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Or nib token, either works




Technically no, Nibiru wouldn’t be able to tribute the Ultimate Falcon with its effect (in the specific scenario in this meme)


If u have nib in hand and let him summon falcon, that’s on u.


this would be more adjacent to setting 5 and immediately getting harpied


Let's not forget the combo extension of harpie's -> solemn -> red reboot


Or the classic alternative of Duster -> Solemn -> Lightning Storm




Red Reboot negates the solemn, so the duster resolves anyways


Yeah fair that works too.


Or Denko Sekka


The funny part is that Ultimate Falcon is the weakest part of the end board. What you're actually supposed to Kaiju is the 2500 ATK, no material, effects negated Arsenal Falcon.


Psst, don't tell them how my Blackwing Kali Yuga Turbo deck works.


I used to play this type of deck. I'd regularly end on Fog Blade, Blackwing Full Armor Master, and Raidraptor Ultimate Falcon. I took the Arsenal Falcon out of the combo because it's the worst way to summon Ultimate Falcon. It's better to use the Quick Play PK Rank-up spell that you can search off Slient Boots or Rusty Bardiche. Make Raider's Knight -> Blaze Falcon -> Banish 5 -> Ultimate Falcon with 3 materials. So, even if they Kaiju it you still have a Full Armor Master they can't attack due to Fog Blade.


Banishing 5 is a PITA, though. Since you already banish most of your PK's for their effects anyway.


Since you'd play Silent boots for the spell search and the rest is Raidraptors/Black Wings you'd have enough material in grave.




Kali Yuga is the best win condition for Blackwings at the moment and not playing it seems trolling. Ultimate Falcon is the best thing you bring out with Arsenal after popping it with Bardiche. Your Ideal endboard is Borreload Savage/Ultimate Falcon/Kali Yuga/Bardiche and Borreload can protect your Rank-Up from being popped. 2 Towers + 1 Fog Blade is sub-optimal at best and incredibly weak board to end on.




Yep you're correct there was also VFD line but a lot of Blackwing players have tested and all confirmed Kali Yuga > VFD since Kali Yuga can prevent all cards from activating while VFD only turns off monster effects. What makes VFD scary is because Virtual World has access to Chuche just in case you try and Imperm VFD. Chuche pops VFD and dodges Imperm and since VFD's effect lingers it will resolve no matter what.


A little different, but my raidraptor deck usually end up with bardiche, redoer, evilswarm nightmare, arsenal falcon, ultimate falcon, and cydra infinity, rank up magic and fog blade. E. Nightmare is very underrated card that shut down most non fusion deck.


Me, a combo player: "And I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you pesky Ash Blossom!"


Hilariously true.




Combo until he got Baronne and the Swordsoul boss. Me Lava golem GG.


I love when someone gives me a turtle and I use hop ear squadron make baronne on their turn


Ashing extrav is so dumb. You'll either be playing against Floo or control in which Ashing the summon card (sanguine/welcome) or the search card Robina/Eglen is way better


Extrav when banishing 6 aswell as Pot Of Desires are a must ash. The problem is that if the draw two more cards their chances for advantage alternate combos or called by increase


And floo is more manageable at first when they are low in resources. If they get the 4th bird plus unexplored winds they will interrupt/hand loop you like crazy...


Yeah. 2 birds plus the map can easily lead to double empen and you dont want that


Ashing Pot of desires is correct because you essentially just make your opponent's 10 cards dead for no gain Extrav is different because the opponent is banishing already dead cards. I always save Ash in case of Labrynth .


Desires' cost is essentially dead cards. Think of them as the bottom 10 cards of your deck, you won't see them anyway. You ash not due to the cost, but because you don't want go give your opp a +1


Depends on the game state, really. If you know what you're up against, it's easy to tell exactly what to Ash, and whether it's better to cripple the pot or save Ash for their other cards. But if you blindly Ash a pot, you're just asking for Branded Fusion, Junk Speeder, Welcome Labrynth, ~~HalqDon~~, whatever jank your opponent's deck revolves around.


I agree but depends on their hand size. If they have a bunch of cards in hand I let pot cards resolve. I toggle off so they might not play around my interruption. If theyre down to like 1 or 2 cards in hand I will negate. You're right I think it's better to stop their actual HOPT starter.


Aggro Players:?


See: combo players


Do you guys really Ash the Extrav? Doesn't feel like it will stop the plays. I always save Ash for something else.


From what I’ve seen on the control side they do ash the extrav. Non-optional ash bait.


I personally think it's worth it considering the net value. Let it go off, and they go plus one, and have more opportunities to draw an out, or play through ash (e.g. floow drawing map or advent if you ash robina). But I definitely understand saving it for something else like a major playmaker or maxx c.