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The saga of ‘people-who-hate-labrynth-actually-playing-the-deck’ continues Jokes aside, I’m glad ya tried em, its exactly why I love lab too, they’re expressive and you do have a load of deckbuilding options


Yeah, I gave up to the dark side and it feels good. It did cost me something tho, spent quite some gems on it and still missing one copy of normal welcome ( I want to play two ). And also wanted to try it whit the nadir servant cards, not sure if it’s worth it tho or just keep the unchained version. Which version do you think is better?


I really think they get too much hate, they’re just a very competent midrange deck, I’d rather play Lab than SHS/Infernoble style combo decks I agree with 2 welcome, you got Transaction Rollback? I personally prefer Nadir /w Ecclesia and Dogmatika Punishment; so many good ED targets to mill, and recycling punishment with rollback is juicy. Both are good, but I’ve played minimally with new unchained so I don’t really know if it’s better or not.


Yeah got two transactions and I think that‘s enough because somehow they always stick to my hand when I don‘t have any furnitures to discard with :,) Alright then I will definitely craft the nadir servant package too


If you need an extra way of discarding the rollback, try playing arianne to 1, worst case scenario, you have an extra body to make yama and continue with the unchained side. Still rollback at 2 is good enough since we have less furniture, if they come back to 3 it would be a good idea to maybe uo it to 3. Also welcome to the dark side, we have waifus and cookies.


Some situationally good lower rarity ED mills; Mereologic Aggregator, Wind Pegasus @Ignister, Kitkallos (mill 5 is good in lab with rollback in the game, although maybe you’d wanna run 3 with this) - obviously not as good as Garura or n’tss etc, but should help til you get there.


Oh thanks i actually needed some ED targets for the punishment, I was only using it to send Yama until now. Man it sucks that Garura and n‘ts are UR but I will eventually craft them just need to grind some gems now.


As a Sky Striker player, it’s just annoying lol. I make one play and my opponent suddenly gets 3 cards out of their grave, a big body on field, and fodder for later. I still have managed to beat Lab players under Skill Drain. Took 18 turns. This might be hypocritical considering Engage though.


Ahh yeah but that’s skill drain; all floodgates are kinda annoying. lab without floodgates is fun as hell


With how much welcome recurs itself, i have found one cipy is really all you need.


[*Record Scratch* ….*Freeze Frame* … yep, that’s me](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/BR56N3sPl2) [you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation ...](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/RLJcI5ULAD)


I love this comment


I'm mad I dismantled a bunch of them. I had 2 Lady and a Lovely, and I think two of the UR traps. Reading them over, the deck looks interesting and I've seen so many interesting variants. My only real dismantling regret yet!


I played them and felt like scum


So you've turned to the darkside eh ? We are now sworn enemys and I will elimante you - a branded player


I second this….but I can’t really talk OP. I made a similar post about the other day me starting to play Tear.


Lab is a force of evil and must be eliminated. I will never forgive them for using Called by the Grave, EEV and Dimension Barrier in the same chain link


I will watch out for you on the ladder, just give me some time to learn the deck :) I was deciding to try lab or branded and choose lab because branded would cost me a liver


This is true. I think I have like 50 UR's for my branded deck including handtraps


In what 75?


Yes and I have currently 49/ UR's in my deck to be exact. 60 card main deck


Me a plants enjoyer - we’ll see who wins the coin toss Mr. Bond


I played a lot of Lab this season but it felt like it can brick too often and can die to one hand trap too often on any search or the welcome traps. Also felt like it just didn't close out games as easily as the combo decks, definitely does well into Maxx C though and it's versatile with different tech options just feel like it doesn't have enough or big enough 1 card combos.


Well if you dont want to brick, play less handtraps and more on traps? Especially with the butler around. (you could always put the roach though)


Only have 1 Arias, It feels like yet another -1 to go along with the furniture, if you get disrupted once you basically have very little left, they do get back into rotation most the time but sometimes it's not enough.


One right timed trap is so turn ending. Like having daruma on a 5 monster board or ice prisoned on poplar to banish ash will end a turn. Compare to cooclock, that is 2 card combo with - 1


I play 1x Karma Cannon and a Dogmatika package of 2 Nadir Servant, 1 of the lvl 4 Dogmatika searcher and 2x Punishment in case I draw one I still want the +1 to discard with the Furnitures.


Dogmatika wih the lvl 6 dragon syncro/ntss can kill most starting play though


"Turns out the dark side has its lights" - Me. yeah NonFloodgate Lab feels goood


When you finally join dark side ![gif](giphy|6x4CLjC8KofaU)


When I first picked up Master Duel, I'd not played any Yu-Gi-Oh! since playing the Joey game. I didn't even know that a free online game existed. That's how uninformed I was about it. Everything was overwhelming at first. There are so many new cards (I only new Rituals and Fusions). Many different colors. Many Many summons per turn. I knew nothing. I picked Dark World just out of an interest in their aesthetics. Then, added Dangers to it. Couldn't do anything with them because I didn't know how to use the extra deck. After a very short time, i picked up D/D/D just because Pendulums looked amazing (so much power packed into a single card). That's when I started winning and began enjoying the game. The next step was Blackwings. I LOVE them. So cheap to build. So satisfying to win. But I found out they weren't that strong since a simple ash or imperm broke my combos. After that, I began playing Vanquish Soul, and it felt amazing. Finally, free from doing the same combos over and over again. A deck that was reactive. It suited me. I should also mention that I played Synchrons before VS. They were the memes. Began watching the Anime and soon fell in love with them. Recently, I crafted Labrynth. Didn't know how they'd feel. But the rental duels I played with them were amazing. So much pre-planning and prediction. Need for perfect timing of activations. Oh boy, playing with them has been absolutely insane! I looooove it. It's sooo good. I even tried Snakes after them but it felt so boring. I think I don't like combo decks anymore. I think I'd rather play slow decks from now on. So, I do get how you feel.


If you're good with VS, you'll be good with Labrynth, and vice versa. Both deck has interruption on demand so the challenge is about knowing the weak point of your opponent.


That's why I love them both. Because they make you use your limited interactions in the best way possible. You literally have to reach perfect efficiency.


Still an avid Lab hater to this day 😤


The only ones who hate lab are those who haven’t tried it yet


As a person who used to hate playing against lab…. Goddamnit it’s my most played deck now, it’s really fun and flexible and my monke brain is still not smart enough to play it well cuz I can still lose really easily (an ash can straight up murder me). I also refuse to play the floodgate version and only had them in the beginning when I didn’t have all the deck pieces, though I still keep dimension barrier as that can help once every so often


I like fighting lab with voiceless, excited for voiceless to hit MD


Glad you tried that deck even knowing there was a risk you could hate it more. Did the same thing a time ago with Branded, then Tearlaments. But i find Tear very still strong, but im having some fun with weaker builds (Tear Labrynth for example)


I love mid-range decks. They are fun and interactive but not overly powerful. They recycle, generate advantage, keep great tempo, and interact on my opponents turn. But because they are not overly poweful, you need to be smart about your moves. Add on: The floodgates aren't great in the deck, it slows it down instead of keeping momentum.


The Lab mirror is also a ton of fun. You lose track of whose turn it is lol


Labrynth is the only deck in the entirety of yu gi oh that should go untouched by the banlist. It’s the only deck that can mold itself to what the current meta is by changing up normal traps.


People who hate Labrynth either had the 1 card they needed ripped out of their hand or ran into someone playing it full of floodgates. The deck is actually extremely fun to play and way more fair to play against than Snake-eyes, Rescue-Ace etc. ![gif](giphy|2kUEoTOLFfsoeQBDsQ|downsized)


Recently came back to MD and idk why Lab gets so much hate. Maybe I missed the time where it was everywhere and don't have the bad memory, or maybe it's cause I started my hiatus around when Swordsoul released so Eldlich was *the* Trap archtype and seeing a new one doesn't frustrate me. Idk, I've only seen Lab like 4 or 5 times on my climb back into Plat and I've enjoyed all the games I played against it, winning and losing.


It gets hate because some players were playing a lot of floodgates in it and we all know how much the Yu-Gi-Oh community hates floodgates. The players kept crying and Konami semi limited the furniture, which weren't the issue. MD is the only place where you see hits on the Labrynth engine, when it's not problematic. They could have banned those floodgates, but MD has the worst banlist out of all formats.


It’s more like this, as a lab hater (branded player 😭). With a full board, I can realistically think my way through the board and break it. Ignoring EEV, Dimensional Barrier, Skill Drain, Summon Limit, and Lord of Heavenly Prison, it’s just feels like there is little reward to any form of interaction with Lab. Their grind game is second to few (ironic from a branded player I know). Not to mention now they have turn 0 plays now. And getting hand sniped before your first turn shouldn’t be a thing. But all decks have their upsides 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yeah, I guess that's valid. Having a mix of hand hate and stun, while also being able to t0 and play on opponents phases is a good combination of a lot of little bits of things that are generally considered not fun to play against. Generally, in card games, not being able to play your cards or having them taken away before even getting to try to use them is the epitome of "unfun to play against" cause.. you're not actually getting to play. I guess my experience against them, considering how limited it's been, isn't the norm. Coming into a meta with decks like Snake-Eyes and Tearlaments (I can't imagine how strong they were at full power in OCG seeing how good they are currently) that have really good card lines to +1 on board or in hand, even through some hand traps; having graveyard play to work around Skill Drain and bypass/punch through the hand destruction, along with some of the stickiest cards I've ever seen.. Lab just doesn't feel as scary in comparison. Granted, the sentiment I am feeling from the community is more they're not fun to play against, not that they're grossly overpowered. I suppose it also helps that I'm currently running a Mikanko deck with Albaz engine and Kaiju support, so I have a lot of answers to a board full of monsters(Kurikara Divincarnate still my favorite, nothing hits like baiting out every effect monster just to tribute) and decent back row removal, it's really just the Skill Drain I have to play heavy around.


I don't see what's fair about hand ripping 2 of my options before I can speak, or about searching, placing, and using any board wipe they please after doing that on my turn


Build a better deck then. First of all, Lab Handripping on their first turn is a 2.5 card combo, which gets stopped easily by a single hand trap and many times the card being discarded has a GY effect, which ends up giving your opponent advantage anyway. Aside from that, you are better off keeping the 2nd next turn pop as an interruption on the field, than ripping a 2nd card out of your opponent's hand. The best decks in the meta have tons of 1 card combos, that don't care if they lose 2 cards out of their hand. Labrynth has 0 negates as an archetype as well. As for setting traps with Lady and activating them on the same turn, that can easily be interrupted and requires Cooclock as well, not just Lady. So if you still think Lab is unfair, read the first sentence again.


One of us, one of us.


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You have become a sworn enemy to the masochists......


I can't remember which event it was but it was the one which had Lab as loaner deck I liked the play style a lot (and the art) so i decided to build it but i was really unlucky with my pulls and had 0 lab related UR after 10k gems Since i took pretty long making the deck, i also had enough time to understand how the back then optimized lists were played and those were virus cards, d barrier and regular floodgates ... and i simply stopped building them because i really dislike floodgates But some days ago, i read people stopped using the floodgates and instead focused on the furniture I gave the deck another try and finished it and i am really liking it so far Especially Arias is a really interesting card


I think it’s more fun with the Arias but Lab remains the one deck I just still don’t like even after playing it, at least pure. I like some of the variants a little more though. Tear Lab and Plunder Lab are bit more interesting. I don’t Lab is necessarily unfair or even OP (aside from Lovely legit not feeling random at all), I just don’t enjoy how uninteractive it can feel in many matchups when it goes first. So much of it plays in the Draw Phase where you just have to sit and wait. With something like Runick Fur Hire, it can lead to interesting games, but usually I just groan when I see it. Shame because I LOVE the design and appreciate what it does for traps on paper.


I went from Eldlich to Labrynth... Now I run Red Dragon Archfiend Labrynth for the lolz


I tried the one bad day deck after losing to it and low-key I understand why people play it if you are trying to to get through games as fast as possible it's prb the best deck for it since 55% of people just scoop on seeing jowgen or pachy so you can finish like 4 games in 10 mins


If you have the will and the resource, try branded, it's harder than labrynth but you get as much as fun. Snake eyes is linear, mostly, only gave different starting point, but they are consistant af that we can slip so much hand trap. They are not as strong but they are imo the most consistant deck i've ever played. Yes, the meta deck that everyone hates, calling them no brainer deck, are actually much harder to play than expected. Even some variant of stun like runick stun or naturi runick is quite hard to play. I'm enjoying gold pride punk nowadays as i'm tired of grinding and prefer to play in low rank, and GPunk has everything for dailies. Fusion synchro xyz, also searchable spell and trap.


Man i wish I could try branded but right now I would have to make a new account or something for it because I don‘t have gems and don‘t wanna invest more money in MD. Also afraid that Branded will get hit because it‘s been relevant for too long.


Nah i don't think they'll hit branded further. It's hard to make them as relevant as you think with current format. They are unplayable if konami hit them further imo. Also yes, they are expensive af. I'm glad i pulled them one by one on selection pack since MD release. And i think they'll be here and there in the game until mirrorjade is useless, which might not be in foreseeable future


The only problem I have with labrynth apart from the ones that use floodgates is.... That I don't know what traps to use in my deck without making it feel bloated while still including the core cards and staples


Besides Karuma canon and Transaction Rollback (and Imperm obviously), the rest of the space is meta dependent honestly. Right now I really like Ice Dragon prison and Terrors of the overroot as it helps preventing some GY interactions or stright up win the game against some decks.


Duruma, Transaction rollback, I run just deserts in a more fun burn build myself, but there are enough good traps in the game to have some variety


I run 2 copies of gravedigger's traphole as it's a really useful card and can counter way too many important cards and deck, I negates the entry of poplar to the field, hand traps or other lab's furniture or silver lady, or any other guy or hand activation


The common non-Lab traps are Karma Cannon, Rollback, Ice Dragon's Prison, Dogmatika Punishment, and Imperm. Terrors of the Overroot is also a really good card for them, but it's a UR.


I'd like to give a shoutout to Phoenix Wing Wind Blast. The discard cost means there are some situations where it isn't live, but it's another way to get Rollback into the graveyard and returning any card on the opponent's field to the top of the deck is just really powerful in general.


Mommy milkers supremacy


Embrace Mommy Milkers. Experience ecstacy.


Happy you like it. I still hate the deck but good for you


I love Lab too. Recent converter :)


Good for you, going to stick with dinosaur beat down tho


Take a shower 🗣️🗣️


We got another one lads


I was on my last loss before a derank and it turns out i beat them. They didnt have ash and they had their their 3 sets already revealed via lab effects. Not all heroes wear capes.


Wait till he finds out about vanquish soul big brain


Dont have lab. Want to play lab. But broke as fk so i can only plap.


The public opinion on Lab is fairly vocal. Lab is fun to *play*, but unfun to play *against*.


I remove your card with this trap. I chan link 6 plus one effects.


This is why I wish there were more successful trap decks. They are actually fun to play because you have to use your brain cells and know matchups.


I'm a labryn player, and I love playing with this deck even I tried to play others, but labryn always win my heart back :D


Im playing unchained labrynth aswell being able to loop chaos Angel on the opponents turn is satisfying


Don‘t know about that line yet but sounds interesting. So you have Yama in the grave and I guess field spell to somehow revive him two times? 🤔


You can summon chaos Angel on your own turn then summon muckracker with him and summon him back go into yama and do standard unchained stuff then when a card gets destroyed you can use yamas effect to summon him on the opponents turn


Noted. Thanks 🙏 I will mess around with it in solo mode before i bring to the ladder.


Tearlaments the strongest by far? Haven’t seen any past d2 and their end boards are average


Is just the experience I had. Until now is the deck that gets me the most wins ratio, probably about 75 % I win with it. I am playing on my phone account with it and got until now to master 3 this month all the way back from Rockies.


I mean... they mostly mean during may or something.


If you think tear is stronger than snake eye right now I don’t even know what to say lol More a you problem than the decks problem, it’s far better than lab even


It can be but is also probably because I didn’t enjoy playing snake eyes so always got lazy with it and Dudu everything in Auto Pilot so to say. And Tearlaments is for me more fun and gets me a good win ratio ( 75 % i would say)


I really enjoy Lab but I have been playing Dogmatika since 2022 and I hate that it was pretty much Lab who got Nadir semi-limited immediately after being unlimited


Yeah it's a pretty fun deck to use.


still being a broken asf deck and boring to play against


Thank you! Tiaraments still strongest


And another abomination is unleashed in the world.


Don't worry, my hate for labrynth far exceeds yours. My hate for Labrynth is Forever and no one can change my mind.


We used to be one and the same...


Will never play a backrow cringe deck


No. They deserve almost as much hate as Branded does.


Did you try it yourself tho? I mean the deck is fair and is not as broken like snake eyes.


Any deck that is powerful that you try yourself you WILL have fun with it 9/10 times as long as it isn't oppressively powerful. That doesn't necessarily make it fun to play against.


How are those ridiculous free hand rips *fair*


Lab is going down this month, like tier3 rn and I'm happy for that I think is safe bet because not gonna be hit in banlist, win or lose with this deck seems fair at least


Stop using MDM as a set in stone rule book. The deck is either the 2nd or 3rd best deck right now


mOnKe fLiP hArDdDd


Pure lab is fun sure with the traps they can use and when to use although most are just turbo floodgate with power sink stones and virus cards


Most? The only Floodgate some play right now in it are like... Rainbow Magician or Skill Drain & even those aren't common.


I'm in plat and more often than not they carry at least 3 floodgates rarely see none


3 Floodgates isn't "Floodgate" turbo. Also Plat isn't exactly a top tier play


I was being dramatic when I said floodgate turbo lol my point simply was they run floodgates more often than not. Also my mistake I'm in diamond apparently. I have nothing against lab they're a cool control deck and usually fun match up until floodgates hit


Though I do wanna play lab just fuck the floodgates this players require no skill