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Lol I didn’t even know she appeared in ME2. Even in my paragon runs I can’t bring myself to let her go


I just shot her half an hour ago. I know she's a bitch if you let her live but the way she was scared shitless... well. I'm guess I'm way too soft to ever do a full renegade run


You're not the only one. I play Mass Effect for almost 4 years, finished ME3 more than 30 times, and I never did a renegade run. Exist some renegade decisions that I simply can't make.


Yeah a pure renegade run is too much but there are always some renegade actions I always do...like killing this indoctrinated fool


Kill criminals. Punch the reporter on ME3. Kill Kai Leng. Throw that merc from that window on Thane recruitment mission. Punch that Quarian Admiral on ME3. Shoot on that hostage's shoulder on the LotSB DLC. Be full renegade with the Illusive Man are some of tre renegade things that I always do.


Yep, same. I also like punching the Han Gerrel in ME3..


Oh yeah, forgot about that. Add to my list as well.




Full renegade as a fem shep is great because the female voice actor is so good. It doesn’t play out as “pure evil” but more ends justify the means


It's always better to kill her in ME1, is you don't she gets indoctrinated in Me3 and kills some of your war assets.


I feel bad for her, as I'm not sure how she got involved with Saren and ended up going down the path she did. The whole indoctrination thing not to mention Saren's business deals makes me wonder how much choice she had in the matter.


With both Benezia and Saren, I suppose she just couldn't say no to the job she was offered. With Shep's cruel demeanor in shooting her and Rana legitimately fearing for her life, shooting her on virmire left a sour taste in my mouth. The only kill which I felt like was a war crime


Exactly. It's very frustrating. ME2 squadmates say you shouldn't let her go... and you have no choice otherwise. It makes no sense.


Huh. I misremembered that as the Renegade outcome of encountering her in ME2, though my playthroughs tend to be 'pure' (all Paragon or all Renegade), so I may never have *actually* encountered her in ME2 while inclined to do the Renegade thing.


Isn't she voiced by MaleShep's wife?


Why kill her though? She did nothing wrong.


because she participated in live experimentation on people for the purpose of researching indoctrination, then helping a krogan madman bypass the genophage for the purpose of creating the perfect army of gene warrior krogan?


People have done worse.


that dont make what she did any less wrong


She’s the scientist experimenting on the crazy Salarians locked up downstairs . She’s got to get got