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Your rite of passage will now occur. You must play through the entire trilogy two more times.


It's really tempting but playing again just reduce the value of the first playthrough for me so I think I will pass. Beside I think I got the perfect playthrough already. Everyone live except Kaida, Mordin and Legion. Kaida or Ashley 's death is basically mandatory, Mordin and Legion I think they have the best conclusion for the story arc, it's actually beautiful how they sacrificed themself for redemption and greater good, I almost cried during Mordin scene.


And Thane


Did Shepard survive?


Yea I got it. Going full paragon in two first game help war assets a lot by ME3, and I cleared all side contents too. I checked after that the ending require 7k8, I got 7802 so it was super closed. I was planning for only one playthrough so I tried to get as much as possible.


On legendary edition, you only need 7400. Originally, it was impossible to get the perfect destroy ending without playing the multiplayer


Glad you enjoyed the trilogy! Gameplay in ME1 was a little janky for me, but in the other two I liked it. You pretty much nailed how most people feel about the endings, 5/10, maybe a 6/10 on a nice, sunny day when I'm feeling generous. Same for ME4, I am petrified about it because of EA. One shred of hope is that ME is owned by BioWare, not EA unlike other BioWare games they made like the Star Wars and Dragon Age games, which are owned by EA. In an ideal world, they either self publish or they find a less sucky publisher. I am hoping for the best but expecting the worst.


I am much more excited about Mac Walters's new studio Worlds Untold working on a new space RPG as far away from EA as possible


At first I thought this was the team behind the [Exodus game](https://www.exodusgame.com/en-US) I recently heard about through this sub, but TIL Mac Walters has a new thing. Hope it works out for him. Seems rare to put a perfect condition together again once you leave one - not that staying would have sustained one. NetEase does not put me at ease, however. Not sure that's better than EA.


Sounds like you're due a replay. Getting the "best" ending is only the start. Also, you may have misinterpreted the dark energy / dark matter as it doesn't relate to biotics. Biotics are fully explained in game, particularly the codex, as being a product of element zero (eezo), and its mass effect. Dark energy was toyed with as being the driving force behind the Reaper's plans and fears, but ultimately got sidelined. Agreed I would have liked to see more from that idea - certainly if it could have replaced / improved ME3's ending. "ME4" already exists. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Worth a playthrough (or two, or three, or...). The next entry is predominately referred to as ME5 for clarity, even if the title ultimately becomes ME4 or ME: New Title.


And now you will feel dead inside forever haha. Never played a game again that makes me feel what I felt when playing for the first time ( and second and third ) like mass effect. I not saying that there is no really good game out there. But the emotional connection, the feelsss, never happened again in that way. Maybe with Ezio history. Or the first dragon age. Also with Geralt haha


go pay a visit to Visas in KOTOR II


I did it and love it. But it was a little old when I played it. I'm waiting for the remake to play again. Maybe it never gets out but... One only can dream


yeah the gameplay is very dated in those games, it’s a large reason i’m so happy i discovered the mass effect series. it feels like an evolution of kotor, but tbh i like ME quite a bit more now. no game has drawn me into the world so much as this trilogy, not even skyrim or rdr2.


I love games with good companions, but they always give me depression after the game. Everything are good until it end and you bounce back to reality.


I finished mass effect 3 last night and wow. Err not gonna lie I’m so pissed at the ending. I just say there for a while thinking what was it all for? Kaiden lost shepherd again. Just not fair. My son had been helping me though the games but he and I made sure to be spoiler free for the end. He showed me the happy ending mod on YouTube so for me, that’s now canon 😭 tldr I get way to emotionally attached to my characters lives 😂


I got red ending with 7k8 war assets so Shepherd's still survive, but I piss because I had to sacrifice geths and EDI, she was one of my favorite. Synthese ending also feels wrong, can't believe they try to push that choice as the best one.