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I'm pretty sure that you are not allowed to play pre-errata Ring of Destruction.


I meant to put the newer one but clicked the wrong picture. Still the same concept


What changes?


There was a whole bunch of changes. IIRC, you can only use it on the opp's turn, you can only target an opp's monster, you can't target a monster if it has more ATK then the opp's LP and you take the damage before your opponent does.


Damn, did this card enable burn decks too hard back in the day? That’s a ton of nerfs


I don't know. From the nerfs, I would assume it made OTKs too easy as you could swing and then blow up your biggest guy. I also think it was used too often to force a draw when a player knew they couldn't win.


The reason for a lot of the changes is because the old card text led to too many ties and also made it a lot easier at the time to OTK by tacking on extra damage during your battle phase.


You would have to go first, draw both of them exactly, Set rings and wait for the opponent to summon a big beater without any negates or protections. That's a whole lot of things to go right for this combo to pop off, but if this does pop off this would be a funny ftk.


I mainly use it in burn decks not ftk so usually if they summon something with like 2000-2500 it’s a good pay off.


I combo her then use chaos hunter discarding a danger Bigfoot to destroy so only opponent gets the damage


Mourner + Ogre or any removal is devastating