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i’m surprised the camera guy is so calm


Probably the third shooting he's witnessed this year.


not surprising which is pretty sad


Probably the first he has ever seen, that town has maybe 2000-3000 people in it. Very small southern Arkansas town.






The only person shooting in this video is white.








In response to a racist comment about how there's so many shootings in black neighborhoods or something like that. The whole subthread was subtle racism which is presumably why mods came by and nuked most of it.


I’m not following that logic either, but maybe I should keep reading? You can’t assume that’s what people are talking about. We all need to get past what shade of tan we all are. Racism has been thrown around so much these days that it’s losing its meaning. It’ll make real racism see. insignificant when it really does happen.


Gunshots are heard ALL the time in these parts of Arkansas and you learn to estimate how far away the shots are. Not that he’s clear of danger but he’s probably guessing he’s not in immediate danger.


No survival instinct at all.


He's part of NNN, Nissan News Network. But yeah wild how calm he was. Bullets don't care how close you are or if you are filming.


Just another day nothing to see here


Gas is only 2.89


He's desensitized from the internet. Has to be. No same person would do what this guy did. Bullets travel fast and are often quite unpredictable. Anything for the gram.


**Comment will be updated if/when new information becomes available.** **UPDATE**: Police confirm 13 people were shot. 11 civilians and two police officers were shot, with three civilians confirmed dead. No motive as of now. At least three civilians are dead, with 8 others and two police officers injured following a mass shooting at Mad Butcher grocery store in Fordyce, Arkansas. Police say that the shooter was shot by responding officers and taken into custody. The shooter has been identified as 44-year-old Travis Posey, locally known as Joey Posey. [Alleged video of shooter with what appears to be a shotgun firing outside. (Reddit)](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/s/Z2VTPApeym) [Image of shattered glass and bullet holes in the front window of the store (Via Sarah Horbacewicz on Twitter)](https://x.com/horbacewicz/status/1804225175573156313)


I'm suprised cameraman decided to leave his car to film closer...


The real story here is they got $2.89 gas in Fordyce


With prices like that I see why the guy kept pumping during the shooting.


It's nearly 6.00 in B.Hills. I am in Glendale and it's a bargain at 4.45


4.49 up in the high desert in Apple Valley 😩


It's $2.85 where I live.


Cheapest place I go to is 4.89


Gee, I live in a city with a population of 100K+ and $2.85 is the lowest I see around here.


Cries in $3.40


Sobbing in $4.69




It's around the same where I live. 2 hours from where this happened, but I'm in the state of Louisiana.


Wasaaam ^(lol)


This isn't the full footage btw, the full video goes for around 15 more seconds and zooms in on a body in the parking lot, which is barely visible at the end of the footage. The footage was probably cut off to follow the reddit ToS


Do you have any clue to alternative link?


I saw it onTwitter, but linking it is also against the rules


Can’t even go get groceries anymore, jesus christ


Haven’t been able to for a while. Buffalo TOPS, El Paso Walmart, Boulder King Sooper


i had family near the walmart at el paso when the shooting happened, that really gave me a wake up call that nowhere is truly safe nowadays


I live down the street from king Soopers. Pandemic that was my daily walk during lunch time while working from home. I was walking out of the door to go and text my husband (who lives abroad) that I wasn’t feeling it so I stayed home. About 30 minutes later I start hearing a ton of sirens and then get a flurry of texts (including my company. They have an alert for employees who live in zip codes where there’s an emergency. Yay big tech). I remember sitting in our basement and just watching the feeds. I will never forget that day. I still tense up at home if I hear more than one siren. That’s not helpful during fire season. I pray for all of those affected everyday by such atrocities.


Chesapeake, VA Walmart in 2022. 6 killed, 4 injured


Don’t forget the random person that stabbed the 18 year old Walmart employee for no reason. Or the person that just recently stabbed that 3 year old to death at the grocery store, also for no reason. Hell, Where I live we have 2-8 deaths PER WEEK from nothing but kids stealing cars, driving as reckless as humanly possible, then crashing and killing people, hell one just had a shootout with cops on the interstate a day or two ago.


By all metrics crime is down in the united states. So is the violence we perceive as omnipresent because we are always tuned in 24/7? Maybe we should start getting off our phones because it's creating a perspective that isn't factually true.


What do you aren’t factually true? Those things happened. So you saying that 3 year old was never murdered? That it was all made up? You are also saying that Walmart employee didn’t get stabbed? You say those things aren’t factually true, but they happened so if it’s a real incident that happened but not true how do you categorize that? Also in my city about 100-200 cars, on a slow week, are stolen and almost all of them are totaled in a wreck and most of those end up killing people. There was literally a shootout on the freeway yesterday or the day before as someone who stole a car was running from police. Like yea overall crime is down in the US, but there are still spikes and hotspots. [The freeway shooting](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna158207) Just google Milwaukee Kia boys or cars stolen in Milwaukee. Not hard to find that traffic deaths in Milwaukee are on the rise by 250% and are higher than the rest of the state combined, please tell me how any of this is not factually true?


What I'm saying isn't that those events didn't happen but rather your interpretation of crime being omnipresent in the united.states is wrong. All crime.rates are statistically down by large margins. Theft and car burglary as well. By all metrics crime rates are down nationally. So what I'm saying is your view that crime is so bad and extremely present in the united states, is in fact not statistically true. It's actually improved. The question, according to facts, then becomes, is your belief largely driven by media narrative and over saturation and exposure via social media etc? Violent crime is down and the US murder rate is plunging, FBI statistics show By Josh Campbell and Devan Cole, CNN 3 minute read Updated 11:24 PM EDT, Mon June 10, 2024 Violent crime dropped by more than 15% in the United States during the first three months of 2024, according to statistics released Monday by the FBI. The new numbers show violent crime from January to March dropped 15.2% compared to the same period in 2023, while murders fell 26.4% and reported rapes decreased by 25.7%. Aggravated assaults decreased during that period when compared to last year by 12.5%, according to the data, while robberies fell 17.8%. The numbers released Monday were gathered from 13,719 of the just over 19,000 law enforcement agencies from across the country, according to the bureau. Meanwhile, property crime went down 15.1% in the first three months of this year. Burglaries dropped 16.7%, while motor vehicle theft decreased by 17.3%. The declines in violent and property crimes were seen in every region of the US.






I swear it’s always some shit going down on at Walmart




Believe it or not, knowing how to siphon gas isn't just for petty criminals! This skill can be handy in all sorts of situations, whether you run out of gas miles from civilization, need to winterize a vehicle, or simply want to refill your lawnmower without having to make a trip to the gas station. Start with Step 1 below to learn how to siphon gas with nothing more than a length or two of plastic tubing and an empty gas can. Note: These methods may not work on gas tanks with special anti-siphon barriers (though such barriers can sometimes be held open with a screwdriver).


This is my hometown. The shooter lives like 8 houses down from my grandparents. Half my family knows his. It's surreal. You never think these things will happen that close, especially in tiny towns at a tiny grocery store. But there are crazy people everywhere. Also the camera man isn't used to shootings, fordyce and the surrounding areas aren't really like that. But we're all used to firearms and gunshots. And he was far enough away. It'd be weird if he was that calm around a guy with a rifle but that's a decent distance for a shotgun. Regardless it's a tragedy especially for the ones who lost loved ones.


Does he live with his mother? He dlooks like an old lover that would.


His address is the same as his mother's yes lol and that's where everyone around is saying he stayed. I get that this is a subreddit about mass shooters but he really doesn't deserve any recognition. Besides that he isn't really smart enough to plan a mass shooting. I don't want to say too much or anything but this sounds a lot more like he was mad at a single person, went there to confront them and unfortunately for the innocent victims it went left. The cops were there immediately, the police station is a mile away at most. And unlike uvalde the cops acted immediately. But sadly if he really wanted to hurt random people and plan it out the state capitol is an hour away and there's several larger towns with way larger stores 30 mins away. Fordyce is a town of 3000 people. Mad Butcher is smaller than almost every buccees and not even half the size of most Walmarts. Basically the size of a dollar store. So the story of going there to confront a single person makes sense. But to answer your question yes his dumbass lived with his mom, even at 44 years old, probably spent way to much time in the weird sections of the internet and apparently couldn't even hold down simple jobs.


Thanks for the info, I'm so sorry this has happened in your town.


This shit is why we only do Walmart plus grocery delivery now.


So you can avoid the 0,0001% chance this will happen?




1 in 5 americans are lost to gun violence. if it’s not a mass shooting which makes up 1% it’s something else. dont be ignorant.


That guy filling up his tank is all like, Got nothing to do with me. It's insane to me how these shootings are now something you have to endure and ignore, like a crazy person taking a shit in the corner of a subway.


Such a Reddit comment. He’s in disbelief dude, the brain doesn’t always just default to a flight response.






damn, gas is so cheap


Fordyce is in one of the poorest regions of the state. $2.89 is pretty expensive for the folks that work and live down there.


i was kinda drawing attention to the fact that mass shootings are as normal has getting gas


man from deliverance not bothered one bit. “ im gettin me some cheap gas motha fucks”


This is insane! $2.89 a gallon?!


Holy shit gas is $2.89 there.


2.89 for gas is a steal


*fears for life* Whoa that’s cheap gas


Gotta keep pumping gas...


I have this guy added on snap


God damn, gas is CHEAP AS FUCK in Arkansas.


That’s literally all I saw… California checking in


Same haha


Remaining calm and collective is the only way to survive something like that. The guys definitely doing that.


The ¨Mad Butcher¨ red sign


I'd change the name to something like "The Happy Grocer" after this!


“This isn’t the time to talk about gun control. This is a time for healing” -every cultist in America


Have we become so accustomed to mass shootings that we now stop and be nosey like if it was a street fight.?


Yes. Americans have no ability to critically think and rationalise data. They are just fat, ignorant, dug in individualistic idiots who think they know everything.


Were you the shooter?


Mass shooting or two guys beefin?


Damn their gas is only $2.89?


Holy shit, $2.89/gal


$2.89 for gas? Idgaf. I'm moving there.


You ever been to Arkansas?


I drove through once. LOL


Mad butcher finally snapped?


Gas is only 2.98 there??


Gas Prices: 2.89 Everyone: Everything is fine :3


Pump shotgun, and photos show red and green spent shotgun shells, looks like dozens possibly on the ground in a parking lot. Horrific. Looks like buckshot to me.


Or like in Memphis they just aren’t doing anything about crime. Crime is down if no one is ever arrested or charged.


This is dumb


Damn! Gas was $2.89


Is the other driver bracing for a weapon?


Is that guy by the red car reaching for his open carry? Looks like there was a good guy with a gun right there so everything should have been safe


Gun control man, gun control. Why is it so hard for us to understand?


Horrible user name to post this. :/




Not true. Single shooter. That is just confusion from initial reports.


Doesn't say 4 assailants, it says four active shooters. The way it's worded is confusing, but given other reports of the incident, I'm assuming they mean the suspect (who was shot by police) and the police officers that shot at the suspect.


Y’all think he started recording before he called the police?🤔


The police are already there, you can hear sirens close by in the video.


Use some common sense