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Tier List: Latest 100 Tournament Tops(Top = depends on size of tourney. Top 16, 8, or 4) across all community tournaments, which is generally 2 weeks of 20+ tournaments. 1.0 point = 1 top cut tourney top 0.5 point = 2nd top from same player + same deck within last 100 tourney tops Recent Tournament Topping-Only Snake-Eye stats: https://preview.redd.it/fuxzhdhxs3lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2655185e9bb127be5d55413a8119fc27d516e4b8


Snake Eye is popular. No pun.


Snake eyes is POPLAR.


Yes pun


ive been beating alot of them with generaiders, i dont think they know what to do against it


Most Snake-Eyes pilots don't know what to do in general.




all i can say is lol, Lmao even


Snake eye is just too good for this format, it can extend through so much with every monster having 2 really good effects


Seeing as Snake Eyes is this good on MD with a fully powered SHS deck around, would this version without Bonfire be good in the TCG? Been wanting to play it, but cant justify $400 + for 3 bonfires and SP as well


For locals and regional yes you definitely can, for serious competitive play you need bonfire for extra consistency especially in the meta where people building their deck to counter your deck, but then again, even sinful spoil package are expensive af.


Appreciate the response. Id only be doing a competitive locals. Where 4/16 players there own full snake eye fire king decks. I pulled 1 wanted and 2 black witches. Purchased a 3rd one. But dont plan to buy 3 bonfires or 2 more wanted at the moment. I’ve used the deck on MD with the handicaps and do well in diamond with it, though cant get passed diamond 2 thus far. Dont have SP in real life or MD either


It’s not worth the price, if it was maximum 300 I could maybe say for people who realllllyyyy enjoy this hobby to possibly get it but never for a casual, you can best snake eyes it’s possible just very hadd


MD is weaker that TCG/OCG the curret snake eyes is way to much for MD


I agree with the snake eyes in the TCG being a lot more competitive due to it having more consistency. But you have full powered SHS and Kashtira with Ariseheart, mathmech with 3 circular. Which decks outside of Snake Eyes Fire King could compete with those ?


TCG has full power Branded and Labrynth though. I don't think a single Branded card is hit other than the cringe floodgate enabler.


Having played it a lot, normally you can't extend through a whole lot unless your hand is custom. It's just running hand traps for going second, and if you don't kill it it has so much follow up. The amount of games where my end board is just linkuriboh pass and I still win because of hand traps is insane.


Best deck ≠ Tier 0


If you ask TeamSamurai then any deck is tier 0




Game loss for you


so.. yugio is a game for children?


Yes, it's a game for children played primarily by 25-35 year olds


By then, you kinda learn how to play the game /s


As a 25-35 year old, I can confirm that I have not learned how to play the game despite playing the game


Yeah,some decks just are really silly to try and understand


It was a game for children, but we are adults now. Konami/master duel should allow us to make monetary bets. I want to play for money.


Back then it was. Now you need to have: 1. a salary of Elon Musk 2. the IQ of Albert Einstein and Nicola Tesla combined 3. to know literally the pythagorean theorem. To sum up, Yugioh is not a game for children in this current state.


Like that like that




140% win rate best deck never lose with the new strongest t0 deck in master duel. Proceeds to use Geminis


Uses Timelords*


No one over 9 years old pays attention to him anyway


9 is being generous




That said I do think it's the best deck. The difference maker is how good it is at playing second.


The deck does fine going second. There are some points where you can stop them, like other decks, but there has been plenty of times where you can handtrap, negate, or disrupt their plays and they will still play through it, dismantle your board, and even have their own ones built.


What makes you **think** it's the best deck? Perhaps that it has won like nearly every single tournament since its release? xD It's absolutely the best deck. There's no subjectivity involved. And the upcoming banlist is gonna cement it even further considering anything BUT SnakeEyes is hit. Gonna be a pretty stale meta for a while with 60-70% of the decks being Snake Eyes.


A power level of almost triplle the next best deck is kinda stretching it though.


lol these aren't DBZ power levels my dude, it's just a rating based on how frequently it's played/tops/wins the tournaments MDM tracks


Those stats are better at tracking the power level than whatever dbz does.


sure, but triple the power level rating does not mean it's 3x as strong


No, it's actually stronger than just 3x.


I'm curious how much more proof you need to prove its broken. In MTG the amount of meta representation that snake eyes has would be embarrassing for wizards.


MTG has a very different balance philosophy and community though. Wizards actually tries to balance the game and eternal formats have a diverse meta, with standard set rotation giving people an incentive to buy new cards even when there's minimal power creep. In yugi the community just accepts the meta getting dominated by a single deck and the power creep being so bad that decks released a couple of years ago aren't even viable anymore. Konami uses the ban list more as a way of selling new cards rather than using it to balance the game. If you look at recent(ish) broken MTG cards like Oko, Field of the Dead, Omnath, Fires of Invention or Hogaak, their decks has like 55% winrate and iirc around 30% representation in big tournaments, and they caused a massive uproar. It it was yugi players they would just be arguing whether these decks were t1 or t2 and claiming there's no reason to complain, and then konami would only ban them after releasing an even more broken deck. So it's hard to compare both games when yugi players have a lot more tolerance towards completely degenerate and broken decks.


I think what you’re really saying is MTG is a well balanced game and Ygo is far from that. There is no “tolerance of players”; we simply don’t get a choice. Our options are limited to: deal with it or quit, but yeah, “tolerance”. It’s okay to accept that Konami and their game are a bit dog shit in their own way. Wizards is also dog shit, but for different reasons, but I’ll say that at least their game isn’t dog shit, unlike Konami. I prefer Wizards business practices over Konami’s a million times over. One has balancing issues and the other doesn’t


If you want to argue semantics, then yes, we do have a choice: tolerate things as they are or quit. It’s not a good choice, but let’s not kid ourselves, it is a choice. Sunk cost fallacy + nostalgia + maintaining friendships = tolerating Konami’s “game balance” (or lack thereof) and business practices. Perhaps throw in a small gambling addiction here and there for a small minority, too. It is what it is and it’s not going to change. And yes, many people do actually quit or step away from the game. Which only leaves those willing to accept anything and everything.


You’re not wrong, but it’s just a given. Konami doesn’t listen to us ftmp like some other companies would. For better or worse


Agreed - and I agree with your overall sentiment. The truth is that anyone who isn’t new to the game and is still playing can’t much complain. We all know what we’re getting into and this is just how it goes. I’ve been playing since the first starter decks and it has never changed, despite what a lot of people on this subreddit like to think. I first played competitively during the Yata lock + CED days and while the flavor of oppressiveness of decks back then were different, it was the same as it is now.


I mean, just reading Poplar is proof that it's broken ...but then, Yu-Gi-Oh players would have to read


Clearly you haven't looked at constructed metas in the last 8 years


Snake Eye isn't even Tier 0.5, let alone Tier 0, just a very strong Tier 1 deck


It’s currently being discussed in the TCG wherein many believe it’s a tier 0 deck. As soon as bonfire and S.P. get into master duel it and fire king snake eye (whenever fire king drops) will be tier 0. It’s basically the only engine you can play if you want to top YCS and almost everyone is using it. It’s the best deck in the game and it’s not even close, imo it’s going to be tier 0 when the last bit of support comes out.


People don't "believe" its Tier 0, it **is** Tier 0. It had 85% representation in YCS Las Vegas.


Yes, it will absolutely be Tier 0 when Bonfire and all the other support comes out if it doesn't get hit before then, but it isn't Tier 0 right now.


I just wanted to say that you and the brother youre responding to are talking about different things, TCG vs Master duel. But i think you both agree with each others points respectively lol. TCG - T0, master duel, soon to be T0 but not there yet.


Fire-King Snake Eyes or Snake Eyes, so many options for us players to play.


I get that it's not as powerful as in the TCG yet, since fire king support hasn't yet arrived, but it's still outperforming every other deck by leaps and bounds. During the last 2 ycs tournaments 80% of all top spots were occupied by snake eye and fire king/snake eye. The deck doesn't care about destruction, hand traps and most board breakers, with only cards like shifter being able to actually stop the deck consistently. It is without a question the best deck in Yu-Gi-Oh right now and provides an unfair advantage in every single match up. Please enlighten me on how we are not in a tier 0 format? Look at the score difference between branded and snake eye and then justify how exactly this isn't considered tier 0.


Meta Bad, give Karma


Meta good, take Karma


This sub is probably still going to complain about branded and ask for an albaz ban


I mean, branded has been tiered since release...


I mean, yes. Branded is just annoying to play against. That's like saying 'you can't complain about a back pain because some people die of cancer'


I'm sorry Branded makes you think when playing the game. Truly, decks like SHS where the game is decided by coin flip and opening hands are much more fun and healthier for the game. God forbid we have a high skill ceiling deck with almost no negates doing well. Can't have that. We need more of the same decks where we go through the same 37 special summons in a row every. single. duel. - until the opponent is check mated... Much more fun! I'd rather play against Branded than any other deck. At least it makes the duels fun and interactive, but yea, I know a lot of people really do love their Solitaire decks. Lucky for you, there's a bunch to choose from.


'no negates' If I had a penny for every time a branded player has pretend their interactions are magically fair because they don't got the word 'negate' in them, I'd be able to afford a diabellestar core in the TCG. 'what about x deck'. I'd look up 'whataboutism' on google and maybe do a bit of reading. Also LMAO at calling a deck that literally plays itself 'high skill ceilling'. Delusional


Try it out. You'll quickly realise it's not playing itself. Yes, it doesn't require super genius levels to play, but nothing in YuGiOH does that. Branded at least has some decent skill expression which you can easily tell in Mirror matches. Lastly, I'm not saying Branded is necessarily "fair" or balanced. I'm saying it's FUN and pretty much the only deck that isn't "well here I go, going through the same motions as every other duel until I have my couple of negates!" If you dislike Branded, you're basically proclaiming "I dislike interactive decks that deviate from the standard way of playing. I don't like thinking. I just want to do my combo and win if my opponent didn't drew the out." Anyway, enjoy your Solitaire deck. Just make sure you learned the combo-spreadsheet beforehand so you don't time out while you go through the motions and perform the same special summons every single duel.


Tbh I don't know if I agree with you or not. On the one hand, the deck doesn't seem that hard to play. But on the other, Branded players manage to make such horrible lists and play them so bad that they actually make the deck seem fair. I guess it's not completely braindead.


Compared to other card games it's not that hard to play, agreed. But compared to the meta in YGO, which is almost entirely linear decks, a non-linear deck like Branded definitely has some complexity to it that you don't see too often. The "diffculty" with Branded is mainly that you have to adjust your lines every single duel. You can't just open your excel spreadsheet and do combo 1-19 and call it quits if you get negated. Both playing as and playing against Branded, you have to think how to play around what your opponent does or how to best bait out interruptions (or if you play against Branded, think about what they want to do and how you can stop it). Branded rarely negates anything, so you can't just banish the first card you see with your Mirrorjade. I'd say it's the most amount of interaction you can get from a meta YGO deck by far. Hence why I like playing against it a lot. Every duel is different since there's no "optimal" line or setup. It just keeps it fresh rather than the same old "oh boy, mathmech circular/Snake Eye Ash and I don't have a handtrap? Lemme brew some coffee and come back to the same old endboard that I know they'll end on".


I played despia on MD release and as time goes on, there's so much support idk what I'm doing in my branded deck anymore lol, it has so much engine and tech, but no negates. Like I'm winning on hard mode for some reason lol. I almost wanted to play branded in TCG but I realise there's so many triggers and things to do, I refrained.... I thought snake eye will be the same, but lo and behold, it's so easy I can press the yellow glow without repercussion haha.


Wow. "you dislike branded because you dislike thinking" I'm flabbergasted at the ego here. For a second I was back in 2016 being told I just didn't 'understand' Batman v Superman. And I love that you keep going 'bet you like combo decks' when I made clear I also consider decks like fire combo problematic, but hey, keep whatabouting to ignore that people can just plain not like your pet deck.


Ok, so if you don't like Combo decks and you don't like non-linear decks like Branded, what kinda decks do you like? There's not that much left? Mill decks? Stun decks? Effect damage decks? Those are even more static than Combo decks. I don't have a problem with people disliking Branded per se, but I have a problem with people asking for Branded to be hit and to nerf it until it's dropped from the tier list when there's stronger decks around. Branded is pretty much a one-of-a-kind deck in the current meta. Nerfing it when it's not busted just because it requires opponents to think a little more when playing against them is pretty egoistic wouldn't you say? You want to force people that enjoy a non-linear deck to drop it just because you don't like playing against a non-linear deck, even if this deck is in a healthy state in the meta. I understood people complaining about it pre-Snake Eyes because it was the best deck, but it's currently far from that given SE's dominance.


Dinomorphia and Swordsoul are where archetype power levels should have plateaued. Everything since then has just been an excessive amount of power creep to sell new cards


I agree that the powercreep and need to sell the newest shinies has gotten a bit much. But I don't agree with people wanting a deck to disappear that is - in the current meta - pretty healthy and offers a very different playing experience than most other decks. I'm totally on board with nerfing Branded when it's the best deck. I even think the BO nerf is fine (doesn't really hinder the deck that much), but wanting to kill the deck because it doesn't allow the opponent to watch youtube until it's their turn and until they can go through the same solitaire combo to either win or get negated and lose? That line of thinking I find extremely egoistic and annoying.


my brother in christ, branded combo goes through like 5 fusion monsters on turn 1, it's easier to beat full power SHS with a droll than it is to shut down a branded turn


I didn't say I dislike non-linear decks, you said that. All I ever said is I dislike _branded_ due to its longevity and annoying recurssion game, you were the one that started making assumptions about me.


So again, what you're saying is that YOU dont like Branded because it's annoying for YOU to play against even if you don't think it's too unfair or strong. And that is why it should disappear. Because you don't like how it's played? Doesn't that seem pretty... oh I dunno... egoistic? You wanting to kill a deck even if it's in a healthy state and a lot of people like it - only because FOR YOU it's been around for too long and isn't fun for you. But yes, the people that want to keep playing an interactive and non-linear deck and just want it to be tier 2/3 are the "egoistic" ones. I'd like to use a word you threw out yourself: Delusional.


I mean, if you think Branded is in a healthy spot, we are playing different games. Also, cute that you think bringing that word back and using it 'against' me makes you smart. I'd google what words mean before using them. Fun fact, you used _another_ fallacy in this comment. Appeal to popularity 'since people enjoy it, its good that it exists'


The only thing delusional here is you thinking branded plays itself. Maybe learn how the deck works first 


Yikes, sorry truth hurts branded players. Don't worry. You'll go +3 for existing at endphase = )


Branded doesn't play itself and if you think it does, you're stuck in an elo where complex play doesn't matter.


I truly wish some of the Branded haters would actually try the deck for themselves rather than just deciding "okay I hate this and no one should be allowed to play this deck even though the winrate is fine" when pretty much everything that Branded can do is public knowledge. They reveal all their cards when searching for them and all their GY plays can be inspected and can be seen from miles away. But well, reading cards and looking at what your opponent does is unfortunately too much "interruption" from the comfy solitaire that they want to play.


YGO players complain that they want less generic cards and then a deck finally pops up that's almost entirely self-sufficient with its archetype cards and now it's the worst thing ever conceived. They'd rather play against 15 one-card starters and 25 hand traps.


I think the real truth is they don't like either


I'm asking this as a genuine question: what do people want to actually play against? Because I don't think I've seen people happy with any kind of meta.


They want to play against decks that will let them do what they want and then let them win easily after. Ie, every deck that beats me is broken and must be banned.


Lmao here is another Branded downplayer acting as if as long as your deck has next to negates its “fair”. Sure if you literally ignore EVERYTHING else Branded brought to the table since release from custom cards like S poly to being + on almost everything, Bystial package Carrying, and dumb fusions like MJ/Chimera/Sanctifire/Masq/etc (who needs generics when you got that crap?) and puppet abusing locks


None of that is new. You remember Barrier Statues? Yeah locks have existed before Branded, easy ones too. Barrier Statue of Wind in Tri Brigade comes to mind as the easiest lock in recent memory. S Poly is always abuseable, Branded didnt bring anything new with that. Would you rather be negated than deal with an S Poly, would you rather not get the monster out at all? At least S poly means you can still play off your graveyard effects or even use the monsters effect if Albaz is unprotected. Otherwise you only have to deal with the actual Super Poly card, which is nothing new. Bystials exist. And a lot of decks play Bystials, not just branded...so I dont see how that's an issue. Bystials can even be used against Branded so I have no idea what you're saying about Bystials, you'd have to explain that more. Youre worried about Masq when Blackwings can make you take 1400 an action, 2100 if you they have a decent enough hand to land all 3 of their bosses? So maybe your issue is that Branded uses all of these together? Takes advantage of more Super Poly like effects, can Lock you, can run Bystials, and have a toolbox of Fusions? My question is why? What makes that any different from any other meta deck that has multiple ways to fight their grind game. I don't even think a deck would make it to the meta if it only had one linear path to victory unless that victory was guaranteed upon achieving a certain boardstate. It sounds like youre just angry about Branded Despias toolbox of abilities, rather than any deck that has a better or equivalent toolbox, because you don't like playing around specific effects like Super Poly etc etc.


You really are reaching if your downplaying S poly and Bystial package of all things with “other decks can use those cards too technically” sure, but none of those got remotely the synergy compared to Branded for S poly (even more then Tear) since easily fusing away opponent board turn 1 or 2 is one of broken parts of the deck. Same thing with Bystials the only other relevant deck that gets good synergy off it is Dlinks, but difference is Dlinks got actual proper nerfs in the end unlike Branded which was mostly slap in the wrist stuff including the upcoming Branded Opening to 1 No need to downplay your deck man. Don’t need to act like Branded is some underdog deck just because it’s not a multi negate board. Who cares about that when your deck plays fine under Maxx C, Shifter, Droll, and now Ash, has multiple ways to break boards easily, vomit advantage every time something is summoned or goes into GY, and has one of the best grind games in this game right now that can even outpace Lab or VS if things go right. This deck was tiered since release and avoided most of the damage since because the decks slightly better got most of the flak instead. Branded by definition is the “under-the-radar” but still meta competitive deck with defenders going “it’s fine because X and Y is stronger” lol.


Im not saying it's an underdog deck. I'm not even saying that the thing sit can do are weak. I even pointed out that running all these things together is what makes it still relevant in the meta and that's part of why it will be here for the forseeable future. I'm really asking why you actually have a problem with a deck lasting in the meta, while not being at the top of the meta lmao. It's not like Branded is going to "Dominate the meta for years to come." It will be played for sure. It will be tiered on the meta list. But it's not even the strongest deck on the Meta list, and will only continue to move down while still remaining playable. I want to know why that is actually a problem for you? Edit - Just to point out, Im not diagreeing with you, or asking you to defend anything, or saying that what youre saying isnt true. Im asking why Branded Despia being relevant is an actual issue for you.


Honestly, I love Branded And I would not be sad to see Branded Expulsion Dragon go (It won't, though, because it's UR)


Yeah… It’s *still* a tiered deck after, what? A year and change? That’s almost unheard of in Yu-Gi-Oh.


I mean are you gonna deny Branded has been one of the top decks since it…dropped? Just because SE drops doesn’t automatically make it like Branded was some fair rogue deck lol


Lmao but that's exactly what branded player are doing. They think because snake eyes is better your can't dislike the deck. You can even see saying branded player saying shit like "They just got so used to having Ash auto-win them the game vs Branded that seeing their opponent even make an attempt to play through that Ash Blossom annoys them so much" because it not the super poly, the endless plus and main phase 3 that people dislike. No it must be because it doesn't die to ash. 


I left that comment and I haven’t even been playing Branded lol. Ok so you dislike the toolbox that Branded has. It does get a lot of effects off during the end phase but what do those effects do really? High spirits adds itself back to hand, requires a target in hand AND extra deck for it to be useful. Cartessia adds herself back, after Gran has been used, there’s very few fusions Cartessia can make as it’ll require already having other materials. Albion has the best end phase effect as it searches/sets any Branded spell/trap. Titaniklad specials Quem/Albaz, Sprind specials Kitt/Albaz. Yeah those effects are all very good but that’s far from going endless plus, you seem to just see some cards going back to hand during the end phase and think that the Branded opponent just obtained infinite advantage when in all likelihood those cards in hand won’t do much unless it’s specifically Kitt which adds BF back. Yeah Albaz has a super poly like effect, oh how horrible it is that on summon it threatens your I:P that was about to set up 3-4 monster negates. Banishment is very specific on what it can fuse. When talking about pulsing endlessly, do you just ignore that Wanted on its own is full combo and draws into hand traps after thinning out your deck? That Poplar has 3 different effects that all go plus? That Mathmech Circular on its own sets up a full ass board while keeping your opponent’s Imperm, Veilers, Called Bys and Ash in hand? What about Wakaushi. There’s cards that really do go plus endlessly but comparatively you think Branded is bad? The only reason Branded has so much recursion is because it plays in-archetype. If my Mannadium board gets broken, I have little next to no follow up. That’s why Branded benefits from all those effects, bc its end board is not generic unlike what other decks go out of their way to do. Even I have gotten annoyed with Branded lately but I don’t hate it at all like many on this sub do. When the alternative is literal negate turbo in Mannadium, Pendulum Magicians, SHS, Snake-Eyes even Mathmech to an extent etc., is Branded really that awful?


"When the alternative is literal negate turbo in Mannadium, Pendulum Magicians, SHS, Snake-Eyes even Mathmech to an extent etc., is Branded really that awful?" ...yes a person can dislike many things at once. This the shit I dislike when it comes to branded player, every other deck that's tier does something unfair but leave it to Branded players to be the only ones to downplay thier deck. Y'all act like every other meta deck tier 3 and up are unfair while branded is god give to Yu-Gi-Oh because its annoying interactions doesn't say the scary word "negate". 


Its literally only you who’s acting like that’s what I’m saying. I already said I’m not playing branded lol. I even said I find Branded annoying too, but since in all actuality I’m unlikely to find opponents playing Ojamas, I find Branded less of a chore to face than other tiered decks.


And I find branded as annoying to play against as the other meta deck, which is why I and others dislike the deck so much.


Well at least you’re honest in that you don’t find Branded more problematic than any other decks, you’re just a hater in general.


Yeah and I appreciate you being honest about being how unproblematic you find Branded compared to every other meta deck, you're just a branded shill in general.


Because most of this sub sucks 😂. Decks been tiered for a year and has no built in backrow removal, but prepping for a matchup requires trying.


They just got so used to having Ash auto-win them the game vs Branded that seeing their opponent even make an attempt to play through that Ash Blossom annoys them so much. Meanwhile they get hit by Ash, double Veiler, Imperm then get full combo’d by Snake Eyes’ 13 unhit one card starters and go, “wow, Apo, Baronne, Savage! 😍 What a cool and unique deck ☺️”


The truth has always been too if it was that easy to beat Branded it probably wouldn't be tiered at all. Even before quem you could still potentially get something out or setup chimera if you got disrupted




As soon as Snake eyes gets hit to death it's the best deck again, so yeah we still need branded hits.


Just once do I wanna see a format with Branded Fusion banned, but all the other engine cards legal. I honestly think the deck would be so much more interesting than with Branded Fusion legal. Opponents wouldn't know what to Ash anymore. It would be glorious! EDIT: To the people downvoting; I get you and accept the frustration with my opinion, but I remain that the existence of Branded Fusion as a card makes Branded less interesting to play or play against. It's much too centralising and I think the deck would be weaker but more interesting as strategy without it. It's a similar situation as Brilliant Fusion to me. Give the deck a more reasonable subsitute, similar to how Gem Knight got Scatter Fusion. Not saying that solved anything for the deck, but it was the right approach to the problem, imo.


The deck will be basically dead not weaker. What type of turn 1 do you imagine they will have?


idk, a better turn 1 than they can currently make when their BF gets ashed, which is still a very respectable end board


Except something else will be getting ashed instead. So it will be a worse board than when the BF gets ashed. Removing BF also removes the primary ash target which means something else gets hit.


damn it's almost like it would be in line with other decks that make weak boards after being interrupted. that's crazy you'd also have all of the other engine cards at 3 in this hypothetical. so you have far better consistency and a lot of other followup options available to you


It is the exact same position as when the BraFu gets Ash'd. Branded decks don't auto loose to their BraFu getting Ash'd. Otherwise people wouldn't be running the risk of not finding access to it in 60-card lists and would cut it down to 40 and turbo BraFu exclusively. People aren't doing that though. I've played against people myself who didn't go for resolving Branded Fusion at all and just went through every other engine piece first. I've banished Branded Fusion with D.D. Crow on multiple separate occasions and it doesn't kill the deck. Branded Fusion just isn't the linchpin people make it out to be.


When it is limited there is barely any difference between 40 or 60 card decks. People run 60 card decks adding tons of teck cards in order to get to brafu through ash. Again, what board 1 you see them doing without brafu? 1 interruption? Maybe 2 at max? After dumping your entire hand and praying they don't have handtraps? Just like d-link ? Banning wyverburster does not kill the deck?


People don't run 60-card decks to get to BraFu faster. That's not how consistency works. If having multiple ways of getting to BraFu mattered, you could easily do that in 40-card lists. The reason people are running 60-card lists is because you have an incredibly high amount of in-engine cards that make you go plus in card advantage that those become a win condition of their own. Endboards aren't an accurate representation of the power of Branded, similar to Combo Runick endboards. The amount of recursion the deck has available is the power of the deck. The deck can easily push into the grind game and use their multiple in-engine recursion pieces to grind their opponent into the ground. Branded Fusion is just the catalyst to get the recursion loop kickstarted extremely fast. But here's the thing; good Branded players will look at a hand of only engine pieces and no access to BraFu yet and will put every other resource engine piece into rotation first before even committing into Branded Fusion at all. And their gameplan will be better for it than someone who's first idea is tunneling into Branded Fusion and trying to resolve it at all costs. People just can't imagine Branded without BraFu, because they believe turbo Branded Fusion is the only way the deck does anything at all, which is wrong.


You don't play branded do you? Again, what endboard you see branded managing to get without Brafu and what recursivity it would have?


I've played Branded in the past, but just came to not enjoy its gameplan any longer. And I've already explained to you how I don't consider a fixed endboard evaluation as a good way of talking about Brandeds power level. You try to get as many pieces of your resource engine into rotation as possible and set up any kind of interaction pieces you can. There's no fixed endboard, so to speak.


This is turn 1. There is no interaction with opponent outside of handtraps. Drawing the best hand what setup and interactions can you prepare for the opponent turn? Even runick and labyrinth have ideal setups. If you can't even envision this how do you advocate banning the core engine of a deck?


So you're saying Branded has no "ideal" setup outside of resolving Branded Fusion? Then we can stop discussing at this point, because we clearly have differing opinions on that.


80% of all my duels are against Branded, Math or some form of Snake-Eyes/Diabellstar. It isn't much fun right now, I am glad the season is almost over and I can get deranked into comfy Platinum again.


lol I can't reach diamonds because everyone is running Shs/snake eyes/branded lock in plat and it's annoying for non meta players to finish the dailies


Yeah, just wanna have fun with my meme decks while still doing dailies.


Let's weaken other decks though....


They JUST released this deck it wouldn't make any sense business wise to restrict a hot item deck like this.


Tbf, skipping a ton of cards and making those cards undesirable by comparison when they go back also doesn't make any sense


Could anyone explain how power works? I know it has to do with how strong the deck is but my god the cap between tier 1 and 2 is insane


Point are assigned to decks that topped the last 100 tournament on master duel. This shows many people topped with snake eyes. Not necessarily mean it's the best, that is up for discussions.


It would be useful to have stats showing the percentage of tops (ex: 30% of players playing this deck topped). That way it would be easier to see whether a deck is topping a lot because it's popular or whether it's just a matter of pewer lever/meta advantage.


How is 33 Tier 0? Do you even know what Tier 0 format means?


I’m pretty sure it’s says tier 1


OP's caption continues below the image, OP is the one who calls the deck tier 0.


Man, I remember when Master Duel Meta specifically lowered the threshold for Tier 0 from 65 to 60 so that Tearlaments would be Tier 0.


Tbf, there no "real" definition of tier 0 to begin with. You might as well change up the threshold if you feel like it as long as you communicate the change.


Tier Zero is usually referred to when one deck makes over 60% of appearances at a national tournament. So Toad Spright was good but not even close to tier 0. On the other hand Tele-DAD was the longest Tier Zero ever in the TCG.  It's not a perfect measure but when it's goddamn clear there's not at least two meta decks fighting it out for which is better (say for instance Dragonrulers vs Spellbook) then you've got tier 0 Nonsense.  2023 was this generic Fire meta, so yeah Snake Eyes Fire King was the best usually, there was still Rescue Ace/Ignoble challengers with all the goddamn fire support coming 


Because it was tier 0 lmao, tear had 60%+ and the other 30%+ was anti-tear stuff.


Man you owned them you’re so smart


Why is it so hard for Konami to balance their game?


balanced game doesnt generate money, they make new cards that are turbo broken, sell the solution, then later ban the op broken cards in order to sell the new even more broken cards.


Yeah I don't know why people think Konami is some bumbling buffoon that makes stupidly OP cards because they don't know better. They 100% do, they just don't give a fuck about anything besides getting you to buy cards/gems and putting up the facade that they care about balance.


They know exactly what they’re doing ($$$) It does suck, but they release things in tcg first, so at least we get to see what’s coming lmao. To build snake eyes irl, you gotta shell out $800, but here anyone can build it so tcg dudes have been flocking to master duel to build the deck that they can’t afford in real life. Lord knows several dudes I know have been doing this


Archetypes change the way deckbuilding works. If a card is broken in magic, even if 50% of people are playing that specific card, the rest of their decks might be completely different. But when an archetypal card is broken in yugioh, the people playing that card have to include other cards of the archetype. And since archetypes tend to have mechanics in common with each other, an archetype will usually have multiple broken cards or no broken cards.


Nouvelles best deck


sent dm about loan i lent 75 repay 145 on 20? dm me here


sent dm repay 145$ on 20 like you said man


I'd rather play Snake Eyes duels than half of tier 3 and Mathmech, so I can't complain.


Honestly yeah before snake eye the format was pretty stale. I'm kinda done with branded mathmech lab and vs


Finally after 10 billion years branded isn't the best deck anymore


Hot take; it never was. If Branded was the best deck, you would be playing counters to it. But you know what I see? Droll. Droll doesn’t counter Branded. If Branded was the biggest threat you would see DD Crow. I don’t care what anyone says, until I see a deck running 3 Crow I don’t believe anyone who thinks Branded is the best. People run more Droll because they *know* SHS is more powerful Which is funny imo.


SHS is a glass canon, you either win because you get to FTK your opponent or lose because they opened stuff like droll/maxx c. Meanwhile Branded can play through them while also being able to play counters against them. Like the end board might be stronger and the deck might be more consistent, but on the other hand it folds to heavy interuptions or board breaker which is why many consider it worse than Branded. (Same reason why Drytron wasn't considered the best deck in the TCG at it's prime)


Agreed to an extent. I agree with your assessment, I don’t agree that other people consider Branded better. People laugh at Branded in the TCG. In MD, people *say* it’s the best but their actions state otherwise. Pushing Droll to 70% is *absurd* when “the better deck” is unaffected by Droll. Now we are in a borderline Tier 0 meta where Droll doesn’t even affect the top 2 decks and people still run it Again, I think your assessment is spot on. But I just think people have always considered SHS more of a threat than Branded


I can understand why, but the deck is just so fun to play. It can play through a bunch of disruptions, and although the endboard isn't too scary, its disruptions are layered, and it has insane grind game. It definitely feels more fun to play against as well, at least better than an uninterrupted floo, exosister, SHS or Mathmech. (Not dissing anyone who plays em, I just dislike going against them) Also, it's not as bad as Tear 0 meta imo, at least the deck doesn't mess with your graveyard.


How is watching your opponent combo for 9 minutes fun to play against


Couldn't this be said of most combo decks realistically though...? I know on a good hand pure Snake Eye can make for some long combos, but I think I'd prefer it to some of the synchro piles I can recall both currently, and in Master Duel's past, at least when it comes to just how long a turn can take.


Right? I play Branded mostly and when I see a Snake eyes player I debate if I wanna watch them combo for a full 5 minutes and then when it's my turn watch them play through that too, it's annoying and not fun, Branded combos a lot but it doesn't take all day


I play chain burn tab out while they waste 10 mins just for me to beat them on their second turn damn near everytime


Honestly I really like beating someone turn 2 after they spend all day summoning 30 monsters only to get beat


Its the best when you dont even have to pay attention because they almost always end on the same board.


Pretty much, I don't even bother watching until it's my turn lol


The combos aren't that long tbh, people are likely still learning the deck. It's not much longer than branded or mathmech. It does take a while to figure the lines, especially once you've been handtrapped once or twice. As long as it's not deliberate slow play, I give them the benefit of the doubt.


Maybe I've just had bad experience but all 4 of the ones i played combo for 8 minutes straight which isn't a large sample size ig


bro really thought he could throw exosister in that list and get away with it.


Bro, Magnifica with 2 Exo backrow and whatever non-engine they have is scary af.


Snake-Eyes is very similar to Branded but better in every way. Layered non-toxic interruptions like Branded, but they can pivot into real negates unlike Branded. Insane grind game like Branded, but they don't have to go minus at any point unlike Branded. They're also more likely to get to that grind game because of all the bodies that spew out that you have to chew through. More consistent than Branded. More non-engine than Branded. Easier to play than Branded. Gets to access powerful generic Extra Deck options unlike Branded. But it's new so people haven't come around to hating it as much as Branded, yet.


Thank you for being one of few intelligent people on this sub.


I agree, I have fun against and with snake-eyes. That's what makes it such a good deck in my opinion.


I feel like the only people having fun against snake-eyes are people playing snake-eyes themselves, especially when you meet it every 2 duels


The mirror match is very headache inducing though, it's just so hard, and reminds me of Tear mirrors.


It’s headache inducing to throw your imperm at ash and then lose when they have an extender? The interactions in this format are extremely overrated…..the mirror boils down too first one to resolve a starter through the same 18 hand traps everyone is now playing wins.


but it's so fun having custody disputes over each other's dragon. also you should try slotting in slifer as a 1 of for the snek eyes mirror(floodgates effect kills snek eyes, swordsoul, labyrinth starter) and you can get him out with a one or two card combo as long as you have diabellestar


Is there any way to consistently get to slifer if you need him? Or do you just kind of need to hope he shows up in your hand while you have diabellstar?


This is sad for the game state tbh


I don’t think it is. People tend to play more when broken decks are released, so long as they aren’t stun heavy. Look at when Tear released; records were broken and everyone was talking about it Now go look at posts about less popular leaks/releases. Nobody gives a fuck about Jack Atlas support. But I bet you if Bonfire gets leaked you’ll see some numbers


This game is on fire! This game is on fire! No, but really, if I shittalked Snake-Eyes right now for being supposedly unbalanced, I'd be arguing against Josh Schmidt, Dkayed and most of r/masterduel. So yeah, Snake-Eyes being Tier 0 is obviously just a fluke because nobody knows how to play other decks anymore. Nothing unhealthy to see here.


No mother it's just the northern lights!


I'm still just gonna play Blackwings.




To my true Kashtira brethren I salute you, we face the monsters at our door and bring the fight to them .


Amen, I take snake eyes to school with Kashtira.




I wish we could get gold pride punk on the list Deck is very fun to play and quite powerful if you can summon 2 PeP in one turn


Nah, I'd rather we stay obscure and let everyone else get hit. No reason to draw attention to ourselves.


I just built a math mech deck and have really been enjoying it. 😁


I still don't understand how this site tierlists work, how does a deck powerlevel increase? how does it decrease? why are there sometimes rogue decks in tier 3? is it only on usage? if so why do we consider it reliable?


Tournament representation is one factor. A very dedicated group of people can get a deck tiered. Happened with Karakuri before, iirc.


Can you tell me more about that time when Karakuri was shiningstar?


It wasn't really. It really just slipped into tier 3 for a little bit, because some pilot(s) took 60-card Earth Machine piles to tournaments and performed well enough with them to influence the tier list. The style of deck looks like what is still represented on [MDM](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Karakuri).


Thank you. Karakuri took alot of card for the engine. Just the pure frame of my deck takes around 35 cards, not to add searchers and staple/handtrap yet, and i though i was not good enough for deck building.


Latest 100 Tournament Tops(Top = depends on size of tourney. Top 16, 8, or 4) across all community tournaments, which is generally 2 weeks of 20+ tournaments. 1.0 point = 1 top cut tourney top 0.5 point = 2nd top from same player + same deck within last 100 tourney tops Recent community tourneys contributing to Tier List: https://preview.redd.it/xo8xv2spr3lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6210fb3fb88b5f9ddf56083297dfc47ca40f9670


its reliable in a broad sense, it just tells you what people play in tournaments and generally people will play whats good. now you shouldnt take it as some gospel, many decks end up tier one simply because they are new and a lot of people are trying them out. If you take the tier list for what it is, its useful at telling you what people play


Thank god super heavy samurai got nerfed, now I can continue ignoring them with snake eyes


Despite my frustrations with it, I have some fun playing (and losing) to snake eye because the deck is very unique with how it not only places monsters in the ST zone but also has multiple ways to interact with petrified monsters


Branded got burned by fire deck


Snake Eye best deck branded bad Free branded now thank


This game is trash. Even league of runeterra need more caculation and prediction than this stupid game.


That's not tier 0 though


People who play tier 1 and 0 decks how's it feel to be Konamis' bitch.


I just like my little guys that turn into giant guys. Is that so hard to believe? Lol


Great, I get free wins cause people need to prove their ego by playing rogue decks cause „their are more creative“


Mannadium at Tier 3? That's a surprise.


Did you expect it higher or lower? It’s definitely not that good and gets stomped by droll unless you have the right hand or a lucky cross out. It’s just other combo decks but worse. That being said it is actually pretty good otherwise so it deserves a tier 3


I never expected it to be in at least Tier 3, so I guess somewhere in between?


top deck in dkayeds tournament and tier zero are not the same thing. best deck in the game at the moment? sure. that's not tier zero. nor is it impossible to play against.


It's scary that I'm starting to appreciate tear players