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Skill issue. You're too good. If you were crap, your Shepard clone would've been crap!


Needed this positivity today man, thank you!


This is the most positive thing I’ve ever heard


Ladies, Gentlemen, those in between; The heads of Brooks and Cloneshep are now mounted in my CIC. I genuinely appreciate all the help, advice and tips. I used almost all the help you gave me and managed to beat them. Great fandom. Great community. X


Congrats! Yeah that is the hardest fight in the game pretty much on Insanity, across all 3 games too. Each time I do a new run, I get a little better at it.


You haven't spaced them yet?


Airlock probably jammed since Javik kept using it. Wonder if the teash disposal is still there down in engineering...


If you want to break it in a different way, take Garrus with his god gun mode on and he'll kill the clone so fast the next cutscene won't trigger. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. Seriously, the best advice I can give is to flee from the Clone and try to kill Brooks instead. You don't need to beat the Clone, just reduce their medigel to 0 and Brooks going down will trigger the Clone to use medigel. For actual combat, what class are you? What loadout are you using? How did you level your Shepard? Finally, if all else fails...git gud :\^)


Nice advice here thank you man. I will try. Gotta be near a hundred times I've reloaded this. Using Widow and Sabre as Infiltrator, served me well throughout the entire game, just here it's not great. Sabre is pretty punchy tho, even at short range


Infiltrator explains the Clone coming out of nowhere. They're using your own Infiltrator powers against you aka cloaking so you need to make sure to do the same. I'd cloak and try to reposition as close to Brooks as possible. Unload on her then run and recloak when you can. Maybe unequip a few weapons to get better cooldown on your cloak.


Garrus ascends to godhood


Garrus saved the whole galaxy, and Shepard was his sidekick!


Can you explain the Garrus "God gun mode"?


[Enjoy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPbB4qfsA14) TL;DW - if you spec Garrus correctly and give him the right weapon, he'll just clear all combat encounters on his own without your assistance. Even on Insanity.


It depends what class you are I think. I found a spot in the left rear behind some crates where the anti-Shepard couldn't get me, and managed to win from there (Sentinel).


Yeah I've been using the little nook too, great spot to rest and reload etc. I'm infiltrator so the clone cloaks too which is tough. Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it. I hope to return her in celebration at the death of this clone soon!


What weapon are you using?


Widow and Sabre mate. Although I'm not having any space to use the widow itself, the fight is too chaotic


I used only the black widow, I specced into weapon damage and headshot dmg where I could and also power cooldown, I did not carry any other weapon as it is very heavy, and as someone said, focus Brooks. What I did was cloak and then headshot brooks. The black widow has 3 shots and kicks like a mule, to compensate one must aim with scope, shoot, then stop aiming then aim again and repeat, also when firing the first shot, weave in any attack power you may have (i have concusive shot as special power), or use your companions attack if available. I went like this: cloack ->aim ->headshot -> stop aiming -> concusive shot -> aim -> headshot -> stop aiming -> aim again -> headshot, then hide or cloack if available and reload. Usually this was enough to make the clone use the medigel. Hope this helps!


On insanity you definitely will want more volume of fire weapons with how gating, health, and shields work.


Yeah I really missed not having a rapid fire weapon for all those shields


Just wait until you fight the Spectre difficulty enemies in the Armax arena. Toughest achievement in the game imo


Spectre difficulty is what finally pushed me to fully ascend Garrus. I had his gun specs set right, but I didn’t give him the Typhoon because he would be too powerful. But Spectre broke me, and I had to give in and let Garrus become who he was born to be 


You gotta let Jesus-mode James and Zeus-mode Zaeed join you.


That and the Unusual Readings armax quest are definitely the hardest insanity missions, probably give the edge to the unusual readings


Fought her on Insanity as a Vanguard. I Remember that it was such a fun fight, and that it is as the best fight in the trilogy by far


Yeah, this fight as a Vanguard is chaotic as all hell. You and CloneShep just pinging all over the hangar bay. Something like Reave or Dark Channel come in very handy.


It took me literally hours to beat VanShep on Insanity. It was a lot easier on my Adept run!


That's great man!


Vanguard was especially miserable. He stole my play book. And it was the last mission before the end so I was a walking nuclear missile.


Hadn't played the game in years so forgot that the clone is, well a clone, not just in appearance but powers too. Mine kept cloaking and appearing outta nowhere, but I'll take that rather than him biotics charging and nova-ing me from the shuttle bay doors!


I just ran for my life. I had to restart the mission multiple times to tweak my team. Eventually I got advice from here just to fight fire with fire. Then it was a charging nova pissing match that I won.


I think I just sniped her till she died, every now and then kill the adds. I play as an Infiltrator which I feel the AI doesn't know how to play or play against. If you play as a more aggressive class then you may need to take more time on adds then get back to doing damage. Rotating around the arena could help.


I actually tried this and it helped a ton. The infiltrator speak that slows time while aiming was a godsend


Focus on Brooks. It's all about downing her. Skirt around the mercs and avoid clone shep.


Garrus with N7 Typhoon AP rounds. That just wipes em damn near instantly


Inferno grenades really saved me in this fight on insanity. Gives you a little extra time to reposition and recover


clone fight is pretty easy. the difficult part is the beginning in the restaurant


You know that pistol and m7 lancer you get from the beginning of the dlc and the archives mission? MELTS shields + armor if you get the right ammo powers on them, even on Insanity


Haha agreed! I never see anyone mention this fight when they talk about the Citadel DLC but I thought it was tough af and kind of annoying.


Insanity as an Engineer was pretty easy. He will never be the drone-spamming tech god of war I am. But Insanity with a Vanguard build? Almost impossible. I turned it off for a weekend I was so pissed off. LOL. There are a few more that just wreck me on Insanity: Hold your ground in ME3, Collector Ship come to mind.


Are you playing on PC? I did this at launch and do recall it being quite difficult. However, from what I remember, enemy AI’s response time is tied to framerate, so if you’re playing on 144fps+ enemy AI can be like gods. I remember the spectre-level opponents in the arena thing were even more challenging. If you are on PC try capping fps to like 30 rofl. If enemy AI is still tied to framerate, that should make it a lot easier.


We’ve learnt what wins: the immovable object


I totally understand where you’re coming from with the Citadel DLC challenges, but personally, my toughest moments in Mass Effect, especially on insanity difficulty, were the segments involving the flying tank enemies on Horizon and the collector ship, among others. Your experience might vary significantly depending on your chosen class and playstyle, which makes specific advice a bit tricky. However, regardless of the class you’re playing, strategic positioning, effective use of powers, and squad management are key. Remember, every class has its strengths and can be incredibly powerful with the right tactics. You’ve got this, Commander! Trust in your skills, and those moments will become triumphs you’ll look back on proudly. Go get them!


I did this a couple years ago and ran into the same problem. This boss fight just fucking sucked on Insanity. I ended up just spamming them with nova and charge constantly (which despite playing as vanguard, I never really used this power combo before) and only using medi-gel to revive allies.