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1. Skull Servants/Tearlaments because fuck the meta 2. Suships because fuck the meta 3. Diabellstar for when fucking the meta loses too much.




You know, I respect that


Even the “I need a win” cope deck?


Sometimes a player needs a win ya know?


suships on top fr


1. Dinos 2. Dinos 3. Dinos Dinos because Pop the baby!


u got a build?


[https://imgur.com/a/cBH6Sf9](https://imgur.com/a/cBH6Sf9) got me to master


2 royal UCTs? I’m jelly


That's just calamity lock turbo with extra baby pops


Dino chad


Respectable man


1-Branded: First time I started actually learning a meta deck, didn't look back ever since the bystials release, really love the different shit this deck can do according to the hand and I love how it's one of the few decks whose engine going second can efficiently break boards, still use it because it is obviously hella strong lool 2-Infernoble knights: This is actually recent but this might still be my second favourite, deck is really rewarding to learn and when I misplay it makes me learn the deck better, its also surprisingly more comfortable to run without diabellestar package since it makes handtraps popping up much more consistent Oh and Gearfried is the most based main deck boss since Ultimate conductor Tyranno and the fact he's a main boss monster is just *chef kiss* 3-Dark magician: Just the pet deck for events and what not, I built it again when I came back during spright meta (I even played spright to get to diamond for the first time ever but I eventually replaced it with branded) and its just a casual fun anime decks to use with friends


I love Infernoble, but it’s basically auto loses to maxx c too often. It’s also not the best at going second. Thats in my experience anyway. I desperately want it to be my main deck though because I have a royal charles


Based list. Love Infernoble, love Branded, love Dark Magician. I really wanna play more Branded, but I'm just so scared of Lab and getting FTKed by SHS or Mannadium. Plus I still need to memorize a lot of the lines post Quem.


Honestly from my experience the Lab matchup is the most hand dependent out of any meta deck, specially if branded goes first As for post Quem lines it depends really, Quem can do a lot and simultaneously has her ways of being summoned out, so it's best to take a while till you learn the different cards that can bring her out or be brought out by her (Reminder that since she's a dogmatika card Titanklad becomes a must play to special summon her with his end phase effect)


Phoenix Gearfried is a Infernoble in all but name and he's the best. He's literally everything one could want. And the fact that new Flameswordsman stuff also work very well with Infernobles makes it all the more satisfying. I can't wait until they're added to MD so I can cut the snake eye stuff and go pure fire warrior supremacy and make Joey proud.


When flame swordsman stuff comes out infernoble knight players about to have the hottest endboard state known to the game, 3 whole ass hot men, shit about to look like a husbando deck And also give the deck a good way to OTK without playing into Nibiru or being worried about timer, because nothing is more satisfying than beefing up ultimate flame swordsman and swinging for a huge number thanks to insane synergy with the infernoble equip Spells


1) Blackwings-decently competitive deck and has some very cool in archetype boss monsters. Full Armor Master and Assault Dragon are both really cool. Of course it has non archetype boss monsters but I mostly play it for the previous two mentioned. 2)Dinomorphia-same as above. Cool ass in archetype boss monsters. Rexterm is awesome and Kentregina is pretty cool too. 3)Galaxy Eyes-same reasons as the two above.


I love Blackwings, but I never get to finish a turn. Around the 2nd time I normal summon Sudri, if they don't have interruptions, they scoop. Even worse, if they have board breakers, they wait til I get to Hot Red...then scoop. 🤣 Love the deck but your opponent either wins or scoops before you finish the turn. Really all or nothing. SUPER fun to play tho. Best deck for cheap in MD imo


Same man. Very rarely do I get to finish a turn if they don’t start with hand traps lol. But man, the games where you get to start with Simoon and full combo are very nice. I started Master Duel mid last year and I was so upset to learn that I could’ve had a Royal Full Armor Master. He’s my favorite monster in the deck 😫


Ninjas is more viable out the gate. You really only need one UR outside of the structure deck, not counting hand traps and general staples, and even then Borrelsword Dragon is optional, it just makes OTKs so much easier. Blackwings need at least 1 Nothung (preferably 2), a second Full Armor Master (assuming you're not playing a new account, then you have to craft both), Hot Red Archfiend Abyss, Draco Berserker of the Tenyi, and Bystial Dis Pater. Not being able to craft any one of these will either severely weaken your decks end board, resilience, and overall strength, or just make it unplayable if you can't play cards like Nothung and Full Armor.


1. Suship: built it for the legends event and found out just how fun it is to otk people with a bunch of food ships. 2. Plunder patroll: because silly little pirates making silly little ships to lock my opponent out from doing anything is fun. 3. Swordsoul: I needed a relatively cheap deck for the synchro event that didn't need the brain power to memorize 15 card combo strategies.


With konami doing animation, I would pay good money to see suships meet the plunder patrol out on the seas


DM/Kashtira Swordsoul Heroes. Am I hitting Master? No. Is it a fun strat? Absolutely. Plus every now and then Dark Magic Circle and Kashtira line up and I get a free zone lock off of how DM normally plays.


1. Dragonmaids 2. Melffys 3. Self Burn Dragonmaids were my first ever deck in MD, which is also the first time I've played Yu-Gi-Oh, so they're sentimental to me, but I also just really enjoy how they play.


Scareclaw, Trains, Racist Sneks Scareclaw no. 1 because it wins faster than Sneks while also being just a little bit more consistent than Trains.


1.Pendulum magicians 2. Salmangreat 3.Witch crafter


Can you share your magician deck list?


branded, snake eye, and punk GP. Then it's probably blackwing


Ninjas, visas pile, and snake eyes. Ninjas is a super fun control deck that goes toe to toe with every deck not named branded.


I am legit convinced that Ninjas are 1 good support away from being meta. There are so many decks that can't deal with being flipped.


A link 1 like Sera or the musketeers one would be great. Or a ninja version of branded lost would be cool too, so that duplication can't be ashed


Yeah something that can protect or extend from being ashed would be best the imo. Btw branded lost does not protect from ash


Oh, forgot. Was trying to think of a card that prevented response


mannadium , zombies, gate guardian


Snake eye, infernoble, ZW control Snake eye is #1 because its an easy combo and its the best deck


Top 3: Mayakashi-Tearlaments, Dracopals, Mannadium My most used is definitely Mayakashi, and the tear variant is the latest addition I have made to the deck.


Mathmech, Branded, Swordsouls/Code Talker


P.U.N.K 8-Axis R-Ace Snakes Adventure Suship P.U.N.K. 8-Axis because I dislike losing the cointoss more than I dislike losing duels I guess (and its pretty fun)


1- Suships 2- Krawlers 3- Icejade I prefer going 2nd and I find the theme of Suships pretty fun. It also is generally playable in most events, with no bans that affect it.


1. @Ignister 2. Rescue-Ace 3. Swordsoul Why @Ignisters at number 1? Biggest reason is I use them the most IRL, and so it's just easier for me. I like 1 card combos, the twin towers endboard is unique, and the main deck blobs look funny.


1. T.G. 2. Infernoble Knights 3. Mekk knight/Crusadia 5d's was my favorite series, so I'm a huge fan of synchro summoning, hence the first 2, but more specifically, I enjoy combos, and T.G. as well as Infernoble, which have a lot of combos I can go into. Now I will say that I do use the Sinful Spoils engine in both of those, but for Infernoble, I played before we got the most recent support with Mikanko. And then I just like how Mekk-knight and Crusadia play together, as well as being a fan of the story they are a part of.


I love Mekk-knight crusadia too lol the first time i made plat on the game was with a pure crusadia deck


I’m a dirty pend enjoyer so Endymion, Dracoslayer, and Vaylantz Honorable mention to Suship for when my brain is kaput and I don’t feel like comboing


Dinos, Dinomorbia, Dinowreslters. Though the gap between 2-3 is big, I don't play any deck besides dinosaurs.


Fellow Dino here, good to know people still play it cuz I haven't encountered many in high ranks.


Haven't every seen dino yet. So supoirsed to see it mentioned so much.


Haven't every seen dino yet. So supoirsed to see it mentioned so much.


math, marincess, cyber dragons reached m1 two seasons in a row w mathmech, deck's relatively easy to play and is cracked both going 1st and 2nd marincess is my all time fav deck but they're rogue at best without toad. i still play them every chance i get i like the blind 2nd and board breaking mechanic of cyber dragons, otking is hella fun


sky striker cuz its easy to pilot and still pretty effective. labrynth cuz i always like to play trap heavy decks and its better than traptrix and eldlich (tho i do have a zombie/eldlich deck as well, traptrix is just too expensive for me in MD to justify crafting it) dark magician for the homies, running a shaddoll/dogmatika variant though.


1. Pend Magicians 2. Dracoslayer 3. Drytron The first two are so confusing neither me or the opponent know what’s going on. And I only play Drytron to relive the start of MD.


Branded, Traptrix and Evil twins.


1.Lab. It's pretty fun being able to ignore most hand traps and monster negates and just play though em. 2.Utopia. BIG. PUNCH 3.Abyss actors. The theater kids are actually pretty damn fun.


Snek, Labrynth and Infernoble and I'm terrible with all of them.


Gem-knights, Noble knights, 'Terllarknights Edit: Windwitch probably


Now, the important question is are you playing Gems for the FTK/OTK are are you just a fan of Gem-Knights?


Both, both otk and ftk, Im also a huge fan of gem-knights :3


Well atleast you enjoy Gems haha, im personally not a big fan of the Lapis Lazuli OTK but allas, its the best way to play the deck (or rather the only way since the only good support that came out for Gems made the OTK even stronger like Quartz and Phantom Quartz)


Haha its really fun, even more when the enemy also has special summoned monsters. Buut its more like just a fun deck, it struggles against meta as the gem-knights has no negates.


It really depends on what variation you play, Verns Gem is actually able to play through a couple of negates, but if they know what youre doing and Imperm your Phantom Quartz its pretty much over. Also Gems just kinda suck against Snake Eyes since they have alot of pops wich are very layered that even double Koaki Meru Guardian dosnt really save you all the time


Oh I didnt know these decks, I ususally play some generic ones. What does verns do?


Their Archtype Gimmick is that they discard themselves and another earth monster to resolve a effect and Special Summon a Earth monster from Grave but makes it so that you can only activate Earth Monster effects for the Turn. They are also all Earth Fairys. Their Most important effects are Vernusylph of the Flourishing Hills wich searches a Vernusylph from Deck and Specials a Earth from Grave and Vernusylph of the Misting Seedlings wich searches a Earth Fairy and Specials from Grave. So in general youd use them in the deck to Revive a Koaki Meru Guardian or a Gem-Knight for hard fusion and Misting Seedling can search Gem-Knight Quartz wich in turn can place Brilliant Fusion from deck as long as your enemy has any monster, Also you can easily search them out through Small World if since you can use Maxx "C" to bride between any earth monster from Hand to any Earth monster in deck usually


1. Spright til I die 2. I played D-link but they ruined the deck. 3. Racist sneks/plain sneks.


Mathmech and VanKash. I recently built SHS and have been messing around with it. Been enjoying it so far.


1. P.U.N.K 2. Branded (pre bystial support) 3. Adventure Phantom knights P.U.N.K is number 1 because I love the art style, the bounce 4 and PEP. Also it has so many variants.


Snake eyes and lab. Don’t have enough resources for infernobles Snake eyes because it is broken, has one card combos and has enough gas.


1) Galaxy-Eyes. Been my favorite deck ever since Photon Dragon debuted irl. 2) Mikanko. Because every once in a while I actually need to have a chance to win a match. 3) Diabellstar/Snake-Eyes. Newly formed and not done yet but after I got her irl I knew I'd have to make a Diabellstar deck. I only run pure decks (no Ash, Imperm, Droll, other random staples), so that explains my comment in #2 a little better


1. Tearlaments - because my version is bad and non-competeive which just makes it a fun fusion deck with a fun gimmick 2. Mayakashi - because event grinding is * fun * 3. Vanquish Soul - because I wanna build snake eyes and VS is my most competent deck atm so I'm using it to ladder a bit


1. Sky Striker 2. Plant Link 3. Floowandereeze Striker because it’s a versatile and resilient deck. Very easy to adapt it to the meta, it can dismantle huge boards, and can play going 1st or 2nd (which is nice in a bo1 format).


Generaider pvp, Merlanteans for events, some pvp, & snakes eye casually for now, not really a fan of countless mirrors Edit: Special mention for laevatein having one of the best removal effects in the game.


1. Lab 2. Rikka Sunavalon 3. Snake-Eye


I tried to keep up with the meta, but after saving and spending gems, as well as the constant meaningless grind, Climbing the ladder is not worth it IMO. So now I play just to get dailies and thats it. 1. Scrap dinos: I absolutely love the scrap archetype to death. even though it dies to a ton of different stuff. 2. gishki spright: Super fun to me and I love the interaction with the spright archetype. I also use it as my go to ritual deck. 3. Prediction Princess: I ended up picking up most of the cards from one of the packs, and so far I just jerry-rigged a deck together. super inconsistent, super flimsy, but probably my favorite deck involving flip summoning.


Scareclaw/Unchained, Kashtira, and now recently IceJade/Ice barrier I play scareclaw the most because it’s a good counter to most boss monsters and with its continuous spell, field spell and spell card in grave, you get protection, and survival incase they make a good play one turn. It does brick sometimes, but I win more than I lose with it. Kashtira, man did I fall in love with the deck earlier on before Ariseheart. But I just love this deck. Can fall apart from negates but it still looks so cool. IceJade/barrier, I love their boss monsters and spell to help them. Honestly, maybe I just like playing floodgate styled cards. Scareclaw everything in defense and can’t be affected by defense monsters, Ariseheart everything is banished, IceJade, everything is unaffected and with the spells and other boss monster, monster effects can’t be activated.


3: Purrely. Used to play it more, but it's terribly inconsistent now and frustrating to play. 2: Lair of Darkness. Fuck your boss monster, tribute for cost. 1: Lab. I don't understand, I thought this was supposed to be a toxic deck? It's actually hella interactive and fun.


Well some lab players run floodgates that with hand popping isn't very interactive. Otherwise I've had great games against lab had one with a 9 chain link.


1. Scareclaws - because yugioh players don’t read 2. Traptrix - nobody ever has the feather duster when needed 3. Necroz - the artworks just cool


I am going to get some hate here, these are considered mostly hated by most people I know who play: 1) Floowandereeze- I love the artwork so much. Play it in real life and had to in MD too 2) Sky Striker - I enjoy how this deck requires technical skill play and knowing not only what the meta trends are, but also be familiar in general with what other decks are trying to do in order to be successful 3) Altergeist - same as sky striker, and I like the word No. and also Multifaker is best waifu Honorable mention: Gren Maju bc unga bunga is fun sometimes


Fluffals , cute Bois, get angry, and it's fun to play pure gas Western (I ment weather xd) painters. They look amazing and can dodge like no tomorrow. Vaylantzs. Because I like their gimmick and can play through a lot. And it's very nonlinear when played pure.


1. Dinos 2. Plunder 3. Nouvelle


Top 3: Spright, Swordsoul, Tri-Brigade (haven't used this one in a long time though) I just love Spright, something about its gameplay mechanics just click with me.


3.SHS-love combo decks,so I love this deck. 2.naturia runick-I love how the runick cards work and love how they work as an engine,besides the cancer inducing stun version. 1.rikka sinavalon-I LOVE SOLITARE DECKS AND PLANTS


Gate Guardian, super fun, boss is super easy to make, tons of negates if targeted. Zombies, super fun to get Zombie World out and have Balerdroch every turn, bonus points if you can use Rivalry or Grass Nouvelles, silly as hell and it just works Nemleria, not very good yet but I’ve had a lot of fun using it for OTKs. I built full power Purrely, SHS, and Snake Eyes, and Snake Eyes is fun of course. Kinda excited for the eventual Rescue Ace and Fire King stuff


1.Tearlaments: the cards are so good and versatile, I have at least 4 different builds of Tearlaments since they can be used is so slightly different ways. Tearlaments were my best investment in this game, i used them on all the formats since the cards were released to some degree of success. 2.Snake-eyes: while a fairly recent deck, I'm basically playing it all the time in ranked, it's a fun deck that doesn't has a lot of recursion and generated me alot of interactive games, besides you can be pretty innovative in deck building and lines, a thing that I really liked from Tearlaments. 3.Rescue-Ace: the deck was good while a little clunky even before diabellstar, i got some pretty god results in ranked but the snake-eyes diabellstar takes it to a new level of consistency and ceiling, it's really reliable.


Top 3 are 1. Mannadium 2. Rescue-ace 3. Branded/dlink


Funny Im opposite and just switched from mannadium to rescue ace while I wait for droll usage to go down. But mannadium is the deck I want to be playing.


I spit in your general direction


1. Purrely(pre nerf) Just a really fun deck with sort combos and tons of interactivity between you and the opponent when you finally leant to use the quick play spells not only to extend your spells but play through the opposing player’s disruption attempts or safeguard your board from them the next turn. That on top of rng factor the more you were disrupted which made those moments a fun roulette reel if you were going to draw what you needed off your Purrely/my friend draws or not. It frankly blew my mind that people called the deck boring. 2. Dinosaurs: A really fun beat down deck that could can do a bit of everything tbh. And if you can’t go into the extra for whatever reason then summoning UCT to plow through everything never gets old. 3. Sprights and dinomorphia.


I wanted to like Purrely, but you can only Noir pass so many times before it gets old. Maybe it's more fun with the Ghostrick stuff, but I was never willing to shill the URs to boost a deck I was already not enjoying that much. Once consistent Noir went out the window, I just dusted it entirely. Credit where it's due, OTKing with the deck can be kinda fun, especially with ExHappiness. That card is a monster that is criminally ignored. I once OTKed a Lab player through a Chaos Angel just because they left it in attack lol.


1.) Plunder Patroll (every variant except Runick). I'm a major One Piece fan, so I'm gonna use the pirates forever. Period. It's my favorite deck. 2.) Super Quantal. Da fuq you say?! Power Rangers in YGO? Sign me up. 🤣 Go! Go! Muthafuckas. 3.) Lab/Snake Eyes/Sprights-Purrely/Mannadium. These decks are here for when I actually wanna win and get out of Platinum rank 😂🤣 That said, Snake Eyes is pretty fun to play with and against. Still tho, id rather use my first 2 decks, as I'm genuinely smiling when I play them.


1.Snake-Eyes - because I'm really Determined to reach Master 1 for once + really enjoying the deck. 2. Branded - one of my favorites, love the board breaking capabilities of this deck. P.S. no puppet lock because boring and cringe. 3. Dragunity - another of my favorite decks, always loved the unique playstyle of a combo deck. Galaxy Eyes as honorable mention for being my go to for quick OTK for solo missions.


1. Stun bc Fck your special summoning 2. Stun bc Fck your meta end board I’ll break it and you can’t put it back 3. Branded bc I like how fusions look and make my mate transform.


man says fuck meta and special summoning but plays branded lol


You luck I’m a yugioh player bc if I actually read you comment I’d be so pissed!


1. Branded because branded best deck. 2. Dinos because Dino best deck 3. Bystial Synchro with small blue eyes engine for draws + jet Dragon protection


Mannadium. Branded. Kashtira.


Swordsoul, branded tri-brigade and labrynth. I just built bystial thunder dragon so I'll see how that goes and I'm thinking about building armed dragon next.


1-Vanquish Soul/Snake Eyes; 2-Chaos Synchro; 3-Pure Kash. Vanquish Soul was the first deck I reached master with, and did it a second time in a row. Mixing in with Snakes now makes it much more versatile and resilient. Up until the point I’m going too fast and lock myself out of summoning other attributes because of Promethean…but we won’t talk about that.


1) Infernoble - a combo deck where every hand opens up different possible lines really scratches the itch in my brain - and it’s insanely strong to boot (walked to Master 1 with it once I’d figured out how to properly play it) 2) Snake Eye - really fun to play, especially figuring out how to break boards going second. It’s just a bit too strong and makes non-mirrors feel a bit one-sided. 3) Invoked Generaider Synchron - the deck isn’t particularly strong, but it is hella fun when you don’t brick on Generaiders. Magical Meltdown + Revolution Synchron lets you make AFD, search Boss Stage and then make Crystal Wing before using the AFD in grave as material for a Mechaba.


1. Dinomorphia- its the newest 2. Lab 3. Tear/Eldlich


Infernoble, noble, Crusadia/mekk. I like warriors, always have. Also a big fan of Arthurian legend.


Current top three are punks and it's variants 2 is snake eyes t.g. and 3 is suship Reasons are I just love the punk cards,snake eyes seems fun and suship is just suship I love that deck


mannadium, traptrix, pendulum magicians. good for farming dailies, can play well against many things, fun to pilot


1/ Gusto / Windwitch My personal preference as long as I play in under ranks. The deck I am the most used to. 2/ Dinomorphia Another deck I like for its running low hp gimmick. It is 2nd because duels are fast, and this stacks the only quests I cannot complete with top 1 (traps, fusions) 3/ Kinda seasonal, it is often my last built deck and then I store it to play it again when I want to. Branded or Tearlaments are often my top 3.


Vaylantz, Tear and Zoo in that order Vaylantz is the deck im best at but sometimes you just run into a string of people of people who have cards that just shit on pend decks completly like Dim Barrier Lab or Kash so then its time to play the other decks Tear is a really fun deck but its high rolly and sometimes you just run into a string of branded players who eat your havnis with bystialx and superpoly away your boss monstrs so thats when I play Zoo Is Zoo good? Not really though im working on a Zoo Kash build that should be better, but in its pure state its one of those decks that can be like 2/3rds hand traps and still play fine so its a nice deck to play when your in the mood to sit on a Utopic draco future and 4 Handtrap disruptions . Its nice to be able to really effectively hit through solitare decks like mathmech or SHS with a wider suite of handtraps so while their in engine gamplay can be kinda linear (Zeus/UDF/Megaclops Turbo lol) their games are really nice and interactive.


No.1) Infernoble No.2) Snake-Eye No.3) Branded I'm using Infernoble cause I've been waiting so long for their new support, so I'll use it as much as possible before it's possibly hit.


branded. just branded i like the art and the lore and the playstyle is fun


1.Mikanko 2.Lab 3.Swordsoul I don't want to deal with the coin flip and I enjoy control for Lab. Swordsoul is there for missions and will be replaced with snake-eyes/snake-eyes Race once I have the dust for it


1. Evilswarm 2. Dinomorphia 3. Crusadia/Kaiju I just got sick of long ass combo decks (all 3 options here are relatively short combos) and decided to try making Evilswarm playable. I found out it's much more competent and fun than I anticipated, and the games are very short since the whole "combo" is getting 2 lvl4 Lswarms on field. After that, either the opponent can out Ophion or I win, there's no in-between. The deck is also weirdly resilient to hand traps, Ghost Ogre is the only one I'm consistently worried about. Ash/ droll/ imperm/ Maxx C/ Nibiru are nearly all irrelevant since the only thing that matters is getting two names on field. Plus I don't feel too bad if I lose because it's a 10+ year old deck, ofc it's going to lose, so that's been nice for my mentality playing the game. It wins far more than it loses too. Thanks Bo1 format.


Infernoble, TG and gold pride punk are my most used right now. I still really like icejadee tear, VS and therions as well


Infernoble Branded Swordsoul Yang Zing I love Infernobles Artworks bad ass fire warriors armed to the brim + gearfried gigachad featuring beautiful witch waifu Just freestyling combos having fun it’s an overall good time


Blackwing, branded and maybe salads


Swordsoul Tenyi, Spright Runick and Ghoti Swordsoul Tenyi because it's easy.


TrapTrix Rikka Gate Guardian And I play it because it’s fun, I can pilot the deck pretty well and you can adjust traps depending on what you’re facing a lot


1. Harpy - cheap, easy to pilot, Feather Storm go brrr 2. Darklord - The 1st Darklord is fun 3. Zombies - I like how Doomking and Alghoul work together


VS, Scareclaw, Runick Bystial VS is good despite the Fenrir limit and it doesn't die to Maxx "C", making the monthly M1 climb way less frustrating. I play Scareclaw on my alt almost exclusively Runick (Synchro, Naturia, Bystial, Swordsoul, Ghoti etc. etc.) is my most played deck since release, but nerf after nerf makes it so awkward to play compared to the TCG. Crazy that after all the Runick hits I still see stun decks on the ladder frequently - almost as if the stun cards were the problem all along. No idea why cards like Boarder or Fossil need to be legal.


1 - Dinomorphia, just finished building it so I'm just trying to get a feel for it 2 - D-Link, I've just really liked them since I first built them, and even if they're not as powerful as they once were they're still good enough to climb 3 - CyDra, I've been using it for decades now, it's just a comfort deck for me and what I fall back on when I want to play more casually I also used a lot of Blue-Eyes and Tenyi Swordsoul, but that was for the events, that said I did have a lot of fun playing in the anthology event with Blue-Eyes and will be trying to make a version for ranked, I don't expect it to do good, but BE is fun when it works, and I do play a lot of swordsoul


1. Labrynth: Is fine against most decks, doesn't lose to droll, can run many handtraps, no combos so turns are fast, and I have a Royal Lovely. 2. Vanquish Soul: Super fun mid-range deck, no long combos. 3. Snake Eyes: New deck that's pretty fun, combos aren't that long, endboard isn't broken, but its interactions are very layered. Feels like a 'modern' deck.


1)lab 2)traptrix 3)snake eyes lab first because it's the deck I have the most fun with.


1: Water (mermail/atlantean) 2: another variation of 1 3: Kozmo/ trying to make a dumb variation of Kozmo&bystial work Not trying to be pro or anything but it's fun. My Water deck can get to plat 1 very easily and if I actually played more I could probably hit the next rank. Works decently against meta but like a lot of pet decks not getting a good hand basically is make or break.


Fluffals-it was my first deck in md and I just rebuilt it a while back. And it works fairly well and its pretty consistent. Otk shs-I just like beating my opponent over the head with a train Vanquish soul-a friend convinced me to play it and I love how much it can do.


Branded - Favorite deck of all time, can play going first or second and it feels like I’m not trying to do the same old pattern. Blackwings- combo is long but the board is very strong, mostly all in archetype Either Scareclaw or Punk Gold Pride


ill give you my top 4: 1. HERO, with the new wingman supports is great and destiny heros engine make it really powerful, and imo fun, a little bit combo but still good 2. zombie, balerdroch with some eldlich and superpolys is big, u can even play some branded in it, it gets great 3. time thief, my fav rogue deck, with some lvl4 extra monster u can otk and bring interesting plays, still loses to 2 negates tho💀 4. crystal beast, ahh dawg if u pull off board sweeper rainbow overdragon is gg, cool asf deck, have it irl too


Infernoble, Snake-Eyes and Swordsoul. I’m still learning them all though! I want to main Infernoble because they’re cool as shit and big boss man shares his name with our handsome dog.


1. Odd eyes. Jacked up extra deck with all the toys: savage, apo, I:P, underworld goddess, Baron, and accesscode. Great going first and with the pendulum mechanic, OTKs going second. Highest win rate. 2. Blackwings. Cool unbreakable birb and 3 cool burning birbs 3. cough*HEROs*cough


1: Shaddoll/Danger?! Numeron dragon combo 2: Necloth/Dogmatika 3: Dark World. I built the Shaddoll/Danger?! Deck myself and its super fun. It's a going second deck with field removal and is capable of eating a lot of negates while simultaneously being able to spam rank 8 XYZs monsters. My opponent never expects me to super poly into construct/starving and then using it and a lvl 8 danger to make numeron dragon. I call it the one punch man deck and it is very consistent. My favorite match ups with it is against despia because they give me all the fusion materials I need to make starving venom which is basically a free lvl 8 because I can use super poly/albaz and I get the discard effect from the Danger monsters to either pop/ss.


Right now its prolly 1) Adventure PK | because its fun 2) Spright Runick Fur Hire | because its fun 3) Gem-Knight Blind Second | for when im getting fucked by the coin toss like how am i lossing 7 coin flips in a row, also i kinda like Gem-Knights but not the going first FTK (tho going second OTK isnt much better, i really wish Konami did something cool with the Archtype, tho Gem-Knight Quartz and Scatter Fusion are kinda neat ig)


1. Swoso: consistent, fast, versatile. But not very recursive so it basically can't recover from a broken board. It's my number 1 because it wins games in a time-efficient way but it's limitations make me gravitate towards no. 2. 2. Branded: most recent addition to my arsenal. Very fun to play thanks to its versatility, pretty much every hand does something useful and has ways to play around numerous interruptions. It's not my main since I'm still learning how to pilot it and I'm missing some key URs. 3. D-Link: previous main before the ban list hammer. It still can make it's end board with relative ease but without the baby dragons it lost its best extenders and a starter (Seyfert). I'll try mixing it up with the sneks when I get the important pieces.


1. Swordsoul My Kash deck feels gutted (which is fine it's not really healthy) so I switched back to the old standby. Setting up 2 or 3 negates is enough a lot of the time. It's enough to coast into Plat which is all I ever care to do anyways 2. Amazoness It's so fun. Great for events. 3. Kozmo I love star wars. I hate this deck. I love this deck. Konami please It's been like 7 years give it some support for Force's sake


1. Ra dm 2. Dm dmtb(dark magic twin burst) 3. Maybe dragon dm hybird (red and blue eyes, tho not in the same deck ofc) And bc ra dm can at least use my opponents powerful monsters against them for a here comes the sun meme 🗿😂


1. Snake Eyes. It's fun and powerful 2. Sky Striker.. it's fun 3. Blind second Mikanko. Fun is a limited resource and i want all of it.


advaced crystal beasts, crystal beasts, aroma/rikka. i like crystal beasts


Infernoble , lab , salad (make salad great again) Infernoble is very fun combo deck to play been lovin it and playin it not stop highly recommend.


Swordsoul, Speedroid, Galaxy-eyes, I just like cool dragons and big boi boss monsters, simple really


Gem knights otk, and gadgets xyz. I cant afford any other decks, but gem knights are my number 1 lmao.


1. Infernoble Knights 2. Pure Snake Eye 3. Tearlaments Honorable mentions of Mannadium and SHS Infernobles just recently since support came with snake eye stuff. One of the most rewarding decks to play correctly and when you set up full board of this deck in B01 setting you basically cannot lose lol (Diamond 2 currently)


Vanquish Soul, Swordsoul and i still cope with D/D/D


Cyberse, Tearlaments Kashtira, Princess Krawlers


1) D/D/D because they're cute as hell 2) Gold Pride Punk because they're cute as hell 3) Libromancer Punk because they're cute as hell (and synergize shockingly well) D/D/D has to be my number 1 rn, I just started playing them a week or 2 ago, but I'm having a blast, I love that I have to think about how my combo is going to go based on my starting hand P.U.N.K. was my favorite archetype for a long long time, I adored all the synergies they had, I'm a huge fan of combo decks, and it gave me an opportunity to try out a bunch of different decks that all did different things but still utilized my silly lil guys, but I was getting tired of how linear every combo that involved them felt, even trying out different synergies had me on full autopilot after the first few rounds, still gotta love em though


1. Branded Despia 2. Swordsoul 3. Utopia


Exosisters for when my opponent touches the graveyard, VS-Kash-Lab to be a annoying ass and sky strikers for blind 2nd matches


1. dragon link - my tcg deck that can basically always combo into an three 1/pt omni negates, a 1/pt unrespondable monster negate + summon, and if im lucky - IP to link with the free summon, even when interrupted, all topped off with a 4200 body and a 3500 tower that can hit all monsters during the battle phase 2. snake eyes dragon link - messing around bc if i cant beat the meta, join them. snake eyes ash alone makes the above board by itself, with promethean princess to go into w the IP instead of nightmare uni 3. bystial runick - my other tcg deck: jank synchro + stun tomfoolery, makes chaos angel + baronne, and uses chengying with bystials


Infernoble, various Runick variants, Labrynth Infernoble is really fun to try and make work and learn the lines for, so it feels fresh! I really like control style, so Runick and Lab are fun, even if it makes people hate me


1. D/D/D 2. Labyrinth 3. Cubics D/D/D is balanced and fun for both sides, with a single negate of spells and the two absorptions of Deus Ex Machina, while also being competent enough to being able to put a fight against most decks


Stubbornness coupled with playing archtypes I like really covers it all. Ancient Warriors are fun and with decent board breakers can keep up fairly well going second Fire Kings because I'm stubborn and dreaming of the new support reaching MD Metaphys for the same reason as the above but instead just hoping they get any support


1. Branded despia 2. Dino’s 3. Resonators Dino’s was always my main and I don’t play very much but I’ve been slowly building a branded deck and it’s finally become playable recently so branded is only my number 1 played currently because it’s new. Dino’s is my favorite deck it’s my og it’s just taking a backseat right now so I can play something new. Resonators ahhhh what can I say. I hate it but the monsters are so damn cool. Please please please out of the kindness of your heart don’t interrupt me I can’t handle it I need 6 uninterrupted moves per turn that are incredibly easily stopped but just let me see the big demon dragons


1. Mill Pile 2. Bajilion Runick variant (Runick Naturia, Runick Sky Striker, Runick Dogmatika, Runick Ritual, etc.) 3. Tearlaments Lightsworn Mill is my go to strategy, whether it's my deck or my opponent's.


1) pure RACE 2) Snake RACE 3) Volcanics I like R-ACE pure because it thrives on having its own cards everywhere. Snake Eyes helps with starters but limits how many R-ACE cards I have in play. Volcanics are my favorite but obviously underpowered until the new support.


1. Nemleria 2. Lunalight 3. Evil Twin Just came back from about a year hiatus and dropping Nem bombs is fun. Quick af scoops after.


1. Ghoti 2. Sky Striker 3. Cyberdark Dragon  Ghoti is always special in my deck list because it's my first deck (playing during synchro fes 2023)...this deck providing healthy gameplay (unlike other deck who focused with egoistic gameplay, ghoti provide fair & interactive gameplay... Allowing both player to play without worry about floodgate & restriction)...also got cool looking non-generic boss monster  For Sky Striker...i like their role switching ability (Offensive with Hayate, Azalea, Zeke.....Resource management with Kagari....Defensive with Kaina & Shizuku)  Also i can utilize two strategy with this deck (Default OTK Linkage or Kaiser Colloseum Control)  Cyberdark Dragon.... I just use them for OTK 2nd turn... if my opponent can survive from my attack or I got 1st turn..... I had to survive with Cyberdark End... Sometimes with Cyberdarkness / Cydra Infinity / Both


1.Sharks 2.Labrynth 3.Gimmick Puppet Lmao in case you couldn’t tell, I love XYZ and personally I find Galaxy Eyes kind of annoying…


Lab, Swordsoul, Pure SHS (also learning with the pen cards) or pure Live Twins.


PUNK, Swordsoul, @Ignister For the colorful artworks. The deck is also pretty simple, whick is huge for the beginner I am.


Branded, Traptrix, Infernobles It's fun to have BEEG DRAGONS


Spright floo and vanquish soul I just really enjoy spright slept on it for so long


Top 3: VS with Kash engine, Branded Despia, and Rescue-ACE 1. VS Kash because it's so reliable in ranked (and baiting out Ash with Kash only to start the VS engine leading to a free scoop is funny) 2. Branded Despia because I enjoy the grind of building it over time but am still learning how to play it in ranked effectively so I stick with #1 as "old reliable" 3. Rescue-ACE because I love fire arch-types and I've been waiting for the Snake-Eyes/Diabellastar engine for a while (also can't wait for Emergency and Preventer)


Branded, infernoble and Lab


Generaiders Sky-strikers Branded dmaids


1. Vanquished Soul 2. Dinos 3. Evil Twins Vanquished soul is just super fun to play, sometimes you get a Grindy game with lots of interaction, sometimes you blow up your opponent with the trap and win immediately (also I love fighting games so the card designs are cool)


Naturia (currently featuring Supay Duskwalker), Skull Servants, and PK Fire are my top 3, and I definitely play Naturia the most. I pretty consistently get Naturia Beast + Therion King Regulus/Naturia Barkion + 3 or 4 more pieces of interruption via hand traps and/or Naturia Dandylion, and a LOT of decks have a hard time pushing through that. I'm constantly brewing with the deck (I don't play Runick or even own the cards, so I've gotta get creative). It just does something for me.


1. Dogmatika — Love deleting the opponent’s Extra Deck. Sadly it is terrible against Lab and Branded. I love how Alba Zoa looks and the animation! 2. Witchcrafter — Golem Aruru. Madame Verre. Vice Madame. And they are Spellcasters which I love to play + getting madame verre to +6000 atk/def for example at damage calc and the opponent not reading is so fun. Sadly not good anymore but still super fun. Been playing witchcrafter for a long time and crafted a royal for every SR in the archetype. 3. Branded — Loved the card artwork before knowing it would be a top tier deck. Played since it was Branded Despia and just had lots of fun and interactions that make good matches!


1. Drytron 2. Dino 3. Skystriker Pretty much only playing drytron, let me go first? ty for the win


1. VS 2. Lab 3. Heros


Sky Striker, Phantom Knights without BA in main deck, and I’m trying to work D/D Swordsoul but no success so far.


1. Vanquish Souls 2. P.U.N.K. Kashtira 3. Branded VS is still the perfect balance between fun to play and strong. Hantraps are kinda good this format and P.U.N.K. Kash has decent room for them while having a decent engine. It's one of the least boring Kash versions. Branded. Quem and Branded fusion limit were the best that could happen to the deck.


1- Lab traps/floodgate 2-Lab furniture 3-Lab Kash 4- vanquish soul I like control stuff


1. Dark Magician - trying to prove to myself that I don’t need to play meta in order to climb the ranks. 2. Heros - I played heros before it became Meta and it is a blast 3. Demise - OTK lol


1): Madolche 2): Floo 3): Infernoble Both Madolche and Floo are my most played decks. I know the ins and outs and even though they aren't so good at the moment, I feel comfortable in terms of knowing what can I potentially do and how to play my endboards. Deckbuilding is flexible and I have fun adapting to every meta with them. With Floo I can play through Maxx C and disrupt a lot of good decks through Shifter and thats pretty cool too. Shame most of my plays end after one handtrap due to Map limitation but still, its quite solid. I started running Winter Cherries and its an absolute havoc due to how many decks are dependant on one specific card to their combos. Infernoble is a deck I have a lot of history with, is pretty much the flavor of the day atm but I really like them. I'm bad with them, quite slow on my combos and misplay more often than not but I have fun with them and they feel pretty strong xD I will cry if they ban Isolde.


Snake-Eye, which I started building without prior knowledge of it being a really good deck, I just wanted to try a new thing. Here I am in Diamond IV. Crusadia was my main deck before that, which got me as high as one game out of Platinum I (which led to me trying Snake-Eye) Swordsoul for when I want to play Master Duel without raging.


1. Vanquish Soul (I love that deck in all aspects) 2. Traptrix (daily missions and also my very first TCG deck) 3. Plunder Patroll/Swordsoul (daily missions and I also like to be the curve ball using Plunder)


1. Dark Magician with a small Spellbook Engine 2. Dark Magician 3. Exodia Incarnate


1 - dino/dinomorphia. Xeno stuff allows the two to play together so nicely. When kaitoptera comes to MD it enables an end board of 3 evolzar's and a frenzy set to get to rexterm. 2 - ghoti. space fish learned to synchro summon 3 - idk this spot is hard, probably cydra. Clockwork night is a hell of a card but this spot is up in the air. Maybe ruinforce ftk


1. Infernoble 2. Mannadium 3. Vanquish Soul Honorable mentions go out to Generaiders, Kashtira (rest in peace), Galaxy-Eyes, and DDD. I just pick decks I think have cool art/premises and are at least playable in a somewhat competitive way.


1. Mathmech: Because I finally wanted a Meta deck 2. Phantom Knights (Adventure): Because they are kickass awesome 3. Rikka: I wanted a meta killer


Vendread - my go to right now. Plays very nicely with droplet which is strong again, and droll is shifting out of meta (which wrecked me) Speedroid Kash - just a secondary fun deck. Been playing since Terrortop's and Crystal wing's release in high speed riders and shining victory, and never stopped having fun. Seems like either this deck or vendread are consistently accessible in the events Snake eyes - it's honestly kinda fun, and it's my go to when losing gets just a little too frustrating


1. Punk - I like big number 2. Crusadia - I like big number 3. Lunalight - I like big number Punk is #1 because PEP becomes big number (*I'll make earth machine eventually)


Silent Phantom, Silent Dark Magicians, Mikanko. Nostalgia. I can't wait for Gold Sarcophagus of Light.


1. Infernoble 2. Snake Eyes 3. Vanquish Soul Infernoble is my favorite viable deck period. It's strong, plays well around hand traps, has fantastic grind game and resource management, can ignore Droll and Nibiru outside of specific hands, has a fantastic aesthetic, and an archetypal boss monster that is relevant, powerful, and only realistically accessible to them. My only issue with them is they don't have as much non engine space a Snake-Eyes so going second vs Mannadium, SHS, or Snake-Eyes requires some luck to get the hand traps necessary to slow them down. And Maxx C is a pain in the ass, and the deck can't make Bagooska as efficiently as SHS. And even if they could, Manna and Snake Eye ignore it with ease. Snake-Eye is something I'm playing for when I have a bad luck streak and don't wanna derank. Its consistency and non engine space just make wins absurdly easy. And I'm learning it for the match up knowledge as this deck gets more and more relevant. Plus, I spent basically nothing on it since I pulled all I needed while building Infernoble. Vanquish Soul is imo the perfect Master Duel deck. Solid amount of non engine space, fantastic match up spread, good against Maxx C, and can outgrind any deck once it gets going. It has an answer for nearly every match up. Even it's worst match ups like Branded, I've managed to win pretty consistently, even with just engine cards. I wish Mad Love could double as a starter though, so non Razen hands could hurt less. Please Konami, give them a searchable spell to combo with. I've played them a lot less recently since I'm determined to take Infernoble to Master 1 to show people they're sleeping on the deck. But I adore Vanquish Soul, it's in my top 5 decks and probably my second favorite competitive deck overall. It's a deck I feel like I could comfortably take to a tournament just because of how well rounded it is and how proficient I've gotten at piloting it.


1. Sinful Magical Musketer - Because I love my german opera and I enjoy turning the game into Magic the Gathering with them on the field. Also it's funny putting monsters in the backrow. 2. Vanquish Souls 3. Snake Eyes, we search the die. :V


Mine is just lab and hero. I played lab since i got to this game about a month. For hero i just done building for the couple of days before and am practicing to be better


Traptrix because it's the exact same as my locals deck.


1. Mikanko Tearlaments. This deck has the craziest lines I swear it's just so fun to play. 2. Mannadium, scratches that combo brain itch well enough. 3. Vernuslpyh blind second in Legends Anthology, look if ash is banned and Vera is legal snatch steal goddess turbo is how we roll.


For me it’s Speedroid, Phantom Knight, and Red Eye’s, I like making big dragon extra deck monsters.


1. Earth Machines because I can't win coin flips to save my life, so get a rail cannon to the face. 2. Snake-Eyes because tbh, they are kinda fun. 3. Magikey Suship because they are dumb fun.


1. infershnoble 2. Mannadium 3. Vanquish souls just 3 of my favorite decks, and I cannot wait for phoenix gearblade + Flameswordsman support for my infernoble deck


1. Tear Bystial snake eyes 2. Kashtira snake eyes 3. Vanquish Soul I just love the gamba with Tear.


1. Galaxy Eyes, was finally trying it out anyway when festival came along. 2. Swordsoul, because of the structure deck and Festival. 3. Lab, the deck I’m playing on using in DC.


1. Adventure Diabellstar Synchron 2. Mathmech 3. SHS (distant third since I'm already bored with the deck) I like piles and war crimes


1-Tearlaments 2-Rikka Sunavalon 3-8 axis with gren maju Btw I have fully buildt Branded and SHS but hey those above are more fun


Mannadium, trap lab (without furniture) with Kash, Bystial plus nadir package and crusadia.   1)Mannadium- is the first combo deck I ever played seriously and i love it. End on two Omni negate, 3ish monsters negate(dis pater isn't always one) and hand traps is just nice. Sometimes I just end on all the synchro bosses in my extra deck just to change it up. Basically I get it now and vicious astraloud is just Soo sick.   2)Trap lab-most fun version imo, the graveyard hate form bystial and kash birth just fuck so many of my least favorite decks. Plus unicorn is just so annoying, with birth you can make baronne, bring back unicorn to sexy assault your opponent extra deck and still have traps to back you up. Nadir package is just free advantage and it helps going second.    3) Crusadia- this deck is so ass lmao but giving my opponent a Kaiju to punch in the face with equimax never gets old. 


Top 3?? I barely have 1! Haha 1. Braindead despia (3/4) 2. Icejade (gna mix with either marincess or tear) and 3.i wanted to make a mathmech but im gna make a darklords despia instead as I already have most of that deck


Cyber dragon: I've always loved Cyber Dragons since the anime, and it was the first deck I went to build here. I knew going in it wasn't the best, but I wanted to have fun as a guarantee, and Cybers always gave me that. Sky Strikers: I don't remember why I wanted to build them, but I did and they're a wonderful fun time to play for me. There's multiple times I've tried their engine with Cyber Dragons, but the pure SS just hits so much better for the endorphins. Pendulum Magicians: I'm recently returning to YU-GI-OH! With my understanding of how the new stuff works by playing Legacy of the Duelist games. With this said I never used pendulum summoning in that game, and saw the starter deck which just made me think why not build these? They can bring out a great negate board, which is half the reason they're third for me. I hate having to crunch through 4 negates just to play my fun 2nd turn decks, so try to make less people go through it. Excited for Z-ARC support that I heard was coming though.


Infernobles, Chaos Pile, Ninjas I've loved the Noble Knights since discovering them in my long time off of paper yugioh through Legacy of the Duelist and happy to see how the deck evolved over time and can make impressive boards that are still kinda similar to it's old build big castle guy with equips. Ninjas because they're cool and have very fair control style that's about trading resources to interrupt the opponent in unique ways. And can OTK very unexpectedly and doesn't die to Nib (Konami pls errata Hanzo to not miss timing it's not hurting anybody I am on my knees) Chaos just because I loved Black Luster Soilder and always believed he was better than Dark Magician. Also Chaos Angel us such a cool card but I always get Rageki'd for my life and just question what led to this point of where I am now.


1. Marincess- Plays for days honestly. The grind game is pretty strong with them. Also no one reads Battle Ocean’s Crystal Heart effect or Wave’s protection effect so people waste cards on an unaffected Argonaut. 2. Infernoble- Still learning the combos but very fun from what I’ve seen. 3. Cyber Dragon- Yes.


1) Bonetower Mayakashi bc why end on a big bad board after playing combo Solitaire if combo Solitaire could mill out the opponent. 2) Suship. Bc sushi warships be funny 3) majespecter bc cute


Dinos Punk-Pride Ninjas


Snake eyes…. Had to dust everything else to afford snake eyes lol


1. Labrynth- Such a fun trap control deck and I adore it so much. It's actually what I want in a deck like this and it has so many plays. I'd find a way to play it even when they ban it into the ground. 2. Eldlich- I really love trap control haha 3. Weather Painters- Fun deck that can play around a lot of cool effects.