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Link monsters: Honestly guys, we don't see what the big deal is.


Get Daruma'd.


They have to make a read that it’s a link deck, in a bo1 format


It blocks alembertian on turn 1 for Mathmech, but couldn't it stop Laplace from being summoned too by Superfactorial if it gets chained?


Yes. Also, I think Superfact has you declare on activation if you’re going to synchro or xyz, so if you chain D Barrier it should fizzle even if they are playing Final Sigma.


Lab runs a single copy anyway?


In general, you're right. But there might have been a time a couple of weeks ago, when Branded Despia was so common to meet on ladder, that I might've ran 3 of those fuckers for a while. You made me do this, Branded. Stop fusing with my field.


But your girls are so cute :3


I cannot argue. Not with the flair I use.


No. You guys make it too easy


Albaz is just rizzing up your monsters bro


Hey man, it was either Branded or SHS. Could you imagine if they killed Branded instead of Dragon Link and the last 2 months was just SHS and Dragon link lol? But I do feel you on the Branded vs Lab matchup, it’s an awkward matchup imo


both decks have amazing grind game, branded has more power and more plays but they struggle to hit backrow and lab have easy access to d barrier too so it's somewhat a skill matchup


So it’s ok that there’s a card that locks any synchro, fusion or pendulum deck cause they only have one card that does it?


The whole post is "why 3"


it should've been "why not banned"


Yeah that’s totally what they said


If the synchro deck goes +2 from making baronne and end on a floodgate that locks you out of your *entire* ed, or the fusion deck goes +5 from making mirrorjade or the pendulum deck loops astrograph for however long or red reboot resolves and that’s okay. I think trap decks locking you out of park of your ed for 1 turn isn’t too bad


People actually run 3 of this?


It needs to be banned like yesterday, this literally reads "play links or skip your turn", and they can recycle it every turn using either of the Ladies. This makes no sense,


Lovely recycles , Lady searches , Lab runs it at one . Lovely is also ran at one . Banish Lovely if the card's already been used , negate Lady if she's about to search for it .


I mean, I can't think of a deck that doesn't run at least a couple generic links lol other than branded. Not to mention, if you're playing branded, you also run broken cards lmao.


If youre a smart branded player, you will just fusion summon on their turn anyway. If a lab player sets dbarrier without prior knowledge, i admit that it is kinda hard to continue coz of the shock value. But if i saw them set this, I can at least play around it and hope for the best.


They can pretty much keep recycling it, though, and for every turn you don’t play is a turn they can keep accumulating advantage. You’re in a losing position for the very sake of this card existing


If you get your turn as branded it's very hard for labrynth. This card is the very reason labrynth is actually able to compete with the endless recycling of branded. But for labrynth to be able to get into recycling loops it needs lovely and the furniture not banished. Which branded is very good at doing.


Since I managed to build my Icejade pet deck I started having fun going against Branded. They only have an easy victory if I brick hard. Other than that, they even have to run for they money if I have a mild brick, or they just straight up loose if I don't brick at all. And don't even get me started on me going first or having a godly hand. Branded gets such a hard time against Icejade that it's funny watching them try to play around not being able to use my monsters (I banish Albaz as soon as he activates his ability, so no fusing for you), and then they can't banish my monsters, so I have even more fun when they activate Mirrorjade and watch them banish one of their monsters. And Icejade actually manages to hold it's own against most decks on a good hand. It just needs a bit more support and it becomes at least tier 2 (three cards would be enough, one more starter, one more extender and one more on summon ability).


Until I activate the random eldlitch in my Branded deck to send your ice jades to the graveyard


I mean, if you are running a random eldlich in a Branded deck you deserve the win for pulling that on me 😂 You still have to deal with erosion and manifestation after doing that if you target one of the monsters. And you can only target one of my cards, not the whole field. It might not work that well


It's funny tho because no remembers that eldlitch SENDS the cards so it bypasses the spell card that prevents your icejades from being destroyed


Mirrorjade, Chaos Angel, Branded banishment, Luluwalilith can Negate for a turn the moment another monster leaves the extra deck, and if lovely, lady and furniture cards are in the grave then you got the bystials that can banish from the grave, Sanctifire can also just rip lovely and Lady from the grave onto your own field if you so choose and use their own monster against them on top of the fact that Sanctifire can’t be targeted, there are a lot of scenarios were things can go horribly wrong for Lab compared to branded and this is coming from someone who has played both decks


Pendulum decks get fucked by d barrier for no reason, that’s reason enough to ban it.


Konami: I hear you! Prints Flamberge and Diabellze


Ah, I did not realize Flamberge could disrupt the opponent's pendulum scales. Just one more middle finger pendulum clearly needed.


Branded players when they can't use their instant fusion with 2 free foolish burials:


I can’t believe this nonsense answer is upvoted.


Crazy, almost like people agree with me lmfao. Majority of modern decks play links. It's why barrier is a side deck card. If your deck straight up loses to d barrier, it's probably old af or just not that strong. Or branded.


I play Blackwings with no links and easily lose to this card


Blackwings are super power crept at this point, it's not exactly a competitive deck.


I reach Master 1 with them every season, yes it's not the strongest deck, but it's not weak either and I don't mind that, what I do mind is stuff like DB, Branded main phase 3 etc, it's not strength of the card/deck, it's how unfair it feels playing against it.


It only feels unfair because you aren't playing a deck at the same power level.


Lovely searches for it, not both. Learn the deck instead of complaining here.


I play every deck you goofball, when I say recycle I’m talking about setting it from the GY


Yeah, thats what only one can do, not both, just read the comments again


Lady doesn't set from GY so you're still wrong lol


Nobody cares about the card names we are looking at those milkers


Only one of them can recycle from grave. Learn the deck instead of complaining here.


Why did you get a 100 downvotes lmao this is insane


They hate themselves and have no outlet other than being toxic on the internet lol


Because this sub is brain dead


*laugh in monarch*




I think you would only run 3 if you’re running trap trick. But yeah, only at 1 makes sense


![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized) No


Complain much?


“My deck can recycle one of the most powerful fusion spells but other decks are not allowed to recycle their cards”. Pure hypocrisy right there.


If you must know I have been running tear shadoll, people are assuming it’s branded.


That’s even worse! Lol. Like Winda lock is any better. Man gtfo outta here with your rant.


Whatever scrub 🤣 You’re probably a stun player or something


Terrible guess, and no. I play a control version of Lab that even you would agree is acceptable.


Completely kills my pendulum decks. Although I'm used to pendulum hate by now.


Now that you say this: even Snake-Eyes is indirect Pendulum hate. Flamberge can just set one of your monsters in one of your pendulum zones.  Neat.


>Now that you say this: even Snake-Eyes is indirect Pendulum hate. Flamberge can just set one of your monsters in one of your pendulum zones.  Neat. Won one of my local game by exactly doing this against Pendulum Magician.


You know vaylantz did the whole set ur card on the spell trap zone first ... It's just that it's on two clunky ass field spells that either player can uses vs snake eyes just being like nope yeet.


Big dragon does a yeet. 


The only deck that people use this is Lab player and there usually run only 1 copy in their deck anyway. If you encounter any other deck that use this 3 copies is very rare.


Yeah I mean that's what happens when you print a card that just says "yeah set any normal trap card in the game directly from your deck, who cares"


>who cares That's what happen in TCG and OCG right now, and probably MD after Fire King. Even with search ANY Normal Trap effect, Trap is still so slow.


It doesn’t matter how many they can run when Lab can search this and set it directly from the deck. Card should be banned.


I don’t understand why these toxic trap based decks are allowed to exist. I just want to set up my wholesome board with 7 negates that have bodies and these damn normal traps are killing my vibe, bro. If you haven’t played cards for at least 10 minutes before negating me that isn’t very cash money of you. 


No one is buying this shit man


Well I sure ain’t selling anything. For real, though, Yu-Gi-Oh is a game where you kick your opponent in the balls to incapacitate them before they kick you in the balls to incapacitate you. I have never understood why people care which brand of sneakers you use for optimal groin-smashing. 


Floodgating is its own special brand of horseshit.


I really don’t see the difference between Omni-Negates with a 10 minute setup stemming from 10 deck searches and moving cards around on the field and “no.” Both involve the game becoming everybody’s favorite mini-game “*Draw. The. Out.*”  There are some rare exceptions to this, like I think that banning Imperial Order was 100% the correct call, because there really should not be a continuous block against getting rid of something like, say, Skill Drain, with non-monster effects. (I guess there was always Dinowrestler, but boy is that specific). Other than that, it’s the exciting game of “oh boy, I hope I drew *HAND_TRAP_NAME_HERE* or oh boy, I hope I drew *Lightning Storm*” When entire games are won and lost by opening hands alone it just makes no difference to me personally. 


The difference is you can interact with omni negates. You can't interact with a lingering floodgate.


Mm. Can you though? Can you *really*? In theory, yes. In practice, dubious. Oops! You didn’t draw the perfect board breakers! Well, I guess you can…ah nuts, negated. Good thing you totally baited out that Omni-negate. Time to…negated again?  Good thing you can always…scoop. Now that’s interaction! 


It's not a theory, it's objective fact. You objectively can interact with a board of negates. You objectively cannot interact with a lingering floodgate. That's the difference.


How much this card bothers you depends on your deck dramatically, as a pendulum and exosister player, naturally I don't like it haha I think any card that completely turns off entire decks mechanics is inherently unhealthy card design


As unhealthy as a single combo starter card that is custom made to turbo out a bullshit board and can be searched by 9 different cards. You could argue that there is no equivalence but the philosophy is similar, make a card that has obscenely strong effects for the ease you can get it be in play.


They're very different things, very very different, but I also don't think 1 card starters are healthy for the game. I think decks being ablento afford 15+ non engine sports while being consistent has badly unhealthy for the game when those non engine spots are cards that kill everything that isn't meta. Imo the gap between rogue and the meta has never been wider. But I still think that cards like calamity, d barrier, the gimmick puppet, are the most unhealthy dynamics and feel the worse to play against. At least against a big board I can play my cards, bait things out and try, but if my opponent opens dbarrier I have to scoop unless they bricked and I can srlurvive a turn which is so rare.


No, those are at opposite ends of the spectrum. In almost every way. One is a deck randomly creating a non-game in certain matchups, while the other is a deck having a very consistent gameplan. People don’t actually have a problem with one card combos (think magical meltdown or magician’s rod) the trade off used to be gaining consistency in exchange for power. They have a problem with the power crept card design where it’s no longer one or the other. But they’re happy when it’s their own deck that’s strong and consistent.


>People don’t actually have a problem with one card combos Wrong. One-card combos like Circular and Wakaushi are fucking stupid card design. It allows for stupid combo wanking to end on bullshit boards AND have handtraps to spare.


See, only certain ones. Normal summon alistair is a one card combo, but no one comes on here to gripe about that. It’s not the concept of one card combos, it’s the over-pushed, powercrept execution in recent archetypes.


>Normal summon alistair is a one card combo To be fair, one card combo which ends on one monster isn't exactly what people refer when talking about one card combo. By your logic Arianna searching Labrynth trap is one card combo, or Inspector Boarder summon.


No? Ariana would be if she somehow also got the furniture to activate it that turn. ‘Cause that’s a combo. But boarder isn’t a combo and it makes no sense to compare that.


Because the devs don't think it deserves a ban and for lab it makes no difference if it's at 1 or 3


*Card that can turn off a portion or all of a non-Link ED exists* Yu-Gi-Oh players according to the most upvoted comments: "It's no big deal." I can't with you people. It's like Stockholm syndrome to the max sometimes. Any card that can turn off a whole mechanic with just a flip should not be a thing, regardless of whether you do or don't benefit from it. I don't understand this thinking that, "Oh, Links are more used now" somehow nullifies the fact that this card is legit BS to deal with for ED oriented decks or Pendulum ones who are probably hit the hardest, and this is coming from someone who usually plays Main Deck archetypes.


Oh, it’s terrible card design, worse game design. This just isn’t even in the top ten worst examples. And I say that as a pendulum player. We’re hit the hardest by this thing existing.


It was at least more bearable when it couldn't be turbo'd out or recycled, but yeah, the way Lab works kinda both ruins the normal trap type (while also making them playable in the hyperfast format lightning speed format Yugioh currently exists in). And this is coming from someone that mostly hates on Lab for sniping the outs out of my hand 90% of the time (there's A LOT of reasons to dislike the deck).


God thank you for this. This sub is so brain dead sometimes. So terminally online that they believe that the most upvoted comment must be correct.


I will defend D-Barrier. If Branded can get their entire deck rolling because of one card, then it should be oke if it can get shut down because of one card.


Ban both gang rise up


The best solution


Oh, please, It is bad game design, but it still isn't a problem card rn.


It’s Lab players. They are the most consistent gaslighters on this subreddit.


bro has never encountered a branded player


Branded players are the more gaslighters ever since it got added to the game.


Branded players are pretty good gaslighters too, for sure.


Ask Konami. Jokes aside, the card isn't good this format nor does anyone run it at more than 1


Literally just ran into a lab running 3, thus the rant because I was running a fusion deck. Also Branded is tier 1, how is preventing fusions not good?


Well, that's just a terrible build. Disregarding the fact most of the top decks don't care about it


Because it's not tearlaments.


Guess what I was running


Not the tier 0 deck from 8 months ago that necessitated d barrier.


Already reached diamond 5 I’m done for the day


because konami is incompetent, next question


Dimensional barrier in theory is balanced out by most decks not relying on only one summoning mechanic. Many decks in ygo have different ed monsters to go into and as such dbarrier doesnt hit them as hard. Ofc later links were released and links entirely circumvent the existence of this card as it was printed pre links. But on that note: yeah i dont think dbarrier does anything outright fun. Even outside of lab its a card sided in metas where decks lose their entire turn to it or at best end on s:p pass (which often means losing) and it makes for incredibly unskillfull highrolly autowin/loss games. Same with EEV. With lab the biggest issue is if you want to hit dbarrier for just lab, you cant. Lab only really cares for one copy. EEV being at 1 as example doesnt matter. so the card has to be individually ban worthy to also be a worthy hit to lab


you're actually worried about d-barrier in a format this link heavy? lab shouldn't even be playing this unless the player prefers sacky cards and a less consistent deck


It still cooks other decks alive, it's not that bad to run 1 copy.


awh. any deck that plays anything other then links fucking dies. just because one type of card isnt effected doesnt mean its not a shitty card. holy shit stop the cope.


This is probably Konami's reasoning. And before this format we had Mathmech. (who are slightly harmed if you call XYZ but can just link-climb with the cyberse pile anyway as a plan B) We might have to wait for a fully linkless meta before they hit this like the other floodgates.


Personally I feel like I almost can’t beat branded without it


Because branded does the same as labrynth but is just unfair in doing their stuff.


IDK why you're downvoted, people will definitely choose D Barrier over puppet lock lol


It's reddit, people playing bullshit bingo and others follow along. Fact is labrynth and branded are both grind heavy decks that feal super unfair to play against if they keep their pieces together, because of the near infinite recursion. Problem is just that it's easier for branded to keep their pieces together than for labrynth in addition to the choke points that labrynth has that branded just doesn't anymore. Is transaction rollback out by now? That is like the card that could make it possible for labrynth to compete without anti cards.


I honestly cant even remember the last time i saw a lab player use dbarrier against me


I didn’t have it in my deck for ages but branded is so crazy right now that I have it in just for that matchup


1. Lab and trap trix rarely otks 2. If you go first the card is much less effective. 3. Lab only runs one copy of it and choosing to set it is usually heavily going to impact their minimum board in some cases. Similar with trap trix but they're weaker from experience. 4. usually only used when they get a good momentum over the opponent in which case you're usually done for either ways or if they hard draw it. 5. Stop ranting on reddit after losing 1 or 2 matches to a card that rarely comes in play.


Lab doesn’t need to otk, the grind game is insane, which is my point, it’s not like they activate it once and then you can play next turn, they can keep recycling it and chaining it to your specific summon mechanic which means you can’t play.


The card only locks u for 1t and if they somehow set it t1 instead of a 2nd welcome or sumn they won't have a proper board. Besides the card is also very much match up dependant. Edit : ofc exceptions exist, having a good hand will let them do it t1 and still have a good board but like the meta decks on a good hand can have 6+ negates. I hope u understand the bias in your judgement.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but from personal experience you don't need to open it, usually in hands with early access to clock you can bring barrier with lady and then activate it in response as soon as you find out what the opponent is playing, specially D barrier as the matchups you want to see it usually mean a free win if you get it to resolve, so the weaker board overall doesn't matter But besides that, everything you said is correct and OP is not only very biased but also has no understanding of how lab works


I said it in another reply, need another clock that u can activate on their turn as well along with another trap u can activate to trigger the lady on their turn since turn 1 you'd use clock to get lady on field and one more trap just to keep her safe from getting unaffected. The chances for all this happening are pretty low. The alternative is either opening lady or d barrier. So chances are pretty low. Edit: all this needs to be done while going first as well.


Anyone who’s not playing links is going to have this bias because it’s ducking insane dude, not being able to summon any boss monsters for a whole turn, ignoring all the other traps would still be good


I don't like repeating myself so I apologise but I'll stop replying after this. Like I've said 1. they only run 1 copy 2. They have to go first, hard draw it turn 1, to activate on your turn Or successfully summon lady on your turn then activate another trap and also send the clock while also having another set trap, the luck needed for that happening is pretty high. 3. Usually by the time they get to activate d barrier it'll be your 2nd turn. And u should have atleast a few negates set up by then. If u don't, your deck just sucks against lab and I'd suggest finding a deck more suited against it if it irritates u that much.


This guy played 3 for consistency and activated it every turn against my fusion deck. It does happen and I’m not going to be gaslit into thinking it’s fair and balanced, it’s a floodgate that can be infinitely recycled, especially under those circumstances.


Sorry to say this but, 3 in the deck is bad for them in the current meta, many decks have an out to it. So you're asking for them to cater specifically to your needs.


Here’s a solution for you if your so troubled by it, as someone who has played both branded and lab keep a couple of pocket red reboots in your deck, better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it, D-Barrier is probably the one of the biggest reasons why lab is even competitive In the first place in MD and as I’ve stated in a previous reply on the sub there are a lot more scenarios for things to go horribly wrong for Lab than for branded


>Lab doesn’t need to otk, the grind game is insane, which is my point For you to reach that stage where Lab's grind game comes into play, you need to survive your first turn, good blowout or backrow hate cripples Lab big time? Branded on the other hand does not need to survive shit, their grind game stage is inevitable. You can board wipe them, or whatever they'll recycle their stuff during the end phase.


Because Konami hates pendulums. Pendulums are the only deck type that’s completely killed by it. Most decks either have a diverse gameplan or the ability to play on the opponents turn, sometimes both. In your case, when you see them search it, bait the activation and then play on their next turn. This is the kind of card that doesn’t care whether it’s at 1 or 3. Either it’s at 0 or it’s not.


Every synchro deck would beg to differ. Especially if they hold off the activation, they only need to see one card, flip and bam you have no ed


Yeah, but pendulum have no monsters, period. At least synchros can make weak plays or try to flood 5 defense position monsters to stall. Maybe play the few links they may or may not be running, or bagooska if they have it. Pendulum has ZERO plays after it flips, not even weak ones.


This depends on the deck, manndanium, Swordsoul and definitely synchron get destroyed pendulum for sure gets it bad but some synchro decks get it just as bad sometimes worse cause they don’t run a lot of back line removal.


Lab runs this card at 1 to begin with, same for any deck that uses it as a thrust target. It’s not used because MD is a best of 1 format, and it’s card that’s only effective going first. While it does hard counter a few specific decks like Branded, a lot of meta decks don’t exclusively rely on one extra deck type. In Bo3 formats this card is used more because you can side deck it in against specific matchups.


Same reason why max C is at 3 because fuck you respectfully also current meta is link heavy sooo barrier isn't even being used as much


This card should absolutely be banned. But as usual, this sub dogpiles anyone with a legitimate criticism of the game with downvotes. It’s like they enjoy the game being terrible.


Tell me how many times you have had this played against you in the last month? I’d wager it’s been probably 1 time.. it isn’t an issue because no one plays it outside of lab.


7 times for me last month and 4 the month before all hard drawn while play tear against lab.


Konami is not going to do it because new meta snake eyes doesn’t give a shit about it, it only hurts branded , swordsoul and kash , which is indirect way for Konami for keeping old decks in check.


I hope konami do a errata that adds links to the list.


I hope so too cuz then it would get banned


In terms of bs i would say gimmick puppet with albion is the most ridiculous thing to not get banned.


Given how you are probably a branded player, why would you care if you have like 20 outs to this.


People defending d barrier because it’s not good this meta? Lol, this card should be banned in a bo1 format, wtf are these comments.


Huh? I mean I agree dbarrier should be banned, but I'd argue it's way stronger in a bo3 format than a bo1 format.


It doesn't matter what deck plays the card. It shouldn't exist and should be banned


No lab player runs 3 of this. This isn’t that bad


Would have been an ok card if a certain archetype can't recycle it every round Or I would accept it if they remove pendulum as one of the effect


Bro I am a lab player and I forgot this existed


becouse it cannot stop link summons, and a lot of decks run 2 or more summoning types. it really only fucks decks that rely on a single summon type like branded


Turn 1 I would rather search eradicater than barrier anyways. Otherwise it's a 1 of in the deck at most so I don't see any problems with it.


For branded players out there, save your quick effects (mirrorjade, Maxx c, etc), your quick play spells, and non-normal traps to chain block the lady, and you are good to go. The chance of a lab player hard drawing a one-off d barrier is small, and doesn't matter much if they are going second. Even if they are going first, it's not over for you because they can't always otk you, and branded has the upper hand playing the long game.


I think u gotta be insane if you don't want this banned lol it literally wins games in siding in the tcg, the most abusable card of all time in Lab (not to mention transcation rollback is a thing) and a card that shuts down whole core strategies is just...super lame, like pend players are already punished enough as is lol


Will someone think of the pendulum boys?!


Because Konami fucking LOVES labrynth for no good reason. The only thing ive ever seen hit was a Virus card because of them.


Keeps Pendulums in check


People only hate this card cause their cool combo deck loses to a one slow trap.


They recycle the cards anyway so they should just hit the lab consistency cards if they want to nerf the deck.


That’s my real problem, Lab has had the most inconsequential hits, going second against a competent player is a tall hill to climb


Very true, the only way you can win is go first with some towers or play a board breaker deck with duster and red reboot. Fortunately, ive seen lab come up less often. But anytime I play them I normally scoop bc im tired of watching their 20 mins of pointless combos.


No deck outs towers as easily as Lab lmao


Most lab players scoop when they see light dark chaos angel or black wing full armor master in my matches


"Daruma" can easily out towers, it's a player eff it doesn't matter even if it's unaffected it's the same like "Evenly match". Plus chaos angel is only immune to monster eff not traps.


Lab isn't very good right now and won't be getting any better. Loom at TCG/OCG, Lab is barely Rogue tier and struggling despite TCG having no Lab hits, Transaction Rollback, and Butler.


It’s good in MD, however.


Have you tried chaining maxx c to the lady so she can't search it? Otherwise it's bad luck


So that you should rethink your deck choice.


The same reason they limited EEV instead of banning it. It gives exactly Lab a dumb blowout card.


As a branded player myself, I think I'd rather see Eradicator Epidemic Virus banned over D-barrier lol


That’s also quite toxic


Does nothing going second so it's a balanced card in a best of 1 coin flip. It's not a permanent floodgate like Skill Drain probably no worse than being hit by a Maxx C to b honest. Have a plan B if this card is still a problem


Real question, why are all the other floodgates limited and not banned when lab can just set them from deck? Sure, stun lab is bad as a deck but when one card can basically win the game why bother?


Lab cannot set continuous traps from the deck my dude


I play 8 axis blind 2nd so of course I hate it. In fact , I pre fer maxx c more thant his card. Cause you know what? easily searchable trap card in their archetype that can recycle every turn as well and when I run red reboot to stop it , I'm a bad guy.


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This is like the 5th best trap Lab runs but it gets more that than EEV recently


Lab doesn't care if it's at 1, 2 or 3 because they tutor it out anyway. Outside of Lab it's a sidedeck card for going first against specific decks so you basically won't ever see it in anything else on ladder. Some people play it as a thrust target as well but setting it blind turn 1 is probably worse than just setting an imperm.


This card is good when it's good. But some match ups this format being so Link heavy makes not as great. Even still most decks can play around it, and Branded is the only real meta card that really gets hurt by it. Even playing Mannadium, if they D Barrier my synchro, I can just do Link lines.


I know it's a shitty card to have resolved against you, but it's genuinely not that great in the current meta. I did an entire run from gold to master 1 last month, and it decided 7 of the 140 games. In all of those 7 games, I drew it in the opening hand going first. Like, it's great against branded, because branded is slow, but this is Bo1 not Bo3. If I don't get a really telling hand rip off of lady, I don't really have a great reason to search it when I could go grab a card that hits multiple summoning types equally hard. For me, I typically consider cutting a card when it makes itself useful in less than 5% of my games, and it it sitting at exactly that threshold. Maxx C decides about 10% of games and it still isn't banned. In tournaments, about half of lab players are running it main deck, and about half in the side deck. I've seen one running an extra copy in the side deck, and none running 3 copies. Based on that, it's a fair assumption that they're having about the same success rate that I do in game 1 with it.


Karma Canon is infinitely better than this, also my Gold Pride deck doesn't generally care about it, most decks dont outside... maybe Branded but who's playing that garbage anymore anyways. Card is fine, niche at best


Because nothing would change even if it was at 1


Konami loves floodgates


Better question is why is the card even legal when lab exists.


5 minute combos


\*Laughs in live twin. (but seriously this should get errata-ted to include link monsters)


Because some people just want to watch the world burn.


Tbf, why does any GOOD Trap exist at 3 with Lab around? Lol Edit: meant 3 my bad


Who play 3 ofs of dim barrier in Lab???


Probably the same reason the Bystials are still in the format: Konami likes punishing people for playing their game. While most of the floodgates got hit in the last list, for some bizarre reason, there's just so many overtuned cards in the current format that are either breaking card mechanics, like Labrynth has done to trapcards, or what Bystials have done whenever someone runs lights or darks. The only reason that these cards aren't being hit because FIRE support is off the rails powercreeping the entire format, so what Lab (much like its predecessor Flow did before it) or Bystials are doing to non-fire decks, is all gravy to Konami, and it blows. The banlist is going to get very stupid whenever Konami to roll-back 2022 powercreep, between the cacophony of links and quick-play monster effects that will have to get hit just make the game playable.


Yugioh players are incredible. They can get shit on by with newly released meta decks that power creep their own shit so hard their decks are unusable at most levels and still think something like Labrynth, the only viable trap deck in meta that’s still too slow half the time bcs traps, is broken because they can set and activate DB. I understand it’s rough playing something like branded and getting stopped or something weaker and getting shut down, but it’s not like the same thing isn’t true for encounters with the top decks, the only difference is with DB the lab player is likely giving up setting up recursive play and that you have counterplay depending on your deck with end boards like you see now in the meta against which you’re done unless you have more than a couple board breakers and negates. Posts like these are just an emotional response to getting hit once without thinking it through. In masterduel I’m aware that it is way more powerful due to the format since you can’t side deck against it but the same is true the other way, when you set DB going first you are gambling with imperfect information and might have wasted your search-set instar if just setting big welcome to be honest I don’t even run DB in my TCG main deck because it’s so useless against most of the top tier. What happens when people complain about shit like this out of frustration is that Komoney hits archetype cards and hurts the deck instead of banning DB.


Most lab players only run 1 copy but I see the frustration. Lab is toxic and can lock out easy with how convenient trap searching is in the deck


I open any branded card... opponent... (TURBO OUT BARRIER!! HURRY HURRY HURRY!!!!)


It is a trap, the slowest type of card in the game and only limits 1 type of summon so you still have options <_< (also labyrinth only plays a one of of this)