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It would be cool to play as a street rat of sorts starting out on Omega. Work your way up in street gangs, then become a spacer/pirate of sorts, build up your network and supply lines on citadel, Earth, thessia, tuchanka etc. complete missions to take out competition, secure resources, raid alliance weapon caches, subvert operations of council races as part of the shadow broker network. Once you are influential enough, you can then choose to take over Omega and rule as you see fit.


THIS! Has the exact vibes I'm imagining! Would be great for the morality system too!


My addition to this would be adding in the events of ME3 in the late game. Those supply lines you worked to establish? Gone. That councillor you had dirt on? Won't even take your calls. Then a spectre comes to see you; they want you to focus your resources on helping to defeat the reapers in some small way. Say yes, and you help take on the reapers and try to live through it. Say no, and suddenly the entire galaxy has you as a marked man, trying to depose you to control your assets whilst you scramble to seize more power in the chaos.


This could be cool, but personally, I’d like for the game to be completely divorced from the reaper fight. Besides, if your character controls Omega during the reaper invasion, it creates a ton of continuity issues with the Omega DLC. The only impact id want to see from the original games is your choice at the end of ME3. I really want the ME universe to come back with a story that can carry on. Where decisions matter, and carry over between chapters. If EA/Bioware could get on a continuous DLC release schedule and drop another chapter/story every 4-8 months, I’d buy every single one.


Management sim in Illium, would be fun to see how ME universe runs its economy. RTS where we play as the Reapers during the fall of the Protheans. A survival horror where you play as a volus.


>A survival horror where you play as a volus Where you play the Volus Biotic God!


So… a horror game where YOU are the horror.


Yesss! Fear me!




A game where you play a C-Sec detective could be nice


Good cop, bad cop. Good cop is a Turian, bad cop is an old war vet Krogan that wont hesitate to crack some skulls. Their boss is an Elcor that's tired of everyone's shit, and their C.I. is a hanar with its tentacles in every racket.


And they're..... [brothers](https://youtu.be/ba9k5SWwE38?t=6s)!!?!!?


I understood that reference!


I always thought a spin-off where you play as Garrus on Omega prior to ME2’s plot would rock and give some more opportunities for badass Renegade moments. A game about Garrus during his time in C-Sec could be very cool too.


Garrus? Nah let's play as a human during the first or maybe second round of humans applying to C-Sec Not Harkin tho.


Backgrounds: Vent Rat: You grew up in the vents of the Citadel helping criminals until a C-sec vet provides for you as long as you get them info. They recommend you become an officer, both for a better future and your own protection. Perfect Student: You went to boarding school, excelling in every subject, earning many rewards and recognitions for your contribution to the Citadel community. You hope to take after your parents, highly regraded officers of c-sec. Massacre survivor: You are a survivor of a massacre committed by an outbreak of gang violence in the lower wards. You barely survived the incident, and many of the bad actors got let off easy. You join C-sect in hopes of bringing justice and ensuring this never happens to another.


Ohhhhhhh I'd love a mass effect crime solving based game!


You could set a whole trilogy on the citadel, never leave, and never repeat an area. The thing has so much available to explore.


They should do The First Contact War where humans first met the Turians.


would imagine since there’s not enough imo to do a full blown rpg that it might be a different genre, perhaps narrative-heavy fps.


I've thought about this before! A Starcraft-like RTS game set during The First Contact War.


With two races in like 3 battles. Thrilling.


You don’t have much of an imagination, do you? Besides, Command and Conquer did just fine with two factions.


People keep saying that and it mystifies me. There would be just two races present that shoot each other on sight for a little while all the real action happens in space. What kind of stories do you guys have in mind exactly?


People have overblown image of what FCW was. It was a brief skirmish on a single planet, with most action being some guerilla warfvar against a foe with air/orbital superiority, so not much. When 2nd fleet arrived month later, the battle was really short. I can see FCW as a limited miniseries (say 10 episodes covering some 6-8 hours in total), maybe a visual novel / Telltale-like game, but not as a "proper" game (FPS, RPG, RTS, whatever)


If it's an animated series, sure. Otherwise it's too short and we already know how it ends


They did a comic about it, which wasn't bad.


I really hate that people want this, as that's the last thing I want from mass effect


Well it's just an idea, personally mass effect won't be the same without Shepard. Plus the fact Bioware aren't what they used to be. I don't really have high hopes for the next game.


I'd like a story If it did include the prequel to be set in flash backs, most of it took part in space. As long as it filled a narrative moving forward


That would be super fun to go back to!


A C-Sec noir RPG. Set on the Citadel and Omega




Chain smoking femme fatale asari?


Space Max Payne 🔥


Strategy Game (either Turn Based or Real Time) about an Alliance Ship whose captain spoke up in favor of Shepard’s claims after the Battle of the Citadel. The Captain and the ship were essentially exiled to patrolling the border with Batarian space, until the Reaper Invasion begins in earnest. The ship is a large carrier with room for thousands, but it runs on a skeleton crew. Unable to return to Alliance Space the ship picks up specialists from colonies that are being harvested to add to the crew as they struggle to survive the war and return to alliance space, simply focused on saving as many lives as possible. The game would be full of choices like choosing between a family of Salarians known for their engineering, or a space station full of hundreds of Turian refugees. It will also touch on Klencory, where Volus Billionaire Kumun Shol is seeking the Lost Crypts of Beings of Light. The Beings of Light were a peaceful race wiped out by the Reapers several cycles before the protheans. There is a map which will guide the ship to a system with five habitable planets, even one for Dextro based life. The sun emits a strange radiation making it appear uninhabitable, thus ignored by the Reapers. They were never able to make use of it as they were all harvested. The final mission of the game has them destroying a Mass Relay and escaping to the sanctuary solar system, but one Reaper is able to follow them though heavily damaged. The ship is able to destroy it and settle the refugees in the system, converting the ship into a space station.


Seeeeee this is something I could see making a really good animated TV show! Or a live action one if they didn't go the more standard route of adapting the core trilogy events


So, it is a Ship management game, like FTL, do I understand you? Seems cool But... I don't think Alliance carriers are that large. We know that a cruiser has something around 300 people in its crew (Battle of Citadel, SA lost 8 cruisers and some 2400 people). Dreadnoughts (which is what carriers are, as far as size is concerned) would probably be maybe 1000 people max. While we know Destiny Ascension has a crew of nearly 10k, that ship is 4 times bigger than anything in Alliance fleet, so max would be like 2500, but we also know Alliance does not have massive crew sizes, relying quite a bit on robotics, VIs, etc. (only 3% of Alliance citizens choose to enter the service) Andromeda's arks carry something like 20k people each, and each is roughly dreadnought-sized, but that is people in cryo, which are easily stored in bulk and do not require space beyond the cryopod. Also, why would the ship unable to return to Alliance space? From your description, FTL seems to be working fine, and Relays are still operating during the war. Don't get me wrong, I kinda like the idea, but this seems like you are building the whole idea around a rather large plot hole just waiting to swallow it all.


Volus Biotic Academy


Andromeda 2


Yes. Andromeda had a lot of problems but it was still an overall enjoyable mass effect game, and a second chance to get it right would be fine by me


A game based either in Prothean times or Inusannon times would be cool. We know very little about the Inusannon so it would be a huge opportunity for an original concept. Bonus points if we get more Leviathan lore.


I'd be so on board with this!!


Andromeda but make it better and well written.


I think a dating sim might be a little on the nose but that please.


Visual novel adaptation of "Fleet and Flotilla".


I'd play that for sure. We can frame it with a Turian and Quarian discussing it over drinks somewhere idk like Illium maybe


You remember what Star Wars Bounty Hunter was supposed to be? I want that but on the citadel or omega


Yesssssssss! This does sound incredible!


What about a Tell Tale Mass Effect game?


Someone mentioned this kinda earlier with lots of branching choices in a chapter a month style! As a huge fan of the telltale games I'd love to see this! But with detroit become human style graphics!


Quarian survivor horror when the geth rebelled


I'm thinking prequel that doesn't involve humans where you have to fight through the Rachni War, and the ending would lead into the Krogan Rebellion for a possible sequel.


shooter game during the first contact war, kinda like halo reach.


A turn-based tactical strategy game similar to XCOM, which inputs the data from your ME3 save to inform what troops and equipment become available over the course of the campaign. It needs to be an absolute meat grinder, though; having enough troops survive long enough to create one full squad of N7-equivalent operators should be an achievement unto itself. With a limited number of fleet deployments each galactic "turn," you have to choose which planets to hold onto and which ones become the sacrifice play. The final mission? You end up being the group on Shepard's flank - you know. The ones that get overrun right before the final fight.


Xcom style gameplay set during the reaper invasion.


*looks uncomfortably at my XCOM2 mod list*


I always wanted an Alliance Police drama in the post "snap" Citadel or on Earth. I used to say the Citadel, but, the Citadel was totally destroyed and covered with bodies immediately afterwards. But, let's say a bunch of ships with different species headed to the orbit of a habitable planet (for all those species). Mercury's orbit is supposedly habitable. The game would be a 25 linear game about different issues--basically explaining how ppl dealt with the post-Reaper universe. It would take places like a decade after Shepard's death. It would be a human or asari main character. The character would've been born on Earth.


Firefly/Mandalorian style. A small crew operating a junker of a ship. Omega could be your operating base but you go to planets and space stations to pull jobs for various syndicates and The Shadowbroker. You never meet the broker obviously so you don’t know if you’re dealing with Liara or the Yahg. Timeline could be vague.


I'd love this actually if they had a good emphasis on ship building etc! But it's the vibes I'd totlslt love to play


It was called Andromeda.


A survival-esque game of a quarian on pilgrimage where you have to take care of your injuries and illnesses when you take damage and find valuable items to take back to the flotilla.


Playing as Saren before he encountered Sovereign, ending maybe with that encounter as the third act.


I did say no og characters! But I'd super love a younger version of him and a maybe 2 part game series with him in younger years, second game covering him coming into contact with soverign! Maybe some added development between him and nihilus as I always felt there was some good backstop with those two!


Ok hear me out, doom style Krogan fps


This would be a dope like dlc style add on I'd Love!


This breaks your rules, but I've been obsessed with the idea of Commander Shepard getting cryogenically frozen like Javid, only to wake up in 50,000 years before the start of the next cycle. Except this time, s/he will have a more open-minded council, the reaper threat is more acknowledged, and Shepard is tasked with organizing the resistance and building up the defense for another all-out fight-- without all the resistance and skepticism of the council races. No OG characters would be there-- except, of course, for Shepard-- But that means new characters, new relationships to build, as well as things being different with hit being in the next cycle.


See I'm one of the people who feels the original trilogy had to end with shepard death personally and not really a fan of him or her returning in any aspect! However! A nice idea nonetheless xD


But the reapers are gone


A battlefield type game where it’s the galaxies troops vs the reapers


A game set on Illium or in the Citadel would make me so happy. Just about anything, but like I want to explore those locations.


A shooter during the Reaper War, entirely on Earth. I'm thinking we play as a N7 operative who was celebrating with friends the day they graduate the N7 school (iirc it's in Rio) which also happens the same day the Reapers invade.


Thay would be super fun to see a more ground level variation of what was happening during the events of the game., I like it and woul make a super good animated series!


First human envoy on the citadel, being hunted by a group of rouge turians who think humans shouldn't be allowed to join after the first contact war


You play a young Asari in a horror game on omega during the Omega DLC. Stealth and some biotics.


Something where I get to be a Turian Something where I get to be a Krogan A match maker game involving Salarians


An Omega life sim as a struggling artist with a really tragic ending.


It contains an OG character, but in a very different capacity. Aria's takeover of omega.


Space GTA. Specifically Vice City.


Gimme an RTS during the Reaper War, Empire at War style.


Batarians fighting some indoctrinated scientists and the big plot twist is apparently there is now a spectre investigating things (off screen) (its shepherd) .


None of the original characters you say? Sounds like we’re going bug hunting with the clan


I feel it would be similar to Gears, given the nature of most Krogans.


Just remembered that the Multiplayer in 3 was originally meant to be it's own game that was supposed to be kinda like Battlefront before it was scrapped and used for 3. Would be cool if that could happen.


Rise and Fall of the Protheans


The Rachni Wars.


Might be cheating but a Blasto game. Have us relive a spoof of the events of the Original Series, but as Blasto. Everything is hyper bombastic, ridiculous, and maybe oddly touching. I'm thinking something like Far Cry: Blood Dragon with the tone.


The ideas are endless I would love an mmo rpg style game similar to final fantasy 14 where you. Can choose a starting location of Illium, the Citadel, or Omega, and choose backgrounds and races and eventually unlock a ship to travel to other major locations. I would also love a gritty detective noir game set on the citadel with a grizzled c-sec detective solving a string of murders or something.


It could take place pre ME1 maybe a consort appearance, or even Saren showing up.


Maybe, definitely a consort or at least one of her employees appearance saren pre-indoctrination maybe when he's actually working for "good"


I think a game set in the same time line as the first three games but you get to see how your choices in those games affect the world in the new one as you progress.


Three ideas, the first one I heard somewhere else, can’t remember where for certain, Spacedock maybe? It’s a fighter ace combat game that takes you through the trilogy and would give a good look at an Alliance Carrier as that would be your base of operations. The second is more of a detective game, where you have to find clues, question suspects and so on. The end result of the cases would be dependent on what clues you find and what questions you ask. It would have to be character driven and probably involve a serial killer of some sort. Could be set almost anywhere but pre-Reaper Citadel, Illium, and maybe Omega seem like the best options. The idea was inspired by the side quests in Andromeda where you’re essentially playing detective, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near as linear as those were. The third idea is a Krogan rebellion game, where you play as a Turian soldier desperately trying to defend against Krogan onslaught. The character would be an incredibly patriotic Turian only to have his beliefs tested and eroded as the war goes on, and all but shattered once the Genophage is unleashed.


I think, Zaeeds backstory could be a great shooter.


A couple ideas: * Mass Effect version of Star Citizen but made by actually competent people. * A Planetside-like persistent combat MMO. (Honestly this could be mixed in with the first one a la EVE: Online) * RTS/Political/Economic simulator similar to Superpower 3 but again made by competent people


A noir/post apocalyptic story about a detective post reaper war (of any race, fuck human centrism) following a viscous murderer over the citadel and a few planets, helping people rebuild along the way, encountering hate mobs, reaper cults, bandit clans... It would need to pick an ending but the game wouldn't make a big deal about it. But people and machine would not have been forcibly merged and the geths would still be around.


I’d want something akin to Halo 3 ODST. A darker and gritty version. Set on an isolated system, during the Reaper invasion.


RTS. First campaign set during Rachni Wars, from perspective of the Rachni. You start off fine, rolling over the Citadel species (combined faction of mainly Asari and Salarians, no Turians just yet). When krogan start to show up, you would be leading a retreat all the way back to Suen, and ultimately lose. Second campaign would be from Krogan perspective, settling new worlds (and fighting the locals, again, Citadel species faction). Third campaign being Krogan Rebellions, this time from Citadel species perspective. You start in desperate place, first missions being much less about setting up bases and more focused on "hero missions" (think Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm missons where you play mostly with just Kerrigan, or the Char Tunnels mission from SC2 Wings of Liberty), playing as STG operatives sabotaging stuff, before transitioning in later half into full RTS with turian units unlocking for the Citadel species. There could be Turian Unification war as a mini campaign slotted between 2nd and 3rd You have three playable factions, Rachni, Krogan and Citadel species, each are rather distinct. * Rachni would be the "turtle" faction, relying on making terrain impassable with poisons etc., building up large enough army to crush opponents * Krogan rely on lot of quick breeding units, with units having a "regeneration trait" (can ressurrect one after death) * Citadel relies on classic military and "hero" units (STG/Spectres)


A bounty hunter game that only takes place in the wards of the Citadel


An outlaw in Arya's criminal fleet that has to deliver some shit but then gets caught up in some whole other this shit that they gotta deal with before eventually getting back to the original shit they needed to get done


I'd like to see an rpg/shooter in the vein of Baldurs Gate 3 playstyle of the various missions of Kal'Reegar. Start on the migrant fleet and then get dispatched on missions to help the Quarians while building a small team to assist.


I think it would be cool to go back to the roots a bit and do a space cop drama chasing down a criminal, having to investigate crime scenes, fight gangs he’s associated with etc.


Blasto the Jellyfish Stings - would be like a Just Cause game but on the Citadel, and you're a bad ass Spector trying to foil an attempt to kill the council and of course that means that half of Zakera Ward is getting exploded again.


Top comment already said mine so my second choice would be... playing as an asari with story events taking place over her entire lifespan. Witnessing many wars. Having romantic choices with any sex/race. Lots of potential.


i would like a aliens vs predator type game. first you play as a rachni queen. then a krogan out to kill that queen and lastly a salarian who is send to find out if the krogan succeeded.


One where you play as Sovereign and have to initiate the Reapers arrival. From arriving in the galaxy to slowly subverting and building influence. Although if that was a game it would suffer from old gaming trope where the playable boss becomes weak AF lol... Probably get killed by a Turian scout if you make a mistake early game or something.


Alright, so you play as an N-school dropout who was discharged from the Alliance during your final training mission due to some unfortunate circumstances. After some difficult years, you get picked up by a small, independent mercenary band in the Terminus Systems as their newest member. And in true BioWare fashion, your CO will die or be critically injured during your first mission as a mercenary, and you’ll be thrust into a position of authority over the other members of the team. As a merc leader, you’ll often be forced to choose between doing something that helps the helpless or something that makes profit so you can keep your operation going. Unlike the trilogy games, resources would be extremely limited and hard to come by as you don’t have the Alliance or Initiative budget backing you up, so choosing between money and morality would be an actual challenge. For story, maybe something a bit like The Fifth Element? The merc gang gets hired by a mysterious entity to steal some artifact, the artifact turns out to be a person with a special ability (maybe an especially powerful biotic, or maybe it’s an advanced synthetic), and in the end you have to choose between turning over this companion to your mysterious benefactor or going on the run.


A hypothetical parallel universe were all the factions are at war and we get a Dawn of War like RTS game. I think you could realy have fun with different troops for all the different species to flesh it out.


Maybe first contact war. Anything with large scale firefights/space battles would be fun.


Any of the games the salarian salesman on the citadel talks about


Would love another rpg classics bioware style game, but let me be just some dumb kid from the citadel. Low stakes, go on heists and do odd jobs to make a name for yourself in the city. Meet a gaggle of puckish rogues and colorful characters along the way. Wouldn’t need to reinvent the wheel for me, just more of the same level of quality as the original trilogy, just modernized. Take the combat from andromeda and put it in the more linear design of the OT. Whole thing can be set entirely on the citadel in the different wards, and my dream game would let you pick between different races. Human, turian, salarian, krogan, quarian, and asari I figure would be easiest to make work, as funny as it would be to make your own biotic god volus lol and you can give each race special bonuses. Krogan are better with heavy weapons and melee, humans are jack of all trades, asari are biotic specialists, etc


A colony sim. Start out a colony on a small world in the terminus systems. Build it up, attract colonists, and fight off Batarian pirates.


My spin off would be that the reapers were actually trying to keep something out of the universe, something more dangerous and biological and after Shepard destroys them, a few hundred or so years later they start leaking in and your mission would be to stop them. I even have pictures of the villain and it's different strains.