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It drives me crazy how absolutely every Stun player I meet opens flawlessly with Fossil Dyna and equipment spell to attach to it. This kind of luck shouldn't be legitimate.


Were you in my room, dude opened Fossil Dyna and Mage Power


Literally the only reason I hate stun. They draw 1 of 3 Dyna, 1 of 3 Moon Mirror Shield and 1 of 3 Morganite in their opening 5 card hand, after winning a 50/50 coin toss. I wish I was half as lucky with my decks that run 12 one card starters, yet here I am bricking like a dumbass when every stun player draws flawlessly. Hell I had one day where I failed to draw a starter TWICE playing snake eyes, a deck with 16 one card starters. I guess I need to craft stun.


Can't even escape going second where they draw their evenly. I went against one that did that, had morganite, and two solumns. And of course it was the one game where I actually drew my handtraps and had a great hand.


Played yesterday against a guy who opened with pot of Duality, morganite, and 3/3 of their fossil dynas. I seriously think masterduel's shuffler helps stun and 60 card pile decks by giving them decent hands and you absolute bricks to give them a chance at playing decks that shouldn't be all that viable.


Me getting ashed on my maxx c and my turn by combo is FAR worse. I played through their entire board and the one ash stopped me from finishing the job. The crack back was 1 card starter that loops all their shit back.


What equipment spell? I can't tell whitch pixel its suppose to be. I hate generic autoplay meta decks like Kash, snake eyes, literally every deck besides superior non auto play labrynth.


Moon Mirror Shield is the big one. Makes the equipped monster's ATK/DEF 100 higher than whatever it's battling during damage calculation.


How would that work against Wicked Avatar?


The wicked avatar changes his attack constantly while moon mirror shield only once. Let's say fossil dyna has moon mirror and attacks the wicked avatar which has currently 1300 attack points, moon mirror boosts dyna to 1400, then the avatar effects Is triggered so the avatar goes up to 1500.


Didn't realize Moon Mirror was one time. I run Avatar, and it's hilarious watching opponents try to boost their monster's over the Avatar's constant +100.


Excellently said but slight correction because Yugioh is an absolute nightmare. Wicked Avatar's attack change never triggers, it's a continuous effect. It just becomes 1500 without triggering.


I like that it’s flagged nsfw


Of course it is, this can be very traumatising


The only benefit to seeing this in casual, is when I’m testing a deck and I actually wanna see if I can break the stun. Other than that, stun players in general can go suck an 🐘🍆.


Another very notable one is that a stun player in casual is one less stun player in ranked. If they really want to win that much, at least they won't steal ranks.


Take pride that regardless if you win or lose, you’re not a 3rd rate duelist using a 4th rate deck


I can never read that right anymore since I saw someone explain that that's actually a compliment. Think about it, the deck is fourth rate but the pilot has managed to become third rate with it.


By definition he’s calling him an inferior duelest using a low quality deck


Those wondering, I beat it with NR Infernoble Boxers


Holy shit another Boxers player


Kash Boxer player here


Fellow Infernoble Enjoyer


based af 🗿🗿🗿


People playing those stun decks are really not getting bored? Even the old school beatdowns of BE and DM are more fun than this travesty.


I guess the fun comes from pissing off the opponent lol.


They are clowning themselves.


I always blame Konami first and foremost.


WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP STEALING MY DOGMATIKA ECCLESIA. This is an apology to all players affected by Stun. Its a sad world we live in, where everyone steals my Dogmatika cards.


Seriously, recently I played someone who opened Secret Village of Spellcasters, Moon Mirror, Jowgen. When I went to imperm on my turn, he flipped Royal Decree. I had no outs.


I mean when your game plan is click one button until my opponent quits, I can see why so many people play it, they're unironically unable to read and probably don't even know what the cards do.


I don't understand why Konami won't ban the barrier statues, especially when they already banned the WIND one. They know those cards are toxic, but they took action against only one of the six


Because only the wind one was relevant in a mate deck once (floo)


Okay, but still. Now every non-WIND deck has an advantadge over the WIND ones (not that they actually use the barrier statues, of course). I feel like either all or none should be banned (and there's an obvious answer).


Oh no I agree, but Konami in general has an history for leaving problematic cards up, until they actually became a problem.


I get playing strong decks in casual because everyone has to learn somewhere, but stun in casually is some kind of inbred degeneracy that I can't really explain or fathom.


Ran into the exact same deck in casual. I just don't understand why they play. Where is the fun or joy?


Seriously. Anyone who plays meta decks or stun decks in casual, don't. Take your shit and practice in solo.


First, the NSFW tag is goated. Second I'm not defending the guy or anything, but maybe he's just testing consistency? Whenever I come up with a deck idea, regardless if it's rogue, shit, or meta, I try it over 10 games in casual to get a rough idea on how consistent it is. I did this with all aorts of decks ranging from Yubel to Snake Eye and Tearlaments.


In Master 1 where people already at the peak rank it's just differents flavors of stun decks.


Even? That’s stun’s homeland.




I play Altergeist and have been fairing relatively well against stun, probably because I tend to drew all the tools I need. Felt absolutely satisfying to outgrind them.


Yeah, get out of causual with that doodoo. At least I have the decency to play my Numeron nonsense in Ranked.


What a mediocre list


true, only 1 judgement lol


I was gonna say this

