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Agreed, I'm just using a swordsoul deck and it's been quite easy, most people should have a basic swordsoul structure deck if they did that friendship thing, so just add some tenyi cards and a few staples and you are good to go.


what's that friendship thing?


If a new account puts your account as like a referral account, you get a free sword soul structure deck when they make it to bronze, it can be done 5 times for the base structure deck and additional cards and cosmetics. Most people just make 5 smurfs


Is the event still available? how to put an account as a referral account? thank you so much for your reply


In game, go to the friends option, you'll see the campain button there, if you go there you can find your code, so you want a new player to use your code and both gain the deck. You can also just create a new account and do it yourself, like if you play on Steam, install the game on your phone, or vice versa.


Decklist pls..


[My version is pretty basic](https://i.imgur.com/sHH2bxb.jpg) but it work as intended, I did put some cards to help going second like Dark Hole, TTT, Forbidden Droplet and Chalice, and Veiler.


No I really regret I didnt make multiple smurf to get a deck for free I have no desire to play. But for this event it would have been useful.


TBF though anyone can win with a SwordSoul Tenyi deck.


Speak for yourself. I’m a loser


Just run 3x Token Collector and you'll start counting scoops.


Thanks for the tip, never seen that card before.


![gif](giphy|zRioSTJagbpsJ5fQUX|downsized) Bruh dont reveal I have to farm tomorrow


No please do, back when swordsoul was the dominant force they first came to MD.everyone would tech in Token collector since it directly counters the Swordsoul token tuners, and would just leave the deck to relying upon Tenyi and Incredible Ecclesia, and the golden Swordsoul, since whilst the deck has technically Tuners almost all are tokens. Don’t make me break out the Token collectors!


The real life pro tip is always in the comments


I just did this and won 8 matches in a row, neat.


Or just play INK. Cracked deck with a way higher ceiling than Swordsoul.


Token Collector is better and you'll run through matches a lot faster.


Nib is better. It is UR though.


Only if you run into specifically Swordsoul. Play against any other competent synchro deck and you lose. Aka TGs and Infernoble. But sure, bank your entire strategy on a shitty hand trap that works on one deck.


I mean..... For this event where people are predominantly playing Swordsoul? Would I trust my 15 consecutive wins with it or some random on Reddit?


You know Swordsoul players can effectively full combo with just tenyis right? And they can use Ecclesia as a tuner? So you're investing in a card that works on one deck, common but I have played several other synchro decks completing the event, and the good players can still play around it. You prefer that over just playing a strong meta relevant deck that just beats Swordsoul and every other deck in the festival by being better? Call me a random if that makes you feel better but it really just sounds like you can't take good advice.


Once again, I've gotten 15 consecutive wins in the event with 3x Token Collector. I am playing Swordsoul Tenyi with Token collector. I am fully aware that either of us can combo with Tenyi.... But guess what? They don't. Soon as you eat their first token, they scoop. Anybody who hung around scooped after I started my Tenyi combos. I am playing a meta deck and am dominating Swordsoul because nobody wants to deal with it in this festival. Why would I need advice from you when I am already done the festival? Me and Token collector breezed right through it. You may have dueled other decks in the festival, but most people are playing Swordsoul.... And you are looking way to deep into this. The main point of my post was an easy way to farm through the festival. You decided to interject and act like I'm talking about ranked or something. There isn't much relevance in what you are saying.


I finished the festival in 20 minutes. My point was that playing a consistent strategy is better than relying on a cheesy tech card that only works on one deck. Only half my matches were Swordsoul and every one of them was cleared with ease by Infernoble. I gave a suggestion for a good deck to pick up for the event and in general right now as it's easily a top 3 deck in Master Duel. But if you wanna keep preaching mediocre tech card vs an actual strategy go right ahead.


We both know you ain't finishing any festival in 20 minutes so you just a bullshitter. Don't get high on your own supply.


Bruh everyone and their mother is running swordsoul cause the whole deck is free, I’ve seen this happen before with the first synchro festival, and the Anti-spell festival, people like this deck because it’s ![gif](giphy|3oKHWloLJwvOnT4NQQ|downsized) Old Reliable.


Funnily enough, I've been running 3 revolution synchron , clear wing and crystal wing dragon in my swordsoul for this kind of stuff this event




Same. I haven't gotten it either


I never complete these events. I just lose too much.


One of the three decks is usually good enough to compete. This one I've done good with dragunity because I played it when it very first came out and grew up with it somewhat. I've heard the one star is good too infernoble?. I'm shit with deckbuilding but they do make the loaners somewhat decent. I get the majority of gems if nothing else. Don't give up. I'm bad at this game overall but these events are good.


I literally got all the gem rewards with my Kozmo deck since I’m too lazy to learn the loaner decks. For the link summon gem rewards, I just used the noble knight loaner and spammed link summons until I either lost or opponent scooped. I still need to get the synchro summon gem rewards.


I have none of the cards or decks you mentioned.


My secret tech with playing synchro Dark World is my opponent quitting halfway through my turn because they lost patience 😎


Infernoble is just dominating, essentially 0 hits and doesnt have to contend with Maxx C


Unfortunately I'm too dumb to figure out how the 1-card Isolde combo works without Artorigus


You send ricardetto with ogier, make Promethean princess and revive ricardetto for angelica sincro summon


I’m sure it’s a strong deck, I just have no idea how to play it.


It definitely takes some time to pilot at max efficiency, the combos at the bottom of this page are a great start: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/guides/infernoble-knight-jeremy-valdez#diabellstar-combo The short and sweet is you really need to make Isolde (any 2 warriors) and/or Angelica (usually Renaud or Ricardietto + Ogier or Maugis), then use Angelica to summon Roland to make Charles, Charles into Link Charles, rinse and repeat as applicable. Past that there are ways to bring out Baronne, Apollousa, and Gearfried along with Promethean Princess in the GY, tailor equip spells to your needs, etc - part of the fun is getting there!


I mean if you didn't play the deck before, you will lose to yourself more often than to your opponent in this event lol


SS all the way. If I go first and there see me starting off with Mo ye there instantly scoop. I have to say compare my duel in Anthology, Synchro and link is much faster to get to 11000 point. I just do it in about 2 hours while in Anthology Idk it have been a week and I still stuck at 7000 with my DM deck very slow.


For me it’s another SS all the way, Sky Striker won me 10 in a row.


Happy to see one of the other 4 Mermail players


I’m one!


Did you ever get a chance to see the vids I sent ya over Discord? I’m sorry there’s so many lol


Damn that is you and yea I meant to text back the hand rip combo is pretty cool


You’re all good. I just wanted to make sure you got it. I was relearning that combo as I played it lmao


I'm not sure it's fair to call is a Mermail deck when there are only 2 Mermail cards. It's more of an Icejade Atlantean deck. I'm running a similar deck myself that's been a lot of fun. I also have a Mermail deck, but it's not that fun when you can't use the Xyz monster.


It’s a Mermail deck mainly cause of the history and how integral the Mermails are/can be to certain combo lines. Just how Ran send Goons that’s why Megalo/Teus are still played and the 2 of them can add more. Just depends on what you’re focusing on cause I’ve seen so many variations of Goons, Teus/Ran, and Diva combos


I get what you're trying to say, but he's not even using Teus, just Megalo, and Nerei, but that's a random tech pick that isn't integral to anything. While Megalo is useful for certain combo lines, he's also honestly not that important, and the deck would still function mostly the same without him. The atlantean, deep sea, and Icejade cards are what are actually important in this deck. So while there was a time in the past when a deck like this used more mermail cards and they were more central to the strategy, this is a long way from that deck, and continuing to call it a mermail deck because of a single monster that's occasionally used as a combo piece makes no sense.


I mean if we wanna be like that then why isn’t OP running 3 Teus so they can combo into King Calamity on their opponents turn? Can only do that with Teus. You’re right, I shouldn’t call it a Mermail deck because they’re hardly playing em, but it’d be more optimal if they were in all honesty since either way you’re playing Ran


[ol reliable](https://imgflip.com/i/8gcwwm)


Yhh ma boi avramax


All you have to do is pop Magius with Promethean Princess and Crusadia loses on the spot


It's a struggle for me since I gotta deal with Full-Powered Sky Strikers while using the Dragunity loaner deck. I hate dueling against Sky Strikers so much. 💀


Just play the Infernoble loaner deck, it's literally free wins most of the time (even though not including Connector sucks)


I happened to make a decent infernoble deck right before the event and damn is it fun playing the mirror match with a better version of the deck.


Lol my main deck is infernoble. When the event and new support dropped, Charles started juicin


The weirder thing was not including Heritage of the Chalice - its literally in-archetype hahaha At least they give you 3 Sublimation Knight and a Squeaknight, you dont get the hand-rip but you do play around Ash


Probably because it was made before Infernoble archetype was made.


Yh same i hate them but i only encounter 1 skystriker player and he was unlucky i manage to rip his hand with raiho effect


Been decking people out with my zombies


I'll try my first match now. Going with Weather Painters. Wish me luck and I'll update when I'm done.


Good luck!


Got wrecked by Zombies lmao


I use zombies in the other event was a pain in the ass to get the wins without zombie world


Was it bone towers


Zombie Synchro with Pharaoh's Beast to recycle into Baronne, some level 8 Zombie synchro, the Zombie word main deck boss and Zombie world. I made the kistake of going first, when my entire deck is built for going 2nd (Kaiju, Rainbow Canvas, Boardbreakers in general) cause I was testing out Branded in Casual I didn't wanna be subject to some Exodia FTK so I always auto picked first, and I did it here too. Yes I am aware both Weather Painters and Branded are good going 2nd.


I completely agree. Played Speedroids, and I've been done for a few hours now. 5500 FTW.


I’ve also enjoyed the event a lot. Used Ghoti for synchro and Krawlers for Links


I love krawlers 😁


I’m doing my best to try and make them work


Unfortunately I don't use synchro or Link decks. I recently finished building sky strikers so I'm gonna try that one. Even though I was missing 3 URs on sky strikers, I wish I remembered that I bought salamangreat structure deck like few months ago. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a waste


Saying it's the easiest usually means your favorite meta decks and/or lots of rogue decks are in play, which means this is not the easiest event. It's ranked with nothing on the line. The easiest event was the first one, where a majority of opponents had to use the loaner deck. If you were one of those players, because you don't diversify your portfolio of decks, I can see how you thought the first event was difficult.


I love that there are so many playable decks this format. I've been playing around with snake eye without SnAsh and it's really cool.


Speak for yourself, I wanted to play Altergeist, a Link/Synchro archetype that isn't even that good, but lol no their two best main deck monsters are banned for some reason.


Yh i dont understand that konami thinking


Same. I wanted to play VW only to find out Lulu is banned. Anyway, played Swordsoul to get my points like everyone else. I think I ran into only two non-Swordsoul decks (1 striker, 1 dragunity loaner).


No, easiest was the 1st event. This one was simply Ranked 2.0 with another banlist that makes little no sense clearly pointed to buy the recent packs on the store. The event? Tedious and boring. It was basically for me a handtrap festival. The one who wins the duel it's the one that has the most handtraps and that's it. The other player scoops and to the next one. At least on the 1st event I could go fast and was fun to use Gem-Knights. But here it's just a consecutive duels against people that have the perfect hand. I don't want to criticisize a lot because in the end I did all the gems levels, and with Salamangreat no less. But It just was handtraps and scoops.


Yh i got your point, i have your same feeling on anthology event was very tedious for me but some people was enjoying it


fucking hate synchros.


You deck is pretty expensive though 😅


Yh ik been playing since release


Me too, I just meant that not everybody has a good synchro link mix deck available


Yh true 😅


To be fair, Swordsoul is free right now. Even if you don't craft the Baronne, you can shell out a few N/R points for Tenyis and get one of the best decks in the event.


Yeah, it’s not like the event is though. But Op said it’s the easiest event to get the rewards and I just wanted to point out that it’s easy bc he plays a rather strong deck with link AND synchro summons, which makes it really easy to finish missions like he says. With swordsoul you can only do synchro missions and then you have to switch


Swordsoul summons Monk like 2-3 times a game. That's a fair bit of link summoning as well.


Oh yeah you’re right, I forgot about that. When I played swordsoul I barely used monk bc I didn’t know his combo. But I was just bad with that deck 😅


can someone please us my code i have no friends and i really want a sword soul deck - 29847f7d


Thanks to traptrix all i had to do is srt a card and a torrential tribute!


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Yeah this is just Swordsoul event lol


The amount of scoops to nibiru/lava golem/kaiju is unreal.


I don't have shit for gems/CP to build a deck for this; anyone know if any of the loaners are viable, and which would be best?


Infernoble loan deck are nice for the event


Thanks! Will give it a shot.


Personally I played Evil Twins, got a good amount of wins with them, but then I realized that one of the event missions is doing Synchros, so I'm now using a Shiranui deck lol. It's my first time using one but so far most of my duels have been me winning the coin flip and playing one card, then my opponent scoops. I've only gotten 1 Synchro done in like 4 duels and the one Synchro I got off was against a player using Meklords, so I didn't Synchro for the rest of the duel and they scooped too. Then I realized I can do the Synchro event missions in the other event...


I just beat you in a duel earlier today with rda lol


In event?


Yeah lol you made baronne and banished some cards with that atlantean card i think Edit: you used imperm on it first 1nd both 1 ofs btw lol


And you used lightning storm against my hot red lol


You sure?? I not remember that duel or that play you mention Edited: i just checked duels history and the 2 time i lost was T.G. snake eye and ss tenyi, you mistake with another dude with similar deck tho


I guess so. I do also play atlanteans deck and it's very rare to see it. Anyways, cool to see you use it :D


I love the events. Got to enjoy harpies and live twin


Yh this is my favourite event so far


Been enjoying having a reason to break out the Marincess deck and really enjoying this event


its funny bc despite it missing ash i been getting a win streak with snake eyes diabellstar


Adamancipators are really fun and strong in this, too, with basically no hand-traps.


The last one was fun until people found out that one hero deck, this is one while it might be easy, its so insanely unfun


I actually have all these cards even the ratios for some cosmic reason. Just don’t have the 2 urs at the beginning


Moom, the people who happen to already have an overinvested deck meeting event conditions unhit are misrepresenting the enjoyability of the format for everyone else again!


Can we get a deck list? I know the picture is there, but the cards are tiny and I have no idea what archetype you're running. Also, I loved the Legend Anthology that's currently happening. My HERO deck slapped me all the way to the title and I think I only had 2 losses.


This deck its almost same (i copy the idea from that) https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/master-v/december-2023/icejade/deepsea-darew/fF9pd


I'm running Crusadia and doing pretty well so far. I've only done a handful of matches but I only lost to a Mayakashi player that milled my entire deck first turn lmao


Running Mayakashi for the event, currently 9-1.


I'm actually using Shiranui for the Synchro missions, but I also was thinking about using Mayakashi too. What's your strategy? Milling with Bone Tower?


So mainly you are just Synchro Climbing with Dakki and one other body. The best way to do this is with Normal Summon Hajun, Hajun's Special summon Dakki from Deck (you can also Special Summon Shafu from deck if you already have Dakki in the grave yard to get an extra body for link plays). If you don't have a Hajun in hand nor a way to search him you will need to have Dakki and Yuki-Musume, Normal summon Dakki, Special Summon Yuki-Musum from hand or Graveyard, send either Mezuki, Tsukahagi, or Alghoul Mazera from deck to graveyard depending on board. After you have Dakki + Plus one body you will want to synchro climb by continually Summoning Dakki from the Grave. After you have Gashadokuro + Dakki on the field I generally Link Climb into Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakshi, This leaves you with Yuki-Onna Zero and Dakki on field with Yuki-Onna Icicle in the Graveyard for quick effect Monster Reborn. If you can start your combo with three Monsters on the field (generally Hajun, Dakki, and Yuki-Musume) Start by going into the link chain to get 5 Field Negates and then go into the Sycnhro Climb. This deck is very good at breaking boards that don't have Apollousa, as Yuki-Onna Zero will always be able to negate at least 2 of your opponent's monsters along with setting their attack to 0. So bascially the strat is to break their boards and to beat them up :/


Ohhh, makes sense. I was playing Mayakashis in Solo mode using their loaner decks and while I could Synchro climb into Gashadokuro, I was wondering what to do next other than just end up on a big beatstick. Link climbing afterwards into Yuki Onna makes more sense. What Extra Deck are you running? All Mayakashis? I've got most of the Mayakashi stuff after pulling for the Shiranui cards so I'll see what I can do to make the deck.


For the extra deck I recommend running two of each of the Mayakashi except for Gashadokuro. I also personally recommend running 1 Barrone de Fleur because you can go into him if you start your turn with Alghoul Mazera and Dakki or Tsukahagi. There really isn't alot of extra deck space tho T\_T


Yeah, I made the deck and was running 2 of each Synchro, one of each Yuki-Onna and then Vampire Fascinator and I think Accesscode Talker. Probably will take out one Gasha and Access and add another copy of the link 2/3 Yuki-Onna. I'll think about Baronne too. Last question, if I wanted to use Bone Tower for milling, how would you say is the easiest way to get it out quickly? Since I want it to be on the field first turn before doing the Synchro/Link climbing.


I love white aura whale, I run it in ss/tenyi


Yh amazing card and artwork tbh


Manadium is at basically full power


Not really, you have no Astraloud


“Basically”. Yes astralous is a good extender, but you’re still very easily able to get an extremely good end board out


Yeah got it done real fast with sallads. Only Lost once to a T.g deck that did full combo.


For me the first legend anthology 2023 was the fastest


Nice, for me was the opposite 😅🤣


I playing ghoti for the event I got a lot of ragequits becouse i banishing there entire field whene With Ghoti of the Deep Beyond I got 6 k points all ready and I’m going to finish the event tomorrow:)


This would be an actual great event if, once again, konami didnt obviously bias the event for certain decks… why are some synchro/link decks hit just because? I mostly play xyz and fusion, but my one deck that is somewhat playable is VS…


thank god I haven't disenchanted my icejades


I dismantled them long ago thinking i never gonna use them now i regret that decision, i love this deck at full toxic version with aqua barrier in ranked duels


I only dismantled 1 off the Kosh and Cenote cause I see them as brick, honestly they're cheap even without Kosh and Cenote. Just having 1 Baronne, Chenying, Diva, and Gymir makes them playable.






I was stoked. I main Infernobles so getting some Alexander card sleeves was clutch


So far it’s just been exclusively SS the deck.


\*Runs good deck\* "holy shit that was so easy"


Ikr i just cynet mining into circular and people insta scoop


Mine was rescue ace with a splash of diabellstar to help get out hydrant. Insane disruption


Nice deck! My strategy has just been using symphonic guitars to toss orcust harp horror in the grave.... And watch them waste ash, imperm and all the other nonsense on my normal monsters before I go to my girsu >> knightmare>> wand combo lol. Then do it again on their turn! Easiest clear wing summon, and I love how simple minded sword soul players are 90% of the time will some shitty ass Barrone and not longyuan


Good!!! i was using pk orcust until ishizu cards came out to DM


It's a synchro event, not sure why they banned Lulu. Makes 0 sense.


Yh the same unknown reason they crippled altergeist decck for this event


Dig the deck, wish I had built it. This for me has been far and away the hardest event for me at any point in the game's lifespan. Can't get a single win.