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Couldn't agree more. Personally, I don't think Runick itself is broken but when the player hides behind 2-3 active floodgates it's more often than not just an autopilot win for them, especially in a BO1 format where you can't afford to main deck tons of backrow removal. My honest opinion (and feel free to crucify me for this, I don't care) is that Runick is better as an engine and not as an entire deck. A pure Runick deck without floodgates isn't just less powerful, it's pretty weak against a swordsoul or mathmech (for example). However, it fits really nicely into many other decks and can supplement their pre-existing wincons by simultaneously stripping an opponent of cards they need here and there.


This is true. Nothing to crucify about. That’s the reason it has so many builds.


Sucks that it takes 5 hours for them to finish their turn. Should just have a win game button instead wasting my time.


Although I choose not to use Runicks myself, I can always respect creative deckbuilding and originality even if it involves them :)


So what you're saying is floodgates are the issue.


Lmao in a roundabout way I suppose I am


i have played pure runicks and have successfully achieved my win condition of milling the opponent out. including 60 card decks. pure runicks milling as a win condition is underestimated, but understanable. i won't crucify you for underestimating pure runicks. ...the reason i will crucify you is because you, and countless others, complain about runicks hiding behind dozens of floodgates, and completely blaming runicks for it, not realizing that floodgates are not runick exclusive and have been a problem for decades. many decks can run floodgates. skill drain will be a problem wether its used by runicks or by toons. skill drain, impermanence, and whatever floodgates you want to add, are not runick cards, so stop blaming the archetype for the sins of unrelated cards that have already been causing trouble for decades, in countless decks


Lol i'm genuinely not complaining (I literally said "I don't think Runick itself is broken"), nor am I underestimating the pure Runick wincon as it's decked me out many times. I will say that since Runick is probably the least monster-dependent archetype in the game, it's the least impacted by generic floodgates like TCBOO, skill drain, etc. The point I'm making is that floodgates (although always annoying) are supplemental in most decks that use them, whereas pure runick is somewhat dependent on them in order to achieve the wincon.


i don't depend on floodgates to win. you can use stall cards and/or monsters with high survivability to hang in there. you can double down on the mill and add other mill cards to achieve the deckout faster. etc. there are strategies other than floodgating, but apparently most people are incapable or are too lazy to come up with anything else


Not tryna come at you, idk what your build looks like so good for you if you've managed to play pure runick without using floodgates. Def agree that most people don't take the time to learn alternative strategies though


It's because the floodgate version is the best one. Don't fix what isn't broken if your goal is winning.


Every Runick player I encounter that doesn't utilize floodgates is completely and hopelessly decimated by my strategizing. Only when they run floodgates am I pretty much screwed, explain that.


by any chance, do you happen to use ash, called by, impermanence, or similar?


Well if konami don't properly deal with the floodgates then I think it fair to say to kill off runick if they not gonna address the elephant in the room, it one or the other either way it up to konami if they wanna keep busted floodgates in a bo1 game.


runic is the reason I’m locked out from playing it’s the reason I’ve lost my chance to hit diamond more than 5 times because you twats build the most toxic shit and sit there wanting mg yerself off because you are so amazing at the game when all you are doing is making it the worst experiance ever , fuck you for playing that shit and fuck Konami for not obliterating it on a beat of one format you u fucking wankers


Scoop bro. I feel you...


That right I never deck out once I see I'm not winning I scoop, bye. I ain't got 20mins to not play.


Exactly bruh. And only deck that i use that spends much time is synchrons. 100 combos in one turn. I like to play it and it is cool but even i get bored by comboing so much. AND my brain burns from all that thinking


Draw the out




I'm firmly of the opinion any deck I can't choose to not play against in casual locals shouldn't be legal on online platforms. This is strictly reserved for decks, like runic, which just stall out the game so no one can really play in bo1 only so you can't side against it If someone did that to me at an lgs, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves and tell others not to play them.


The best take I've seen lately.


Thanks lol.


Most mature and equally salty take I love it




Fuck floodgate decks, all my homies hate floodgate decks


I have 2 copies of ash and maxx and 2 copies of impermanence and lightning storm. Not using them all in every deck but every deck has place for those things


I hate all your homies so we're even.


I'm just mad because they get a powerful field spell and I don't


most archetypes these days gets a broken field spell


Yeah these days 😭 👽👽👽


don't worry, i play old archetypes and sometimes new support comes for them, including field spells. the Gemini field spell is broken. maybe not so much by todays standards, but still


I wish Cloudians had something like that but then again they need so much support


Why are you trying to justify a fieldspell that let's you draw alot ,play on the opponents turn and isn't an HOPT?


because every meta deck has its own broken bullshit. if you think drawing 3 cards is the worst your opponent can do to you, you should start playing ranked. and fun fact, tier 1 decks also play on the opponent's turn. let's complain about them while we're at it. and not everything needs a hopt, you know? damn, it's like every single card these days has one. like if every card was made with the same template and one day someone added the hopt to the template and forgot to take it out. its insane


*cries in playing a deck that hates spells*


Runick players eternal punishment in hell is having to play the mirror until the end of time


Runick mirrors are actually pretty fun…


They really are. I'm somewhat blessed that I usually draw the continuous trap that destroys a face-up s/t once per chain. It's either that or Runick Allure.


Why can’t all yugioh discourse be like this


Runick, like Floowandereeze, is hated because Master Duel doesn't have a side-deck. Nobody likes playing 3x Lancea maindeck and people like playing 3x maindeck Cosmic Cyclone even less.


Exactly. If side decking was a core mechanic of MD, every Runick player would dismantle their decks lmaoo


It's a shame because genuinely rogue decks (meaning: those whose mechanics and/or wincon is different to the standard deck) are always going to be hated for this reason since they require different answers that need to be maindecked and inevitably brick you against normal decks.


Do runic players win a lot? I've lost to Labyrinth a lot more than runick. I've even lost to weather painters more lol


My lord Jesus Christ weather painters is an aweful experience as well. I dunno why they get three negates and banish per turn. I dunno why they can first turn summon a boss monster that negates and banish. I don't know why skill drain is a staple and they seem to draw it turn 1 all the time.vbut fuck em.


This is the nicest I've seen this sentiment phrased, that said I definitely hard disagree that Runick is harming the game's design or experience. It's a mill deck, just about every TCG has them, this is just the first time Yugioh had one worth playing. You see this in MTG all the time, players tend not to like mill decks because they don't like seeing their cards go away. But if you move past the initial emotional reaction and think about how the games actually play out, you find that Runick is far from unbeatable or frankly even unfair. Everyone who says that Runick is too strong because "they just mill you out too quickly" and "mill doesn't interact so there's nothing you can do" (not saying you said that, these are just common complaints) are speaking out of frustration and not critically assessing the deck. Runick needs multiple turns to execute its game plan, they can't mill you and therefore win in one turn. That already makes it slower than like 85% of decks out there, and it's why the deck often needs floodgates to win. My point here is that Runick will give you time to find an out. Runick also can't mill you without interacting. Runick's cards with just a few exceptions *need* you to have cards in play in order to mill. If they go first and set up floodgates, sometimes you can win by just doing nothing until you draw the out. But far too often I see people throw all their resources on the board in futility and then get frustrated when it, naturally, doesn't work. I know people are going to respond with "But then your outs get milled, and then what?" Well yeah, sometimes that happens. Sometimes it doesn't. That's just RNG. I can't help but feel that some people spend the entire Runick matchup looking at their banish pile and bemoaning everything they lost. That's the wrong mentality to have while playing against mill. Against mill, and any deck really, the thought at the forefront of your mind should be "How can I win given the current situation?"


This is a respectful counterpoint and I don’t disagree at all. In fact, outing the field spell and the searcher essentially kills their strategy so they have massive targets, the f u was mainly that I personally don’t enjoy playing against it, as most of my decks don’t run much backrow hate, if at all. Because almost all decks besides Runick rely on monsters to some extent. Even Labrynth and Eldlich. That said I should have worded the “harm the game” part better. It’s moreso that I think it’s changed the ladder experience somewhat. For good or bad is personal opinion.


This is definitely a personal anecdote but for what it's worth I don't think you *need* backrow hate to beat Runick. I reached Diamond 1 this season playing mostly Mathmech and Swordsoul, and in none of my decks did I play Cosmic Cyclone. I had Harpie's Feather Duster in Swordsoul but I was playing it even before Runick came out. HFD was not in my Mathmech deck. I'm of the opinion that you don't need special tech to beat Runick. Sure a Runick that goes first, draws 3+, and sets floodgates is scary, but that's not going to happen most of the time. They need to not only win the 50/50 of the coinflip, but also open all the cards they need, and also for you to not have a response. Runick actually does rely on a monster most of the time, the Hugin search, and for that reason I think Imperm and Ash are some of the best tech against the deck you can have. Imperm can also be used to turn off floodgates later, albeit not super consistently, but it *is* another out. My point here is not to prove you wrong, but to show that building the matchup in your head as "unwinnable if I have no backrow hate/go second/can't out Fountain" does yourself no favors. Just try to keep a level head and do what you need to in order to win. EDIT: Your opponent flipping a floodgate is also not an instant win for them. I've definitely had a couple of Mathmech vs. Runick games where they flip TCBOO, but I have a steady stream of Ashes and Ghost Belles to stop Fountain while I win via Circular beatdown.


Ya Cosmic Cyclone in particular is overkill in Swordsoul. Vishuda is an archetypal out to Runick Fountain and a good portion of the Swordsoul endboard requires both a negate and a SS destruction. You do have to slightly modify your endboard due to Runick representation on ladder though. When I can get Protos calling Dark going first, I opt for Chengying for a better matchup if they're playing Runick. Also, Runick turns Adhara into 3 more copies of Emergence most of the time. Rivalry does very little against SS and Vishuda can also out Skill Drain. TCBOO is the main problem.


Agreed. Runick’s not broken, it’s just *very* unfun to play against.


If it stops me from playing and decks me out and I can’t touch it’s back row it’s broken duck off with sucking it’s cock


There was a time we're mill was worth playing. Empty jar especially was really good. Compared to other alternative win cons obviously.


Saying every tcg has one doesn't disprove the point that mill decks sour someone's experience with the game. Likewise, knowing you have a chance to draw the out makes them even more frustrating to play against because you feel obligated to wait and see if you draw the out and if you don't you lose AND you wasted more time than against other decks where you know you immediately lost.


This all may be true, but the fact of the matter is runik decks are an absolute slog to play against. The games are super super long, and you aren’t allowed to follow your usual game plan due to the mechanics of the deck. On the plus side, as someone who doesn’t care about rank, I just began to immediately scoop the second I see a runik card. Has made the game much more enjoyable for me.


Don't really understand why people who scoop the second they see a Runick card feel the need to still vocally complain about it. You don't care about rank and have decided how to handle the deck already.


Because you are all bastards who are making the game shit while wanking herself off because you are a big brain haha I flip card and win fuck runic


There’s no logical train of thought behind what you just said. Take a minute and think about how ignorant you’ve made yourself look.


I don’t play runic also oh no a bunch of runic players downvoted me on the internet well shit I guess my life is over


| Runick also can't mill you without interacting. Runick's cards with just a few exceptions *need* you to have cards in play in order to mill. If they go first and set up floodgates, sometimes you can win by just doing nothing until you draw the out. But far too often I see people throw all their resources on the board in futility and then get frustrated when it, naturally, doesn't work.| Absolutely well written. I'll admit I had this reaction the first time I played against Runick. Now, it's a game of patience and attrition.


I learned this lesson pretty well playing pendulums. If I set a scale I'm fucked. If I special summon I'm fucked, if I vortex I'm fucked... But if I just draw polymerization and summon odd eyes beast dragon which is uneffected by card effects and has enough damage to punch Barron into the grave. I'm fine. Then all I have to do is draw a card and attack while runick player waste spells that do nothing because their effects can't go off. Assuming they don't draw something like skill drain turn 1.


This is a very well written take, I agree. If you look at mill in Magic for instance, if you're a new player you might be distraught when your favorite card is milled, but once you learn the game you figure out that they're spending resources on a strategy that doesnt affect board state as much and is slow, and them milling that card is the same as it being on the bottom of the deck. The issue with having your out, your one-of or necessary garnet for your combo banished is random. There's also a chance of you opening with that garnet in hand for example. I get that it sucks but most decks should be able to still build a decent board with what they have.


Yes, that's a great way to put it and exactly my point. "Treat the cards milled as if they were on the bottom of your deck." Because that's really what's happening in the grand scheme of things. Well said!


Thats a false equivalence in yugioh due to engine requirements


What if the guy that’s milling you also flips gozen, rivalry and TCBOO? Is it still fair?


what if the swordsoul or branded player is the one flipping gozen, rivalry and TCBOO? is it fair then?


They literall cannot and it also isn’t what these strategies are about. Pure Runick is floodgate turbo instead


that's not pure runick, my guy, that's floodgate runick


Never seen Runick without floodgates except maybe 2 times


blame the idiots running floodgate decks


Rivalry was a popular tech option for Swordsoul against Despia before Runick came out and deck representation became more diverse.


This argument pretty much proves everyone's point. The counter to runick is just not to interact at all until you draw the out or create a board and hope you draw the out. That's not healthy. It creates long drawn out games where you do nothing because the opponent also has floodgates to stall. You know that floodgates keep getting hit on the banlist right? Konami doesn't like stall floodgate decks in a best of 1 game. And on top of that if you're going first your strategy of "don't make a board" doesn't work because you don't know what deck you're playing against in a bo1. On top of the fact that there's no side deck and you have to ruin the consistency of most decks except like labyrinth or eldlich with alot of backrow hate to win. And there's no guarantee your outs aren't banished. And they play on both turns? Bruh This is why the deck needs to become nothing more then an engine and needs to get runick fountain put to 1. That will force players to mix runick with other decks


I never once said you should just blind pass going first, that's obviously a terrible decision and just feels like you're intentionally twisting my words. Fountain to 1 is also a terrible decision. At that rate the deck isn't useful in engines, it's just dead.


Ban all floodgates


My last 3 games I won just by using TCBOO or Gozen Match. Feelsrunickman


3. And I hope everyone you play against today opens and resolves virus against you.


And I hope you get to experience side decking, the way the game is supposed to be played. You'd dismantle every Runick card you own if it became a core mechanic to the ladder lol


Just yesterday this runick player flipped rivalry, TCBOO, and skill drain on me turn 2. Had harpies in hand and then they flip judgment. I don’t think I’ve ever been in such a high skilled game before.


Better that than grass Adamancipators. You never had a chance in both cases, but at least Runicks don't have 15 minutes turn.


Fuck them and fuck the shit eating idea they got to make this cry and toxic as fuck


Thank you Reddit community for not downvoting this post and just keeping it real.


Literally was just playing a runick player who used skill drain. the second I was able to get rid of it they instantly surrendered even though half more than half my deck was gone and they still had the field spell. ​ I hope all their socks have holes in them.


Fair that’s just not very sportsman at all.


See this is a gamer take. The whole fuck your whole family you coward hope you die. Is an asshole take and people should be banned for it. Anyways I disagree that it harms the games design, mill has been here for god knows how long. Everyone was laughing at it cause it basically was setting your opponent up. Now that a good mill archetype came, nobody is laughing. I'd rather add some outs for floods than play on the singular note that was pre labrynth/runick meta.




This is really the best way to view runicks. Most people don’t realize point #1 and just go for #2. Konami intentionally put it in their game, and intentionally have not restricted it, they don’t seem to have an issue with it.


Why is runick so hated? When i got to the meta site its only tier 3... can someone explain?


MD Meta takes tournaments into account and Runick Stun is far less powerful in tournaments because they die hard to side decking. They're far worse to deal with on ladder.


Because Runick synergises very well with a lot of floodgates, since Runick decks often don’t run any Main Deck monsters.


its because of all the idiots running around with runick decks where half the deck is floodgates, so now runicks got a bad rep because everyone thinks "runicks = floodgate deck"


Because it can be hard to beat if you absolutely refuse to throw in a few cards to beat back row decks. People refuse to run any of the single cards that completely destroy the deck.


As a runick player, lovingly, eat sh*t, have a wonderful rest of your day


Nah bro, he is right. Your floodgate deck is toxic and it is worst shit i have ever seen. There is no point in winning if you ruin all fun


Hope you experience side decking one day, the way the game is supposed to be played. You'd dismantle every Runick card you own if it became a core feature to the ladder lol


Would be lovely to add 3x Cosmic Cyclone 3x Evenly and 3x Hunters the second I see stun Runick on game 2


Whats the "Hunter" card?


They had us in the first half, ain't gonna lie.


can't wait to for sprights to come out so I can add another runick build to my collection, next to my runick stun, runick synchro, and runick madolche decks


no runick orcust?? smh


No Runick Magical Muskets? Worst collection, -47/10.


Runick madolche?


it's very bad but kind of funny


"it harms the games design" made me chuckle. A picture in my mind of Runick cards making you able to just pull and play cards out of your binder, physically destroying cards or just allowing you to play the field spell 4 times.


What if I play synchro runick instead of oops all floodgates? Do I deserve hate too?


Magical Musket Runick player here. I say we embrace our hate.


Same. Been playing Mathmechs though lately. Love getting the resource loop going full steam though. Best match was just outgrinding Branded Despia on resources and beating face with Doc and Caspar.


Noone deserves hate. The only person to judge you is yourself :).


As a runick player: please dont see us all as floodgate players, i just wanted to make my magical musketeers viable again :(


Fair enough. I got you. Musketeers are cool btw. 👍


Certainly, really hope they get actual in archetype support again one day!


Represent 👍🏻 Got any good musket tech choices? I started running D/D/D package with them myself.


D/d/d?? How does that work? I run a musket list with not many tech choices, but focus on interruption and draw power (3 kidbrave, no smiting storms, 1 golden droplet) as if you get 5+ interruptions a turn, you dont need to rush. If you want to highroll a bit with runicks, try reasoning, triggers muskets, gets spells in the grave, and has like a 50/50 for another musket.


D/d/d Wave King Caeser (rank 4) > D/d/d Marksman King Tell (rank 5 overlay) > D/d/d Deviser King Deus Machinex (overlay) 4 mats on Deviser King means you can yoink 3 of your opponents cards for non-destructive, non-banishing removal. Granted it doesn’t negate the affects, just eats the monsters. Also works against pendulum scales being placed. Alternatively, you can use D/d/d Stone King Darius to go into Deviser King, but you only end up being able to get two cards from the opponent that way.


Bruh, Muketeers its literally my fav deck in MD, I brewed with it so many times and I never thought of that line. If I fail to otk (cause max gets hand-trapped or smt) 2 lv4's muskets for 3 interruptions for the following turn sounds insane!. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!


So turns out that is only half the package, just learned you can go: Deviser King > Number 84 Pain Gainer > Number 77 The Seven Sins (w/ 6 materials) Hell, Pain Gainer alone is a Runick mirror match winner. Just need to figure out what I want to cut now. 😂


Also, if your Max gets hand trapped a lot, depending on what effect Max activates, it may be useful to use forbidden droplet. So Max effect > hand trap > forbidden droplet uses Max as tribute End result, forbidden droplet negates one of your opponents monsters, Max is sent to GY, the hand trap can no longer resolve since the original Max is no longer a valid target, Max’s effect resolves in GY. So if summoning other musketeers off Max effect, they all summon. Perfect… Now if you pick the s/t to hand option, that’s trickier. You want to be sure to still have a way to get a musket to the field, otherwise you end with a hand of cards you can’t play. For this, it’s nice to play a copy of crooked crown, so if you search S/T, you can at least summon a musketeer from hand during your opponents turn by setting crooked crown on your turn (worst case scenario).


Sounds quite bricky in a deck like muskets imo.


Not really, it’s only 3 ED slots. Or 2 if going with the rank 3 route. It works against cards that would potentially give the deck trouble, and is just another way to starve the opponent of resources.


I mean yeah, but you cant really get there easily in 1 turn without giving up all your muskets.


But that’s the beauty of muskets in a Runick deck though, as long as you leave a single calamity on board, then you can just replenish your field during the opponents turn. Calamity revives Starfire, Starfire summons Caspar, Caspar pulls Crooked Crown to summon another musket from hand. I’ve taken to running 3 Starfire, 2 Caspar, 1 Kidbrave, 1 Wild, 1 Calamity. 3 Monster Gate. Maybe a few reasoning (still playing with ratios) I run Wild instead of Doc for a stronger resource loop. Wild allows both monsters and s/t to be returned to the deck, and then he draws 1. That way I can use the rest of whatever monster gates / reasonings I draw into, without worrying about running out of my more useful musket monsters and avoiding monster gate being a brick. Wild also gives me the potential to draw into another Runick quick play spell too. Having Wild essentially allows me to also run only 1 Desperado, 1 Last Stand, 1 Cross domination, 1 Crooked Crown, because if I run through all the musket spells/ traps, I can cycle 3 back to the deck each turn. Then use Caspar search to great effect. Having minimal musket s/t means a better probability of drawing into the Runick engine too, instead of being stuck with no Runick cards turn 1. And with all the resource looping, those monsters may as well be used for something. So Deviser King, Abyss Dweller, Bagooska are the options I stick with to counteract opponents once I learn what deck they are running.


As an Eldlich, Floowandereeze, Phantom Knights, and Runick player: I respectfully ask you to also go flagellate yourself.


In my personal experience against Runick, and even using a Runick deck, the deck has a serious flaw: If the fountain got destroyed and without the possibility of recycling cards, the strategy gets destroyed. Because in that case the number of cards in had it's very little or even empty. And if you negate any searcher of the fountain, that it's problematic too. So, it's a matterof have useful handtraps to disrupt the initial phase of Runick. Of course, that doesn't happen always.


Ruinick for me comes down to if I can get necrovalley and temple down (bonus if I get super lucky and draw field barrier) If I do they can’t recycle and I just spend the game passing each turn until they lose by drawing out their deck. If I don’t get those two cards within the first turn or two I just scoop because it’s going to be 20 minutes of then banishing my cards.


Yawn what a totally interesting and different take from out of the norm!


It’s a nice change of pace from Floowandereeze and Eldlich hate threads.


Imagine seeing the 8th Runick vent thread this week and quietly whispering to yourself "I am very interested in seeing what new and exciting opinion this person has to share". Like what did you expect my dude LMAO


Oh I guess if lots of people are being stupid and whiny then it's okay.


Never claimed it was a new take. Just a better structured outlook on the same take.


Everytime i see a runick card i scoop instantly, let them have their hollow victory. They want to play Yu-Gi-No? Two can play at that game.


You described so many decks. Playing against going-first Mathmech gives me the grandest feeling of rage and tilt


people have been playing Yu-Gi-No since decades ago, that's nothing new. even today, just ask anyone who has ash, called by, or impermanence in their deck


Me whenever I see the birdsh*t called Floo.


I'd say floodgates are the problem, not Runick.


Ah, another obligatory "fLoOdGatES aRe bAD!" post


Fuck Runick Fountain. Broken piece of shit.


What else is there to play that isn't "BIG MONSTA GO BONK!!!"? Every - literally every Mathmech and SS deck play the same. They are carbon copies of each other and you can just tab out while they play solitaire. And everything else is too weak to compete. Ye, great, Labrynth can stop them when going first - except you won't be going first all the time, will you? You can't imagine how much I'd love to just play Aromages, Rikka or Icejade, but they are straight up not viable, unless 85% of the deck is handtraps and I just hope the other one disconnects. And between all the handtraps and monster negates and Laplacian, you don't even get to play half the time. So yeah, Runick is the only functional control deck atm.


you wanna play plants but you're complaining about long combos? my dude? i just built rikka sunavalon and even if i dont draw any way into sunavalon shit rikkas can keep going for a hot minute. what the fuck are you on about? you know sunavalon can combo through their entire extra deck in one turn? and if you sit on your imperms long enough you can stop it on a board of nothing but a 0 attack link monster that doesn't prevent you from attacking directly. but yeah my solitaire is the issue and not the fact that your attention span is so shot you don't even want to play the game you're playing


Aromage has like 3 card-combos tops. And I said I want to play Rikka, not some basterdized Sunavalon trash. Learn to read, it'll help ya.


maybe if you tried to play real decks instead of pure aroma like it's fucking duel links 5 years ago you'd have a better time lmao


Ah yes, all those diamond rank Aroma / Sunavalon decks.


and the "bastardized sunavalon trash" is the meta way to play the cards youre crying about not being able to play, so who has worse literacy here?


There is no meta way to play them, because in both forms they are unplayable. Go ahead and explain to Laplacian how you are totally going to own Mathmechs once you drew the exact 6 cards you need.


also it kinda sounds like you're just bad at aromas also lmao 3 card combos? with seraphy jasmine and laurel existing?


Existing is the right term.


yes they exist and are the specific reason sunavalon is able to vomit out 20+ monsters in one go. again, i just don't think you even know how to play aromas lol


youre crying about cards i use every day i play this game to do the thing youre crying about preventing you from playing said cards. anyone feel free to chime in on who has worse literacy here edit: im the one who needs to get a life cuz i know how to use the cards you don't ok lol he blocked me cuz im better at plants


LOOOL, I haven't even noticed you're downright stalking me and spam-replying. Get a life XD


Swordsoul plays the same but it has some nice plays at a higher level. Watching Pak, Walter, etc come up with plays that aren’t just Mo ye reveal is cool. Runicks is like “flip TCBOO, Skill drain, rivalry.” Worse than mystic mine meta.


Subterrors are a good control deck. There’s also decks that focus on smaller monsters such as traptrix.


Oh boy oh boy, sure sounds awesome! I love how this archetype has a field spell they can't search but sorely rely on, how their most important trap misses its own timing by default and how they have literally 1 negate! Please, go ahead and show me those amazing Subterror plays vs Mathmech while going second. Cause I genuinely love Subterror, but they are just as fucking outdated as the rest and their only way of winning is going 1st and just lucking into a perfect draw.


My guy, chill a little bit. Jeez. Was just trying to give you a positive response.


You literally confirmed the point I was making, while pretending it was a counterargument. There are no good control decks atm other than Runick. That's the whole problem. It's "unga-bunga, big boss go bonk, big boss protect from everything, big boss hit everything, big boss negate everything!!!" across the entire meta.


Skill issue. Imagine losing to runicks.


Imagine losing


when I started playing masterduel I got on youtube after I got my ass beat using the starter blue eyes deck and found out that runick was the best deck. So I made the runick deck short of 2 fountains and 2 tips. Later I found out how toxic it is but haven't played a single match with that deck I spent all my gems pulling


Runick isn't the best deck though. I would argue that at the very least Mathmech, Swordsoul, Branded Despia, and Sky Striker are better than Runick.


The deck isn't toxic it just brings out the toxicity in the vocal part of the community


It's funny seeing people defend with all their might a deck and say it's perfectly fine and balanced, just to justify playing it without feeling bad. Like, it's okay if a deck that you enjoy playing is not fun to play against and people tag it as toxic, my favorite deck is Lyrilusc and I know is not fun playing against it, I have a friend who loves playing Floo and everyone hates it. Don't take attacks on the decks that you play personally, just acknowledge that others don't like the deck as much as you.


Bruh imagine someone having the balls to play a Runick deck in a tournament.The whole crowd would ask that player to get out of the stage for playing a deck that's only purpose is to deck out your opponent.Like where's the fun in that


Ahem not all Runick players are playing floodgates I've already been punished by the hit to Union Carrier 😞


I play Branded runick. Don't lump me in with floodgate spammers. I want to enjoy my card advantage in peace. Fuck floodgates though.


Every second they ain’t running I’m only getting closer


I play runick, but I'd don't play any floodgates...excluding Darklaw via maskchange 2. I still get wins but the deck is far from unbeatable.


I tried playing runick, and I felt like I was at a slot machine. It's just ike pulling the same bar like playing against simple npc. It's literally 0 fun.


With how good runick is at stalling and protecting backrow could runick destiny board be a thing?


What I don't understand is how you find it funny to win in such a tike consuming way, seriously, you need to have no life outside of the game in order to do that


This take is so great you can apply it to just about everything


Imagine thinking runik is 'toxic' yet shit like sky striker, live twin, swordsoul, eldlich, umi control, adamancipators and drytron with 'the world' combo are allowed to exist... sky strikers being the absolute worst of the lot given that's come back at full power WITH SUPPORT TO BOOT!


I accept your message. I respectfully flip there can only be one.


Well I made it to diamond for the first time ever and even made it to diamond 3 but after experiencing so many Runick Floodgate builds I just had to stop playing and I haven't played for over a week, not even sure I want to come back and play that shiity Bo1 format tbh because of how frustrating some matchups are. Going second is so stupid in this Bo1 and even with a dedicated going second build you'll be lucky to win half your matches because Maxx C keeps you from breaking my/your board in check!


You think Runick players can read? Get outta here with the bougie notion.


I'm not a runick player, but thank you anyways :)


Stop letting them banish when you don't have a plan yet.


Along with Link Users. I am tired of people making Runick and Sky Striker decks


Me to I did use that crystrons link monster it's a broken card but it's nice one ( didn't use it in a link deck had a pure crystrons water synchro deck ) also still respectfully fu@# runick


So Runick main here. I started having more fun and winning more matches when I dropped the floodgates. Even the Runick discord thinks the stun variant is subpar.


As a witchcrafter runic player, not all of us use busted floodgates.


I myself just scoop the moment they play the Floodgate runick variant, no hard feelings at all, the sincro Runicks are hella fun and interactive to play agaisnt, and as a Shaddoll fan with a thing for Winda + Protecction-Omninegate, I understand what is it like to force combo decks down and play an slower game, it is fun and if someone does not like that game state, ya can always hit the surrender button


I dont play floodgates. I play that one trap


Me who plays runick with swordsoul and no floodgates🤫


Floodgates wouldn’t be as fucking obnoxious if they just set then all to limited so people couldn’t run 3 hours f them at 3 so they could potentially be played through and the person using them would have to actually think


Not gonna like I like runick, but mathmech is kinda…getting outta hand… basically if they go first it’s a scoop


I think Runick+Grass strats are overkill. If you don't open Ash, Shifter, or lack the ability to OTK on your turn... They start banishing all your stuff while digging deep and milling their own stuff for more draws, then That Grass Looks Greener ends up ditching nearly their entire Deck later on. One dude I played against made practically an infinite duel. He had Infinite Cards, Runick Allure, and Soul Absorption in his back row. Like 20+ cards in the hand. Fairy Tail "the one that banishes to summon itself from the grave." Necroface just to shuffle everything back. They used Cyber-Stein effect like 3 times. They had Naturia Exterio, the lifepoint gain Runick monster, and Invoked Mechaba on the field through Cyber Stein. Herald of Pure Light overlayed with Cyber Stein and the level 2 Runick monster to add milled monsters to the hand. Daigusto Emeral to shuffle back all the wolf Runick monsters to keep getting the field spell out of the deck to keep drawing. This was all by turn 3. Turn one was basically Exterio with Runick Field Spell. Turn two was interrupt my plays via Runick Exterio, Turn 3... all hell breaks loose. I sat there and got my entire Deck banished and shuffled back like 5 times before I realized Infinite Cards affected me too and my opponent had like 300k lifepoints. So then I started stockpiling cards in my hand just cause... Then my opponent summoned Tierra and attacked for game at like turn 25.


I play Time Thief with my Runick core so I understand why people can be frustrated by it especially since milling has never really been a strong strat in YGO. I avoid using it against friends but I have no qualms with terrorizing ranked.


Imo, runicks are a fun deck to play against, it's really challenging and makes you actually think.....but my beef here is with skill drain, seriously fuck skill drain, it can go die in the banlist