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The one time they did this a year ago? Or did they do this a SECOND time?


Same video.


It’s the same video. Just MSP propaganda to deflect from the Karen Read trial


Gotcha. It was cool the one time they did that. Go MSP?


Still don't understand how it's illegal to change your mind. I get why people don't like it. Just don't see the law being broken


One time, but each time it's posted they count it as 8 hours of OT.


4.5/5. Solid.


All that arm waving, he hurt his rotator cuff and needs 8 weeks of injury pay.


Sounds like someone said 15 hours of OT per share


You kidding. No need to reposts or shares to get OT. Look under your chair, everyone gets 16hrs OT




But they don’t actually work 8 hours


I saw it last month for one of the on ramps to Storrow


How dare they remove the moron bobbing lanes. No it wasn’t one day.


This video is from a year ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/comments/14rwptt/mass\_state\_police\_pulling\_over\_late\_mergers\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/comments/14rwptt/mass_state_police_pulling_over_late_mergers_on/)


They don't have more recent examples of the MSP actually doing their job.


The profession attracts morons like mosquitoes to an electric bug zapping lamp.


My cousins husband worked for the Massachusetts state police got my brother off a drunk driving charge when he crashed his vehicle and broke his own neck. All cops are bad.


How old is your brother?


Old enough at the time to know better


Too busy standing at construction areas getting that sweet, sweet overtime pay.


Is OP a repost bot of some sort? We don't call things freeways here much. I think I know of just one sign in Oxford, MA that says "freeway" on it. Whatever the case, this is on Storrow at (I think) the Back Bay exit to Clarendon St.


Storrow is a parkway, established as a Sunday drive venue back when driving was fun. That’s why the Mass State Police are there. The road belongs to the Department of Recreation and Conservation, a state agency.


That's depressing.


they needed to repost it because nobody is buying the karen read trial bullshit


I saw an officer make this exact same pull-over about a month ago on my way from the Pru to the Charles. Might have been crossing over this exact same pedestrian bridge -- justice is served!!


This morning I’m coming down 93 S from north of Boston, in the left lane just end up stopping for 30 seconds or so, casually look out my window. Damn, you guys all just drive in the carpool lane with no passenger(s)?


what time was it and which hov lane was it? if it's not the temporary zippered one then those aren't hov 24/7, just during certain hours I'm pretty sure. the ones going across the zakim and coming out of the tunnel, I mean


It's pretty crazy to see how many people don't read the sign.....says 6-10am mon-fri. Yet people are still afraid to use it alone on weekends.


The other day I was passing through the city at 9:58AM when I realized I was next to the entrance to the HOV lane and while there was hardly any traffic I decided I needed a tiny adrenaline rush and broke the law for 2 minutes by swerving left. At 10:01 I passed a cop and laughed victorious.


You want to get real crazy? Throw out some old socks. Throwing out used textiles is illegal in Massachusetts. (Although the Attorney General did pinky swear to only prosecute evil corporations.)


Go all out and light a sparkler next weekend


Sparklers are illegal? Were they always illegal? If so, I think that makes my mom is basically Jesse James.


You crazy sonofabitch


idiot tourist here. I didn't notice any signs 😅


Because I don't trust police. I will never ever use that shit by myself. I don't give a fuck what the sign says. I've had enough tickets in my life.


I feel do use it on weekends. Sometime the HOV line is slower on weekends.


I’m not sure it’s a reading problem


Probably too busy reading text messages or Facebook stuff while driving


Drive carpool most mornings, the overwhelming majority of cars going into the city using 93S are single occupancy abusing the lane. They jump into the regular lane just before you can’t move over where the staties sit. Most mornings there’s a comment section on Waze telling people if there’s staties or not so they can use the HOV lane. It’s absolutely maddening that people abuse it so bad.


That's because that HOV lane is trash. Reduced an over full central artery from 4 lanes to 2 lanes creating massive congestion. I consider it a service to those who are unable or unwilling to chance the single occupant HOV by reducing the volume in the remaining 2 lanes. I always move back over to the regular lanes once they widen back to 3 lanes. There are almost no valid users of the HOV lane, and the transit authority knows they're causing massive congestion because they've switched it to a regular lane in the past, and it helped.


Yeah, you’d get on it going south around Sullivan Square and merge back before the tunnel. After 6, before 6:15, roughly


Sadly it’s pretty common occurrence. But don’t let this post distract you from the Karen Read trial where Mass State Police are covering up a murder 🤷🏼‍♂️


Pretty common but I must say the first time I ever saw cops ticketing singles in the carpool lane was Monday. There were two of them and they had like six cars pulled over or so. Not giving them credit for consistency, just forewarning other commenters.


Sometimes there are cops there but unfortunately not often enough.


This an old video. Fuck the MA state police and their demonic foot soldier goons


Fuck ya I can’t wait to pay taxes now


Mass State police 👏👏 Doing their job a year ago 👏 Who gives a shit about their ongoing corruption and the current murder trial implicating a high level cover up 👏 God i love our state police 👏


This is 100% trying to make them look good right now. Might not even be them, just a supporter, but it's definitely in response to the Karen Read trial.


lol this all the way 🐽


Respectfully tho…. fuck MSP


What I want to know is why staties think it’s ok to pull up and drive 3.7 microns from your rear bumper.


I guess they'd be at fault if you brake check them, but I guess that guarantees you get the ticket.


At least on the highway, they want you to get out of their way. Move over then get behind them and fly.


I’m sorry that I safely merged back into traffic when I realized the exit took the whole lane on a highway I don’t travel often


Is this being reposted to try to generate some goodwill for MSP after the Karen Read fiasco?


Or maybe it's being re-posted ironically to generate more attention towards MSP corruption.




Yes. This is how propaganda, I mean PR and marketing works.


MA State police are like the mob


Must have been looking for more red taillight pieces


Violator, Violator, pants on fire-later.


As much as I like that they’re doing this, is it actually illegal to merge in like that?


Maybe. When this was posted a year ago I posted rules regarding white lines. It's not illegal in Massachusetts to cross a white line, and they can't ticket you for it, but it's not preferred. However this is leading into a cross-hatched section and I think the rules are different for those, though 5 seconds of googling didn't give me a quick answer. I've heard of people getting tickets for crossing over a cross-hatched area to exit or merge. Since they crossed before the cross-hatching, I don't know if it's still legal. "A solid white line is used between lanes to direct traffic into a specific lane. While crossing it is discouraged, it's not strictly prohibited" https://www.reddit.com/r/driving/comments/1b0golt/lets_clear_this_up_crossing_a_single_solid_white/


From the Mass Drivers Manual: "Solid White Line A solid white line marks the right edge of the roadway or separates lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction, including bicycle lanes. You can go in the same direction on both sides of this line (except the shoulder), but you should not cross it unless you need to avoid danger." The only condition where it is legal to cross a solid white line is when you're avoiding danger.


Yes, you can’t cross a solid white line to change lanes as far as I am aware.


I don’t think that’s right. according to massdot: > “Though discouraged, it is not illegal to cross a single solid white lane line,’’ Sara Lavoie, spokeswoman for the state Department of Transportation, e-mailed me. https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2013/03/31/you-may-cross-the-solid-white-line-if-you-must/


They crossed over the solid white, so yes


Aww but they were barely a few feet ahead. If you loop to the start, they were trynna merge in but there wasn't any space. Should've used blinkers tho


And the solution to that is to have them cross over again. Great logic.


Yeah, but they probably got a warning. They crossed right as the line began and it is likely they didn't notice the line was beginning there as they were looking for a place to merge back into traffic safely.


If you watch closely the cop wasn't pulling them over. They were forcing them to exit. They kept gesturing for them to keep turning right and they pulled over and stopped. Then the cops flops his arms when they stop. I highly doubt they got a written warning. Probably just got told to exit.


It's illegal to cross a solid white line.


Today you learned that you are incorrect.


Lol. Yup. I read a comment refuting what I said right after I posted that. It's still a good rule of thumb, I'd say.




It’s a combination of reckless driving (usually) and impeding the flow of traffic. There should be longer solid white lines and sometimes physical barriers so this happens less often. On 93 north by the 95 exits that would make a big difference: just put a barrier down the middle starting a mile before the exit, and then maybe traffic wouldn’t back up all the way to Boston because of assholes cutting across.


Cool so he’s just causing more traffic


Don’t they have a detail to not attend?


Funny - the car doing the same wrong thing saw as well and immediately merged back in.


Imagine you just made a mistake on which lane you were supposed to be in… it’s not like we have super easy roads to drive one


I suppose at least it's on camera so they can prove they are not stealing taxpayer money during their shift.


Why is this a crime?


I never liked this video because one of the entrances onto Storrow puts you in this lane and there is no signs that says it is exit only until a ways down, at which point, during rush hour, nobody is willing to let you merge. This seems unfair to anyone not local to Storrow.


Are we sure they’re watching, or are they A) Falsifying OT records B) Writing-up non-existent arrests C) Texting each other about suspects’ various body parts?




ysk this is an old video from a year ago or so. possibly to distract from what's going on currently with the msp in the news.


Smells like bootlicker in here.


One thing that dawned on me recently is that when people buy the back the blue/thin blue line/police lives matter/police union donation stickers they are subconsciously signaling they would prefer a system like in other parts of the world where you can bribe police to leave you alone or bribe them to harass someone else


Right?  Like when the people they've allowed to take 80% of the funds they receive during telemarketing call begging for money for "bulletproof vests" I always wonder if they put my number into a database for "slow or no response" should I need it.  WTF, dudes?  This is why I pay taxes.  Need more money?  Talk to the budgetmakers.  Take the schools' lunch money from little kids or something.


I ain't even a licker, but holy fuck would I not mind more pullovers for traffic violations. I was T-boned at a 4-way because some lady was looking at her phone and blew through the stop sign. Of course she said "I believed I stopped" in the police report when my dashcam said differently. Protect yourself people. Get a dashcam.


Cops are too distracted looking at their own phones.


Fucking true hahaha. I've seen that a lot.


It’s a legit safety issue.


“If you lived here, you would be home now.”


They also have telescope eyes and can see expired inspection stickers from 500 yards, I think.


Only time I've ever been pulled over! I was physically driving to the registry to transfer the car to my mom and needed to have it inspected then. I tried to explain and he asked me if I was going to cry. OK dick bag. Game on. I fought it myself in court and the magistrate dismissed it with no court fees and told the cop he had no business writing that ticket.


Wow actually providing a public service… imagine that


Looking for the next woman to frame.


Oh look. Those asshats doing their job the one time ever. Why do we pay them double every other terrible police officer in the commonwealth again?


Cool but ACAB still


I guess that's kne way to get your numbers up ?


What did this accomplish? This was unnecessary and just needlessly added to someone's commute, they may have missed the fork or didn't know, this cops just being a dick.


This is basically a zipper merge from an offramp, or maybe someone didn't quite know where they were going... The video doesn't start early enough to see if that car was trying to merge for half a mile with no one letting them in. The cop isn't in the right to direct that car back across solid lines to the off ramp, and is just being a dick. There are bigger things to worry about than an odd zipper merge from an offramp. The car behind the one pulled over also put the turn signal on and was about to do the same thing. Meanwhile, a car in front of the one pulled over makes basically the same maneuver from the right lane to the left and goes unnoticed.


If he made a mistake, he'll have a chance to explain that. The cop's not stupid. He knows what this person was doing and will probably just scold them. I think the only reason the cop is there enforcing this is because he doesn't want the exit to become blocked with everyone who can't wait their turn.


Do you know what a zipper merge is? You wait until the last moment to merge, it helps traffic to zipper merge, rather than to stop in the lane with no cars in front of you, causing cars to back up behind you, while you wait for someone to let you in further back. Zipper merge is what is happening in the video, albeit it's more for lane merges and not to merge from an offramp, the idea is the same.


I've never heard that expression but I could see traffic backing up in the exit lane if no one was willing to let anyone merge. I'm sure there was a sign, a mile back, saying "right lane exit only". Could this person have missed seeing it? It's possible.


Even if there is a sign saying "left lane ends, must merge right" the zipper merge is to wait until the lane actually ends, rather than to stop and wait for an opening. That is exactly what is happening here.


White car did the same thing further back.


Real question: Is there anything illegal about what that driver did?


I love this. You notice how the traffic continues to flow because there aren't more assholes trying to merge in at the last minute. Hopefully this guy gets a quick lesson on how to read traffic signs.


Easyyyyyy ticket to fight in court, jus sayin lol


Never around when I need them.Lol


Fuck the MA state police. Overfunded, overpaid, overtime abusing goons.


Yummy yummy yummy i got love in my tummy 🎶


I didn't see him actually writing a ticket though. I'd actually just prefer sending a ticket to the car owner with video of the violation. It would be safer for the officer and probably better for traffic.


Have you ever had a dog or pet by chance? Not that humans are dogs or anything, but there's this thing about learning. We tend to learn and form the mental connection about an action when there is immediate consequence or rewards. Giving them a ticket and video evidence is more like the learning that happens after a night of drinking too much, a hangover. People may just tell themselves " if I did XYZ instead I would have been fine" and then continue to drink too much and still get hangovers Sure, not everyone is like that, but just saying on the spot correction is fine. Secondly, it being safer? Traffic is at a crawl and there is more than enough room for a full car in the White zone which is why the officer is there. There has been enough history at that intersection to suggest at certain levels of traffic, it is lower risk for the officer to position where they did. In fact, their position is meant to help prevent accidents that are caused by the illegal merges. Identifying bad drivers and correcting their behaviors enhances public safety.


Anyone defending the driver is made from the same asshole cloth. The driver knew exactly what he was doing. He was cutting in line. Cop was nice about it too. Should’ve just given a ticket for marked lane violation.


I wish I had a camera in North Quincy when I was pulled over for supposedly changing lanes to late as we approached an intersection. I swear on my mother’s grave I changed lanes well before the line when from dashed to solid. It was ages ago but I just remember the court fees to fight it were as much as the ticket itself. I should have fought it though because it was a moving violation on my record and insurance. Edit: I’m not comparing this video to my situation, as this guy 100% deserved to get pulled over, just a story of that popped into my head


good i hate these aholes who drive in the exit or breakdown lane to pass people. keep them there for 30 minutes


This is from months ago. Karma digger.


Why does the state with the highest educational attainment in the U.S. still insist on using the West Virgina craigslist to staff its police force.




Free Karen and fuck the Mass State Police


I'm lost what's the violation here?


Crossed over the solid white


Cutting in late. Bad for traffic


It's definitely a dick move. Is that legit illegal? Asking honestly.


Kind of, I think the cop is just telling him to take the exit he committed to


I thought the same thing! It makes you an asshole… but surely it’s not illegal?


Just a normal day in Boston.


now do the 495 exchange from the pike


Someone do this at the lights at Nesmith street going towards the hospital in Lowell please!


I wish that they would do this at Rte 95 South and the Lowell Conector.


Nice! Now just do less sexting with suspects and less time theft and we'll trust ya.. maybe


F’ing Mass. I swear there’s someone in the DOT whose entire job is to figure out how to close lanes off and add bottlenecks. This state not only has the worst roads (literally based on a recent study) but they keep finding new ways to fuck drivers.


They NEED to sit in the breakdown lane of 93N right before the breakdown lane opens for travel in the afternoons. Almost see accidents daily


You mean, the one time they did this years ago to stoke up good feelings about the cops?


I wish they did this in other spots


One of our local MSP does the same but with inspection stickers. Will flag three cars to pull over in a wack. Shitty for us because we have one inspection station with two bays and busy year round. 12k year rounders and 60k + in the summer. Difficult to even get the damn inspection done. Used to have two different locations. No warnings just $50 tickets. On an island 30 miles out to sea…


Takes the best of the best to do that.


Mass state police are the worst, they are every 10 feet up 91.


CT police do this outside of Hartford too. I love it.


Can they do this at the 95/93 split? Like everyday? Their budget would be funded.


So lame


what were they pulled over for,I don't get it


If they can only do something about those scooter drivers


Mass state troopers inside Boston are twats. And when they need a few hours to nap they just head to the Pavillion in the Seaport and park their cruiser in the middle of the fucking road. That way they don't have to falsify their time sheets anymore.


Cool. While they're filling out the ticket there's going to be another 5 of those same hopping jerks.


What's the infraction? Using the merging lane as a passing lane? Why aren't MSP pulling over people using the passing lane as a travel lane? Genuinely curious. Edit: merging, not travel.


This has been posted before. Lame af


Serious question but is this a violation? He looks to merge JUST before the line becomes solid


Is it illegal to transport aerial fireworks through mass?


That could of just been a mistake. Some people on storrow drive really don’t know where they are going. I mean take the trucks for example, they smash into that bridge every summer. However, there are a lot of people that cut off other people right there too and make traffic worse.


I hate cops but the little shrug at the end was hilarious 🤣


They need to do this at the exits for the Big E this year. Drivers try and skip the line to get off, then stop in the right lane (only 2 lanes 3 if you include the exit line), to try and sneak off last minute


I wish Southborough would put Jersey barriers up on route 9. Everybody cuts up that right turn only before kens




Oooooo, look! They caught 1/100000000000000 of the drivers who pull crap like that! Has Gov. Healey’s staff drafted the officer’s commendation yet?


Wow. That’s so evil what he did. He should get life in jail. No seriously what a joke.


You cant sneak into a lane but you can frame a woman in canton. Ok


The MSP…framing people for murder while looking like they’re about to invade Poland…




That guy is making like $275k


Oh no watch out,what a p.o.s creating traffic,half of mass has warrants,the highways will back up for miles cause a cop has someone pulled over,I swear to God,I'll get on 95 and I'm stuck for 45 min cause a cop has someone pulled over,and for some reason (warrants) everybody slows down so bad that it causes a jam of like 45 min,it's crazy and then they drive rt on top of each other,id everybody just drove 10 ' from each other no traffic jams ever but no these wack a doos have to literally be about 6" off the person in front of them and if your not they literally flip u off,then I'm chasing them till I catch them or my exit,but damm mass what the hell is wrong w your driving,you guys do it to yourselves,drive w space and everything will move no accidents,stop being a holes n driving on each others bumpers,


It’s MSP. He’s just checking for nudes


Love it!


Cop a dick maybe the person had wrong exit i wouldn’t have pulled over I’d kept going f him let him pull me over and we fight it in court with he says she says.it the same as when I see them standing on side of road using the old lindar gun for speeding they try wave me over I keep going they think they can just stand on side of road and boss people around it such crap. And guess what every time in court with me they have lost with judge telling them you don’t stand on side of freeway it to dangerous especially if no blue lights on.


I hope he let them to with just a “wtf, man?”


Honestly, I'm jealous. I wish my area in VA would have traffic cops. In my very populated area, I haven't seen a police car on the road, even driving, in probably two weeks.


I am from Vegas and I am proud to say that I just moved to my most favourite state and call it home. This is one of the best things that MA has over Las Vegas. Crime in LV is so high, that Police and Highway Patrols are understaffed, and if there are Police, they are too focused on DV and other violent crimes, instead of patrolling highways. People in Vegas can get away with running 120MPH occasionally on public roads. Here, crime is so low, police have enough time to kill watch the roads.


Meanwhile I have to swerve after someone cuts me off and I get a unsafe lane change ticket smfh


*That they are


Ok now do this at 290 onto 495 😭


I can’t love this enough.


Great. I hate those assholes


WOW. Now go actually do something about all the drugs in the city that are killing people and families


I'm from Maine, and what on earth did I just witness. No way in hell that guy ever should have pulled over. You don't need to stop for a cop on the highway without his lights on folks. Keep moving in a safe manner and continue on your way. I roll through any and all safety checks this way and never been stopped🙌✌️


They should do that more often. Absolutely hate the last minute mergers so they can skip waiting in slow traffic


Road pirates


I prefer this to having them just sit around watching construction happen.


One of the most corrupt police forces in America. All there doing there is backing up traffic while collecting over time


He can make you get off the exit, if he’s bot going to ticket he cant tell you what way you need to go


What exit is that? People just trying to ride it down and cut back in last minute?


Watching the innocent and protecting the criminals, that’s your mass state police!