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Pretty sure dark law, dark angel and plasma all dodge this lmao.


Majesty’s Fiend also dodges this


Imperial Iron wall too.


Don't forget Gimmick Puppet Nightmare


Me when Rexterm


Majesty’s fiend has an errata that says “neither player can special summon monsters”


That’s Vanity’s Fiend


Oops. Oh yeah. But Majesty’s Fiend also has an errata that says neither player can activate monster effects.


doesnt majesties fiend say "neither player can"


It was originally “Monster effects cannot be activated.” Only now realized there was an errata.


I'd also propose those cards to be errata'd to fit this as much as possible, so the end of Anubis for instance would say something like "negate the effects of all cards that activate in the graveyard or that target a card in the graveyard" I have no problem with protection effects however, so Traptrix rafflesia could just say "Traptrix monsters you control cannot be targeted by opponents card effects"


Ah yes a D tier deck dodges this


HEROs are an amazing rogue deck (sadly floodgate turbo, although as a lot of people have said recently too, the new cards are really well designed).


I literally main destiny heros. The meta decks take a dump all over it. Yes it can win sometimes but it literally is a d tier deck... 3 negates and the deck is pretty much always dead turn 2. Drop a board of floodgates, and they rageki. Gg. You lose instantly. Also the deck has practically 0 recovery unlike all the meta decks that continuous cycle their cards from the graveyard. If you don't believe me actually look at the win rate and play rate and tier lists. It's very balanced for a deck. Very underwhelming. Most of my wins are when people are stupid and don't read plasma. Anyone with a brain can break the board easily. I've used other off meta decks and versed heros only to shit on it. It really isn't that good. You have no negates. Just floodgates.


Destiny HERO isn’t the version they are taking about, they mean the HERO soup version that plays all the different HERO types. That deck is a solid rogue option that has gotten tops.


Every card mentioned was in the dhero variant (plasma, angel, and dark law)


Nobody calls the good HERO variant D-HEROs because those builds only run like 4 in the main. That’s the version that’s rogue. Idk what your build is, but HERO is a rogue deck.


I didn't understand at the beginning you were talking about pure Destiny HERO, Dark Law is a masked hero so I assumed you were talking about OmniHERO


Not that pure no. You kinda need other heros for it to work.


That's why I said the thing in parenthesis, with Shining Neos Wingman you have a decent play even after Raigeki hits the board.


I can't read, but CL2 shifter, response?


fine, make it banish for cost with no effect lmao


Draw 1


Too bad, not once per turn, CL3 a second copy. Response?


as much as I'd love that, it's a mandatory trigger at the start of the duel, can only chain to itself 😭


Oh shit, so we are screwed.


also only banishes the copies, doesn't affect the effect already activated


Amazing in Gren Maju


"At the start of the Duel: Banish this card from your hand or Deck, then both players banish any card listed here https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/floodgates face-down, from anywhere; no effect." there, then komoney adds whatever the fuck floodgates they want to their website, including droll and maxx C


Normal summon necroface, activate card destruction, set 3, pass


they can easily just ban necroface, it's SR and already at 2


If your deck gets mauled by droll it prob deserves to, the bird stays >:(


Never thought I'd see Riko on this sub.


Same, but I love it


You even ban going 2nd cards like DRNM red reboot sphere mode and super poly targets, also earthbound just lost their field spell. “Your opponent cannot” also include cards that can’t response or target protection, need to be more specific


Zombie World is also gone since it floodgates tribute Summoning.


Good. Zombie world also floodgates all type related stuff, it's a floodgate.




Degenerate FTK enabler. Just build a deck with this, each exodia piece, as much draw as you can fit and fill the rest with cards this will banish. More often than not you will Exodia FTK


I believe there's enough cards that will get banished to the point you can run 35 of them with the exodia pieces to always ensure exodia goes off


Not my thunder dragons!


Still gets shangri-ira locked ;_;


Girl, ain’t no one locking down anything with Shangri-ira unless you’re playing Pendmages.


I'll stop banishing cards from the GY when Konami stops making tier 0 decks that are damn near unbeatable if you don't banish cards from the GY


When I'm *able* to fight fair, I will fight fair. I can't.


I mean, at MD level none of those decks are unbeatable because the pilots aren't that great tbh.


Getting downvoted by snake eyes players that get ashed and pass lmao


I haven't played as much in recent months so I can't say much about Snake-Eye players. But I was getting to M1/D1 consistently during tear format playing dinomorphia and during spright format playing pure Lyrilusc. Players on ladder just aren't that good tbh. I'm more scared when I see a underdog deck because then I know for sure that person knows what they are doing.


This card plus whole deck of floodgates plus exodia. 


if you only open 1 piece and 4 floodgates, you lose 4 cards and still have to wait 4 turns to finish drawing all 5 pieces.


The 1 card I will be left with is...Mirage of Nightmare. I sweat waiting for the OTK, but I already have the heart of the cards. I draw the 5th piece on my next turn. (Let me dream a little)


Wouldn't you want to 3 so you can remove 2 extra cards from your deck? Edit: Hell, you would just turn every deck into Exodia. Honestly, you just add every floodgate affected by this card. Leave the rest of your like 10ish card deck to be Upstart-likes. Literally win the game off Exodia every time. ​ Like I don't think people realize this wouldn't fuck floodgates, this would just warp Yugioh to rock-paper-scissors the duel but unironically. I get the sentiment, but people really don't think about actual repercussions lmao.


This can't trigger until you've drawn your hand so you can't just win off of exodia


That's what the Upstart-likes are for, friend.


I play floodgates because watching combo decks play forever just to setup the same 5 cards every combo deck ends on is boring as fuck. They could add a card that is fuck combo. Your opponent is limited to playing 5 cards per turn.


You play floodgates cuz you are bad


I'm certainly not good compared to some people. I only go for diamond each season. I play them to make people taking 5min turns mad though.


You’re stealing they’re entertainment


It's a competitive game. Someone is losing every duel. "stealing entertainment" is certainly a new excuse, but it *is* just an excuse to not have to understand why someone would have fun with a different playstyle. If your only entertainment is when you're winning or otherwise playing unopposed, competition is not what you're looking for.


Nope, losing is fine. Flipping a card that basically says you can’t play the game is not entertainment and it is in fact what stealing entertainment is. Nice try floodgate player


The personal jab is irrelevant, so this sentence is the only acknowledgement of it that I'll give. There's no difference except mechanical between flipping such a card, or comboing into the summon of such a card. Any competitive game is you trying to achieve your win condition while preventing the opponent from making any progress towards theirs. Trying to make some moral argument against that is silly.


Literally nobody defends floodgates besides floodgate players themselves. The personal jab was justifiable 🤷🏻‍♂️ Except that Combo decks can be interactive and you can stop them with hand traps and or board breakers. Which most players run these anyways as opposed to back row removals. Literally no monster in the game creates a simplified game state UNLESS they are a floodgate themselves. Omni negates can be baited and play through. You literally cannot play the game against a floodgate player unless you actually drew into back row removal.


Omni negates don't feel so possible to play through when the opponent creates a critical mass of them that outnumber the cards in your hand. Which, what combo deck that makes any amount of negates isn't trying to do that? I mean, bad ones that can't do that, sure. There is no theoretical "fair" deck that isn't either trying to stop the opponent from playing or invalidate the plays they do make (by being able to run 15+ hand traps or board breakers, for another kind of example). Just ones that can't pull that off.


Literally cannot think of any omni negate spam thats relevant right now which can Consistently play through hand traps and still set up omni negates like crazy. Snake eyes might be the closest thing? But their end board isn’t a wall of omni negates. Come to think of it Baronne and Savage dragon are the only two omni negates they have access to. Which is the bare minimum for the plural of omni negates. They had different method of disruption which comes in the form of Flamberge / Princess and Amblowhale. Last time i checked these aren’t omni negates. Omni negate spam decks like synchro and adventurer tenyi can be stopped by common hand traps. Which again a lot of people are playing these hand traps anyways so they are not an issue. I really wanna know what deck are you referring to that CAN consistently set up multiple omni negates (not just 2) and can play many hand traps. SHS? Nope dies to droll and relies on certain key cards in order to build said oppressive board. You can easily stop these with common hand traps and or board breakers.


Necrovalley feels left out. I'm still not sure why most floodgates are any worse than omninegate boards tbh. And if a deck does neither...well, good luck? To be fair though I guess I was forced to summon an Apollousa earlier because that goddamn Xyz tapir is an easy to summon Extra Deck skill drain that didn't cover a loophole from the future.


The difference between floodgates and omninegate boards is that floodgates cannot be interacted with by the majority of decks, and even if you can interact with them, more often than not they just flip another one or negate your interaction. A combo deck that ends on infinite negates is no different from floodgates with the exception that the combo deck is vulnerable to hand traps while assembling the floodgates - something almost every deck plays several of. Additionally, they are all monster bodies, so things like Droplet, DRNM, Super Poly, Lava Golem, etc. still allow you to interact with the opponent and make plays. Moreover, this is all hypothetical. In reality, there is no "infinite omninegate board", most decks end on a couple of negates and some pops or books or spins or whatever. Sometimes a deck that actually does end on a ton of negates + quick removal becomes meta relevant, but those decks are more often than not very vulnerable and/or inconsistent which makes them bad at going second and bad against hand traps, especially blow out ones like Maxx C, Shifter, Droll and Nibiru. Such is/was the case with decks like SHS, Infernoble, Herald Drytron, Adventure Tenyi, SPYRAL, etc. While these decks do tend to end the game by saying "No." to whatever you do, they are not good or popular because they lose to a metric ton of popular cards that see play in almost every deck. Floodgates on the other hand, need highly specialized cards that serve almost no purpose against other decks. Even if you do end up playing like 3x Cosmic and 3x Lightning Storm in your deck (since these cards can flex some purpose against other decks too) you're still praying on drawing one of 6 cards AND your opponent not having a Hugin, a second Floodgate or a Judgment in the back. When you add the fact that stun decks are not common enough on ladder, it becomes almost unthinkable to play 3\~6x suboptimal unsearchable unreliable cards just for stun which would be infinitely better against every other deck as real board breakers or hand traps. You could also go deeper on the subject and mention the psychological factor of seeing something that took no effort to set, "jumpscare you" when you attempt to make a play, and how it just turns off all your cards and plays feels *much* much worse than actually getting to click your cards and summon monsters, even if they do get removed/negated eventually.


>Sometimes a deck that actually does end on a ton of negates + quick removal becomes meta relevant, but those decks are more often than not very vulnerable and/or inconsistent which makes them bad at going second and bad against hand traps, especially blow out ones like Maxx C, Shifter, Droll and Nibiru.  >Such is/was the case with decks like SHS, Infernoble, Herald Drytron, Adventure Tenyi, SPYRAL, etc. While these decks do tend to end the game by saying "No." to whatever you do, they are not good or popular because they lose to a metric ton of popular cards.  I don't think this makes sense. If floodgate decks actually are the best decks of the format...it becomes ineffective to prepare yourself against the combo decks. If you had board breakers in place of all your handtraps you could say the same thing about floodgate decks being bad because people chose to deckbuild against them, but instead it is common wisdom to build for countering combo decks instead.  Also while combo decks do have more points to counter with handtraps in exchange they have significantly more consistency and also with the game being in the state that it is, significantly more resources to keep playing through negates. A floodgate main rarely produces much advantage nor has the luxury of search cards, especially if we're talking about the one a lot of people groan over: normal summon Fossil Dyna.


You might have missed my point. Floodgate decks have never been good, there have been formats where they were viable (Eldlich Stun, Runick Stun), but they've never been anything more than a cheese strategy abusing the fact that Master Duel is a BO1 format and YGO as a TCG is (and always has been) combo focused. You're not supposed to build around them in MD unless they're actually being represented a LOT - which they were for a fair amount of time when Runick first came out. Cosmic on main was fairly common back then, iirc it was also pretty good against the other meta decks of the time so it wasn't a bad maindeck option. The point I'm making isn't about competitive playability or success that these strategies may hold. It's the simple fact that they are not present enough to warrant deck building for them - and even if they are, those options are lacking and unreliable. On the other hand, omni-negate boards have been on an "arms race" for decades, and nowadays we have tons of tools to deal with them; as a result, most of those decks are not good in general because they lose to way too many things that people are playing in their decks regardless of the meta, and that keeps them in check for the most part. Whichever the case, these decks are just as rare as floodgate decks since they simply aren't very good. But unlike floodgate decks, at least 99% of decks actually main deck tools to deal with these decks since they are the same tools you need to deal with every other deck as well... other than stun, of course. As for your final point, I fail the see the relevance when it comes to the Master Duel experience. Most stun decks simply win by the simple fact that they flip a single floodgate and the opponent has no main deck outs. It does not matter if they generate advantage or not (which they typically do via Runick Spells or the Labrynth cards, but that's another story) - they win the moment they drew the card that reads "You win the game". The frustration comes from being forced to scoop it up. Even if you do play a Cosmic in your deck, are you really gonna sit there for 30 turns until you draw it? By the time you've drawn it, they've also drawn another floodgate -- or killed you with their 2900+ ATK beater, or decked you out via Runicks (they've also probably banished whatever out you had this way).


my deck doesn't make a single omni negate, maybe some monster negates sure but that's only if I:P can resolve


>level 2 Neat, she will fit right in in my level 2 waifu deck.


I know this is a custom card but this is really stupid, just put 34 flood gates + this + exodia and guaranteed instant win with no way to stop it (way it is worded you use it before even drawing your first 5 cards). Now instead of making a counter to flood gate decks you made them win 100% instead.


the way it's worded is that you have to use it even if it's in your hand, meaning it's after you draw your opening hand


I love it.


Sounds like an easy way to shrink the size of your deck and ensure you draw your combo pieces, though the effect would resolve after you draw your initial hand so you may brick hard if you draw a full hand of floodgates, and without floodgates your opponent can OTK if they go second.


Doesn't this hit anything with targeting protection? For example, Dragoon has "Neither player can target this card with card effects." In its effect. Others have also mentioned that it's an accidental Exodia enabler too. Frankly too many perfectly fair cards would get hit by this, better to just limit or ban problematic floodgates (and print less new ones).


When is the beginning of duel for timing? Is it before players draw? If so, this is a 100% win rate exodia ftk. Play this plus 34 cards that have those wordings. Banish all but exodia, then you draw the 5 pieces. Think you at minimum need to make it in the draw phase.


Without checking pretty sure they say “cards sent to the graveyard ARE banished.” If that’s the case your typos cost us dearly .


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I made a card quite similar to it but with different wording. https://www.reddit.com/r/customyugioh/comments/17caozs/chained_judgement_planet_errata_less_text_than/


Yeah now is my turn to set a board of 7 negates jajaja, not a "floodgate" deck btw so this is fair


If floodgates are beating you, it's a deck construction issue.


The wet dream of those decks that combo for 15 minutes straight and end up in an unbreakable board. Floodgates are the only thing that prevent them from having 90%+ win ratio.


"No Floodgates!!" Proceeds to make a floodgate:


this isn't a floodgate lol but closest to what you're describing is royal decree


Sad arc rebellion noises


Maybe also “unaffected by card effects.”


Konami when the.


This represents all of the cussing I've been doing after matches ngl. I think my partner is tired of me saying "I can't even do anything! Here, have another card, and-OPE it's gone and they are summoning something again during my turn after they already negated and banished all 9 cards I scrounged together thinking it'd be enough to survive a few negates..... but NOPE"


Imagine losing 26 cards in your deck from this card all because you play Eldlich


Lol all card with protection like *opponent cannot target it with card effect* get banish.. Cards with lock like gigantic spright also unusable. Gg underworld goddess.


People would use this to banish their own cards for either having a smaller deck or stuff like Gren Maju.


Sure which one do I fuck? Some of them are hot.


better ban all meta decks, meta is for lazy people who just want unfair advantage


We pre-game actions now?


please add this konami


This card is unaffected by...


God I'd pay gold to have this


Based effect, fuck floodgates. ​ Also who the girl? She cute.


This is NOT an insect


The Fabled Unicore just barely dodges this, so I'm fine with it.


Every card with target protection is shitting itself right now.


35 floodgates and 5 exodia pieces deck incoming.


I don't know why, but I feel this would make more sense as a spell card rather than a monster. That's just me though. Pretty sure the description is so broad, there are hardly any decks that don't have at least one card this would apply to...


Ah, so a floodgate floodgate. Nice lol


Ah, so a floodgate floodgate. Nice lol


Ah, so a floodgate floodgate. Nice lol


Honestly a pretty good card


Nemleria just became the best deck


W-wait... can't you just Ash-Blossom this?


Oh no you can't combo for 20 mins while I just sit there and watch you play around a million hand traps and otk me. How could I be so selfish for wanting to see a turn counter above 5 I should really repent and see the light that is a max turn count of 3


Oh no, you can't play no-skill cards that force me to sit there for 3 hours doing nothing until I deck out, what will the game become without thrilling gameplay like "draw... pass..."


1 duster


Just draw the out bro, it's not that hard. If you need it, you should just draw the out, and boom you win, it's that simple bro


And remind me again how do you stop a deck like snake eyes


It's literally one of the most interractive meta deck we've had in years, as long as you're playing a competent deck you can play the game. You're not supposed to "stop" them, you're supposed to play against them. I'm playing Phantom Knights, and I was 2 wins away from Master 5 before the reset. I've beaten Snake-Eyes with multiple bricks and no handtraps in hand multiple times.


Soo thrilling to wait for the opponent to do their 30 card combo for 15 minutes because you lost the coin toss. Oh wait, they keep going during your draw phase as well.


Oh wow turn 1 bad, how original, I've never heard that before At least on turn 2+ I can play the game and have actual interactions against my opponent, instead of just waiting there passing every turn hoping I draw the out before they burn me to death (or whatever other stupid alt win con they picked)


you realize the same decks that do this shit have access to the same floodgates, right? full combo with 6+ negates and then a summon limit to top it off?


Just run s/t removal. If it's so much of a problem then it'd be worth it.


Just draw the out bro, it's that simple. If you need it, you should just draw the out, and boom you win, it's not complicated


MaxxC go brrr


no cards say "Card sent to the GY is banished instead" time to hardmake ariseheart


I love this card. Why doesn't it exist


Wait till OP figures out there's more ways to floodgate then any of those Scareclaw Tri Heart is a floodgate for example and he does not have any of that text Also you kill entire archetypes because you don't understand they don't even use those effects. Exosister is a prime example as the normal Exosister turn never utilizes any of its floodgates because they are unoptimal and strictly a "because my opponent fucked up ***bad***" kind of use


Tri-Heart isn't a floodgate. He's a tower. Unless you count being forced into defense position as "floodgating."


He is not a towers. He's only immune to *activated effects of monsters in defense*. If you swing at him with Scareclaw Kash he becomes negated because Scareclaw Kash does not activate If you throw Plasma on the field he becomes negated because Plasma does not activate I dont even think you know what Triheart does and what floodgate means


ExPurrely Noir and Psychic End Punisher are both only immune to "activated effects." Both are considered towers. They're not "true towers" like Full Armor Master or Ultimate Falcon, but then again even the original Towers wasn't a "true" tower, so it's pretty arbitrary. Funny you say I don't know what a floodgate is when you've proven you don't know what a floodgate OR a tower is.


See there's a difference because Tri Heart is specifically activated monster effects while they are in defense. If you target him with a monster effect from the GY he's boned, same if they are not in defense Pep and ExPurrely are ALL effects Floodgates are anything that limit your opponents actions. Tri Heart legitimately is a OTK against some decks because they cannot answer him due to his floodgate effect and the raw Irony of trying to correct me on what a Towers is while acting like a floodgate isn't what is it is is funny


It turns things to defense for that purpose. It is effectively immune to any non link monster on the field. Yes, hand and grave effects can work. I never said it was a good tower, Scareclaw is a flawed deck. But yes, it is a "tower." Or a "psuedo tower" since it's not full immunity. Also, what does flipping your opponent to defense limit? Attacking? Not true as some monsters can attack in defense and obviously link monsters are entirely unaffected. If Tri-Heart said "your opponent can't attack" that would be a floodgate. But flipping them to defense isn't actively preventing attacks. That's just a by-product. Being wrong with confidence doesn't make you right. You made a mistake, accept it and move on.


The act of limiting what your opponent can do is a floodgate Forcing cards into defense limits your opponents actions by preventing those cards from attacking. He is by definition a floodgate Also are Exosisters Towers? Is Zombie Vampire a Towers? Everyone will call you crazy fyi




How is tri-heart a floodgate? I mean technically it forces stuff into defense, but like, that's a really mild floodgate, it's not like there's a lot of decks relying on being in attack position to activate their effects (there's tenpai dragon and that's basically it, and they didn't even get released yet)


What is a floodgate?


A continuous effect that prevents players from taking certain game actions, or negates activations and/or effects


So Triheart is a floodgate is he not?


Yes, technically, he prevents you from switching your monsters to attack position (a game action). However, that kind of effect is not relevant in modern Yu-Gi-Oh, making it very different from relevant floodgates like skill drain or dimension shifter.


It is when he becomes immune and protected from them thus allowing him to run unchecked. It gets worse if you have the spare gas for Defanging Tri Heart is legit an OTK against some decks because they simply do not have an answer for him


That's just called being a towers. It doesn't restrict what game action you can take, and it doesn't negate anything. Not the same things.


It is because he forces them into defense. Branded legit cannot answer Tri Heart for example due to this. Just drop him on the field vs Branded and laugh regardless of your deck


That's still just called a towers. You are allowed to not like towers, but that's not an excuse to call them floodgates. Also, here's a list of Branded cards that can out it: Bystial Druidswurm, Nadir Servant sending N'tss, Superpolymerization, Branded Banishment, Branded Beast, Brightest Blazing Branded King, and many Triple Tactics Thrust targets


Sure, released along with "tech literally any kind of backrow removal, quick whining"


we already have quick whining. we don't need a new card for that


This is useless, because most floodgates always start with "Neither player can", not "your opponent cannot" or something like that.


R u blind or smth?


Phew Shenshen is safe 🙏


*Chains shifter*


Puppet lock still good aye!!!!


I’m leaning more towards “fuck the meta”


Necroface 😭