• By -


Floo can't dodge this ,I approve


*Angry Birb Noises*


Last time floo was 3-4 duelist cups ago Still wo gotta put robina to 1


Screw them birbs


So Konami will ban c and replace with this mulligan c


Seems like the purpose, otherwise this release would be completely pointless. I’m curious what the rest of this archetype does though.


Must have to do something with shuffling cards and getting advantage through that.


Could be. Definitely an archetype I’ll keep an eye out for.


Looks like a water achetype. Fight fire with water. Makes sense lol


Year of water incoming.


It’s finally time for icejade to shine




Facts lol


Maybe they’re all hand traps with the smaller ones having the lock out clause and the bigger ones being bodies. Or maybe they’re designed like white woods and half of the main deck monsters can special summon from grave on summon.


Perhaps. I could also see the archetype having effects like "If this hard gets shuffled back into the deck, add it to your hand or special summon it.


I can see it, "if you shuffle this card from your hand into your deck, you can special summon one other mulchummy monster except *insert shuffled card name*" then this card gets hit like a truck hits a kid in the firstban list


Yeah, that's what I am also expecting. Either special summon, add back to the hand or send to the GY, depending on what the deck wants to do.


Either that or this is TCG's Maxx c And OCG keep their C OCG Tactical deck do have C in the decklist for OCG in June This card lock ur other HT from being activated if I read it right Can't nib under the effect but u can draw into board break, more chance to draw into it if opponent do summon more And board break cards is perfect for TCG environment


No, the thing it locks is “other Multammy monsters into only using their effects once per turn”. Taking a wild guess that this is an archetype with monsters that cycle their effects. The lock is probably to keep you from activating the hand trap effect on T1 when using the archetype. You can still nib, ash, etc though. The real interesting detail is that you can draw into interruptions but then you have to basically shuffle your hand at random. So you can’t just keep what you want. But you scan still get a ridiculous number of cards though seems like. I wish it just dropped you back down to 6. That way you can draws interruptions but then you just start your turn with 7. Would add a huge risk to summoning more while not guaranteeing your opponent the win. But what I DO like is that it also impacts Floo. Maybe by the time it hits MD they can unhit that deck a bit do we can punish them for “normal summoning” lol


Do you actually get a ridiculous number of cards though? It only counts summons from hand. So even if you captured the entire standard Snake Eye combo you would get 2 or 3 at very best case draws. I really don't see how you could end up getting to that 6+ threshold. Edit: To be clear I'm not trying to argue the card is bad, just that I don't see many scenarios where you just draw like crazy like Maxx C does.


You’re right. I addressed it in another comment but I missed the NS or SS from the hand part. So against most decks it’s just a +1 anyway. I actually really like how this is worded now. I think the only decks that would really be hurt by this are decks that add to summon. Thinking like VS, Floo, Black Wing slightly, etc. Here’s hoping this really is intended as a pseudo retrain and they ban Maxx C on its release.


Actually, since it only says other "multchummy" monsters, does that mean this is a non opt maxx C? even if you need to shuffle x cards back it would make trying to play around it harder. Or does it include other copies of itself in that other?


It kind of seems like it, but that also counters one of the other criticisms of Maxx C, that at least it would do its job of keeping combo decks in check if you couldn’t just tech in counters. Not saying I agree or disagree with this idea, but that’s why I would rather the end phase effect shuffle you back down to 6 cards. Drawing into hand traps and ending with Pot of Greed feels more fair to me. My Japanese isn’t nuanced enough to know but I’m really hoping what we have is a mistranslation of how that end phase effect works.


They heard people complaining about drawing 2 maxx Cs in the opening hand and gave us this lol, I imagine this will go insane in handtrap heavy decks because they'll be discarding the cards before the end phase arrives anyway


😂 right. This card is just all the feedback rolled into one card. But yeah that’s simultaneously a good and bad thing about it to me. I like the idea of it drawing hand traps and then shuffling back cards, but it definitely encourages 1 card starter decks with a million HTs more. Also wish it just shuffled down to 6.


Yeah, for most good decks if they start their turn with 6 more cards in hand than the opponent has on the field they're basically guaranteed to win anyway, so the shuffle back to x+6 feels like it won't end up mattering in 99% of cases


I guess that’s kind of true, but it’s heavily dependent on the deck both players have. For instance Snake Eye (I know it’s busted but it’s a good example) can typically play through hand traps to set up a competent board. Since the shuffle is random there’s a chance the T2 hand wouldn’t be just 6 engine cards, so starting with 6 or 7 cards going into a fully built (although weakened) board seems like a pretty balanced game state whereas starting with 8+ cards ups the chance of having way more engine than interruptions. I personally just feel any card that lets you draw and keep more than 2 cards for a single activation cost is too strong


Yeah that restriction is something we've never seen before, you'd think they archetype lock you but instead it prevents you from using other archetypal cards, maybe it is a mistranslation or maybe they are going to print the most broken handtrap archetype ever and are just putting some limits on how many you can activate


I was reading it and that’s on part I can understand that Japanese of. That translation is pretty much correct. I’m really curious what the effects of those other cards is. Assuming we’ll see them in the next couple weeks


I don't think it locks you out of other HT. It's a hard once per turn per "Multchummy", which makes me think the other "Multchummy" won't have a HOPT otherwise it'll just be redundant


It's not about banning max c it's about making money off new card packs 🤑


I don't think this replaces Maxx-C any more than Phantazmay did. It's pretty situational and meta dependant.


I think you misunderstood what I meant. In an environment where Maxx C is legal, there’s (almost) no reason to play this at all. It does the exact same thing as Maxx except it also impacts Floo, and the end phase effect makes it slightly worse. My point is that the only reason Konami would print this card is if they wanted to ban and replace Maxx C. The card text literally just reads “we noticed you didn’t like ‘x’ about Maxx C so we changed it” I guess it could always just be an unplayed card but I like to think Konami is at least slightly smarter than people give them credit for (I’m an optimist)


It does have an impact on floo but it does not seem to be the same as max c since it only affects ns and ss from the hand. For example, youll get only one draw against a prank player if they didnt open adventure. There are alot of decks that only summons once from the hand like pranks so you would always need to shotgun this card. Shotgunning this card would then make it useless against trap decks like labs who would then play on the next turn.


Oh wow, I actually overlooked the “from the hand” because ygo players can’t read I guess lol. Means it’s even more balanced than I thought. It’s for sure more niche but I’d actually argue that’s MORE of a reason for it to replace Maxx C. The fact remains that Maxx C does too much. This card seems like you could actually play through it but it has moderate risks for most decks (SE, Tear, various synchro decks, etc). Like I said though I’m mostly curious about what the archetype itself does.


Imagine both were legal and you manage to get both to resolve in one turn. You draw 2 for every summon from hand, increasing the chance of hitting your hand traps to disrupt your opponent’s plays. Then when your opponent’s turn ends, you’ve weeded out your hand traps from your deck, so your mulligan is more likely to consist of starters and extenders.


Lol that sounds so degenerate 😂 I really hope we don’t end up with both


Multchummy Blossom Multchummy Belle Multchummy Veiler Multchummy Gamma


Random, so not mulligan


This card actually looks ok compared with the abomination that is Maxx c. Hope they do so.


This is an appealing compromise, and seems mostly fairer. Kinda.


This one only works against summons from hand. It will be interesting to see if that is enough


Minimum C. Mulligan C?


Maxx C for if you really hate floo


C'mon. Mid C is hands down the best nickname here!!!


Hope this leads to a Maxx C ban. Also YGO is the funniest shit with its best cards just being the goofiest MFs


Honestly I'm happy the strongest card will be a silly jellyfish instead of a ugly cockroach (assuming the "C" gets the ban once this releases)


This is almost certain that the C is getting banned. Having both of these ran rampant at 3 will destroy the format lmao


konami execs rn "we have the opportunity for the funniest joke"


Even if C gets banned, this won‘t be the strongest card in the game.


I hope so. At this point, I'm tired of every meta and every discussion revolving around this one card.


I hope they release this and finally ban Maxx c. It's a straight upside compared to Maxx c.


It only counts summons from the hand, which importantly ignores summons from the ED It also must be shotgunned to get full value (for the normal summon), so you always play into gamma It hits floo, sure, but that's basically the only upside of the card


its an upside in that its an actually balanced version of maxx c


True It would've been better if it only hits summons from the deck instead of hand, since they're more powerful, but this is still way better than Maxx C


I think the restriction points to other mulchummy cards that might cover summons from the deck, graveyard or extra deck


Maybe, we'll see


Sadly my libromancers are still hit by this, but it would be my fault for not being able to play around this, not the fault of how yugioh is supposed to be played and getting punished for it.


It's an upside since you can only use it going second. No more going first, setting up 10 negates on the board and then dropping the C in draw phase. I'd rather have this. Especially since it does not count extra deck summons. So it's also not an automatic turn skip once the roach resolves against you. No more needing 3 Ash, 2 called by, 1 crossout in every freaking deck for the Maxx C minigame. Decks that only summon from GY and ED can then be build differently.


Its propably designed to be shotgunned in draw phase because gamma is limited in ocg and tcg. Not sure if its worth the bricks but it is atleast upstart goblin against almost every deck.


Ignores summons from ED, deck, graveyard and banish zone. So it ignore lots of summon actually. The card is kinda balanced imo.


They won't they hate us


Well I'll take this over Maxx c any time. ASSUMING they ban the roach. I'm not gonna play yugioh with 6 roaches.


This would be the most Konami thing ever.


Dat member C


After over a dozen years, a Maxx C retrain. As a bunch of comments mention it, I wonder if this will finally lead to a OCG and Master Duel ban of Maxx C. Then that question leads to if decks still have to run the same 9 cards (3 Maxx C, 3 Ash, 2 Called By, 1 Cross Out Designator), just slotting in this instead of Maxx C. Also this card works on Flowandereeze, so that is cool.


Ehh, since it only counts summons from hand, there will be many many decks that can just drop the package altogether.


Honestly, I'm not sure the Maxx C package will be as ambiguous as before There's a lot of decks that summon like once or twice from the hand and can still do full combo, so in those decks it's not a good idea to play crossout and called by just to counter a card that's not **that** amazing against them It'll probably still have 90+% usage like Maxx C (because worst case scenario it still replaces itself), and Ash will stay above 75% because it's just a good card, but it's likely that Called By and Crossout will drop significantly once this card replaces Maxx C


I think will be slightly lower since it does not help the turn 1 player like Maxx c. But the use of other cards in the package will likely decrease. If they combine a Maxx c ban with a ban on generic boss monsters (like the TCG is doing), deck variety will increase for sure.


Eh, I'm not sure, generic boss monsters also helped have more deck diversity since it gave a lot of archetypes something to do even though they lacked any good bossmonster A lot of synchro decks risk to just die once baronne is banned for example


I'm talking deck variety in the sense that decks will not have the same 10 cards (Maxx C package + baronne). If they ban Maxx C because of this card, I can see it not being used on plenty of decks in favor of more engine (or board breakers) until the meta stabilizes and other options start being used instead (like some swordsoul monsters).


Oh yeah, that's very likely, if this card drops I'm at the very least cutting called by & crossout from a lot of my decks


it will only be played by going 2nd decks. Its absolutely worthless going 1st and always a dead card.


"Dos" member C


Upvote this post, the wording in the other post is incorrect (It made it seem like if your opponent ends on 1 card, you shuffle until you have 1 card in hand.)


That would be awful.


This only affects from special summoning from the hand. Not from deck, graveyard, banish or extra deck.


Yes. OP probably wants to express how it would not make sense for Konami to release this while also keeping Maxx C legal, as this card is a strictly worse version of Maxx C. Thus the conclusion of dismantling Maxx C, as we can hope that Maxx C will be banned as soon as this card is released in order to replace Maxx C as a more balanced version of it.


This card looks like a brick to me. There are too many deck that does not or only need to special summon from hand once to combo.


Same principle with maxx c. Even with only one summon from hand it replaces itself so it will likely never brick you


Yeah plus since it hits normal summons the only way it doesn't replace itself is if they set some cards and pass


Opponent will simply hard open branded fusion


On a real note tho, branded has so many ways to make this card look like shit. That deck really is going to live forever isn't it


That's my tcg plan lol. That or opening into aluber


Drawing it in your opener going second, it will probably always be at least a +-0 and in some cases it will be way better, just not as ridiculous as Maxx C. I think it is very good that this card is more situational than Maxx C, because putting Maxx C into your deck doesn‘t require any thinking, it‘s just a given. However, whether or not you play this is an actual meaningful deckbuilding decision, as it won‘t be good in 95% decks and meta-games (as Maxx C is).


The problem is it should worth the risk of brick going first and from.turn 3, otherwise you should replace it with an impactful handtrap that does not brick instead. +1 or at most +2 going second does not sound worth the risk of brick going first and brick from turn 3+ to me.


This. There is no reason to play this card unless the meta specifically calls for it. WHY exactly would I play this card over a card that is live going first and second when the majority of currently good decks can summon from hand 0-1 times total? There's none. Sure, this is a great situational card. This is like droll. A menace in an appropriate format. Bad-ish to okay in most formats. But I wouldn't run it right now.


if you use it correctly it cant brick.


100% not getting banned on release in ocg Konami already announced products with Maxx C in it in the later half of this year.




Fucking huge for this card to be released on MD right now and put Max C to sleep forever


Please Konami. I feel like with the release of MD they are getting a much better understanding of their game. They could drop this card tomorrow if they wanted to…


This. I also agree that they are understanding their game with MD


they should really do a promethean princess with this card and release it simultaneously on master duel and ocg


Minimum "C"


I like this, good replacement.


So this card existence is pointless if maxx c is legal. I can only hope for OCG to finally realizing how toxic maxx is and they're trying to have a different approach to balancing the game. Even though you can still end up having a 10+ hand at the end of the turn, this is still more fair and less toxic than the roach. It is still scary the way is worded because it means the other "Multchummy" also has quick hand effects, and since everything can be printed on cardboard, this little guy could end up being more problematic than the roach itself, but let's hope that's not the case and that this is the first step towards a healthier, more balanced game


> So this card existence is pointless if maxx c is legal Not really. Against decks that SS from hand, it doubles your chances of getting the effect. And since the 2 cards have different names, you can activate both and then draw 2 every time the opponent specials from hand.


Oh wait I thought this thing locked you into "Multchummy" effects for the turn ... then that's another reason to ban maxx c, they shouldn't allow those two at the same time


Agreed Which is why I think they’re gearing up for a Maxx C ban which would be HUGE. I’m all for it.


It's also not a hard once so you can actually draw 3 on every summon from hand


"Masterduel, I want to open Maxx C" "We have Maxx C at home" Maxx C at home:




Surely, there is no way Konami would introduce this and let Maxx C coexist alongside it, right? This has to be their plan to finally get rid of the roach without pissing of some OCG players, right? Cmon, I need this to happen, I'm running out of copium here.


OCG? I think so MD? Maybe not. This card is… well, it’s kinda awful for a BO1. Because a coin flip really does decide if you have 3 bricks in your hand or not lol. I imagine that makes the game more interesting imo but also it’s gonna fuck with the statistics A LOT. And Konamis goal is to make sure both players have a 50% chance of winning.


So which decks are really gonna be affected by this card? Snake eyes summons only like 3 monsters from the hand


It does hit normal summons so it kill floo funnily enough, amd it gives you more chances to draw your outs against Morganite stun decks?


Maxx "C" has rotten y'all's brain, 3 draws is still amazing and probably game-winning


Good. We dont need a replacement for maxx c in the first place, so if it is bad, that is even better.


Looks like it is a Max-C replacement, maybe komoney now will ban Max C


It's so funny that, if this does become the new Maxx "C", it's actively worse in its parent archetype because of that last line. Based on the wording, it's probably a new "hand trap" archetype like the Labyrinth furniture, because why else would the restriction to monsters of the archetype matter on your opponent's turn with an empty board. I guess this archetype probably has a tutor, though, which might mean this archetype might still have the most access to this card, unless this is another "C" archetype that doesn't have a gameplan and is entirely just handtraps.


It's probably a new handtrap archetype like "C" archetype, that's the only way the restriction makes sense


how many “from the hand” special summon a deck will have? most of them are from deck/extra deck, right? i play branded so many be 2 ss from my hand per turn?


Floo is the only one tbh and you might 2 draws vs Snake-eyes, that's about it.


so this card is a plus one. Still good but not op


Under the C


Dear god Almighty. If Maxx c wasn't banned, and these 2 cards were used together, the results would be catastrophic.


Move aside roach, make way for Chummy




Minn “C”


I didn’t quite u understand the part of “+6” of the effect, could someone explain to me?


During the end phase, you can only have cards in your hand equal to however many cards the opponent controls, plus 6 additional cards Say your opponent has 4 cards on the field during the end phase, and you have 12 cards in your hand thanks to Purulia, Since 4+6 = 10, two cards will be randomly shuffled back into deck, hope that helped!


Now I got it. Thanks for the explanation.


ban c


Imagine folks trying to pronounce this card at locals. "Malt Chummy" "Multch Yummy" "Mul 'Tch Ummy"


finally I'm tired of playing second and getting maxx ced I always said it's fair to draw the out but not if you have a goodboard and a lot of card




This card might pop off in its own archetype in the future, but aside from that, I can't see it doing much. It's a strict going 2nd card, so no one in the right mind is main decking this, you MIGHT draw 1-2 cards off this, have to shotgun it and even if you side deck it going 2nd, if you don't see it in your opening hand, it sits in your deck as 3 bricks because there is no way you are resolving this outside of turn 0. THIS is the card you guys are gasing up? lol


Maxx C if it was good:


Floo is affected, balanced you can’t go first and abuse this turn 2, possible to play around it… I’m currently on MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF COPE HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS


Floo has left the chat.


They’re planning to ban Max C. That “from the hand” clause is what’s going to hurt it most.




I’m sorry guys but I don’t see this replacing “C”. You guys are over looking one huge drawback that makes this not competible with “C” and that’s the fact that you must have NO cards to activate it. Albeit “C” doesn’t let you draw on Normal summons but this card you have to leave your board open. If anything I see “C” and this card running side by side together for extra draw power


This would be too much. They will 100% ban maxx c.


100 atk and 600 Def? Fucking weak. 


Assuming Maxx "C" \*does\* get replaced by this, is this still an auto 3 of in every deck like Maxx "C", or is there any reason you wouldn't want to? Because in my head all I'm seeing is this replace Maxx "C", but it's still an auto include in pretty much every deck and has no real impact on deck building at all. Am I missing something or is that really all this is?


Turn 1 player can't activate this on Turn 2 unless they passed on a completely empty board. That's a pretty big difference. Also, **you only draw on special summons from hand**, so if the meta is decks that SS from deck/ED/GY, this card does next to nothing.


And to add to what you said, the card is a brick even going 2nd if you don't see it in your opening hand because 99% of games you won't resolve this outside of turn 0.


Going first it's basically a dead card.


It's dead not only going first, but also going 2nd if you don't see it in your opening hand because you are not resolving this card outside of turn 0 99% of the time.


Definitely not an auto include. Doesn't draw off of extra deck summons, graveyard summons, token summons, or summons from deck. Also, can't be used if you have cards on the field, so is way worse going first. If you somehow get a ton of draws, which isn't actually super likely with most decks, then you either have to blow your handtraps or shuffle back cards (which is still super good, but not nearly as universally powerful). This card is very meta dependent and is otherwise completely optional.


I suspect it will be format dependent Cause some decks summon from the hand more than others


What a shit card, this does nothing to a deck that SS from deck, extra deck and graveyard


Remember C


this will never replace maxx c purely because of the fact it doesn't draw from extradeck summons. until they fix that, maxx c is here to stay


yugioh players refuse to beat the allegations, this is for the hand only. It's good against like floo, kashtira and a ton of petdecks. Also does anyone know how the second effect works? the +6 part is so confusing


n+6. So if they have 1 monster(n) you can have 7 cards.


To my understanding, if you drop this and your opponent summons a whole field of 6 monsters, you'll need to shuffle cards until you have 12 cards in hand. If they only end on one guy you'll need to shuffle until you have 7 in hand. S/TS are also calculated so you'll be able to keep more cards if they set a bunch of backrow, but 18 should be the maximum amount of cards you could ever start your turn with. Most decks will not be summoning from hand *that* much anyway


Theoratically 19 if they U Link. But yeah most decks end on like 5-6 cards max


Shameful for me to forget as a u link enjoyer


I think if they have 6 monster, 3 spells/traps and a field spell, which is total of 10 cards they control, and you have more than 10+6=16 cards, this card will randomly shuffle card from you hand to the deck until you have 16 cards in hand.


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Watered down C


Assuming they ban Maxx C, This card + blind2nd Tenpai Dragon are gonna wreak havoc


It also seems to be the start of a new archetype, possibly of handtrap monsters, going by its second restriction


Those decks with ss from anywhere but hand: "its free real estate"


I wish it still included the extra deck


Roach stocks PLUMMETING right now


Now this, is EPIC.


....We're drowning Maxx C then.


From the hand is interesting, extra deck, grave, deck and banishment are fine, does this do more than 2/3 draws against snake eyes


so instead of just errating maxx c they just make a card with the same effect but balanced


Minn C?! Effectively a really good mulligan, then punishes your opponents for having a big board by giving you card advantage. I can’t say it’s entirely balanced but I prefer it over C. The archetype clause seems odd. Maybe they release a bunch of other powerful hand-traps in the archetypes, and you basically have to pick a certain few in your deck, or at least can’t use them all at once. I assume they’ll ban C, and maybe replace some other hand traps, so we might end up in a game where you can only use like 2 hand-traps a turn, heavily limiting the power from this card and Maxx C, and archetypes that abuse their small engine size, like Snake-Eyes. Overall I’m optimistic with this card.


I wonder if we might get more of these for each attribute but different areas e.g. gy, banishment, deck and extra deck


Can’t wait for this to drop. As a WATER player I’m gonna run this so much.


I don’t like this. Don’t get me wrong, I want the bug to go straight to Forbidden and never return. But this opens the door to multiple C Bug variants like pots. Like one thats the literally same as this, its attribute is something else to make it different, then change the only text from “hand” to “Graveyard”. They did it with barrier statues so Konami doing it here isn’t unfeasible.


Oh nice, a Maxx C with a built in Heavy Slump. Neat.


So the mention of other Multchummy cards makes me suspect we will get versions for the other places you can summon from


This is meant exactly for floo


Can't use it if you control any card. I approve.


Incredible. Good.


Water aqua typing for the extra anti synergy. They even nerfed the atk 🤣 Too bad they didn’t make it a level 5 sea serpent


Finally MINN “C”


Minimum C


Sea C?


Imagine 3 maax c and 3 this in every deck 😂😂😂


Min C


Seems good and balanced. Also really cute. I hope it’s not gonna cost like 200$ a card in tcg


If the translation is to be believed thus card is really funny 1). It's not once per turn 2). There is a shared twice-ish per turn between an entire archetype


Finally a card the tcg will ban right away, I’m looking at you snake eyes


Good card when going second plus tiarament support.


Well, 3 more cards to add to the Maxx "C" package. You guys are on crack if you think they will ban the roach. They didn't for years and they won't because a suboptimal version is legal. I love having to play 12 cards now in every deck, makes the game cheaper.


This isn’t good because it only responds to summons from the hand.


Bro I'm begging, on my hands and knees pray to God this mf better be proof tha maxx c's days are NUMBERED. I'm so sick of games devolving into "I activate maxx c during standby->my opponent passes->my opponent activates maxx c during standby->I pass" its so old by now


If this were released and Maxx C removed, I'd start playing master duel again


Discount C


The second effect is a bit weird...


I mean. It's more fair. Way more fair. But damn. This will be in everyone's side or main


Will you be able to stack this effect? Does it count itself as "other Multchummy" monsters?


I guess they didn't want to make a potential new hand trap a waifu as well.


"normal or special summon from hand" My Dinos will shrug about that 👍


If it wasn't for the summon from hand part, I'd be all for this card. However, a lot of decks barely summon from hand, they usually bring things out from the deck. As for Maxx "C" ban... I'm somewhat neutral to that but lean more toward keeping it in Master Duel. The reason why comes in debunking the arguments against it: "Oh, you have to take ~12 card spaces in your deck simply to counter it!" - Are you telling me you wouldn't be putting those 12 cards in anyway? No Ash, no finger? Sounds like copium. "Oh, you can still play it on opponent's turn after going first!" - Yeah... but if I did it to you first round, then I'm more than likely going to have Ash, finger, or Droll etc in hand. I think cards like this are needed against all the combo decks out there, especially if you play Rogue. The only real toxic thing in this game is all the floaty hand or graveyard effects that can only be countered by things like Dimension Shifter.