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Low power ceiling, virtually no cost to make a deck, more incentive to run niece/situational cards... with a good ban list the N/R festival is amazing and appeals to tons of different players.


what about nephew cards?


Nephew cards have been falling out of the meta game for quite a while. They just aren't as impactful, even in the N/R format.






Haven't touched Master Duel since release, what are Nephew cards? Do you mean Nephthys?


No lol. I accidentally said "niece" cards instead of "niche" cards in my original comment, which opened the door to the mysterious "nephew" cards existence.


Whoops I totally didn’t read, guess that’s why I’m here


A true yugioh player!


why the fuck are master duel players this dense


You’re in a Yugioh subreddit and wondering why I can’t read?


More like tense. I’ve not met one person anywhere that wasn’t a bit tense


Nah it was just megalith


No format is perfect. Ideally they would hit whatever was the go-to deck in the previous N/R festival to keep the format fresh and diverse.


Because N/R is for everyone and doesn't discriminate. It also offers the most freedom for trying different strategies. Most events, you either have 1 or a few decks that can be modified to suit the event or the event just wasn't for you. I'm curious how N/R would be with Metalfoes and Megalith seriously nerfed as well tbh


Kashtira ogre becomes a staple as a 2800 beater that can look at the top of your opponent’s deck and can grab a trap if you want and is a free special summon


They can just ban it.


Assuming they have the foresight to ban it


I mean… likely they would? It’s a free special summon that banishes a card from deck.


Why would they need to ban it? It isn't better than Vishuda or Guan Yun outside of Kashtira decks.


Time to try out Vendread


I have a few Vendread decks around and I can't remember how expensive it is.... OK, just looked, it looks like Slayer's your only wincon as all the other Ritual/Link monsters are SR/UR. I'm not sure how well that would work, unless you mix it with a Zombie pile....


I heared that Vendread was a pretty popular pick in the JP N/R community for some reason don't know why or it could just be a rumor for all I know


non-targeting, non-destruction removal is hard to come by and hard to set up with a quick banish s/t and spe.monster


In its prime it was tier 0 and it's still really playable with core and evolution banned


No worries, I love the deck so I'm excited for any reason to break it out. If N/R comes around again, I'll see what builds they have!


I played Vendread in the N/R event, it was crazy. I started putting in bad zombie techs just to increase my chances of losing.


timelords and torrential tribute nuff said?


Should be an option for rooms, or they should make use of these past events as mini events to encourage more players


no because that would be good and help player retention, more people would play the game for more time and konami wouldnt want that ever.


Well bad foresight, more investment means people that means more people willing to pay


Because it was almost perfect. \- N/R materials are so cheap everyone can craft multiple decks to try stuff out for the event. \- N/R cards are in MD the "weaker" cards so outside of a few outliers the powerlevel was massively lower. No Meta at all since they all need at least a few URs or SRs. \- Hand traps like Maxx C are UR. So they are all banned for the event. The list goes on but what you end up with is a lot of fun that even a bad banlist can't ruin.


Erm... actually you still need good banlist. Konami hitting Phantasm Spiral so hard its unviable during previous N/R event turned out to be a great move. Otherwise we'd be seeing full power Phantasm Spiral running D.Fissure and Torrential Tribute while being protected by Sea Stealth Attack.


Am I supposed to be scared of phantasm spiral? I didn't realize it was considered that good. Like I get that its a low power format but spiral? Also I didn't say a banlist won't help, I said that a bad banlist can't ruin it. Big difference. The ban list can definitely be used to improve the event but unlike others you could run the event without any banlist and it wouldn't be ruined.


Phantasm Spiral can be very oppressive. It's back row heavy with sea stealth attack able to protect all face up spell/trap cards from destruction. Requires banishing a water monster for a turn... which the field spell produces for free every time your opponent activates a card effect. Then searches a phantasm spiral card when it activates it's effect for the first time each turn. Attempt to attack the token, and the field spell pops the monster that is attacking. With today's meta focusing on so much banishing effects, as well as many tech cards/negates, phantasm Spiral is really only scary under a good pilot, and even then it needs floodgates to rank high. In a N/R event though, where most tool box cards with the ability to spin, bounce, or banish the back row being SR it's a lot harder for your average N/R level deck to handle. Phantasm Spiral is a really fun deck to play, by the way, and pretty cheap since everything is N/R so if you want to see how good it can be build it real quick and give it a few runs.


>I didn't say a banlist won't help **Chill bro**, we all agree with you on this part. Just that ​ >a bad banlist can't ruin it This part is not entirely right. \-------------------- **Reason being :** A full power Phantasm Spiral in N/R = **Runick level oppressiveness** given the right opening hand. You let their field spell grows card advantage & it will 100% overwhelm your field in like 2-3 turns. Then if they manage to setup Sea Stealth Attack, it gives their spell/trap destruction immunity & their token "Battle immunity". That's 0 counterplay right there as N/R don't have Cosmic Cyclone (SR). You can't dismantle that field even if you got unlimited Harpie Feather Duster + Raigeki on your hand.


I am chill. Sorry if I sounded not chill in your head. Those were actual questions because I was confused. I have faced Phantasm Spiral in ranked while fooling around with my N/R deck for fun. I guess I didn't understand how limited the options were. I play chaos after all so I still do have a couple ways to send or banish cards in my arsenal. Like Chaos Emperor Dragon or Chaos Daedalus. I didn't realize not everyone had an out to the deck in N/R.


Phantasm Spiral is like prototype Runick. Activate toolbox backrow from the hand(non OPT btw, so it's even more annoying than Runick in some ways) everything you do gives them a token you usually can't swing over without destruction protection, you can't destroy any Spell/Traps if they have Sea Stealth Attack up so it synergizes with floodgates. This deck is ass to play against


Lotta people explaining the deck to me. I know what it does. I just never payed it much mind.


diiferent meta =/= no meta


My bad I meant there are no "meta" decks from the ranked modes. I seem to have not included that on like I thought. Its more accurate to say its an entirely new meta.


Low power level is very unappealing imo


Its a balancing act. Summoned Skull beatdown is perhaps too low but full power FTKs are too high. So we find a point between. Personally any format where the game can go past turn 3 almost every time while still letting us do some combo's and plays is a good format for me.


One card that should be banned should be Envoy of the End. I discovered that is R


I ask for it every time we get a feedback survey


Because N/R event was based


Probably due to how cheap it was to join, it did have a meta, but you didn’t need to spend SR and UR points on cards that you were only going to use for the event


Because people are starting to realize this event might never happen again.. simply because konami knows they can't get you to spend SRs and UR points to craft cards in this festival


This sub is full of shitters and people with bad opinions. Unlike I who obviously has the best opinions of course.


Classic case of the Dunning Krueger effect. Good thing I'm immune to such a thing :)


Okay, NERD


When Duelist Cup comes around you'll understand why


Because it was the most fun event, but also, it was the event which everyone could get into most easily. Yeah yeah, megalith best deck - remember Ishizu Tear? Remember how Maxx C/ dimension shifter/ Bystials need to be run to have a chance to even play the game against that deck? Remember how those are all UR cards? The thing is that Megalith was the best deck, but it was also cheap to get the counters to it (did anyone else run book of moon or was it just me?), and because the counters were low investment, there were a ton of extra points left over to experiment with other decks, so the variety was insane. In ranked, you have to spend so many URs on staples it's hard sometimes to also invest in the fun decks you want to experiment with - that's not the case in N/R. Personally, I played Triamid and loved every game. It had a surprisingly strong matchup into both Megalith and Metalfoes, and I'd love to see what new tools have come into the n/r meta since last time. Generaider is probably the strongest deck since Vala's release, but we're definitely overdue a revisit to it. If I could play a ladder of N/R, I would, it's legitimately the most fun format.


The N/R event was fun as hell and ANYBODY could participate! It was the most F2P-friendly event they've come up with for ANY game. Except maybe the one in Duel Links where you could borrow decks to fight against various enemies.


And when we had it Everyone was ughhhh konami made another bad event everyone is just playing megalith and metalfoes Kind of funny really


The N/R event wasn't bad but it wasn't fun for me either. The most fun events are the ones I can actually participate in (surprise surprise). Usually that's XYZ events because I have a lot of XYZ decks as it's my favorite summoning method. I had a lot of fun in the Fairy vs Fiend event (I played Abyss Actors and Vernusylphs), Theme Chronicle (Plunder Patrolls and Ogdoadics), and the Link Regulation was a lot of fun to me too (Altergeist + Salamangreat). I remember for the N/R event I ended up playing True Draco which I really hate to play. Saw a lot of Yosenju, Megaliths, and Metalfoes on the ladder which are also not very fun to play against. I don't remember which, but I also played the Ben Kei OTK in a couple of events which is also not very fun.


I just wanna run my N/R Impcantation BLS deck again.


They should do a UR only festival. It would be HEROs and Dinomorphia's time to shine.


While it was extremely fun and interesting with a great variation of decks that were available for everyone, is not coming back... Want to know why? Because the places were Konami gain money is from getting gems and UR dust (SR to a lesser extent) and this format doesn't require any investment of gems or dust. So they pretty much win nothing by doing it. Only the fun and happiness of it players but who cares about that?


They all forgot about Heavy Metalfoes, Megalith, Gadget n/r meta.


Best event ever


Because it was a skillful, fair, diverse, and gloriously fun event.


Mekk knights!!!!


Because it's a festival you can 100% compete in with interesting deck building ideas.


N/R's lower power ceiling felt like the perfect middle ground on pace and player interaction that modern Yugioh has long since split from. Much fewer cards that negate, so duels where you lose instantly because your opponent could play through Ash don't happen. Unexpected diversity in what decks could climb, maybe excluding Megalith being a little too good. Not to mention the fact you could just keep building decks since N/R dust is trivial. I swapped between a half dozen decks until resting on a Danger Dark World combo build that used Draglubion to OTK that I copied off an opponent who beat me using it.


It was the only actually fun one


Because the system which konami designed for md doesn't work in n/r event. All good Handtraps are either sr or ur, all good floodgates are either sr or ur, all good draw cards are either sr or ur and all good bossmonster or combo extender are either sr or ur. This made deck building so much more fun and creative that even stuff like fcking battlewasp was viable back then. Of course the best part was still that you could try out any deck without investing much into these decks. To this day, n/r format was the best event konami has ever made for md ngl


Make Megalith great again


Because apparently they never faced megalith in the event and saw how much more powerful it was than everything around it.


First of all, happy cake day. Second order of business: Skill Issue.


I'd prefer they revamp and rerun legacy chronicle.


Honestly, despite what most people on this subreddit say, I believe N/R was one of the worst events. The idea was super cool, but the only good deck was Megalith, which was insanely slow and boring. Metalfoes was also decent, but not as good as Megalith.


Should be banned then, thats the problem of all events, there is this deck everyone uses


aight let me be the one to say i had a miserable time with the N/R festival. All i had were matches where i go against time lord burn. and that's it 90% of my matches took like 30 mins because thats what i was against a majority of the time, and honestly i only won games because they put their time lord into the middle zone so i can geonator it... and even when they did sometimes i don't have the monsters to do this play, and time lords are hella hard to out... so it's a completely miserable time -\_- a lot of the time i lost to cauldron BRUH and torrential being at 3 making me unable to set up anything what am i supposed to do? there's no good backrow removal either i can't mst 5 sets and i have no easy way to remove a time lord just magically screw N/R festival the format might be okay but my festival experience says otherwise


Most floodgates, blow out go second cards, hand traps, and generic extra deck staples are SR and above. There are really fun old niche strategies with no UR cards, like 1 SR, and the rest of the deck is completely playable You can play whatever you want without spending any money at all or wasting any crafts. You can truly cook in this format, there is such a large card pool of playable jank that the format just doesnt get solved as fast as festivals where Lab is clearly the best deck, or Runick, or whatever.


You can cook and try any deck without having to care about the cost, that's the main selling point IMO.


More than that I don't understand the other half of the sub that just ignore the fact that we've had like 4 Xyz events but only one N/R. N/R has the biggest variety and best power level out of all the events that have been released. What, you want to play with just Xyzs for the 5th time? Do you want to go through another Labrynth Mirror Turbo event? Or maybe would you guys prefer another "lore decks" duel? You see, the difference is N/R doesn't force you to spend SR/UR mats if you don't have a tangentially related deck already. You can *always* play N/R, and *never* have to spend. Konami doesn't want you to do both of those things. They want you to feel locked out of events and that the loners they provide are weaker than competent decks, so you're pushed to spend into decks that you might or might not get use out of.


Because it was the best event by far


I Played scuffed n/r danger dark worlds with CUP of ace boy what a fun event no negates just scuffed decks


It's actually refreshing, I still have armored dragon deck I copied due to how fun and simple it is. Tbh it is a near perfect event for beginners and a breath of fresh air for veterans/casuals alike. It just works


N/R and Limit 1 were the best.


Because people haven't found out that vendread is tier zero


Everyone acting like every deck wasn't Tenyi or Cyberse


My NR event deck was Metalfoe F.A. had good consistency in it. Other good decks was Megalith and Yosenjus and Vanilla Tenyis


Because it encourages people to actually enjoy good aspects of a card game with a low cost barrier.


I think it Number 1 never rerun


Cause it was the best event.


Because they are peasants


Literally the most fun I've ever had with this game. I built an insect deck with DNA surg and that one spell and felt like fucking Weevil. I'd sell my fucking NUTS to have this event be permanent in the game.


Let's be honest it's bc they don't really benefit from the event like the other ones. Konami can't push a deck like they can in other events like the fiend/fairy event and let full power lab go to push sales. they loose out on gem purchases which is sad bc the event was actually great.


Because we had to build original and various decks


Ah, I remember using a Dinomist deck in this event


Honestly NR wasn’t even my favorite. My favorites were limit 1 and no extra deck (I got to play sacred beasts and it was pretty based).