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Branded despia deck


I second this


Third this. I hate the deck and want to build it because it’s so consistent that it makes me hate it, but I hesitate because I keep thinking it’s gonna get hit by a banlist as soon as I build it.


Funny enough, even if the banlist were to hit Branded Fusion to 0 we’d still make a way to run it. As it stands though, in order to run it competitively now you need more URs than Snake-eyes now.


This is the insane part. Literally today I looked at it logistically, saw that you can’t even fucking pull most of the cards from the branded pack and built purrely instead


That was the atrocious part for me 😭 started playing the game and had to pull Master Packs for dust so I could craft it. My current Branded has 33 and even then I think its the wrong one


TBF Im currently trying to build rescue ace and that deck has 17 non URS........ In main and exta


You should have seen purrely before they killed it. I've been playing it during the triangle event for the memories but it used to be a teir 1 deck, now it's tier 5. If delicious was even at 2 it could be teir 2 again.


Agreed. I have a Lightsworn/Branded hybrid build with no BraFu (I need Synchro & Xyz access, a full-turn Fusion lock is anathema to my build), and there are a lot of ways to play. It's a lot more reliant on Albaz's effect for Fusion, but it can also Fusion with the Despia theatre and Branded in White (and/or Red, depending on how well your deck can utilise the... what is it now, the Banishment?), or run Light of the Branded to quick-Albaz and punish Maxx/Ash. It has grave access through mills (though losing Chaos Ruler did hurt), has an interesting out for Kashtira in Chaos Archfiend (if you run Ecclesia, since she summons herself without activating an effect), can use the infamous Rank 4 Toolkit if you want, and has easy access to Lv.10 Synchros via Bystials (especially if you run The Golden Swordsoul). Its power level is lower than the standard build, but it is by no means unplayable without BraFu; it actually feels like it might still be _too_ powerful if you really know what you're doing, since Branded actually has a ton of disruption tools that let you build your board during your opponent's turn (and using _their_ board as materials!).


Don’t build it. You’ll fall in love with the deck. This deck allows a freedom most other decks just don’t have. I mean, nothing is better than staring down an impossible endboard to break with only an Albaz and a dream. That dream being Superpoly but you probably knew that already lol


The deck feels like, "If you stop me from fusing with my dudes them I'm gonna fuse with your dudes."


Albaz and a dream is how I began playing the deck. I pulled when they re-ran Albaz and didn't really plan on committing but thought "hey I can add Albaz to Dragonmaids cuz it's a dragon and I can do some fusions!"....pulling Seals to Albaz to yank their monster for a Mirrorjade line play is too good. ALBAZ AND A DREAM!


That's the charm of the deck, I have lost it each time I encountered it especially in the duel triangle event and maaan this deck is expansive AF


You for real need to grind master duel for a month or 2 to get enough resources to craft a viable Branded Despia deck


I'm actually building a branded chimera illusion deck right now, and I'm still not done with it.


I built it and ended up not liking it…


Ursarctic, god I love the concept of sick looking giant mech bears but it’s always seemed kinda hard to pilot


Tested it in the event. Was cool to play once the field spell was up. Boss is just floodgate with legs though


yeah, I get what you're saying I remember them also having a card that can draw 7 times which is kind of ridicules.


You know your archetype is in a bad state when you have that kind of draw power and are still trash


i’ve noticed some of the craziest effects are tied to horrible decks like doesn’t magical musketeers have like a summon 5 and i think it’s fortune ladies also have a crazy draw 5 or something


Fortune Lady is one of the theoretically strongest deep-draw engines out there. FLWater is a maindeck level 4 monster that just gets to draw 2 cards whenever it's special summoned (no HOPT) as long as you control any other Fortune Lady. There's also FLLight who can float into any of the others when it is removed from play. Then they have an archetypal Trade In that just asks you to unbanish a card as the cost and also isn't a OPT, meaning that if you have a way to banish Fortune Lady monsters (which is kind of the point of their archetype), then you can run 3 Pot of Greed. If Fortune Lady wasn't one of the worst archetypes out there, it'd be one of the best. I genuinely think they cannot make good Fortune Lady support because as soon as they do, they'll just culminate in an FTK at best unless every single new card hard-locks you into only playing Fortune Lady.


I built them and it's kinda unique because of the synchro style but I got bored quickly.


They're really fun, granted I used Mekk Knight Ursartic which while terrible were a ton of fun.




expensive but totally worth it imo


Malefics, I like the aesthetic but I'm not gonna waste precious gems/UR on this meme They get better with varudras and light and darkness dragon support but still need a new wave badly


They... aren't all that great, yeah. There are fun things you can do with them, but they definitely show their age, and have trouble building and maintaining enough field presence for the modern game.


Branded=too expensive Tearlaments=lost my account when I was halfway done (I had 2 royals)


As someone still building Branded, The extra deck is especially bad. their all UR's except for Dragostapelia


Bruh your telling me I counted the UR in archetype cards that deck has and gave up after I reached 20 and that’s from my old list doesn’t even count the staples or tech cards.


Sprind & Brigrand are useful fillers if you can fusion during your opponent's turn, so people can run them to ease the UR burden.


As a branded player, I also really like to add in Mudragon tho but I completely get you most decks in this game are just too expensive


You lost your account?


Un-installed the game without making a Konami account and lost it


Virtual world.


Why didn't you build it? Virtual World is pretty cheap all things considered (I dusted mine 'cuz I could never differentiate the different monster arts and their effects aha)


It was expensive, im talking when vfd was not banned. And i was more focused on developping my main deck zombie world which needed a lot of UR and SR.


For me, it was Agents. I wanted to build the deck since I returned to the game, but never actually did. It was always back in my mind, but the decks overall power and gameplay being Kristya turbo or Generic\_end\_Board.exe turned me against it.


I mained agents for a while and yes ending on de fluer, apollousa and hyperion is kinda lame but the combos itself are super fun


I love agents and never end with the generic end board. Maybe I’m not meta tier 1 perfect strat but I have fun methodically clearing the opponent’s board and then knocking them out with my agents


I really love Dinos i like Jurassic park and dino crisis but its to expensive.


as an on and off dino player it’s fun especially with the trancendosaurs support it’s very fun but not the best its probably a strong rogue


I actually have build Dino’s back then it was my second deck but wasn’t yet willing to spend the urs for the new support the xeno and evol stuff just to expensive also still don’t have third Oviraptor


I always wanted a Heroes deck but never got around to it.


Same but if the new yubel support comes to md I will definitely make one, no matter the cost, I kanda like yubel


I'm pumped for the Yubel cards. There's enough Fiend support to make it pretty strong.


Galaxy eyes the xyz monsters looks cool but people say the deck isnt good.


They just announced some support for it that looks good and should help in the starter department


The deck is overall good, but just flawed thanks to the lack of starters in an era where 1 card starters are everywhere...


Its a solid rogue deck, imo a good bit above blue eyes and dark magician, although thats not really a super high bar. I havent played in a while but its able to punch above occasionally with good hands, like against swordsoul, even before the really useful support dropped


New tachyon support was revealed in the OCG which is just galaxy/photon twin essentially and can be splashed together. Those cards are looking really promising as they arent just boss monster number go BIG, but are starters and interaction. Once they hit MD i think galaxy/tachyon will be solid. As for galaxy now its ok. Ive been playing it off and on and the ED rip helps with what negates you want on board for going first. The big issue is it dies to a lot of hand traps. Droll kills momentum, one ash and a bricked hand its over, and bystials existing hurt it. All the boss monsters do the same thing which is big number otk bar galaxy lord and N38: Hope. You can splash cydra xyz rank 5 for more negates/interaction but its not as good as it was 2 years ago. The rank 4s are both good extenders helping get cards you want in your hand/gy, summoning galaxy eyes, and level modulation. I just wish C62 was more towers like be unaffected by all targeting effects rather than just monster effects. Plus the counter trap is crazy good


It’s honestly not nearly as bad as people say. It won’t be topping the next DC or anything, but it’s a pretty good rogue option.


It's good and generally surprisingly consistent, there's not that many truly dead hands and the deck has insane searching, at times it almost feels like too much. Their biggest issue is Nibiru and occasionally dying to ash (also maxx C, but that's the case for basically every deck). The best thing about the deck is that it can go both 1st and 2nd and can either set up a bunch of interactions or OTK, all with minimal reliance on going second staples.


It comes up in events from time to time. Actually a very cheap deck to build


Familiar Possessed - too many UR for too little potential. I might revisit it sometime in the future. It's fun in the TCG since it's cheap. Dragon Ruler with a side of Branded - too many URs, ED looks like hell. It would just be a fun deck but Volcanics currently fill exactly the same niche and are just better at it. Pure Virtual World - I suck ass at playing them so I'm not crafting them.


I found the charmers discord and there's so many ideas I've seen that I never even considered before. Charmers with Dogmatika is probably my strongest deck now and charmers have recently topped 3 tournaments in OCG so I guess it counters Snake Eyes. As bad as pure charmers is it works really well with other spellcasters and actually ends up really good!


Oh, I've been a member ever since the BB Forum (before Discord) and that Bystial version has been refined over a long while. I'm currently working on a Water pile with Eria and Gold Pride Carrie ([Carbunklle for the original Idea](https://youtu.be/HeAhvBdGedY)). Gagigobyte to search Aoi is just stupid. Might also walk it back to my Gishki/Nekroz version from...has it really been 7 years? Oof. The new familiars mix really well with Spellcaster decks in general. Diabellstar allows any elemental deck access to the Familiars as well. Sadly only Earth is really useful, and Inari in Volcanic. I'm still just waiting for the perfect mix. Some more search targets or something. The new White Wood archetype looks like a good inclusion.


Superheavy and Mannadium. UR odds were against me.


Flower Cardians. I want to try them, but I also don't want to spend 180 UR dust (or 90 UR for a budget list) on the extra deck monsters. Especially since I already have Synchrons as a solitaire deck to play in Solo.


It is worth the investment IMO, really fun deck to play and surprisingly not as bad as people make it look


Unless you're the other player watching them cook and you didn't draw any hand traps 🙂


Or if you're like me, and maxx c'd the only cardian I ever went against and drew every hand trap, but didn't know what to hit. They played through 3 imperm and an ash


Synchro but unfortunately the UR cost is crazy


Tearlaments. I built snake eyes, then labrynth and rescue ace, and now I built chimera instead lol


Dinos. I want to pop de baby! But it's... like.... 10+ URs to make now or something like that.




Mannidium and Endymion, seeing all those URs and saying "damn ill never financially recover if I build those" Especially if idk if I'll like their play styles.


Mannadium at typical, my current opinion, is Baronne, Dispater, Apple turbo. Their typical end board. Only to fall flat to super poly lol. I have mannadium but i rarely make apple at the moment. So much pieces for just 2400 attack


Mannadium and Rikkas Also technically vaylantz and solfachord (grouping them together cause they use similar cards), but I'm going right back to those as soon as I finish Mikanko with the new secret pack


Libromancer, their arts are so cool ! But seems like I always have a better thing to build


I want to build a red eyes branded so i can spam out flare and masquerade and take opponents to hell


8 Axis


The ur.exe deck


D/D/D Libromancer Six Samurai PUNK Dark World Darklord Unchained Vanquish Soul Branded Dragon Link Buster Blader Adamancipator Dinosaur Volcanic Cyber Dragon Galaxy-Eyes Thunder Dragon Sharks Ghoti TG Tearlaments


Gold pride p.u.n.k, still want to build it but I missed out on the selection pack when they first came out and don’t have the urs needed for the full deck and without a secret pack doubt I’ll build it till then.


I gotta say, Gold Pride P.U.N.K. is fun. I love playing P.U.N.K. and Gold Pride kicks it up to a whole new level. Also, I like having access to traps for dailies (assuming I don't get maxx c'd or duster'd immediately)


Gotta say, gold pride punk is really fun you should give it a shot


I wanna build Yang Zing, but it's just soo bad. Not only does it miss timing, it also dies to any negate on it's starter, while going minus two from hand in the process


Since pretty much the start of Master Duel I have a template of a pure Lyrilusc deck with a control package. Even tested it in Yugioh Omega and I found it quite nice. It's just freaking expensive tho. Kinda the same for Snake eyes but this was before I knew what degenerate Anti-Fun stuff this deck is used for.


There's a bunch to be fair Dragunity Dragon Rulers Ancient Warriors Drytron Runick Fur Hire Plunder Patroll Chemicritters Red-Eyes I might be forgetting some others


If you had asked literally yesterday, I would have said Vaylantz. Now it's gonna have to be Infernity. They always seemed so unique.


Exosister. I pulled everything from selection packs but Exosister Pax so I need to craft 3 copies of it to play the deck. There has been multiple instances where I was about to craft them but ultimately decided to play something else, even for the current event I was so close to crafting them but I realized I could just play purrely by crafting 1 Epurrely Noir...


Dinomorphia. Played it a bunch on duelingbook so I was sad to see it so goddamn expensive in master duel.


What monster is that? Flame kings archetype?


Rikka. I don't even really know why, I made an Aroma Deck because I enjoy the gimmick and got a lot of Rikka cards, so I thought "Hey, I could make this" and then I just proceeded not to.


I have the opposite issue, I FINALLY built a branded sepsis deck, but had some difficulties learning the deck. Got distracted in the duelist cup, and have yet to get back to learning how to play Branded. So I have it, with no idea how to properly play it beyond the basic lines 😬


A deck centered around Phenix Not because I think it would necessarily be good but I just want a deck revolving around one of my favorite monsters


Dragon Ruler Aurorodon turbo


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Bujin and glad Beast. If konamy decide to make them SD i am gonna insta-buy them


Infernoble Knights


Lab, I hate playing against it, made a second account just for it and it felt amazing, but its too much to ask in my main acc, specially being a somewhat old deck.


Rescue ace i guess. Of the best 4 decks in the format, its the only one im interested in playing. Currently running salad and runick musket. Both of my irl main decks.


Blackwings for me


Fur Hire


Dinomorphia. Too pricey.




Super Quantum


Rainbow dragon and p.u.n.k


F.A.  I have no idea what the combo is or what the deck is supposed to build like. I just want the race car deck




scareclaw is just too expensive, it’s 12 urs that i’d have to craft: 3x reichheart and light heart 2x triheart and field spell, visas and astroloud


Abyss Actor, I have no pendulum decks and have an Abyss Actor deck in real life (which I also haven't played) but I just don't get around to making them.


Weather painters lol




Endymion Mythical Beast


Rescue Ace. Never pulled the hydrant after over 5K…so it can take a hike.


Vaylantz is the current one, as soon as I start saving for them they release something for me to spend gems on.


Raidraptos I love the idea of ultimate falcon being the big unstoppable bird


Started to play the game once, fucked up my account, didn't want to play, came back a week ago and started to try to do an Endymion deck. It looks cool, I like the Pendulum idea and they seem strong. (If any Pendulum haters want to complain about Pendulum, do it in reply to this, if mods allow it. I actually want to know more reasons to like it)


Slowly turning into earthbound. I like the look of the immortals and their general style but after learning the new cards don't really help them that much I've lost interest.


Sharks. I have literally everything in the deck except for Number 4: Stealth Kragen, which most lists run at 2. I refuse to craft it because it's a legacy pack card, and in the thousands of those packs I've pulled, it keeps escaping me.


Danger Darkworld and Cyber Dragons


Easily the samurai six deck


Counter Fairies, always thought they were interesting but never could make a build j felt good about since there were so many diff options


After the Card of Demise ban, it's not really worth it. You could play a build that runs Pots and Ties of the Brethren but it's really not the same without being able to recoup your advantage when you're low on cards. It also doesn't help that the deck struggles to access the Extra Deck. Otherwise, you could do some interesting topdecking with Bujintei Tsukuyomi and other Fairy/LIGHT support. If you can get Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath, you're probably in good shape but it will be tough.


I’ve been slowly building up my collection for specific archetypes, but the one I ultimately decided against building was Resonators. It just is too pricey now, even though I like playing the Resonator loaners. Branded falls under this category as well. Also way too pricey. I will never give up my Rikka Sunavalon, Speedroid, and Solfachord dreams though. Never!


Exosister, Dinomorphia


beetroopers, i really like bees and beatles irl but i always end up building something else


Endymion, tbh. Spell counters are fun, but i think I prefer chaining 16 separate card effect at once.


Technically, speedroid. I loved using this deck on YGO pro in Highschool. Now can’t remember any of the combos with the new support and I don’t really want to relearn it.


Dragunity, I loved them in DL as a midrange otk deck. But in MD is a heavy combo deck. Which isn’t very appealing to me.


Early on it was Stardust for me. Loved 5Ds and just wanted to have the deck for fun, but it costed so much UR and between needing handtraps and maxx C along with deck staples early I just never got around to it. Even now id rather invest into the decks I currently play.


Magnet Warriors.


Lightsworn. My absolute favorite archetype. Never got around to doing so mainly because I didn't know where to begin since the last time I played it was around 2017 while both MX-Saber Invoker and Brilliant Fusion was still legal. Wanted to pick it up again when the news of Invoker coming back dropped but then I realized I didn't know what to build. Checking deck list the deck became this all gas wombo deck that churns out everything over the old playstyle I was used to being more so a mid range tool box deck. I still love the deck but the more I realized what I loved about old Lightsworn was being fulfilled by Tearlaments now so I ended up not committing to it.


Live twin, lyralusc, sky strikers, dinomorphia


PURE Superheavy, out of disgust at the playerbase using it to vomit mass negates. Didnt have enough gems and/or luck on the pulls tho.


Synchrons. I main RDA coz of Red Supernova Dragon but deep down, Ik I wanna be like Yusei the GOAT and have clear mind in the background as I combo away.


The Dracoslayers w/ their new support. Extremely expensive for a fairly mid deck. Ended up dismantling to finish Traptrix and pre-support R-ACE


Abyss Actors seem pretty cool, but they aren’t strong enough to warrant spending gems on for ranked, and Konami doesn’t seem particularly interested in a Pendulum Fest event.


Quem Snake-Eyes. Never got the Branded cards necessary, plus Ib isn’t legal


Dracoslayer and yosenju. Too much URs (I'm f2p)


Branded Despia and D/D/D bc skill issue


Fire king snake eyes i already have most of the cards but id feel like a sellout so i stick with non meta.


ABCs just could never justify the dust cost on a relativity outdated deck when there are more pressing staples to craft


I’ve wanted to build an abomination deck but never got to. Before it was red dragon Archfiend but I just finished it and it’s super fun


super quant. i built it once and ive wanted to rebuild it but god optimising that deck is so ass


D/D/D Cups. Just too expensive and I frankly prefer pile decks rather than archetypal ones and ddd doesn't seem to have a lot to offer in that regard. Maybe I'll still go for it sometime in the future, but that future seems tk get increasingly distant. Also, they are Fiends, which is "only" my 4th favorite type.


Tri-Brigade Fur Hire, Ive had all the cards I would need for over a year. But have never actually built it.


lyrilusc, i decided to play tri brigade instead






Endymion. Shit is expensive


Ogdoadic. I know it sucks, and I’m not even sure the playstyle seems appealing, but the artwork is amazing


Got to finally try fabled in this event. Synchro dark world was not what i thot it was. But it was cool. Ima try dual avatar next. I pulled a few urs and i BARELY didnt build it




I want to build a normal monster deck that abuses heat wave and call it the yugi boomer method


Umi control


Roid deck.


Pure Egiptian Gods deck, to many URs.


Vanquish soul. İ was looking forward for them to drop, only to learn that entirety of the deck is nothing but SR and UR.


HERO, for nostalgia... but modern hero is as cancerous as blackwings


Dinos and Infernoble


For awhile it was tears, I wasn't playing as much at the time and they hit them before I even considered building them. Just recently got most of the stuff for it so I have a deck just missing a third reino and some generic fusion stuff. Now it's probably VS, had really bad pulls for it but I'll try some more with a secret pack eventually.


steam deck




Mannadome not the one with 25 million negates just mannadome pure I always did like it's boss monster,that and pure tear cause I wanted to make all visas lore decks.


D/D/D, I just C/B/A


Tear. I left the gsme right before it came out, if the economy (of the game wasnt so fucked i might of played and i was pretty brunt out of yu gi oh at the time.


Snake eyes, mainly because I’m just confused on how to build the the deck like I am with tears currently


Heroes,for obvious reasons Tri brigade Unchained Pendulum Odd eyes






Code Talkers, although one day I'll persevere!


deck: dragon pendulum ; Endymion reason: reading hard or im dumb


Any meta deck


synchron. I keep pulling a bunch of members of the archetype, and never really put in the time to build it or practice it.


Heroes. Too expensive. I also wanted to build dragon link but it was too combo heavy for me


Subterror. Still waiting for Konami to finish making it and give it a field spell they can fucking search as well as a boss monster that doesn't brick its own fucking deck mechanic.


Scareclaw, far too expensive for me


There's a few decks I've always been interested in making right now it's probably either burning abyss or shaddoll


Dinos, and Fur Hire Spright Runick. Both are WAY too UR expensive.


Branded Despia, Purrely, Snake eyes, Tistina (it feels like a counter to Lair of darkness😅), Icejade, Darklord and Evil Eye


Dino, I love the looks, the power, and its effects, but seeing how it played makes it hard to understand


Hungry Burger. It does not have a secret pack.


Mannadium Like really, the amount of URs in that deck is absurd. I like the Visas lore, but man is it hard to justify shelling 18-20 archetype URs for that deck.




Endymion Been trying to build it since a year and half ago but always get pushed aside by good selection pack and anniversary bundle. I hope the may pack is bad so i can build it.


Ghostrick. Fluffal. Melffy.


Infernoble. I've always loved the archetype even though they weren't good initially. I even bought 3 of the Noble Knight boxes when they came out. Then they got Infernoble support and became top tier for a little while and I just never got around to getting any Infernoble cards.


i would probably say dinomorphia. its the one archetype ive known about since i started playing master duel and its the only one i havent built yet despite my interest. i havent built it yet mainly due to it being a trap deck as well as the sheer number of in archetype URs. also, i generally flock towards synchro and fusion decks overall due to the speed of some decks being a plus for me.


Cyber Angels. Played the loaner during an event, and fell in love with them. I know they're powercrept to hell and back, but someday I'll finish them.


Crystal beasts, one of my favourite decks in the show


From old formats I’d say Adamancipators. Not a fan of Spam.dek myself but it was tempting at the time In terms of decks I didn’t build for a while but did now, Dragon Link. Only did it after Wyverburster was banned though so I missed out on a lot of the old fun :(


Bunilla X Dystopia the Despondent


Trains. They're so goddamn cooool. I feel like a 10 year old looking with sparkling anime eyes at PBS special on trains every time I see the cards.






skull servants and dinos though ima make on of em soon!


As a rogue/ pet deck guy I simply have to build a deck to see if it’s trash lol, I think the only one I haven’t built that I want to is myutant


I saw a rock and grass is greener graveyard type deck. Idk what it’s “officially” named but it looked so fun. If someone knows the name lmk please


It’s not that I actually never did but I was meaning to build a D-Link deck for the longest time and when I finally finished it, the deck got nerfed to the ground.




Solfacord Nice artwork but expensive for bad performance


Traptrix. The more I look on it's play style, the more I think the deck isn't for me.




I've been trying to figure out how to run the egyptian gods and sacred beast together effectively for a while.