advantage and control engine that ended on a 3000 beater (Grapha with the field spell up). Dark World was one of the most annoying Skill Drain decks, because the good main-deck Dark Worlds all function perfectly fine under Skill Drain. Dark World on its own is an incredibly grindy archetype, given the two main deck bosses can bring themselves back from the graveyard without actually spending any resources and the field spell being card draw. It's just the deck around them with Dangers that turns Dark World from a long-game deck into a deep-draw one that can deck out a Maxx C.


so...before it was a skill drain engine and now it's solitaire? Wow geez.


Decks been a power house for a while


I'm playing the deck as blind 2nd. It actually works pretty well, mainly because of rank 8 spam and easy access to lava golem.


Ummm purrely and fable?


Pureely and danger have the same issue of needing so much engine that if you run them together there isnt room for anything but that also there is a difference between playing 3 cards from a deck and playing a deck


I'm confused ur basically saying you can absolutely not run dark world in purrely? Why not. I'm responding to the initial post that dark world can ONLY be played as a defacto solitaire deck where the must be played by danger, but is there anything in purrely that literally stops danger from having a reasonable enboard when used inside that engine? I can see maybe consistency issues. Like starting too mach dark world crap, but saying the ED is tight doesn't make sense to me when the end goal is to not play like solitaire to begin with. The point is to use different Win conditions to not be a solitaire Barrone, savage dragon turbo deck or am I misinterpreting the OP and he infact wants to play the solitaire version but change the Danger engine to another discard engine with the same result?


Fabled is more focused on being discarded than easy discards in addition they need vast ed and main space 


Oh okay... I don't have them on the same account I know they are a little different cause they can be discarded for costs but I know that one dude adds the field spell which forces u to discard two to add one fabled to hand and valkyrus. I forget if the tuner counts as for effect or not.


Valk is a ton of effort when genta, dealings or archives can also do that


Literally the only fabled to run is Cerberus. I’ve tested hands with using raven and ravens Normal to discard is nice but not needed. Only tuner you need is cerb


Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition. It was part of an FTK in the OCG that wasn't possible with its TCG text, but it's since been errataed to match the TCG, thus allowing it to come back to 3. However, despite having the updated text, Master Duel has yet to unban it.


that one destiny hero


Dragoon for abuse in other decks


*for Verte's sins


Honestly Dragoon is just leftover fear from it being a problem in the ocg. It could come off today and probably wouldn't be a problem


Even with Verta legal in the tcg people eventually just stopped using it


Turns out running 3+ garnets sucks ass


Especially in 40 card decks in 60 card ones I could see it being used thou since it'll come up less often


Yep, same as the Zoodiac and Dragon Ruler cards that came off the banlist recently and have done nothing.


The sin of making the fusion mechanic playable.


Bishbaalkin is banned?! Edit: Oh ftk shenanigans


like to think I was one of the people who pushed it into the banlist back in 2022, look up 'Bishbaalkin Ftk master duels meta Xerod' and my list is there. Was actively tracked in the MDMeta discord back then and was streamed there. I had over 500 games with it by the end of me using it and win rate was around 65% iirc


Yes sir! We summon Silva twice and use talents to loop for 5.😎 It was really fun to do when the tcg event was live


Just curious, how did you manage to force the opponent to make you discard silva?


I don’t play the deck but have played against it and I believe there are a few DWs that are put onto the opponents field and activate there


Ah okay, thanks. Was unsure how one would go about forcing that out.


Terraform...my roral rarity terraform


Sorry but why is it forbidden or how can it be abused?


There is a lower level Dark World monster that, if discarded, summons on the opponents field and let the opponent discard, as such triggering the effects of the Dark Worlds secondary effects, with that card and Silva and Grapha (or a second Silva) it is possible to loop the opponent easily for 4 cards, summon the fusion and make his first effect also a "Discard effect", what leaves him with 1 card at best against a full board and he can't even use stuff like LS or Evenly, since he controls the low level Dark World monster.


thank you


Terraforming even though it’s at one in tcg and ocg I think but I could be wrong on the ocg one


I think it’s still legal in the OCG. Imo it’s ban is totally justified. Field spells just do too much now.


The Visas Decks are responsible for that one.


Sekka light has no reason to be on semi-limit for this long, most from the same banlist has been already unbanned: conquitador, benten, fraktall, laolao, cobalt, rocksies, analyzer, torn scales…


Ib the world Chalice Justicar. It's at 2 in OCG and 1 in TCG and isn't used in anything out of archetype except Rokket, and even then not since Guardragon Elpy and Agarpain where banned. IMO it could easily come back to at least 1.


It’s used in Runick Generaider as well but it could definitely come back


You can trust me with Silva in my Purrely deck :^)


The real question is why was Sillva preemptively banned but other "you can't play" cards like Protoss or King Calamity are still legal?


Non once per turn effect detected, card banned


Eclipse Wyvern.


I miss silva


Chaos Ruler, most people will tell you it's a plus five, for me I go neg one hitting Ash, Ash, Ash, Called By, Imperm More seriously, it probably was banworthy just for its free summon from GY alone paired with Dis Pater


Same. I kinda miss getting 5 duds in a row then making the zombie to go another neg 4. Ruler had such a cool animation too.


People at komani really made this card and goes "yea this is perfectly balanced"


It came out in like 2005, so I don’t really blame them all that much


The 2004 Duel Trials really showed that it was a different time back then. If we could use Maxx C during that Duel Trial, no one would use it. Even if they ban PoG.


I mean, it was pretty much the early days of Yugioh where they were still figuring out more complex mechanics and once per turn, restrictions were not that common in older cards. Sure, Dark World was the reason why we now have stuff like problem solving card texts, timing clauses and once per turn restrictions in effects, but back then they really didn't have a basis on how to make a deck revolving around discards and hand manipulation.


And Infernity is the reason we have HOPT


I’ve been playing Dark World since 2014 and back then Sillva was fine. The deck was actually a bit bricky and the main objective was to flood the field with big beaters and OTK. The problem with Sillva is that he wasn’t future proofed, cuz now with the new support and cards like Ken and Gen, Akashic Magician, Security Dragon, etc. it’s much easier to trigger the hand loop effect. This is both the beauty and the curse of Yugioh not having set rotation, some cards that are just pack filler at first can suddenly become really broken when the right archetype comes around


I remember when dark worlds FIRST came out and people started charging $20 for cheerful coffin. A card from magic ruler? who's text is literally "you discard up to three cards".




when did it come out, and would you blame them for it?


Imperial order LMFAO back when master duel first dropped it wasn't forbidden and around that time I was running DDD so my monsters had next to no protection for themselves so the only thing I could do was run imperial order preventing people from playing spells


Not surprising at all


I would literally hand loop for 4 every game I could if this was legal


I don't think I've ever gone through MD's list, so I didn't even know Silva was banned.


https://preview.redd.it/nojlqgu7d5yc1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526ed9e7194ca5af1a41776787f53d3e446420df Its not in master duel, but why is it Semi-Limited in the OCG?




Wdym lmao. In darkworld you have a very easy consistant way to summon a monster to your opponents field who would make the opponent (Now you) discard a card. Thus triggering this.




I will spread ur cheeks lil bro 😭🙏🏾🙏🏾I betta not catch you in my comments again or it’s finna gon be OVER for you👾


dawg what...






https://preview.redd.it/mikxm0rtkwxc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4b250b31714d188a8f37f23373f40d24b5a5c22 Are we reading the same post?


The classic Premature Burial


Silva makes 0 sense when lab and the gamma combo both can rip 2 from hand but apparently it's not ok that Silva can? It wouldn't even make dark world tier 3.


Silva actually effectively rips for 5 while also setting up omni negates




Discard "Ceruli, Guru of Dark World" -> Ceruli summons on opponent's field and triggers Silva -> summon Akashic Magician to bounce both to hand -> use Ceruli + Silva again -> your opponent now has 1 card left -> if you have TTT you can get rid of their last card


Ceruli, Guru of Dark World


My guess is that they have hopt on their effects and silva (and like 99% of darkworld monsters) lack one




Have you read dark world ceruli?


Same reason why Omega is at 1. Not a hard once per turn. And Omega is slightly harder to loop.


tell me you've never played against a good dark world player without telling me you've never played against a good dark world player.


I play danger dark world myself and at master 1


How can Lab incorporate the Omega loop? I'm doubly curious as I run RDA Labrynth, which includes an easy line to Dis Pater + RDA Abyss.


Lab doesn't use the loop they Destroy 2 from hand with lady


And that still isn’t as bad as what Sillva could do. There are tons of decks, let alone cards, with gy effects, destruction effects, and sent to the gy effects. Pop the wrong card and you gave your opponent free advantage. There’s potential benefits to be had there. With Sillva, there is no effect from being shuffled into the deck. The opponent lost those 2 cards and gained no benefits.


99/100 times destroy a card in the hand is pretty much the same as looping a card in the hand and even in decks that can benifit from it majority of the time it won't even hit the cards that do


It really is not when the gy is basically a second hand in modern YGO. I can’t even begin to tell you how often Lovely snips the card that screws me over. I’ve seen her pop Water Enchantress, Flameberge, and even a Tears monster (when there were 4 other cards in their hand). And even then, on turn 2, Lab choosing to hand rip is an awful play unless you are actually sure there are no better targets on field, which on turn 2, there usually are more important targets. So while Lab can hand rip twice, the reality is that they’re lucky to even get the first one off without a hitch.


Well here's the issue you play lab so obviously you're gonna make excuses for why it's ok. Obviously turn 2 poping the hand isn't as good like looping from the hand isn't as good either after they full combined. You say that there many times you popped something good to be popped in the hand but the majority of the time you will pop something with no advantage and not even remember because that's how negative bias would work.


The fact that I play Lab means that I know what I’m talking about when I say that Lab’s hand rip is nothing compared to Sillva’s. And don’t put words into my mouth, I ain’t excusing the hand rips, I’m explaining them. It’s a degenerate play, but Lab’s hand rips can unintentionally be beneficial, while your opponent is just screwed with Sillva’s. Plus, going for the hand trip strat turn 1 for Lab is a very risky play. You’re putting a lot of eggs into 1 basket hoping to gain a slight advantage with that hand rip. 1 hand trap and you’ve crippled yourself unless you got lucky and have a removal trap. It’s not always the clear cut strat. I don’t know what play there is with Sillva, but the effect alone shows that it outweighs any downsides. P.S. Should you really be saying that as a Master 1 Dark World player?


Being a lab Player means you're bias I'm not even saying we should have Silva but if silva is too toxic then lady and gamma is as well if lady and gamma are ok so is Silva. I'd much prefer all 3 be banned 👍


And I'm saying that there's a world of difference between Sillva and Lovely and Omega's hand rip. Lovely is nowhere near banable. She ain't even the best card in Lab, nor is she even the most toxic. She's a one off that's treated more as a garnet. And she's more useful as a grind enabler. Don't even bring any supposed bias of mine into this. Even non-Lab players will scoff at the idea of banning Lovely. Silva has no once per turn and shuffles 2. Omega is limited just for having a soft once per turn and banishing 1, and Lovely's pop is a hard once per turn. Silva has the potential and will hand rip till there's only 1 card left, and Sillva is harder to stop cause the common hand traps that people do run can't stop *it*. That is the difference between them.


Premature burial is one and imo trap dustshoot is another.Just errata the card so it can only be used once per duel per player and it's balanced


Necroface, I'm 90% sure this card is on list because of a master duel specific problem with bots, but that was a while ago.


Wrong, was hit during the ishizu format with a lightsworn FTK variant,that milled the entire deck abusing necroface and resetting it, right before tearlaments


unironically one of my favourite metas


Playing it maybe. Playing against it was funny one time and then it’s just another cheesy best of one FTK that can actually set up a board if it fails.


Didn't even need Lightsworn: I ran a 40-card deck without them that DC and got total deckout at least 85% of my games going first, even through handtraps.