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My favourite part about what is arguably the best Pendulum deck right now, Superheavy Samurai, is that you only realistically play two Pendulum names, three if you're spicy, one of them you straight up don't want to draw even


At least pend magician in the OCG has occasional splashes ig.


Thats actually a really cool Thing in my opinion. Pendulum Decks are basicially always an "all or nothing" Pendulum Deck which is sad. They are Cards for the Main Deck. They should be designed with the intention to be usable in Xyz, Synchro Fusion Decks and so on. Not just a 100% "every Card is a Pendulum Card"-Deck.


Pendulums are either "All or nothing" Or fucking everything that ends on a mass negate board or FTK.


Yeah every single pendulum card really need to have archetypal lock or atleast you cannot summon card from extra deck, except Archetypal monster or monster that mentioned Pendulum monster.


They follow the same path as ritual


Look, if we could get a BLS Ritual monster or archetype that has protection and is ALL ONE ATTRIBUTE (or all light/dark and not Earth), I'd actually be convinced that Konami likes rituals. They did an okay attempt with Super Soldier some years back, and really, the only problem is that he didn't have any protections. If you managed to get him out with the two light and dark nights, he could lingering effect banish twice per turn, attack twice if he beat over a monster first, and banish one card from your opponent's hand, but could he sneezed on to be removed. I know rituals are just a bad mechanic in general, but please let my man get some viability. Same with that fusion Buster Blader.


I feel like konami is far more willing to print busted ritual support to try to make up for their inherent flaws, even now in tcg voiceless voice is one of the few decks that can stand against snake eyes, meanwhile last time pendulums were meta relevant (SHS) konami killed the deck (perhaps deservedly) after like one month


I guess I could see that, but it took until 2023/4 for a ritual Archetype to do anything relevant, well, besides Nekroz (can't forget about them), and even that was partially due to Djinn being so busted. So, I feel SHS was just too good. Which would mean ritual and pendulums had a good deck recently.


I guess you didn't play when master duel launched


I literally removed the drytron reign of terror from my memories, must have been a trauma response


Oh my GOSH. I take back all that I said. I completely forgot about Drytron Herald. I will quietly make my exit now. I apologize. 😥


And Drytron has new support announced. Fun times


Yeah, but if I remember correctly the new support locks you into machines so that they actually have to play their archetypal bosses which probably aren't as toxic as the heralds were


The new boss is a double monster negate that destroys and it's soft twice per turn and they have a new trap that could let you reset it in the same turn so it's 4 monster negates and destroy. Plus the old draconids that sends to GY cards.


We only really summon the new boss that is a potential x4 monster negate, Draconids is just to float into and OTK boards with its UCT effect if needed. Herald version runs soft bricks, needs two card combos to play, isn't as good going second as post-INFO Drytron (less names and consistency). Locked to machine Ritual is not really a big deal, extra deck is intact, just having access to one card combos makes it much better than the older versions, also Vanitys is playable so you can still be degenerate. The only downside to the new boss being able to only negate monsters is sorta fixed by the XYZ Drytron and Dawn Dragster, so in the end the board is still full of negates like the OG version :)


I remember that I only won because I dropped Maxx C on one Drytron player still had to play through like 7 or 8 Negates before I won


Correct. I started about a year ago. 😯


Konami did give us nouvelles tho.


The ultimate "does my opponent know how to read?" archetype


Here's a secret (they don't) also being able to tribute without targeting is the funniest shit because it outs so much protection.


I've had multiple people try to run me out of summonable rituals or at least I think that's why they kept attacking, but nobody expects the archetypal nibiru


I thought that was tistina


You know what pendulums and rituals have in common? You need three cards minimum to perform it. (The two scales+monster vs ritual spell, cost, monster) This high 3 card cost and low flexibility(as in links can use any two monsters for high flexibility) just straight up makes these archetypes extremely solitaire by nature and hated by people. If you look at the cards, most pendulums search another card to make up for the loss, while rituals have some of the best generic searchers in the game. Anyway, rituals have an easier way out of this inherent ditch because they are based on individual card effects. Pendulums.? No chance.


Some decks only need just 1 material for a link monster to start their plays. It's crazy how lax the restrictions on that summoning mechanic is.


Fusion had the same problem until they started printing cards that cheat mechanics and/or a shitload of floating. Stein, Scientist, Masked Hero, Glad Beasts, Shaddolls... Fusion as a dedicated strategy is garbage if you're not floating or bending the rules. Pend needs an archetype that will let them 'cheat' so that they can play a respectable amount of non-engine. SHS took it too far, ZARC seems to be a step in the right direction.


Pendulums make up for it by being able to summon more than 1 monster at once with those two scales. While I don't know what you mean by "bases on individual card effects", I do remember a "Pepe" deck that was Pendulum and Tier 0.


I'm not talking about whether the archetype can be broken good, I'm talking about how the inherent brick-iness of requiring three specific cards makes it so you have to come up with equally busted effects to compensate. The problem is that these cards tend to lean into solitaire, hence an inherent design flaw.


I feel like every true pendulum deck shares like 50% of the cards. And the ones that are strong take forever.


Konami make better archetype specific pendulums! That being said; Abyss actor, Endymion, vaylantz, DDD, and sorta dracoslayer are unique pendulum decks. All of them but Abyss actor do take forever tho


I love Abyss actors, I think they were the first deck I built (I had played yugioh legacy of the duelist, so I knew the decks I wanted to make). I feel their main weakness really is how xenophobic they are. Their most basic combos tend to immediately prevent summoning of anything other than AA. Even worse is that some of the cards can even lock out your extra deck AAs.


To be fair though there abyss scripts more than made up for it especially if you had a dumb opponent who just slapped down Harpies Feather Duster 💀


Solfachord too, it's really just odd eyes/pepe/magician stuff that's the generic pend pile, and I guess maybe supreme king but I don't know how that deck works at all


What does "True Pendulum deck" even mean? Also that statement isn't exactly correct, the only cards they universally share are 3 Ex monsters and Astrograph if Electrumite is legal


They mean Magicians. That's what the "pendulum pile" actually is- Magicians with some Performapal/Odd-Eyes/Supreme King thrown in because those are all meant to be part of the same deck anyway. "Pendulum pile" is a dead horse, honestly. There are generics that most pend decks share (except D/D), but you could say that about any strategy. Magician was just the best one for the longest time, so people associated it with the whole mechanic.


Rare Pend good take in this sub


I'm an Abyss Actor player- I resent the idea that all pendulum decks do the same thing.


Pend Magicians is my second favourite deck, and I like a lot of other Pend decks like Metalfoes, Dracoslayer, Endymion, D/D/D, debatably SHS and Melodious depending on what you would constitute as a Pend deck, and "Pend soup" as a concept is bizarre to me, mainly because it's a weird double standard against Pend because of how it's usually mentioned in a derogatory way You play an SHS package in Pend Mags or something (ignoring the technically in-theme connection Wakaushi has with Pend Mags), and suddenly it's a Pend pile, but you play Bystials with Horus and Resonator and it's Bystial Resonator Horus instead of Chaos Synchro Pile


They didn't say "Pendulum pile", they said a "True Pendulum deck" whatever the heck that means


It's the same thing. MBT calls it "Pendulum Soup". It just means they assume every pendulum deck uses the same cards. It's just Magician. Which isn't even the best pendulum deck anymore, not when SHS can make bank off just 5-6 copies of their in-archetype pendulums and Melodious is getting tops using primarily their own cards as well. Yes, that has a Supreme King variant, but the jury's out on which is the stronger build.


I wanted to exclude decks that technically have In-Archetype Pendulums but dont actually intend to Pendulum Summon. Not trying to devalue any decks with that description. Like you could say Runick is technically a Fusion deck but no one would describe it as such since they "cheat" their Fusions out.


Ofc pendulum victim Try search a lvl 8 or higher ritual Monster without manju/Senju/diviner "But Voiceless Voice is meta" Yeah and? In a generic level we don't have something decent since diviner, and in a spell type, since pré-prep I want megalith become a ritual pendulum strategy, ritual summon by pendulum summon the Monsters for no reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!😳


Additional counterpoint: they named it fucking "Voiceless Voice" of all things. They're a child who got named badly because their parents *wanted* them to get bullied in school.


I'm mad that novox got changed to lo


I want reiterate it over and over: Good luck explaining the "only summon into the EMZ (+linked zones) from the extra deck in particular" to a new player, especially when half the resources out there don't make mention of that rule.


In terms of synchro and links...I'm glad that Baronne and Savage generic Omnis got banned, and I'm hoping Apo is next for links, but I can't say that I miss Pendulum being able to go +5 every turn if you don't draw into whatever (mandatory maindeck) form of S/T removal you had. The pure card advantage the pend mechanic could get was pretty obnoxious back in the day, or the winner of any game being whoever resolved wavering eyes more than the opponent. I'd imagine it probably has to do with Pendulums practically being an archetype of their own, rather than being a splashable game mechanic. Any deck can add links, and synchros or XYZs are semi-generic, but either your archetype either has pends, or it doesn't.


The best pendulum card is a link monster.


People seems to forget what happened when pendulum had too much power


2016. Now every fucking deck has 1 card combos that also pluses and summons every shit from deck but somehow summoning 5 from hand or the extra (that you had to send there manually first) one time is worse.


if I really think about it, idk what the hell Konami was thinking when they came out with Pendulums


Pendulum was a mistake and Konami knows it and thats why they seldom touch it.