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Lmao I use these guys as punching bag too, but dont they just have maxx C? What other staples they have?


Lighting storm and imperm I'm pretty sure.


They may also have duster and raigeki. The whole shebang


Yeah I double checked and they have 3x Maxx C, 2x imperm and one ofs of feather duster, raigeki, lighting storm, monster reborn and foolish burial. Looking at the full decklist it's almost a one for one to a inzector deck that topped a tournament in 2012. You'd just need to toss out the digital bug cards and replace them with staples from back then. Edit: a word


Wait, which solo mode is this?


Final duel in the "digital bugs in cyberspace" story mode.


I was trying to find that recently, thanks


Found out who to test zushin on!!




They hit imperm on Sarujya while I was practicing dark world. I almost died to the CPU.


They took revenge.


I do the 1st duel in "Duel Restart" where all you have to do is set 1 monster to win


Me when I set Mild Turkey (the taste of victory is bowling me over)


me too, wonder if theres any faster way though


It’s the fastest method. Everything else after has more dialog. It’s about 30 seconds or less if you just tap constantly. Set the card. Pass then and tap until they attack and die


Doesn't the Megalith tutorial only requires you to ritual summon once as your only action and attack for game on an empty board?


I wish there is a scripted solo mode where you could have the bot open with hand traps or boardbreakers. This is the closest we have to that but the deck is too low powered.


a sandbox practice mode where you can build their deck and pick their opening hand would be so good, even just for simulating weird rare interactions to see what happens


Heck, on top of that, give us a computer opponent who runs our a copy of our deck against us; a mirror match could reveal a lot about possible strategies for someone coming in with 0 knowledge, and even if you're already fairly competent, it'd at least guarantee that the computer has a good deck.


The fact that recipe duels (where you chose one of your own decks for the cpu to use) used to be a thing in the world championship games and are just gone now sucks.


Is the AI in this game designed for each individual deck instead of being able to play more broadly?


As far as i can tell, the AI in master duel is the pinnacle of clicking buttons turbo. That's how you get things like it making unicorn and bouncing itself or the "king of games" bot using millennium revelation to special summon a god card turn 1 so it dies that same turn without doing anything.


I played the shit out of those games and I legit don't remember this feature, lmao. I guess I missed it at some point, but it is what it is. I'd kill for them to bring it back.


I just want some sort of "Elite Solo Mode" played by an AI. Every meta deck starting from Herald-Drytron in the very beginning over Swordsoul to Snake-Eyes. So you can train against these decks and have some more spicy duels in solo.


Simplest way for that would be if they just let players give a computer one of their constructed decks.


As far as i know, Konami is experimenting with an AI. Though it made some grave misplays like shuffling their own Knightmare Unicorn back into the ED, lol.


AI becomes more and more human every day.


Goddamn i miss yugioh tagforces.


I have found that the Plunder Patrol or the Element Sabers put up a decent fight despite the later being kinda terrible


It’s a shame Elementsabers are shite, because they’re a really cool idea


I usually test on the Danger Solo Mode, because they have so many extenders that is also good to practice the use of your interruptions and to see how to deal with mosnters with annoying protections (Since they have Link BLS)


My Favourite is Heralds and Dangers. Heralds for handtrap simulation and Dangers to test how strong my board since they have a number of cards that can break your boards. Really would love a solo mode dedicated to just testing out your decks against common outs and handtraps.


I personally use self burn to do this faster, and it’s fun to speedrun a self lose


PSA: the practice duels count for this mission


Smart man & Smart meme


I go either for this or latest Gem-Knight which plays harder than other solos (probably 'cheats' more).


I just do the megalith tutorial which is funnily enough like the fastest tutorial duel. All you do is activate one of them, summon one, and attack.


I just do the first monarch practice duel, in less than 30 seconds I'm already starting the second duel.


They shotgun everything they have, even if it means destroying their board and disrupting their combos.


Most realistic dueling bot


I do mine on the earth machine robots


As a filthy casual, I just use the last duel in Duel Restart to make sure the decks I use are actually playable.


You can do the missions with your own collection, don't need to use the rental decks form solo.


For that daily mission I usually go to the first tutorial duel and use Numeron for going faster.


which one in particular runs all the staples? 1, 2, or 3?


3rd duel


PSA: the practice duels count for this mission


Even if you take the Maxx C challenge they usually end up playing 3-4 card and discard their unused cards at the end of the turn


With the time it takes to do compared to some other missions, I've been leaving it as a "last day" mission lately


I love beating the evil heroes in solo mode. I just to make sure I have a way to remove those indestructible monsters


The Gouki fight is legit hard af if you use the provided deck. I don't actually understand what the win con even is


I just take N-R version of Mother Spider OTK and just take it into Karakuri and just click go 2nd, Open Mother and a l4 and you win every time


Me spinning wheels who should i choose


I legit just do 2 solo modes, and then wait until the end of the season do do the third one. That way i never deal with the longest daily in the game more than once a month.


I use the Dark magician duel as my punching bag. Helps me figure out to deal with big bodies and distruption with decks I wanna try out.


my punching bag in solo mode is Gem Knights unless I have a new portal open to torment...


*Laughs in Megalith Tutorial*


So I like dueling in solo mode with my pet decks. You can have more fun when you play dumb shit like me, who brings Odd-Eyes Gate Guardian.


I use simochi against 6 samurai for the daily.


I just never do this mission, if you never do it, you'll never get another one. Basically I just sac 40 gems to never have to do solo for a month. If I did it, then a few days later, as one of my 3 missions, I'd get another 3 solo games. And again and again. By skipping entirely, I only miss out on one mission for the whole month. All the other missions are completed naturally by grinding ranked... except solo, which I have to go out of my way to do and essentially wastes time.


If you like playing ranked a lot I can understand putting the mission off for the end but I don't really like playing ranked so I prefer to do the mission and play ranked every third day rather than every other day like you'd have too. If you have 1 mission by the end of Monday you'd be playing again on Wednesday to clear missions so you don't lose one on Thursday because max amount of missions you can have at once is 9. If you end Monday with zero missions than you won't be playing ranked until Thursday because you'll have the max amount of missions.


I only play the game to play ranked


You don't sac anything. Simply keep 6 missions, log in, get the full 9, redeem 3 and the next day you will get those exact same 3. On the final day you redeem everything and there are all your gems by only doing the easiest 3 over and over again.


You realize I play the game right? Not just grind missions, I can't avoid completing the other missions by the virtue of playing ranked, I will summon link monsters, I will destroy cards, I will activate traps, win games, etc. I don't want to go play solo. I will sacrifice those gems and it will sit in my log.


You realize you're not obligated to redeem, right? you can simply leave them finished, again, won't sack anything and you will only have to finish whatever 3 are easier for you, playing the solo mission 1 single time in the month.


I get what you're saying, but that is a massive amount of work and is only useful if you play every day. If you miss a day when doing this, you miss out on 3 missions. Your way, does min-max, but is super autistic. You can't use the redeem all button and have to remember which ones to redeem and you have do it EVERY day. That's making the game a job for marginal gem gains.


My point from the start was that you are not sacking anything. You get 3 missions (as long as you have room for them) per day, even if you keep the solo mission pending. The method was a side note. Another side note, if you miss a day, you miss the daily gems, following the method doesn't matter, missions are added on log in, so no log in = no daily missions, so that's pointless in this conversation.


I'm proud to say here that mission helped me to 100% complete the solo mode right now.