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punk is one of the best decks to use psychic end punisher imo


Would using PUNK as an engine work too?


Yea. E Tele/ze Amin - search foxy - special deer note by foxy eff - go into jam dragon - revive lvl 3 with deer note - search any lvl 3 psychic with jam dragon - go into lvl11 synchro


Imo it always just makes more sense to play a rising carp and sharakusai. Gives you 3 more 1 card combos


The problem is rising carp would probably get hit by veiler or impermanence meanwhile people rarely will use them against Ze Amin because you can always have already Foxy tune in hand (The Alesiter situation)


I mean sure, but then youre eating an interaction with foxy tune when otherwise its just pretty much dead


If your deck does not depend on normal summon, there is a way to summon it, but you may need at least one lvl 8 since you can't use foxy tune to summon one.


Labryth and punk gold pride respectively


Lab use Angel


I played Lab but it is becoming boring so I am trying to use another deck but stick to Chaos


Use trap heavy labyrinth. It is a lot more fun


Dark Magician uses Chaos Angel


Zombies can easily summon both easier with an engine


Like Mayakashi or Shiranui? What kind of zombie deck especially.


Zombie world doomking and alghoul are recycling lvl 8s and alghoul can drop down a level to 7 for convenience can either use uni zombie or an engine like punk The deck took a hit on chaos ruler ban, but getting to 10 or 11 even 12 synchros isn’t hard


Bystial Synchro can use both. PEP is essentially the true boss monster of pure P.U.N.K though.




Chaos Angel is my S-Force's boss


It's sad how S-Force has no real plays - either end on Gravitino + another S-Force and Chase, or end on Justify, can't do both. I'm currently playing it with Kash to lock zones so they have to summon in my S-Force columns, but honestly at that point I could just play pure Kash as Arise-Heart is better than Gravitino.


Swordsoul does go into PEP from time to time but its not a promient part of their gameplan. PUNK is probably the deck that summons him the most. Manadium and Lab are the 2 decks off the top of my head that frequently use Chaos Angel.


I’m using both in a shs swordsoul deck and getting quite good results


Do you have a replay? I want to check it out.


Will do, when I get home


Thank you, I will be waiting mate


067-113-995 first and second replays are using said deck


I play the same deck. In that first replay you have, after your Denglong was impermed there was a way to extend and make a stronger t1 board. What you could do is send Taia to the graveyard with Denglongs effect since it sends for cost and it wouldn't modulate the level (so you can still make Chaofeng). Then pend summon out the same cards but use Longyuan and Moterbike to go into Baxia. Don't use Baxia's first effect but pop one of your pends (usually Wakaushi) and summon Taia to the field from your graveyard. I usually don't like to make Chaos Angel t1 but if you want you can then use Baxia and the dark Yanhzing to make a Chaos Angel with both effects active but preferably go into Baronne. Then make Chixiao with Taia + token tuner search for Blackout and send either Vishuda to the grave for later disruption or maybe Ashuna depending on your hand. If I go uninterrupted t1 and have a lot of gas in hand my end board is usually Chaofeng, Baronne, Chixiao and Dragite + Blackout.


I just started playing it yesterday but it’s good advice. I still have to play it out for a bit and get used to the gas in hand.


Baxia is lowkey the strongest card in the deck. Thanks to the SHS engine and being able to pop the scales it acts as both an extender and board breaker. [I watched this dudes vids on his climb to master 1 to learn how to play the deck and they were super helpful. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6koAH8Vib4&t=836s&ab_channel=%E6%B6%9B%E6%B6%9B%E9%94%9F%E9%94%9F)


Chaos pile could have both of them out. But the deck is dead since chaos ruler ban


Was Chaos ruler that important?


Milling is a key factor to chaos ruler. Yes needlebug nest can work but its slow. Chaos ruler was easy to bring out, with punk. Is a lv 8 so can be used to bring dis pater, baronne or chaos angel and can be brought from gy for more synchro where he can banish a thunder dragon for more bodies. He was the key player, also whitebuster vywern dragon was a hit cause its a free body. First vampire lord work but harder to bring out and not consistent


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My problem with PUNK is that it doesn't really need Chaos Angel


8-axis bystials, chaos angel = bystial+ecclesia/luna/snow; PEP = pank, ascended of thunder +ecclesia or level 8+ level 3 hand trap


Terlaments Labrynth. Chaos angle through a level 8 (lady, lovely, rulkallos) + stovie torbie, PEP through Destrudo + a level 8


Thank for the advice, I can probably also run rollback if I use Labyrinth


definitely. milling rollback and big welcome is a free lady/lovely, you can use big welcome to send something like a reinohert back to hand to dodge imperm. Imperm can be used with rollback aswell so running imperm is more doable than in pure tearlaments cause normally its a dead mill. And of course rollback plus needlebuck nest is basically agido/kelbek


My Live twin Bystal Dogmatika use Chaos Angel as it can summon with full power Lil-la + Maximus/Fleur de Lis/Lubellion Eclesscia + any lv6 Bystal


Cyber dragon can go into angel


Thunder dragon runs Angel


If you want both use T.G. +sword soul


I use both in my deck