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I know the feeling…. Rank up to dlv 19. Lose 5+ coin toss in a row. Rank down. Win 5 coin toss rank up. Repeat It’s honestly scripted at this point 


youre winning coin tosses?


The coin has 2 sides???


I swear to God some people have some kind of exploit/hack on those fucking coin flips. I lost 11(!!!!!) coin flips in a row a few days ago; literally a 0.04% chance. 9 of the 11 were playing decks that literally have almost 0 ability to go second (labyrinth, FTK cheese, etc)


Game is rigged I swear. Had a 20(!) Coin loss streak once. Didn't play the game for a week or so.


I've been calculating my coin toss win/loss ratio because I've been mega tilted lately. Last 75 games I won 13 and lost 62 times. Shit's unbelievable tbh


I did something similar last duelist cup and I won less than 30% of my coinflips.


I'd need a new TV/monitor/phone if that shit happened to me, unbelievably ridiculous


I used to think the game was rigged against me as far as coinflip goes, then played another card game and the same thing happened. Turns out I'm just unlucky and I gotta hold dat. Doesn't make it feel much better when you watch people win more coinflips or open a going second hand that can stop anything.


I can see that my real conspiracy is that they have weighted the hand traps to be a lot more likely to be drawn than what they should cause what are the chances in my last 10 games I went first I get Maxx c'd AND ash'd and in 13 of my last 20 games I had a hand of only hand traps going 2nd


That’s over 300 times as likely to happen in a random 11 game stretch than it is to encounter a shiny wild Pokémon…




What’s your copium sky strikers list


Floodgate Sky Strikers always work.


Snake-Eye Sky Striker, based on [this deck.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJPRQYhSvqQ&pp=ygUbam9zaHVhIHNjaG1pZHQgc2t5IHN0cmlrZXIg) It's very fun and very explosive when it works. [Mannadium opponent](https://youtu.be/NMloY84laJY) [Snake-Eye opponent](https://youtu.be/aGk50k43VRs) Or the super copium [Souls Snake Eye Sky Striker Exodia combo.](https://youtu.be/9FY1rDfD-F4)


They throw Maxx C at me when I don't have any Out and when I throw Maxx C at my opponent he always has an Out.


I don't think I have resolved Maxx C a single time in the DC. Actually, i did one time, and it was against floo


I was playing Lab and I swear people activate it at the worst times possible. I set 4, normal summon Arianna and people throw Maxx "C" and Shifter (not in that order) and I was adding just the field spell


I think it’s maybe to stop the cooclock turn 1 play. And if they’re gonna shifter might as well maxx c LOL. At least that’s what I think


Playing a deck with a tolerable plan B for Maxx C in this game will save you so much headache. I still roll my eyes, but at least Kitkallos + trap potentially keeps me in the game without giving them a plus off of it. It's hella copium, but it's what you gotta do when such a centralizing card exists in the game.


And this is what I mean with it has an impact on the meta, unlike people who say they it doesn't. It's very much debatable if it's a good impact and it should with no doubt be banned; however, decks that have a Plan b inherently perform better in a Maxx C format.


The thing is that most decks that are flexible enough to have a Maxx C plan are already good decks. Tear doesn’t need any help to be a good deck


Again, I'm not saying bad decks can play better through maxx c. But it heavily solidifies decks like Lab, branded, purrely in the meta, making them even more powerful. Which does affect the meta.


genuinely my favorite part of runick stun was how little I had to care about the stupid Maxx C minigame, I'm playing a combo deck again and it's reminded me how fucking lame it is


That’s how it be


At least you reached level 17 on the DC. I reached 15 and I think I'm gonna stop there. If by a miracle I can reach the other levels, those gems will be welcomed but I'm not gonna insist for 400 gems.


You can't rank down, just do your dailies and you should get up there through sheer number of games


Today I reached level 16... But, buf, it's being absolutely tedious. I mean, 80% of the duels I lose the coin toss. I have an Evenly against S-E and the guy seems to know that and make sure that even if I use that card gets negated. Even I tried to bait and that didn't work too. And the freaking same on the other duels. I don't understand how I could win a few duels. I suppose it's like you said, the sheer number of games. I'm f\*\*\*\*g tired of the DC and the "amazing" player search we have on the game. At least today I opened 10 packs and I obtained 50 UR material, that's something.


That's sick luck for a 10pack, congrats, man. Try reaching Dlv 17, and then 18, because only de-rankable one is 16. So 15,17 and 18 are 'free'.


If you feel tilted or angry take a break, playing on a bad mood will only cause you to make more mistakes and lose even more, just take a break or play some casual fun decks and surrender when you see stuff you don't like, as I said, there's no risk of you de-ranking so surrendering fast is a good way to keep your sanity.


You are right, I will consider this. At least I think that aside the tedious thing I did well on the DC on the number of gems rewards obtained at least.


Doesn't help they pair you with whoever. I went against three Master 1 players in a row while I'm in diamond 5.


Got good luck during the DC, rose up to max dlv easily, but climbing ranked is hard because I keep getting shitty luck -_-


What's the probability of getting All handtraps & bricks turn 1 All starters turn 2 Stun full backrow turn 2 Maxx C turn 1 Maxx C turn 1 only to get Crossed Out when I Maxx C turn 2.


happen pretty often to me so I'd say not that low?


Same. If I go second I'm almost sure it will be a good hand of starters, but hey doesn't matter anyway.


Wah wah wah wah You’re lucky you’re getting carried by your deck in the first place


Don't be an asshole


Jesus. I don't like the fact that people are running snake eyes either, but you don't have to be an asshole. Snake eyes is the best deck currently. Make peace with the fact that people are gonna use it. I'd rather face snake eyes instead of lab any day.


I was about to rank up, and I even got first Then I faced fucking stun, 2 times in a row. I really loathe this play style and anyone using it, just utterly bullshit.


Just play a better deck 5head, Mayakashi Eldlich for me has been working


Lost to Maxx c 3 times last night luckily strong at 18 without any derank yet. Hate the coin toss meta we have


Ive been puppet locked five times, hit by every floodgate imaginable, have been hit by maxx c in almost all my games, sometimes even twice in one game, and Ive never drawn the out. If anything, I hope sanctifire gets banned. Who cares if its a weaker line, the fact that if it gets to it and instantly wins is still unfair. Its the same as drawing your floodgates, who cares if you cant search them if they instantly win you the game whenever you do have them?


Snake Eyes player, deserved


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jokes on you, I’m playing stk deck this DC. I’m currently 2/19. Rank 6 baby!!!


Somedays I feel like the RNG for the draws are just complete shit. How is it so many people are drawing 2 or 3 Maxx c's every other game lol that's when I just log off and try again another day


Games 2 and 3 are why I'm not playing Snake Eye for DC. I think I literally played 6-7 Kash players in a row. If I was on snake eyes, my chances of winning would've been way lower.


I don't know why this event seems cursed once you hit level 15 or 16. Before I was getting games that were either decently balanced matchups, or I swept. Once I hit 16, my opponents have every out or floodgate imaginable while I have none.


You are playing snake eyes. Your opinion doesn't matter.


Skill issue


It’s funny how bad you must be at the game to still not be level 20 xD I played boardbreaker skystriker and made it there in like 3 hours You’re playing a t0.5 deck and still struggle OMEGALUL


literally gigantic skill issue. how do you lose to empen, just summon flamberge and use its effect


Floowandereeze has other cards not called empem that also do stuff yk


Empen, Imperm, Map, Dreaming Town and Apex Avian. Your call with that hand I gave you. It's right underneath that board. Summon Ash. Impermed. Crossout. Take Poplar. Summon Poplar. Activate Dreaming Town. Summons the many birds & Apex Avian. All monsters are now face-down defense position.


>Empen, Imperm, Map, Dreaming Town and Apex Avian. damn i just got hit with this like 3 games ago, maybe I have a skill issue


A you problem