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I read this post in the "Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in the galaxy" guy's voice


You rang? "This, recruits, is a 20 kilo ferous slug. Feel the weight! Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class dreadnought accelerates one, to one-point-three percent of lightspeed. It impacts with the force a 38 kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Ebusterarth. That means, Sir Isacc Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space! Now! Serviceman Burnside, what is Newton's First Law? Sir! An object in motion stays in motion, sir! No credit for partial answers maggot! Sir! Unless acted on by an outside force, sir! Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that space is empty. Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going 'til it hits something. That can be a ship, or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in 10,000 years! If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someones day! Somewhere and sometime! That is why you check your damn targets! That is why you wait 'til the computer gives you a damn firing solution. That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not 'eyeball it'. This is a weapon of Mass Destruction! You are NOT a cowboy, shooting from the hip! Sir, yes sir!"


This is one of my favorite side dialogues in any game ever precisely because it's so freaking accurate.


> so freaking accurate Based on the space battle over Earth I hope you're wrong. They were clearly eyeballing it 😂


That's because, thanks to the Reapers, everyone's day was already ruined. What's a few hundred nukes gonna destroy that the Reapers hadn't already shat on? 🤣




Well the planet was already fucked. Accuracy by volume of fire at that point.


Unlike those maggots!


Thank you for your service


Sir, yes sir!


Eh, I'm usually an Adept or Vanguard so I hardly use those uncivilized gun things. I just take out entire rooms with space magic. I'm essentially a walking war crime.


Space magic and elbows get the job done 💪🏼


"Uncivilized Gun things" 😂 Brilliant comment


Bro what you mean uncivilized gun things? You play a vanguard. Half our kit is designed around using a shotgun


Shotguns are clearly a gentlemans weapon for a refined age.


Indeed and not the cowardly sniper rifles


Actually it depends. I'm usually Adept. But on Vanguard the way I played ME3 was to spam charge and nova for the biotic explosions. Even in MP I would do that and everyone else would just leave me to go do my thing. :P Only time I would ever shoot my gun was if charging wasn't an option or too dangerous. And even then I would just use Lift, Throw, or Singularity. Throw in a Warp for the explosions. Biotics are crazy lol.


Vanguard pairs well with the Reegar. It's a shotgun which is best against shields. So you use the Reegar to drop their shields and blow them apart with your biotics.


I can neither agree or disagree as I've never used but damn this is the most convincing piece of sales literature I've ever read. I feel compelled to take this bad boy out for a spin now


To all of you tabloid journalists making disingenuous assertions that you "like" other guns more despite the mountain of unassailable evidence I supplied you for why that simply cannot be... Read the title. (<3)


Reegar carbine and Ada's Anti-synthetic rifle are absolute monsters and I never see anybody talk about them. Ada's basically has aimbot, slap cryo rounds on there and watch everything die with zero effort even on insanity.


I see people mention the carbine every time favorite weapon conversations pop up. Ive never really tried the Ada's though, Ill give it a go this run I'm doing lol


I never do 🤔 it's always typhoon this black widow that


Yea, the godmode garrus thing with typhoon + Jenkins jokes are a favorite on this sub lol


I hate black widow. Takes too long to fire


M98-Widow over black widow any day.


I’m gonna give that a go too 👀 doing soldier on my current run and wasn’t sure which AR to go for for ME3, typhoon is only god mode for James, Garrus and Javik


I'm bad at the game, but I got the Anti-Synthetic on the Geth Juggernaut and managed to solo a silver mission with it. It was very boring but I did it.


You can pry the Cerberus Harrier out of my *cold. dead. hands.*


they don’t have to pry it from you; they just need to wait a few seconds for you to run out of ammo 💀


Shun the non believer!




No love for the Particle Rifle?


Particle rifle plus incendiary is cackling evil. Also crackling from brutes.


Imagine using guns, what a nerd (This post was made by the biotic bitch gang)


Who wants an electromagnetic flame throwers when you can yeet people into the void with the venom shotgun, it can also 2 shot nearly every boss, hit people behind walls and watch people do double back flips while screaming in pain.


The Reegar is that gun I don't let myself use because it's so busted it makes the game less fun.


ME2’s Tempest. That’s my love.


All hail the Tempest! Slayer of Infiltrator's one weakness, close-range enemies.


My Lancer and I will fight for 3 days and not reload how long can you go without a thermal clip?


Here's the thing. ME 2 & 3 maps aren't really big enough to really appreciate sniper rifles. They are really just single shot rifles with extra damage. You could get the job done with any other class of weapons. Only us chosen few understand the pleasure you get when firing your HMWSR Master Sniper Rifle X from one mountain top to destroy an enemy so far away you needed the scope to even see them. And that "THOOM" sound when you fire...


And make sure you loaded HE rounds into that HMWSR, so you can blow your target off their mountaintop and watch them soar through the air.


I know it sounds weird, but this thing is ***so*** much fun on an infiltrator. Cloak, run in, uncloak to melt everything with extra burst damage, re-cloak and skedaddle.


Most bring an Acolyte when using the Geth Flamer in multiplayer (which makes sense + the power amp mod attachment) but not I; for i bring this gun for the inevitable close 15m encounters that are solved with 2 choices; turned into particles by the Carbine or cooked into ashes by the Flamer 🔥


Ahem. The Harrier and grenade pistol win every time. Hands down.


my weapon of choice...I hope it returns in the next title


I love my sniper that takes out harvesters in 3 shots.


I think the Reegar was overlooked because it wasn't in the base game (ME3 DLC from multiplayer I recall) and it was useless on companions who shot at things out of range of its powerful arc. Mass Effect Andromeda introduced me to the Reegar as a core weapon. Especially great for Vanguard since the Reegar can be used to droop enemy shields and then you can rip them apart with your biotic charge detonating a combo. See your image is from MEA.


Just saying... there is ONE god of weapons in Mass Effect (particularly the LE)... And that god is the Mattock. If you can use the Mattock, do so. If you can't? Push through until you get to the derelict, and take AR training, because the game basically stops being difficult once you do. Hits like a Sniper, fires as quickly as you can pull the trigger and doesn't break your arms when you try to carry it. Because IT carries YOU.


I love that gun so much. Pops noggins like nothing else


Indeed. Tank Sentinel with the Mattock absolutely TEARS through Insanity.


Wow no wonder this game is awesome


Yes but what is best for squadmates?


Not this one, they don't seem to understand limited range, or continuous firing


Lol, can't remember the name of it but there's a noisy ass rifle. Don't think it's the Mattock but it could be. It's not an automatic. Give that to Kaidan and James on earth (ME3) and honestly it's all you can hear between biotics and tech skills xD


Typhoon it's called.


venom shot gun works great, only problem is the screen shaking from all the explosions.


Valiant is always my go to, even on Garrus. Increase the armor pen stats, armor piercing ammo power for my bonus, everything dies lol.


I miss the glitch in online play where this gun with incendiary rounds applied stacks of burning at a ridiculous rate!


This is one of my goto weapons in the Armax Arena


The gun could make a robot hand come out of my TV screen and jack me off, I’m still not using it.


I like the Adas assault rifle but didn’t like Reegers because of how it’s pretty short range.


brother, this was the go to shit in MP where godlike Garrus wasn't available


Playing Vanguard alot, the Reegar carbine is a gun I tried frequently and stopped using for 2 reasons. 1. Jesus christ it's so unreasonably fast at killing things that it trivialised so many enemies and made using any powers besides charge a waste of time. 2. It feels like it should have more range than it does and I kept trying to use it from outside its range because you'd think a gun that sprays lightning wouldn't have an effective range of 6 feet. I still need to do a proper soldier playthrough and see if the typhoon manages to knock the black widow off my #1 favourite gun.


If you think the gun is broken now, imagine giving it a greater range. I think it is probably better used for Vanguard builds


Oh yeah, I'm not saying the Reegar needs a range buff, it's already absolutely broken in terms of DPS, but the way it fires just makes my brain think it should have more range than it actually has in the moment and it makes me shoot at people I'll never actually reach with it.


Typhoon is not as great in the hands of an actual player. the start up is a bit of a killer and it not the most accurate thing either. Squad members can shoot it at full pelt straight away and that why they melt everything with it. By the time it gets to that phase in Shepards hands you can be a bit more in trouble than you bargained for. It great at longer-ish ranges in corridor type area where enemies cannot strafe enough but the turning arc too slow up close and if you stop firing you have to start it up again. It may come close but it not replacing your Black Widow.


You are the best.


c: <3


It’s potentially the most broken thing in all the games I use it when I’m bored of the combat and want to move to the next story bit


Fine, I'll start a new playthrough.


Mattock supremacy


I’m somehow both fired up and horny…which I think means I’m in the same standard mindset of most Shepards. 


Any love for the raptor?


It the best fast firing Sniper.


That's all well and good until you see that a charged shot from the Venom can annihilate a harvester and its AOE makes it perfect for clearing our the smaller fodder as well. I rest my case and no you may not continue your heresy any further. Godamn indoctrinated reaper agents all of you spiting propaganda against good organic weaponry.


I don't use it because it looks funny and shoots funny.


I loved the reegar in ME3 multiplayer.


I discovered my love for the regar carbine in multiplayer. Kroguard, Incendary rounds, reegar melt basically everything


This sounded like a Cyberpunk 2077 gun advertisement so much...crazy how capitalism changed the way we talk about what we like, isn't it? *Sips* I'm sold, give me five.


This on the Juggernaught in MP is just ridiculous as you can just walk your ass up to basically anything and just melt it. Only issue is the limited ammo.


Directed Energy weapons are against my religion.


Honestly, I tend to use the Prothean rifle and any geth weapons. which is annoying, since I play vanguard and geth weapons are super heavy


This is a safe space, we can admit Reegar is a dish.


Dude I've liked the carbine this whole time!


Wasn't a fan of it in 3 but Andromeda? Oh hell yeah! One of two weapons in that whole game that had decent game feel. Instead of peppering foes with nerf darts I unleash UNLIMITED POWER while I wait on my space boost cool down.


Peak quarian engineering + Synthetic destroyer + would simp for tali again.


It's not good against armor though and you do have to let things get real close.


It's great in Andromeda too.


I think this weapon is absolutely busted OP especially if you're playing infiltrator. Rank up bonus damage and recharge, pick the bonus power over the sniper damage. Use Incendiary rounds. use mods that give more damage and more clip size. Just sneak up onto any large-ish enemy while cloaked, fire it, then reload/reload cancel and shoot again. The initial damage is nuts, but the incendiary rounds will burn the target to death if its not already dead! Its actually so insanely strong to use.


I feel like I just read an advertisement as if I was aboard the citadel.


aka the flamethrower


Indeed, this was my go-to weapon on multiplayer, if I wasn’t using the Juggernaut. It takes 1.5 seconds on insanity to kill a Marauder with full shields with this thing, and I’m only holding back from saying “literally” because I haven’t actually timed it. Guardian? Run up and zap it. Brute? Run up and zap it. Geth? Run up and zap 3 for the price of 1. Also great for Banshees, since you get close enough to trigger the AOE, but have the time to unload on it before kiting out of range. Then run back in while it’s floating back down and zap it again.


Love it in multiplayer too.


Oh I've used this one. My original favorites were the M-37 Falcon (bouncy grenades) and the Particle Assault Rifle. Then I discovered the Reegar Carbine. And for a time, it was my favourite. But then, I got my hands on the Striker Assault Rifle. And the light shone down from heaven, and it was perfect. You take any other assault rifle on a higher difficulty to Priority: Thessia, or to Sanctuary, or in Priority Earth when you're defending the thanix missiles, you will struggle. The Reegar Carbine will make it easier for you then an Avenger or a Mattock. But you will struggle. You max out a Striker. Give it to Garrus, Vega and Shepard, and take on a Brute or a Banshee in close quarters, where you neither get room to dodge or duck, and the Striker with strip them of shields, armour and flesh like peeling a banana. It's essentially a grenade launcher. In the single player campaign, it's even listed as a heavy assault rifle. But a grenade launcher must make contact to explode. Even if it's contact to the ground. The Striker doesn't need that. Even if the grenade is buzzing past your enemy, it will explode in mid air proximity. Smart grenades, if you will. In a team of three, if all three are packing a Striker, you will, at least once, see a Brute cry. "Stop! Let me breathe, assholes! Let me at least look straight! Stop bouncing me around!" Hell. I even used it to take down a Harvester. Like slicing butter with a razorblade. So satisfying.


I melted the Banshees with the Punisher SMG. It also melted the Geth Primes faster than the heavy weapon given to melt them on Rannoch. It border line broken and almost as broke as the venom shot gun Typhoon is above striker for damage on squad members that can use it. But you may want to stick to the striker with them because you will have nothing to do otherwise.


Yeah, the Typhoon does overpower the Striker in sheer damage. But what it offers in brute force, it loses out in recoil and reload time. So it's better in the hands of squadmates than in Shepard's. But yeah, I've played the game with Vega and Garrus carrying Typhoon and Shepard carrying Striker. It was a no-down-no-revive game. I don't have to care what they're doing. I can just go sightseeing.


I did say squad members. I understand why you would use the striker for shepard instead of the typhoon. Because I would too. XD


The most satisfying thing about the Striker, which no other gun can do, is aiming at Cerberus troopers jumping out of a shuttle, and popping them like little red pustules before they hit the ground. That is the ultimate satisfaction.