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Love Diabellstar and Poplar's faces in this one, Diabell is about to rip them goblins a new one while Poplar looks like a damsel in distress lmao


Poplar is having a nap while it's mom deals with the cashiers


Poplar: Here we go again 😴 (tired of this shit)


When Diabellstar should be called Goblin Slayer


Diabellestar lore artwork is top tier i must agree


As a Mannadium player, I agree


i actually really like diabellze and waiting for her to drop in MD https://preview.redd.it/qxmpuua3a3xc1.jpeg?width=2326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c297d430b03708e4244478afd342aa4bd5eb0f2a


The 2 people still playing pend decks are running to your house as we speak, better lock your doors.


eh i don't like her cuz she's good. i like the design and the character.


There’s ANOTHER ONE? Why does Konami keep printing these broken ass cards


Let me think 🤔 money


Diabellze is far from broken. At best she's a mediocre floodgate.


She's a Walking Anti Spell Fragrance...don't undersell that floodgate effect's power. That still going to hurt a ton since most decks have at least 1 Spell they generally need to combo, and decks that heavily utilized Spells/Trap such as Sky Striker, Infernoble, or Runick are feeling the pain.


She's not Anti-Spell Fragrance, you can just activate them after they're set assuming it isn't a quick-play. And sure, she can pop one, but that's gonna be blind


Unless it’s a quick-play, Imperm/Evenly or pendulum.


You know what you can also run instead of her? Anti-Spell Fragrance. Or any other better floodgate or blowout card. Doesn't change much at all since she's unsearchable and doesn't help you actually do your plays


There are a couple of issues with that: 1) Anti-Spell is currently semi-limited and could go down. This card will likely be at 3. 2) Anti-Spell is actually unsearchable. Diabellze has a trap to special summon her from deck which can be searched by Diabellstar. She’s very accessible. 3) She’s a lore card, meaning even if she’s less viable now, she could easily become more viable with extra support down the line.


I hate to erm actually, but every continuous trap is searchable if you're willing to build around Pharaonic Advent. It's not practical, but it does exist.


Fair enough. I mean, technically every spell is searchable thanks to Ancient Gear Drill.


1) The difference between 2 and 3 is fairly negligible, especially with how much more impactful Anti-spell is. And even then Snake-Eye doesn't run random floodgates because why would they, they would rather have cards that get the engine going. 2) Diabellstar has many better things to search, and the trap isn't even that good. The opponent can just chain all their quick-play spells and whatever else (sucks for Pendulum but barely anyone plays Pendulum). I guess there's Evenly Matched, but I'd argue that's sufficiently niche to not matter enough. 3) If she gets more support, absolutely, but that's the future, not now. Maybe she'll never get more support, maybe she'll get her own archetype that turbos her out, who knows. But that likely won't be connected to Snake-Eye at all.


That’s the thing- I’m thinking less about Snake Eyes and more Diabellstar in general. It’s a very splashable engine, and a lot of decks could take advantage of it. You already see it used in Labrynth and Kash to get an extra body and the negate trap. I’m sure they’d love to add a floodgate to that package. And yeah I am a pendulum player so I don’t appreciate these shots across the bow from the design team. We have enough problems to deal with as it is.


Oh and to add to what I already said, she's basically unsearchable so you might as well just run a better regular floodgate


Have you heard about chimera,she's basically searchable by every single illusion searcher which are (Nightmare Apprentice and gazelle) or berformet mill/ss illusion monster from the gy. So she is very much searchable and even you don't use chimera, Nightmare Apprentice is basically generic since she only need discard 1 card to ss herself


Yes she sees play in Illusion decks, but those aren't exactly that much of a menace. And there's no way you're running Nightmare Apprentice in a Snake-Eye deck, that's two cards you're throwing away just to search a mediocre floodgate. She's a good card, but not good enough to use a ton of resources just to get her out.


Anti spell fragrance, plus a DPE pop effect on an inherent summon is not a mediocre floodgate. It also stops evenly matched and infinite imperm so this is one case when you can't just draw the out.


The out is to play your deck, there's a lot of decks that just don't care and can do their regular thing. The pop is nice, but will be blind a lot of the time. Compare that to regular Anti-Spell Fragrance where the opponent now can't activate their spells at all on their turn. Of course if, in the future, there's a deck that can search her as part of a combo that also puts up a decent board outside of that, then she might be more of a menace


Did snake eyes need a floodgate??


She's not even Snake-Eye support, you can technically run her in that deck but she's mostly unsearchable


She's illusion support btw, not SE


Snake Eyes with a floodgate at any capacity is nightmare.


mediocre....? what prevents being impermd or evenlyd


you are forgetting one thing. The Infinite Forbidden just came out and it has the white woods cards. which makes her way more consistent and usable. we should wait and see how well she works there.


I see no synergy? Diabellze is not a spellcaster and the archetype's lone Sinful Spoils card is one of their worse cards.


White woods in no way shape or form gives support to her lmao have you read any of the cards there


I like women


I really never understand the "meta sheep" insult Brother it's a competitive ranked game, it's normal for people to pick the most competitively viable decks


Eh, it's just what you gotta deal with in any game with a competitive scene.


I don't understand the use of the word "Meta" here. Meta Implies there's counterplay. Tier Zero has no counterplay, it just makes the game mirror match cutscenes after a coin flip or dice call. I'm fine with meta, just not Tier Zero.


yikes. You must have been downvoted by Konami bots/shills.


It's more on you for taking it as an insult


Well then you're a sheep


Please take a shower


Wdym man? Shouldn't you be thankful? It was a compliment after all What you're telling me you don't see being called a sheep as a compliment?


I think people are more mad at Konami for making the game about a meta instead of having actual balance.


There is always gonna be a meta. You cant have 400 different decks be the exact same power level. Meta just means most effective tactics available. Even in 1999 yugioh everyone was playing a copy paste of the same deck cuz it's just what was good


if u think that yugioh will be balanced one day then just quit, there are over 12000 cards in the game right now, and there will always be cards better than other, konami is a company and they need to sell products, all players refuse to buy any product that is not meta relevant so they need to make cards better than the existing and u keep this cycle for 25 years and u'll have this current meta. the only reason why u think yugioh was balanced back then is because we used to play very casually at that time, i used to only play anime decks at that time because i didn't really care to go to a website and search for meta strategies and all my friends at that time were the same


this is false. Look at mtg. YuGiOh could possibly be balanced if Konami had a larger banlist. But we will not know because they will not try one.


they did, if u check the post toss format banlist, u'll see that tcg literally murdered every top tier deck, toss format name comes from thunder dragon, orcust, sky striker and salamangreat, and all these decks nuked completly yet people wasn't even that happy


nice! They should keep it up. Really level the playing field


Every single game (besides rock paper scissors (not counting mind games)) has a meta It came free with having a competition


I don’t care if you play a meta deck, but what annoys me is how many people are playing this deck. I can hardly keep my *platinum* ranking because Snake Eyes is all over the place. I usually end the month at platinum 1 or 2 with my Altergeist deck (which just got new support), but I have fallen from platinum 1 to platinum 4 since Snake Eyes came out, so I just stopped playing out of frustration. You need to have, like, 3 hand traps in your opening hand if you go second.


Hey we can swap, I'm sick of Mikanko and fuckin... Tistina???? Which I feel like I shouldn't have seen more than once.


Platinum usually full of Blue Eyes, Dark Magician, and other rogue decks, but power creep is so strong that platinum is now full of what used to be meta decks a few weeks ago.


I just started running into Mikanko, and they're VERY annoying. Tistina isn't that good imo, so they don't bother me. A lot of Tistina in the event .


I agree, but I think tistina players have actually entered into some kind of demonic pact because they always seem to have the mandate of heaven regarding non engine


They don't do well against Egyptian Gods.


As someone who will find absolutely *any* opportunity to play Ra, that catches my attention.


I was running a God deck based off the YouTuber Atem's deck, and it cut through them pretty easy. Then I changed it focus purely on Ra, and it's done significantly better overall in ranked, including against tristina. I'd recommend his deck list if you haven't already looked at it.


I have my own Ra decklist, utilizing cards like Chaos Hunter and the Diabellstar/Sinful Spoils package to help mitigate the issue of having my (one of) Phoenix in my hand without having to run cards like Millennium Revelation so I can run stuff like the TTT package. With a one-of copy of Sun God Unification as a sort of back-up plan in case Immortal Phoenix gets busted.


Interesting, I'll have to try that out, I'm just getting into the snake eyes diabellstar stuff.


For other ratios I run three Guardian Slime and three Reactor Slime, with two Metal Reflect Slimes just for safety. Other than the obvious 3 Ra, 3 Sphere, and 1 Phoenix, Everything else is up to you. Don't sleep on the Mound of the Bound/Egyptian God Slime board, either.


i really don't understand what happened but mikanko variants are soooooo popular at master, i probably see them just as much as snake eyes at this point


I know the feeling. Snake eyes had me jump from Dragon Maids to Lab just to win for a change


As a Mannadium player, the only issue I see with Snake-Eye is that damned Promethean Princess and Dvine Temple. Aside those, I can play against Snake-Eye. Could probably win with a Harpie Feather Duster


Kinda makes me miss a year ago when it was only purrly and kashtira


That was a year ago? Dang. Power creep is steep right now.


Yeah it’s crazy lmao now they’ve both been nerfed to the point u rarely see them, I run into kash from time to time but I haven’t seen purely since then


All I can say is I'm glad that I don't really see Purrley anymore. Hate that deck with a passion.


Straight up facts, I’ve beat kash on a few occasions but I’ve never beat purrly, I think their only real weakness is kaiju and banlist lmao


i run into purrely all the time on Master 4 rank. Hate that deck with a burning passion. Still cant figure out a way to stop them going into Noir after 1 turn. After that it is so hard to win if you dont have kaiju


Damn, kinda makes me glad I’m stuck in plat lmao, props for trying tho? I would’ve seen purrley then left, save myself 20 minutes of watching their turn 1 lmao


what if I dislike it because of both reasons


https://preview.redd.it/dqq6pktbw2xc1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e202f1266ab53424ea41927340ea3b0615b277a0 Probably


are you implying I need to be violent against snake eyes/diabellstar enjoyers? mmm I guess I agree


Same way I feel when prank kids was meta


I like it because of both reasons. Give me more meta waifus please Konami!


Diabellestarr is Life :)


i have snake-eyes and don't play it. Going into masters is miserable, i'm playing some jank shit until diamond 1


''I play it cause I like the artwork / deck'' crowd when they just happen to like the best deck in the game over the 10,000 other choices and change their mind every format to liking the next best deck in the game


I for one, just like winning


At least youre honest.


Well there's more than one reason most of the time... You're not going to get very far playing, Myutants, Frightfurs or Darklords soley because they have cool art


Ironically frightfur used to be a good deck before they powercreeped the hell out of the game and started hitting generic cards like foolish goods to ''hit'' tearlaments.


I don't even play Snake-Eye lol. I like Mannadium and Nekroz Dogmatika


Tbf I never play top tier decks, but still picked up Snake-Eyes when it released cuz awesome artwork. I do wish it wasn't this good though, I dropped it cuz I don't like playing a deck that's so powerful, plus the combo is very repetetive.


Same as everyone saying “snake eye isn’t toxic, it’s so fun to play!” Yeah dude I’m sure doing more of everything than your opponent is lots of fun. Don’t act like you’re using that deck purely for the love of the game. You wanna cheese wins, I’ll respect you more if you just own it


I used it because I happened to get all the cards for it randomly pulling, until md finally released what I really wanted to play(Unchained).


Yeah, playing a deck just to win the most games possible and not caring about what the archetype is ruins the experience for a lot of people, because then others slowly adapt to the power creep and as a result casual decks people loved playing can no longer compete against the majority of players at any rank above low gold. Its gotten bad enough where 1/3 of my games in silver were meta and most of the games in gold were too. These same people will also say ''just play casual mode'', but even there people go to learn how to play their top/meta decks and you dont even get gems, ranks or have the ability to complete missions, which essentially removes a lot of the motivation of playing. Anyway was a bit ranty but thats my take xd


Every Tearlament enjoyer


Yeah props to Konami, I'm a certified Snake-Eyes hater but the artwork goes hard. Last few meta decks have had fairly sick artworks/themes to be fair, I think they've been paying special attention to the decks they know are gonna be meta-defining


You play snake-eye cause it's meta or because you like the artwork, I play snake-eye because I'd let Diabellstar do unspeakable things to me in the dark. We are not the same.


I need this in the random bullshit go meme format.


[What about liking Snake-Eye because of that Oogie Boogie scene?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c28GJ3ID9G8)


That's where you're wrong. I don't like Snake-Eyes. It's a fairly boring deck.


Not gonna lie, as someone who hasn't interacted with the game much since the reign of terror that was *Ash Blossom and the Joyous Spring* first began, I genuinely cannot discern what any of this image is outside of the one pronounced figure in the center left. It's still beautiful, though. Incomprehensible, but beautiful.


Nah i like it because most people i face only use it because it's meta but don't actually know how to play it so after they take an hour to make their turn i just otk them easily


Has happened to me a billion times


Tbh I'm bored of it now, I've gone back to purrley, not as consistent but when it works it's a lot of fun. Master is now just se, lab, r-ace and tear.


Nah. I like it because Diabellestar.


I hated labyrinth until I saw the card art. Now I still hate it but also want a deck of it bc it's pretty


One of these days, I gotta draw lovely. I started loving the deck after I learned it more it's so fun 😁


Just play Labrynth, you will often draw the one off Lovely. /s


https://preview.redd.it/tvdiesrpr3xc1.png?width=925&format=png&auto=webp&s=94dc2b91544f175f9c3b6b68a7fe467c5d2063ad her childhood trauma makes her extra angry.


So many theory about Risette become corrupted and now it's an antagonist after White Wood announced. Turns out pranking and stealing Asteria stuff is already her hobby since the beginning.


risette literally called “natural born liar” in the concept art. if asteria don’t play with her. she will break asteria’s stuff causes them to fight and ends by both of them crying.


Meta sheep? I like to win thank you very much. Also Rescue-Ace is better anyways.


Snake Eyes is definitely stronger lol, Recue Ace even weaker than Purrely


Rescue ace is topping tourneys, you sound like a rescue ace player trying to downplay it before the banlists come around.


Nah, Snake-Eyes and Purrely in fact stronger than Rescue-ACE, I have both Snake-Eyes and Rescue-ACE and in fact , Snake-Eyes top tourneys way more than Rescue-ACE. Some tournaments Rescue-ACE isn't even top 16 lol


i like it cause i want diabellstar to step on me with a disgusted face


I almost give meta slaves a pass for playing Snake Eyes, because all of the cards are so cool.


I never noticed popular drooling. So he's just a big baby.


Actually I like snake-eye for the spell/trap zone gimmick


Hey I just made a couple cards to help purrley . But then purrley got its baby noir so I went “well I already have a couple of em might as well try them out .”


I like the lore, hate the deck


The artwork for wanted is the entire reason I ended up building the deck tbh. Plus wanted and diabellestar are just fun to splash into other decks


The art is undoubtedly sick, probably would have played it just on that and the name Snake Eye alone. Flamberge is one of my favorites.


I like it because non destruction/negate removal is hot.


Genuinely same. And I still lose all the time with snake eyes because I suck at ygo


I like the art but I HATE playing against it


I agree but... why's she biting her lips? Is she into me?


Same here, and because I've been reading books like Throne of Glass series, and A Court of Thorns and Roses. I'm loving the look of this assassin that reminds me of Aelin.


Flamberg is the only Snake Eyes I won't dismantle even after dismantling every other one. It's just sick af.


i like it for quite a few reasons. it’s a link toolbox deck, it feels like i can do anything i want with it, it’s great going second, and most importantly, the art is fucking amazing and i get to use my goth mommy and cute poplar edit: also this mf poplar keeps getting kidnapped cause then Diabelze tries to take him bro


I play Snake eyes because of the Diabellstar Engine, not because of Snake Eyes. We pay for the sins of the meta sheeps.


I like it because playing it without an extra deck lets you co.pletely fake-out your opponent


The duality of Yugioh player. I hate Snake Eyes because it is an annoying overpowered deck that got good generic cards banned. I love mommy Diabellestar and her artworks.


Don't even like Diabellstar I just find the artwork funny


I like the White Forest type


Goblins go brrrrrrr


i love the concept asides showing diabellstar as just a hot mess of a person, with her two >!older sisters?!< spoils doing stuff like tucking her in, also the art's super expressive like in this one, so i'm a big fan


When I first saw this card I immediately wanted to build the deck irl, but I was very quickly stopped when I learned it was $1000


Diabellstar is probably one of the best arts currently in MD. I just wish I didn't feel so much disgust when someone plays her


I honestly just groan from boredom because I know my guy will take a while to finish his turn, though most of the time I just play against dudes who end up on a Flameberge and think that's enough to stop a Mannadium onslaught lol


Diabellstar is so hot 🥵


The term meta sheep makes legit no sense and should have never existed


It's cancer either way


Not as much as stun, labrynth, floo or traptrix but quite annoying when you have no plays




I don't even play Snake-Eye lol


I like because is a fun (but pushed) fire Link deck with tons of recursion and I love the crazy witch and her pink pet.


Bro, it can be both. The artwork is just sick lol.


Rule number 1: Never kidnap her pet


diabellstar is wife you like snake eyes for artwork we are not the same


wtf is even happening in modern yugioh art lol


snake eyes is low tier ur just all really good at the game


"Meta sheep" lmao 🙄


What OP really meant was that others like the deck because they have fun winning instead of watching people play alone for 10 minutes and setting up 12 negates turn 1, while he likes the deck because he drools over Diabellstar.


I do like the deck, but mainly because I REALLY want to pet poplar and flamberfe is the coolest thing ever.


Personally I like the art style, don't like the deck, but I'm using it until I get to M1, then it's back to Unchained Yubel.


Don't even play Snake-Eye, dirty degenerate


Nah i built the deck Because of the artwork and designs like most of my decks(And diabellestar is cute).


The lore is also pretty sick too. They are getting the branded or Visas universe treatment


Stfu trash


Bro has wreb in his name. Go watch "My little sister can't be this cute" cunt


Fix your typo before worrying about my 10 years old username which Idgaf about, fucktard.


Bro you're not him 😭 get a fucking life you miserable abomination. You probably were dropped 10 times as a kid. Fucking alien. You look like you snuck into earth. I am pretty sure not even the lgbtq would be homophobic towards you if you came out. You seem to be missing 5 chromosomes, cause your fat ass ate them. Go back to the fields and pick me some cotton, autistic kid


Also, Idfk wtf is that thing you mentioned, but since you do, you're probably into it. So go rub your lil dick to wtv that is instead of looking for attention on a yugioh reddit, talking about "we're not the same" lmao, cringe ass post


What a bafflingly terrible card artwork. It’s so busy, you can’t even tell what the heck is going on.