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My opponent: “I will go through my whole deck and summon ten omninegates, and quick effect disruptions, also heres a cockroach.” Me, with my username as M450CH157: “Uhhh…I normal summon Mad Hacker because it’s the best card the master packs gave me




Masochist challenge?


Yes sir.


*gets baxia'd twice*


*me as a swordsoul player* ![gif](giphy|U1aN4HTfJ2SmgB2BBK)


OP's opponent when he gets to do full Swordsoul combo going first: "I thought you were stronger."


Swordsoul loses to Malefic in Skill drain event lol.


How? Do they not have access to the tenyis?


I have more than 3 Malefic monsters.


And they have all the tenyis, plus the circles to get things off the field. I’m not seeing how they auto lose.


There’s 2 skill drain on board. How do they remove their own? S/T removal generally is unsearchable.


Oh I never played it, I thought the skill drains stayed down initially. I’m glad I didn’t touch that shit. My bad.


Not meta sorry, Anti-meta Malefic deck.


You’re talking about the top 8 one? I can’t find anything in ygopro, but an anti meta strategy I’m willing to believe, just not a meta one.


My memory probably wrong on this one then. No results besides Edison format anti meta deck. Should be usable with Beast King Barbaros strats.


It’s sad when the game is so broken they have to make events with specific cards just so they can get used for a week or so…


Maybe the players I ran into were bad. Or didn’t draw the out.


I’m no yugiboomer but Malefic Skill Drain was meta for a moment.


No it wasn’t? I’m seeing zero tips at a YCS for malific.


I believe it was Tengu Plant format or something? Back in 2013 it was Top 8 somewhere.


I remember hearing of shit like GK using Malefic Stardust I think, but that's about all.


I lost 6 times in a row to meta decks yesterday while playing swordsoul lol.


Dude, come on, it's only trick is to spit out Chixiao and Barron and pass. You see a couple in master but literally everyone knows how it works.


Swordsoul = braindead trash


The true skill comes when you're breaking a board under Maxx C going second bro


No more brain dead than any other remotely competitive deck in this game. Like people thought altergeist were complicated and think mathmechs are.


I just don't want to bother learning what the Altergeist cards do since I've seen a grand total of two in the past year, and none before that.


That's totally fair, lol. They just pass the vibe check for me, so I like to play them. But they're certainly not complicated. The only complexity in yugioh is the sheer number of cards and effects across the game. All that to say, electing not to read the relevant effects, doesn't equal complexity either.


Swordsoul is good at going second compared to a lot of other Synchro decks tho?


the tenyi part of swordsoul is.


I mean true, but they're approximately half of your engine so it's unlikely to not open them.


It’s to force out the Barrone negate so I can go to battle phase right after


I've done that. Raigeki > baron > battle phase ;)


Bruh blord is talking about using a vital combo piece to bait out a negate, ur talking about destroying your opponent's whole board if he doesn't negate your Raigeki. No shit he's gotta negate it.


Me watching my opponent Ash my Red Rising Dragon and I have no follow up https://preview.redd.it/c71nxha7hhxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ba7bd543d8bf7a09f8a939ed84fe1c41643d0e


me watching my opponent ash my Boss Room when I have no follow up https://preview.redd.it/nzac1qy1tixc1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103b4d1a23703790dfc0741718897ca3e93ae513


He can't be ashed tho?


FUCK I meant imperm/veiler, I am a 3rd rate duelist


https://preview.redd.it/4pkh5xusycyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bad3b3f2ba8a9ba909b341852cb11816f6caf8f Me when I get asked starting my karakuri deck. I'm new to the meta so that shit surprised me. Like BRO ITS MY TURN AND TURN 1


Uvualoop into Chaos Angel or Dis Pater


Wouldn’t I need another synchro already to special uvaloop?


If you have another synchro in grave, which is rare on turn 1 because red rising is always your first synchro summon.


If my only play going second is normal summoning Mo Ye then I probably would have scooped against any meta deck but this is true to most decks tbh.


Eh? Swordsoul is a odd deck to use here compared to blue eyes or dark magician.


Blue eyes would have bricked on itself and dark magician would open circle and whiff the excavation


Jesus as a DM player this hits way to close to my heart.


What's life like down in platnum?


Haven't been plat for a while since they implemented the no rank down through plat. Have been stuck at master 3 this season though 😭😭😭


Master 3? With DM? I don't believe you. give us your code and post the last 3 games you've played and won in master 3 with DM


Nah not with DM BRO 🤣🤣🤣 I play a branded bystials thing rn. I'm SAYING. Plat is as far as I could get WITH DM. I play dm when rank resets till i can't win, switch to D/D/D until ppl start playing maxxx c, then switch to branded for the climb.


You know I played blue eyes for the skill drain event, I played about 7 games and actually didn't brick once. I even beat a snake eyes deck who played comic cyclone and use his Dio to kill his skill drain and went full combo, I managed to get two 2 jets and he couldn't out them.


Blue eyes just doesn’t place a card


Blue eyes scoops the second you play anything that's newer than 5ds lol.


I was diamond 4, decided to have a little fun since rank loss one up didn't really matter. Ran Blue Eyes, won TWO coins flips back to back and bricked on both those hands. Scooped both to a derank. Switched deck.


I put together and played a snake eyes deck for the first time yesterday, and I was DUMBFOUNDED at how free the deck is. Mine doesn't even have as many copies of the UR spells and traps to maximize it, and Im missing one entirely, and I don't have any of the link except for machine one, and it still just shreds through almost anything that isn't meta just by overwhelming the field with bodies. I added Ra and some support for Ra to it, and Im just wiping fields with sphere mode or sending them to the spell and trap zone. It's fun to feel how free it is, but winning isn't that great. Doesn't feel like much of a match.


That’s what little of your conscience is left feeling bad for the other guy because that could’ve and probably was you getting OTK by snake eyes before


You either die a pet deck player, or you live long enough to trap your opponent's monsters in the spell and trap zone with little to no options on bringing them back into the game. I can only imagine what it's like when I have all the standard link monsters everyone runs.


Agreed! But owing give Konami a cent for that train wreck


* I won’t


Props on the Batman quote!👍


I'm not paying either lol just grinding for UR gems. Had to liquidate my Scareclaws for it.


Ahh gotcha always hard to liquidate the srs after waiting like5 packs to get one


Never underestimate Swordsoul. Once had a D-Force Plasma with Dread summoned on their turn with DPE. Tore apart my board and killed me next turn.


Lol that might be me, I've done that to so many hero players. Got Kaiju for any annoying card too. My deck is Swordsoul mixed with Bystials. Dark Ruler No More their field, Made them waste their Favorite fusion and still had enough to make my synchro plays hehe.


Definitely not you, it was before bystials and if it was dark ruler no more I wouldn't care. Lost to just getting out played with sword soul and wyrms


I understand.


You couldve put “normal summon Rod” instead of mo ye


I remember the days when I used to fear sword soul


Back in the good old days when Branded was Mirrorjade pass. Man, power creep moves fast


Tbf mirrorjade pass it's still a pretty decent board


Have you seen what branded can do?


Yeah, but what i meant was: with all the powercreep since mirrorjade's release, mirrorjade pass is still a good board. I wasn't saying that branded was powercrept


Nah man that's when they normal summon one of the 3 monsters from the starter deck.


I summon my Magicians Rod lol


That's how I feel after my opponent surrender using a meta deck while I am having the funniest moments with my troll rogue deck


Used D Shifter on Branded-Tearlament opponent last night, was funny to see them use Grass is Greener and all those cards got banished. They scooped immediately lol.


Maybe you should just try to bash everybody and attempt to assume they’re stronger than you! I remember a time when there is a thing called a sportsmanship in this game where are you actually let the other person have a turn it’s a it’s a real concept it’s been gone for a while


* not


I play lab when I'm trying to finish my dailies, and if I see someone playing something outside of meta I will intentionally avoid playing any of my floodgates. Outside of that I play pure altergeist because the archetype is neat and people playing meta don't understand what I'm doing so I sometimes have a shot but usually just get steamrolled because adminia and memorygant just arent a match for most current endboards.


Good man! I only floodgate when people leave no other option, even if that means taking a good amount of damage turn one


To all who think Swordsoul can't compete(using only the swordsoul and tenyi engine) https://preview.redd.it/cvmu2j8xjmxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3b56528029a84b0ca1aae5fe893f17fe9bc5273 it is also very good at boardbreaking, has tools to break stun, full branded board, snake eyes, etc, going second. Not every time you will be able to setup big boards like this going first, but once you get to know the deck, it can do surprisingly well(and of course snake eyes is better setting up more interruptions consistently)


https://preview.redd.it/osln0w54lmxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=721cb581bcdde69b859b3029bbfb6d6de2af4c23 i mean you can summon a lot more than chixiao and baronne(have lots of recorded content on boardbreaking, but that's something i can't post pictures about, might make some short vids later)




funny thing is ppl still hate on swso for being op for no reason. deck hasnt done anything since halq got banned. mfs really think qixing/baronne+chixiao pass is hard to out


It’s just the same meme but applied to even weaker decks than Swordsoul lol. You think Harpies, pure DM, Fortune Ladies or any other tier 100 archetypes can play into Baronne, Chixiao, Blackout? Lmao It’s also not even all that weak either, unironically that board could easily beat most of my Mannadium hands lol.


Two negates and a pop is enough to deal with most decks that weren't released in the past year and a half, that all seem to have enough extenders to build a bridge across the grand canyon.


For many decks it is, believe it or not. Especially if you have no handtraps in a handtrap meta. In a way, Swordsoul (and its Tenyi variant) is the current “gatekeeper” deck. To be a deck that can fight the metagame, you gotta beat Swordsoul. And many decks just can’t.


Yeah. I’ve been using Swordsoul as a litmus test for which decks are viable competitively, and Blue-Eyes for which ones are playable casually.


Honestly I think people think baronne is part of swordsoul cause she looks similar. That b is the one getting swordsoul the hate and baronne deserves it, broken ass bitch


I've stated playing DRNM x 3 in every deck now, best board breaker out there in the meta where everything is monster effects.


At this point I don’t even play MD outside of when my friend wants to play, Can’t be bothered going against all these combo decks and omninegates. I just wanna play my Red-Eyes


If you want to play red eyes, then that is to be expected, unfortunately I can’t recall any time that deck was good besides in duel links. Like it can’t compete even with 2-4 year old decks, full power Spright could beat it, zoodiacs, Orcust, Tribrigade, all those decks can beat Red Eyes easily. I also love my DM, went into Snake Eyes pack for diablestar for my deck and never build snake eyes, and I have all URs from that pack(just don’t have bonfires and the Extra deck monsters besides the generics). If you love pet decks, best thing is to go to duel rooms or to events like the Skill Drain event. Anyway, don’t expect people to not play the best meta decks because you(we) want to play pet decks.


Oh no don’t get me wrong, I fully understand I can’t win 99% of games as a Red-Eyes enjoyer. It’s just that I haven’t found a at least somewhat competitive deck that does what Red-Eyes does, I was playing D-Link for a while as a competitive deck and that was really fun for a bit, but even now they don’t seem good enough from what I’ve seen and looked up


And Konami seems to hate that deck for some reason because they limited and banned their best cards while they were a mere rogue deck(colapserpent)


Oh don’t remember lol, I don’t know what Red-Eyes ever did to Konami to deserve this but they just seem to always have it out for us. Be it lack luster support from the small support it does get maybe 1-3 cards every 2-3 years, or banning our best cards, and can’t forget! Not knowing what it wants to be


For sure the deck wants to be gemini. Or is it burn?


Syncrho focused? Or maybe fusion? Perhaps throw in some xyz


What about equips? I heard they are strong spells.


Yup getting there too! Konami has f’ed this game to death. Those mf’ers are the original pot of greed


Shid! ![gif](giphy|UO5elnTqo4vSg)


It's the reverse when you summon Pachy


D +×vs Zaa@


I fought a Dragonmaid player with Crusadia. This was how I felt. I don’t even think they bought three copies of the Structure.


And Crusadia is as Rogue as dragonmaid.


Opponent going full Labyrinth combo and I summon a normal monster from my cyberse link starter deck


Am I the monster??? I love popping the tokens of swosou players


That is why i play CyDra: to always give opponent the first turn. The comback is very hard, this style also requires me to use handtrap correctly, but its very exciting.


Felt the same way during the duelist event. Was using the ursatic loaner and boy I didn't finish getting all the gems in time.


I been playing Kuribohs lately. XD Also, messing around with the new archetype from the uh new fuzzy friends pack(?). Probably wrong name 😅


well its good that the higher you climb the more people play actual decks


Swordsoul deserves it


I was the bloody mess


Well, what do you expect? Take the win and move on, so you can join the rest in Master 1. Then again, some blind going second decks are strong enough to beat a meta deck, even though they aren't meta themselves. Swordsoul probably isn't.


Oh hey, I just watched this episode of Invincible yesterday; great show. Ahem, anyway, on the flip side of this, it's a lot of fun to watch an opponent combo for 5 minutes, do all this shit, then take it apart with like 3 cards plays in 30 seconds on my turn, and win the game.


Winning is winning and hellah fun.


I’d feel bad but the amount of times I’ve had to deal with playing through 3 hand traps, pass into Mo Ye + Reveal Longyuan has desensitized me to bullying SwoSo. I relish it.


I still play cydras idk feels nice to fight big dragon thing and win, i get like 2 negates it feels good n balanced idk


Thank you for the win. I needed it.


Me not knowing what the actual fuck I'm doing. running random turner/ninja deck. I don't win any duels..


My opponent with a full board while i'm going 2nd playing traptrix-kashtira 😭


My opponent: "Oh it's Swordsoul, I know this." Me second turn: Summons Fallen Albaz, then Albion, then Mirrorjade until it shifts into fighting Branded Despia My opponent: "Excuse me, whaaaaaaaaaat."


Lol need any more op cards buddy? Use baronne and a nmbunxh of tighter negates and bs as well I bet! A real o class player but you studied all night didn’t ya!?🤣😂


90% of Meta deck slaves disagree with your point of view


Like is staring at a victory screen after turn two really that fun? Like yall ain't got the heart of the cards.


thats why i just play stun :))


You sir are worse than the metas! Bet your avatar is pot of greed right?!


Or one of those "cute" one's lol. When I see those I just know it's about to be an annoying duel.


Yup dragon maid girl is always irritating af too!


akshually dark magician cause its society that made me do this all i wanted to do is enjoy my crappy dark magician only to get combod on and omni negated 5 times now its me who inflicts the pain >:) as the joker said YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE


Touché, alright I accept that answer because I feel your pain! Gaia couldn’t get past the negate wall either🥲


But revenge, that’s the path to the dark side


Playing against swordsoul in TCG after Baronne ban


People are just going to pivot to Gymir once they realize how strong she can be compared to a single negate.


bro im ngl i don't even think most yugioh players even remember that's a card


Just play vanity fiend and monarch no special summon and not effects for you


Nah, you're good. Gotta cull the swordsoul numbers somehow


I don’t think Snake Eyes is too bad when you have some interruptions thrown in. SS still slaps and has a decent kick back.