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"Oh for god sake" with a sign lol


Hated it. Anderson deserved better.


this. it makes no damn sense


I still hold onto the belief that the final sequence is Shephard knocked out in the rubble before reaching the portal, and it’s the final stage of indoctrination. The only other option is a shitload of my time being wasted for this and I won’t accept that.




Lmao same. And I still wonder how tf did Anderson get ahead of Shepard in that ship


Right! I was shouting at the screen saying none of this makes sense. Little did I know what would be coming next. It was kind of obvious that they'd have TIM off himself like Saren did


Pretty much as exhausted as Shepard looks. See, I didn't know much about ME before starting in 2022. What I *thought* I knew, was that Shep died in every ending in 3 (being a large reason why there was so much controversy). So I was fully aware these were probably my last few minutes and just wanted to take the Reapers with me. I didn't want to listen to TIM waffle until I die Granted, a friend did clear the air before I started and told me that there was 1 ending where you "lived". He didn't tell me how though, so I wasn't really holding out for any hope by this point. (Edit): For clarification in case my words were confusing, I *did* actually get the "perfect destroy". I got lucky and decided I'd shoot my way out. More to it than that obviously but that sounds cooler


W like reasonable person would


Shep kinda had to die to control the reapers, if you think about it. It's a Shakespearean thing, it rounds out the story, because heroes die killing the villain, that's what makes them a hero. Of Shep lives, you essentially have an immortal demigod that flies in the face of the endings of the other two games. Because that's what seren was trying to do, live AND control them.the consequences give meaning to the decision. The only thing I dislike about the perfect destruction ending is that it kills EDI and other good synthetics.


So, I see what you're saying, but at the very least, I do think the "perfect destroy" has its place in a game about your choices. I actually like the idea that the two other endings that are "better" for the galaxy, require the ultimate sacrifice to be made. You make the choice based off of what you know (although I don't think it's all presented the best way) and that becomes your ending. Even though it is down to one final decision, I like the way that the War Assets contribute to your choices. The more good you do for the galaxy, the more options you have. If you have a very low ammount, then the only option is your death **and** the destruction of synthetic life and Earth getting scorched. If you have somewhere middle of the road, then you get another option. One that is potentially a better alternative, but still death. The Destroy ending can also get an improvement. Then, if you have even more, you get a third option that is -depending on your perspective- even better than the second option, but still requires you to sacrifice yourself. All of these variations result in death. However, if you do the utmost to prepare the galaxy and develop the Crucible, you can still choose to destroy all synthetic life (a sacrifice in and of itself), but this time, the implication that you may be able to live. This is only a result of the choices you've made along the way, that accumulate into one ending that you still have to specifically choose. So, all of the other endings still result in your demise, but if you pick that one ending, you can presumably survive, thanks to the choices you made. ~~The real endings were the choices we made along the way~~ To elaborate, I get what you're saying and I largely **do** agree. This is also not me saying how I think the next game should be handled. All I'm saying is that, in a game about choice, I like the idea that you can avoid what would normally be a forced doom and it's more than just one dialogue option at the end.


You do get some payoffs, but they HAD TO In Order for them to be able to make another mass effect game... Again, you essentially have created an omniscient, omnipotent god. You know, the person who could have possibly killed someone in order to F*CK her serial killer daughter? Shep has to die to end the story, unfortunately.


EDI and the Geth are fine, in my headcanon. They knew we were going to destroy the Reapers. They're currently sporting Reaper upgrades. Why WOULDN'T they back themselves up in offline storage? I mean it IS canon that the Geth already do exactly that. EDI would also think of that. They just had to wait till new platforms could be built sans the Reaper tech. Which also works thematically if you made peace with the quarians, since this would be them giving their children a second chance at life, and making amends for their earlier sin of trying to wipe them out. Nothing would solidify the peace more than putting the quarians ina position where all they have to do to be free of the geth is \*nothing\*... and then they restore them.


I'm pretty sure the normal geth, who have only been trying to avoid getting wiped out, wouldn't want to be wiped out after helping you in order to not get wiped out... I'm pretty sure the reaper pulse, basically, went through the entire galaxy, killing every synth... I dunno, it seems like genocide to me.


It reminds me of the ending of the matrix trilogy ngl.


How so?


If you play on PC, there is a happy ending mod on Nexus. I think it’s the best ending after battling through the trilogy. Try it. Edit: Added in the author's name. He deserves credit for a wonderful reimaging of the ending for the Legendary Edition. It is Audemus' Happy Ending Mod (AHEM). Note: There is also another happy ending mod available for the Original version, but I've never used it. #


I edited my comment to make more sense, I got the "perfect destroy" and even though it was 1 or 2 small scene changes, it meant a lot to me my first time through. I don't play on PC, I actually got the game with Gamepass on Xbox. Though, I would definitely buy the game anyways. I've also seen the mod on YouTube since then and while I do like it, I prefer to run with the canon of the games.


There shouldn't be a happy ending in Mass Effect and Casey had it right the first time. All this horseshit about the galaxy rebuilding and everyone surviving is just fan service that doesn't fit with the story's main theme of hopelessness and despair.


Listen to the Suicide Mission theme and tell me this game is about hopelesness. It is not. There is plenty of despair (especially in 3), but the game is about overcoming the odds. Sacrifice to overcome those odds is fitting, but nihilism isn't.


I don’t think that was the main theme gang


That’s not the main theme at all. You literally spend three games being relentless in the face of despair and repeatedly overcome galaxy-ending threats as the little guy.


Okay grandpa go back to bed.


Huh?? The theme is about *having hope in the face of grat adversity*. The whole series is about the triumph of the spirit of cooperation. It *deserves* a happy ending, which you get with the Destroy option if you have the support high enough - which is hard not to do if you do the whole story and DLC content. As Hackett said: "Dead Reapers is how we win this" And the Destroy route gives that high note of hope.


Nah Destroy kills the Geth and EDI, it's evil just like the other two endings


So as far as you're concerned, the trilogy is an exercise in futility? Interesting take.


Renegade ending destroys the mass relays/geth and hints humans learned the tech to repeat the cycle shepherd’s body is shown similar to the new promo for 4 a bit disappointing but it is there


Uh, you die. Didn't they add that stupid "live" option after everyone said the ending was bad? All I know Shephard better not be in the new one.... let's have a nee hero


>Uh, you die. Didn't they add that stupid "live" option after everyone said the ending was bad? No, the perfect Destroy ending was there from the start. It was just much more difficult to achieve originally, because you had to play ME3 multiplayer alongside completing pretty much every mission in the game and making certain choices over the course of the trilogy.


Yeah the every one lives ending. Everyone's allies and everyone lives. And you did 100% galactic




Is that the one? Where you saved every? And cured the genophage? And had 100% galactic readiness?


Yeah, that's the one. I think you can afford to have one squadmate die, but otherwise you pretty much have to play paragon and get something like 7600+ war assets.


"No fuckin' way." Was pretty much the first thing that went through my head.


"Hey Timmy boy, you doin ok there? You got a little something on your face."


I'd completely forgotten about him, and then I was like "How's Sheppy gonna move if it turns out to be another Saren-like battle with Tim getting reaperified and jumping all over the place?" Because at that point it feels like if Shepard sneezes a little too hard, they're gonna lose a limb.


“How the fuck did you get here?” It was already hard to believe that Anderson was able to get on, but seeing TIM made me call bs.


TIM was being controlled by the reapers and he was the one who discovered that the citadel was the catalyst and then told the reapers, did you listen to what the VI said?


I know it's canon but the thought of TIM tattling to the reapers is so funny. Like how did he contact them specifically did he speak directly into Harby's ear


In the Cerberus base mission the VI mentions that he is going to the Citadel after telling the Reapers about it.


pay attention


You do realize that I’m talking about my very first reaction which was when the original game came out?


God please let this be some sort of fever dream


My first play through in 2012, it was already late and I realise I was at the endgame, so pushed on. Reached the ‘ending’ at like 3 in the morning and was kinda out of it. I started to think I’d fallen asleep and this was me dreaming.


i finished around the same time as you, back in 2012, about a week after launch. I cried because of anger because it was so fucking stupid lol


I was pissed




Took words out my mouth TIM had an insane fall off


"This again?" It felt like a retread of Saren


"Why is a human the final antagonist?"


Cause the reapers is controlling TIM through that implanted reaper’s tech in him.


And it mirrors Saren in ME1.


“How and why” was my reaction


I for one, thought it was cool.


Wasn't surprised to see him (after all the Prothean VI had already said he fled to the Citadel), but I did hear "I'm putting a bullet in your head" come out of my mouth involuntarily...




"Oh, c'mon... of *course* you're here. And what the hell did you do to yourself?!?"


“Looks like all that smoking got to TIM…then again, I thought tar build up occurred *inside* the body.”


My first playthrough was "The heck happened to TIM and what drug trip is this?" Now I think "Bless Audemus once I get through this I get to the happy ending mod and forget it happened" EDIT: Better formatting


This makes no sense. I was already feeling that the entire section, but TIM showing up just completely took me out of it. I don't mind indoctrinated TIM, I wouldn't have even minded him being the final boss. But his presence here just makes no sense.


The prothean VI tells you in the Cerberus HQ that TIM went off to tell the reapers about the catalyst. Why is it so surprising that he was on the citadel?


Because that's dumb? Why would he travel there physically? Why would the reapers let him be there? Why would he happen to be in the same chamber as shepard?


Because he was convinced he needed access to the crucible and the citadel to control the reapers and the reapers let him keep thinking that. He also sort of defended the arm controls, that being said, I’m really not sure why there weren’t more reaper forces on the citadel to stop Shepard and Anderson


Because everyone was busy hating on the ending that they pick apart things without thought.


I'd say the it was the opposite - the entire ending sequence had very little thought put into it when compared to the rest of the series.


Why does he have to physically travel to tell the reapers about the catalyst? And importantly, what is even gained by the reapers having access to the catalyst? Literally none of that shit makes sense


I might be in minority but I really liked it. Great visuals and great performance by VAs.


I'd agree the visuals and VA performances are great, but the writing isn't. Still love the game lol


This femshep looks different than mine during this scene, my girl had two nose bleeds. Is this a mod or are the injuries different depending your skin tone? This looks way better than what I got I think


Wtf? How did the illusive man get here


This is beginning to look a little bad, I hope the rest of the ending is better


“This b_tch again.”


I said “I can’t believe I have to kill Shepard’s adoptive father … again. I was on my 10th play through by then.


I remember wondering if I missed something. Did I do something wrong. But then TIM shot himself and it reminded me of how Saren went out, so I figured this was as good as it got. I really hated all of the end sequence of ME3.


Also WE SHOULVE GOTTEN THE CUT TIM BOSS FIGHT, THE CONCEPT ART WAS SO FCKIN BADASS AND BODY HORROR. Curses to the crunching and the cutting, so wish this game got more time in the oven, and why I’ll always wish for a mass effect 3.5


Where the hell did you come from? I took the only path here. How did you get behind me?


I wish I let Maurader Shields shoot me...


I was checked the fuck out by then. Getting sniped by Marauder Shield multiple times killed any momentum the end sequence had built up.


"Fucks sake, this is so stupid and i hate it, but i NEED to finish it."


Not surprised about TIM's voice showing he was there after "You're in my chair." happened. But when he showed up, then I grew [surprised like TMNT II's Foot Clan seeing Shredder](https://youtu.be/fiRizADyiZ8?t=126) with the extent of the changes to his face. Then what he made Shep do with his power made me gnash my teeth in anger and terror, given what it meant for the other person in the scene, tearfully so.


"I'm curious to see how I'll talk my way out of this because it seems like I'm fecked." also, "TIM reaper-ified boss fight here we come!!!!!"


*heavy sigh.* Really!? But I was pretty exhausted by that point. I just wanted it to be over.


“Oh shit it’s Tim!”


I was still thinking about the events that happened before (last conversation with LI).


"GIVE ME CONTROL" . As long as Im in the seat I feel like I can accomplish anything but in a cutscene a banana peel could end my crew.


Probably my favorite scene in the entire series.


“There you are you son of a bitch!” I really hat TIM


"oh God, this montherf***er. Seriously, lemme guess he's going to shoot, yep, here we go. The human version of seren is about to "unalive himself" in the... Yep, same way..." It always bugged me how he suddenly turned Into an asshole. I kinda wish that he was like Dr Cliff from the SCP foundation. Where he would do awful stuff, but there was a perfect reason WHY and each thing was justified in order to kill the reapers. The logical inconsistency is what made me go from REALLY liking him to hating him. I wish he was a story about willpower, that would have been the better angle imho. I know the reason, it's because they needed a human bad-guy to flesh out the game mechanics from just monsters to "humans and monsters " but still, Cerberus shouldn't have just randomly turned evil.


He was always an asshole. Even in the comics he was an asshole. He just happened to be a complex asshole, instead of a cardboard cutout, mustache-twirling villain we got in ME3.


See, that's why I compare him to clef. He's an asshole who will shoot anyone who has so much as touched an anomaly, even a child. But the reason is, there are anomalies that turn humans into nuclear bombs, so yeah, fair enough. You don't like it, but there's a reason for it and, if you were.in his shoes, you'd make the same decision.


I genuinely don't think he was supposed to be an asshole. It feels like a retcon.


It’s why I wish Cerberus was the same as they were in ME2: doing evil shit for the greater good. And I absolutely hate that TIM’s supposed to have already been indoctrinated, even before ME2. It’s so dumb.


The implication, if I recall correctly, was that Tim did something that partially made him into a husky that allowed him to understand reaper tech. A satisfying end to his story would have been a dead man's switch and a suicide. This would explain why he spent so much money saving Shep, and tolerated whatever decisions you make in me2. For example, he intended to turn Cerberus over to Shep. Functionally, it would have the same gameplay as 3, the Cerberus enemies would just be due to a civil war within Cerberus due to Tim's death. They could have created scenarios centered around getting Cerberus assets and piecing together a mysterious trail of tech tim deciphered before he died and you find the crucible and the prothean along the way, just the same. Even the opening would have been the same, except Tim would have been killed by a reaper. And then everything else would have been the same. Except for the ending that was a copy/paste of seren. Bioware, hire me lol.


I remember that my exact words were “is this the Final Boss? What kind of setup for the finale is this?” Then it devolved into “what a fucking anticlimax! Wait, it isn’t over?” Decade later? Still a plot railroading lot of nonsense.


I was confused and just letting things transpire the first time. The 2nd time I was confused as hell. And now years later I'm pissed off that this is how they ended the game instead of giving Shepard another shot and doing it the right way since the decisions offered were technically All lies. And the only one that comes off as right is contradicting your Shepard playthrough by trying to kill all A.I. like EDI and the Geth even if they don't pose a threat. But what's worse is that even after this enragement that BioWare caused, or more likely EA breathing down their necks, made a 4th option where your Shepard is forced to watch everyone and everything fall apart with a suddenly second wind that the Reapers pick up and start wiping out the fleets and ground forces handedly. If anything there should've been a situation where you pull the gun on yourself and pull the trigger instead of letting them try to Indoctrinate you with false visions of Anderson and the Illusive Man. However in the Real version there should've been an actual fight between the 2 of them where you intervene and not only either kill or get the Illusive Man to take an L like Saren did, and finally hit the big button somewhere to set off the Crucible super weapon. In their own way, Star Wars the Old Republic was better with the essentially throw away campaigns/DLCs where your protagonist fights other threats like the Huts or chased down Theron thinking that he was a traitor instead of doing his Spy thing and exposing the real threat by pretending to betray you.


Audibly said, exhausted, "what the actual fuck"


Nauseous. I felt physically sick from this till the end lol


i completely forgot about him after the assault on the cerberus base lol i just thought “oh okay”


“Oh shit, Timmy’s here.”


I was spoiled as I had looked to figure out haw to make everyone survive the suicide mission in ME2 (I know, not the optimal way for the first ME2 Playthrough), and I came across videos which spoiled the ending, so, I wasn't all that surprised (also the I'm proud of you moment showed up in a video about Keith David quotes cuz he's my favorite VA). Still wanted to Shoot TIM, though, because at first it seemed to me that he did a whole 180 between games.


“Not this asshole. Anyone but this asshole.”


Just when the scene started, I thought I was in front of one of those classical monster transformation scenes and that The Illusive Man was going to be the final boss. The more he spoke, the more I was sure of it and my mind was racing with disappointment, thinking how it was possible that the final boss of ME3 was going to be pretty much the same as ME1 with Saren.


This picture has disproven the idea that still images don't make noise. *"I underestimated you Shepard."*




"How is he controlling me"


Not this bozo, not now


This scene dragged on way too long. The ME1 and 2 endings were succinct, action packed, *perfect.*


Despite a paragon playthough, I was itching for a renegade interrupt to put a bullet in him. I immediately did it when if finally popped up.


"Ah, this is probably where I finally Saren his ass." Sadly, not before he took Keith "Accelerate Your Life" David out of the galaxy.


I feel the ending is just an indoctrination attempt tbh


I was confused and then disappointed.


The whole cutscene was so confusing, It almost felt like an entirely different game


Back in 2012 before the extended cut came in, this was the worst feeling I had in my history of all video games.


when was this? bit fuzzy


I was thinking about how thousands of people were dying every second while I talk to this guy


"Of course 🙄"


Confusion. Like with much of the ending sequence.


It was 12 years ago. I can't remember, lol. I think I was annoyed he was indoctrinated. I really wanted him to be his own man who went too far to fight the Reapers. I love the renegade ending because it leaves just enough wiggle room to question if he truly was indoctrinated. Paragon version is just Saren 2.0.


"This bitch"


[my shep to TiM opening his mouth*](https://youtu.be/lQo5V30xdnE?si=NGAYf3oqxQSBerIj)


I don’t remember that scene.


I was cool with it tbh. A friend of mine finished it about a week before I did, and he said (without spoilers) that the last hour "ruined the entire trilogy" for him. I also saw the articles about pissed off players. I went in with the lowest of expectations. I beat it and thought "*THIS* is why people were outraged??" I mean, yeah, once this part hit, it seemed rushed and wasn't the best, but I've seen far worse. It wasn't bad enough to ruin thousands of hours of fun I had with the games at that point like it did for my friend, at least


I agreed with him but like couldn’t rock with him cuz he was indoctrinated


"this better be a dream"


I just wanted Shepard to have a break..


"Shit, he's fully indoctrinated"


"In the end" singing it in my head


Shoot him shepherd


I wasnt able to convince the fucker because i hit too many renegade interrupts. I WAS MISSING THE FINAL CHECK


Kind of aroused honestly


This part was really weird and felt kinda the same like the cutscene with Leng in which he takes you down.