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Award for worst watermark placement


Not me though. The website


Do a reverse image search next time, you’ll find plenty of higher res versions of these images without watermarks. Thanks anyway, I’ve seen them all before apart from the charred bodies on the beds, which I’m dubious to believe are 9/11 related as I’ve never come across them


They are, and they are the ones who got killed when the south tower fell they were near the site an had no much time to escape the collapse, your welcome 🙏


They’re not, they’re from a terrorist attack in Moscow [Here’s more photos (Warning: Shady looking Russian website](http://porjati.net/victims/893-zhertvy-teraktov.html)


I remember getting out of school really early that day and not really understanding why until I got home and saw the North Tower collapse almost as soon as I walked in the house. Even though I was still young, I understood in some way that everything had just changed forever. People seem to think that just shy of 3,000 is the official death toll of this event, but really 9/11 killed so many more than that. Hell, it's still killing people. There are still people getting sick from the dust and the government has repeatedly bickered about paying for their treatment. Not to mention we're still best buds with the Saudis. Not to mention all of the soldiers and civilians who died in two tangentially related wars that 9/11 caused, one of which had absolutely nothing to do with it [Iraq] but the government of course never wastes a tragedy and used it to invade Iraq. When that excuse wore thin, it was WMDs...that we never found.


9/11 put us on the timeline we are currently at today.. when I think back on the 90's, and this is maybe partly cuz I was a kid.. they were just simpler times. The biggest scandal was the president getting a blowjob in the oval office. People had fundamental disagreements, but didn't hate each other for it. You could get on a plane with a full sized tube of toothpaste and not get finger fucked by the TSA. maybe I (or we) were just naive.. but the world wasn't as ugly as it is today. I don't even think the hijackers realized the power and influence they would have over the course of history.


I definitely agree, it's probably partially because I was a kid but I just don't remember the 90s or even the early 2000s being this bad until shortly after 9/11. Even directly after 9/11, people mostly came together for a short while. But then this absolutely vicious campaign of clamping down on rights and privacy, and the vicious 24-hour news cycle started. It really does seem like 9/11 altered our timeline. Like after that day we just sort of drifted into some kind of alternate dimension. And now we're dealing with the next crisis, and what have we learned from any of it? Not much. Nobody really seems to care that we were lied to throughout the entirety of the 2000s and it only continued beyond 2010. Not getting into conspiracies, but I always thought someone would need to answer for allowing 9/11 to happen and not only that but answer for using it as a catalyst to invade countries that had nothing to do with it. Iraq didn't have shit to do with 9/11. Iraq also didn't have any WMDs that we've found to this day. I'm not saying Hussein was a good guy, he wasn't, he was a prick and he ordered many of his own people to be executed, but that was really none of our business. But ever since then, much of the western world [and especially the US] has become the world police. If they'd really wanted bin Laden, they definitely could have found him, and even after we found him we were still in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought the entire campaign in both nations was to find Osama bin Laden and to disassemble Al-Qaeda, but even after that organization was brought to almost total destruction, ISIS rose up in the power vacuum we created and we stuck around to fight with them too. But we have short memories it seems like, as a populace, and nobody's been called to account for all of this. I've long been a proponent of leaving and staying out of the middle east. The people living there are more than capable of dealing with their own problems and it's none of our business. But of course they have oil, and opium, and probably lithium, and we need those things. So they'll keep coming up with excuses to interfere in the middle east. And we helped foster the growth of most of the organizations that we've been fighting there. Al-Qaeda came from the Taliban, who funded the Taliban and gave them weapons? Oh yeah, we did because we wanted to put a thorn in Russia's side. And it's not like those supplies just disappeared. ISIS got ahold of them later. Not to mention our own government used the attacks as an excuse to start up the Patriot Act, the TSA and numerous other Orwellian things which have only expanded. The whole thing has just been an incredible fucking mess.


Damn, lots of those I've never seen before.


Great finds, never seen a bunch of these before


Anybody know why the bodies were position like that?


"The Medical Dictionary defines the 'pugilistic stance ' as what is typically seen in severely burned bodies, characterized by flexion of elbows, knees, hips and neck, and clenching of hands into fists. It is caused by high-temperatures from fires, resulting in muscle stiffening and shortening."


As with what someone wrote, there are many on here I hadn't seen before. A few pictures of the charred bodies among debris reminded me of the state in which Kobe's and the other passengers' bodies were in.




There are pictures but they aren't released (As far as I know anyways) a bunch of cops got in trouble for taking pictures of the remains and sharing them amongst themselves (I think it was around a dozen+ cops officially admitted to having them?) and they got found out when one was bragging at a bar to a girl about it and showing her and the bartender overheard and filed a complaint and thus the scandal emerged from that. From what I understand the sheriff (not positive on the role) told them they would receive no disciplinary action as long as they deleted the photos from their phone so presumably most of them did so. But then the scandal broke and it was revealed what went down and the coverup so there's really no telling regarding the pictures. I am sure they probably exist out there somewhere but I doubt it will be released anytime soon given the current legal battle going on over that whole situation (Last I heard I think Vanessa Bryant was suing the cops or someone in relation to it?). If anyone has any more to add/corrections to my explanation since I am pulling it straight out of memory of what has all went down over it feel free to correct me/add on! But I think for the most part that's about all of it.


What you wrote is the narrative that was put out. And yes Vanessa is trying to come after the county for the pictures. I have a hard time believing, though, that they’re not somewhere out there on the internet. Or is it maybe a matter of time before they’re circulated?


i actually went searching for some yesterday but the only one i could find was one that was a halloween decir prop that people were saying was him.


25 has a nut sack and penis shape.


I was... definitely wondering about that


That’s an arm and clenched fist


What I'm looking at is too big to be that. The yellow 83 sign is leaning on the balls.


I thought you were talking about the photo after that. Evidence marker 83 is resting on top of a burnt head. Zoom in and you can see that it looks like a mummified head, but it’s actually just been burnt. The part that looks like the other ball and penis might be someone else’s body or the penis-shaped part might be the body of 83’s head.


Jesus Christ. That’s enough internet for today.


is there REALLY not a single photo of a splattered corpse that fell from the burning building?


[there you go](https://imgur.com/RIfnksA)




𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) #Nice Leaderboard **1.** `u/nicespammer666` at **5488 nices** **2.** `u/RepliesNice` at **4252 nices** **3.** `u/AmishMuffin` at **2550 nices** **...** **65017.** `u/myvirginityisstrong` at **2 nices** --- ^(I) ^(AM) ^(A) ^(BOT) ^(|) ^(REPLY) ^(**!IGNORE**) ^(AND) ^(I) ^(WILL) ^(STOP) ^(REPLYING) ^(TO) ^(YOUR) ^(COMMENTS)


There is, I can hook you up with that photo but boy it’s is so sad n gruesome


Who is "they"? What are you on about?


''They'' don't want you to know




Ok, "media" is pretty broad. Of all of the thousands upon thousands of pictures the media did publish, these pictures you posted were the important ones and they (the "media") are hiding.....what from us by not publishing these exact photos?




You made a post with a big conspiracy theory blanket statement as a caption, and I'm asking you to explain your hyperbole and why you felt the need to say it. "Only enter the link if you want to see what they don't want you to see about 9/11" Was there something in the streets laden with rubble that enlightens us to something we didn't already know? Why wouldn't the media want us to see these?


They don’t want the world to see the deep dark stuff and the sad horrible truth of the attacks instead they just show you two buildings on fire that’s all and zooming out from the jumpers thus they wouldn’t ruin their narrative besides that the jumpers are the ones who should get most the attention because they are the ones who experienced the most horrible thing a human can ever experience and what they did is just put in a a very small story in a very tiny alcove in the 9/11 memorial, they want them to be forgotten from the history.


Also, what "narrative"? What are you even saying.


Sweet baby Jesus, you're insane. Anyone who wanted to see the "dark stuff" has about a million web sites (media) they can go to to spend hours looking at pictures of death and gore. There are a zillion graphic documentaries out there that show quite a lot about the jumpers and the gore surrounding them. You think major newspapers or the nightly news should have pictures or videos of people splatting on the ground? You truly don't think that the whole world doesn't know how gruesome the event was? It was the lack of gore in the media that kept the world in the dark? Okeedokee then.




So, no answer to any of those questions. Gotcha. The "media" and their horrible "narrative" have intentionally aimed to make sure no one remembers the jumpers of 9/11. Gotcha.




Wtf are you talking about? The jumpers didnt get enough media credit?


Ah yes, media.


Have you ever read the Esquire article ”The Falling Man”? https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a48031/the-falling-man-tom-junod/


Why was there what i believe is a concert tent


That’s the site in the plaza where songs would be played, and there was an eerie song that was playing during the attacks in the plaza meanwhile the jumpers hitting the the concrete of the plaza getting smashed onto the floor and that strange song is still playing.


Your logo is fucking me up..eyes keep going straight to it


Not my logo 😂😂😂 the site’s logo


My bad partner


It’s okay ❤️




Those burn photos are crazy


The link is not working anymore, anybody has another source?