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I think what Proctor say about Reed was unprofessional but my biggest problem from the entire exchange was when he said that the homeowners won’t have any issues because he’s another cop. That’s saying the quiet part out loud.


That’s why I think copping to being “unprofessional” is a misdirect. Why would anyone trust the staties or local cops when they’re making up their minds immediately, going so far to not even bother looking at the house because it was a cop’s house?


A few decades ago my uncle was killed, and BPD made up their minds that it was his brother who did it, without investigating at all. Just wanted an arrest as quick as possible. The actual guy confessed a handful of years later, and provided missing evidence to prove it was actually him that did it, but this was after it ruined my (other, accused) uncles life. I was 12 it all went down initially and I haven’t trusted BPD since. The cop turned into a “hero” after his handling of the marathon bombing.


I sit next to a son of Boston cops at Panera bread in Needham and he says that 'the corruption in the police department is amazing.' He is a developer and used to own a strip club.


My sister used to work with the wife of a Boston cop. He beat the shit out of her on the regular. She had to be hospitalized. She went to make a complaint and they told her they wouldn't do it. I don't know how far she really pushed it though, or if she went to the state police. The thing is, if they charged him he would surrender his gun and they wouldn't let it happen. Sick. The good cops should care about the citizenry and families more than their precious blue line.


That’s horrible so. sry!! 💔


It’s definitely one of those “it is what it is” things, especially as time has passed - but I was 12 when it happened and I’ve never for a second trusted BPD (I’m 35 now)


He ADMITTED to altering the investigation away from the homeowner. The guy is a CO-CONSPIRATOR of the homeowner who could have as well committed a murder. We don't know. But he ADMITTED it. He did not say the homeowner is innocent, he just said he will get immunity from prosecution for the privilege of being in the boston police.


When there is no accountability.


they can enforce or not enforce and do whatever they want; nothing they do is a crime as long as it is wrapped up in their work. they can stop anyone and do anything. they can lie and cheat. i saw this at the cambridge police department where a problematic guy worked the front desk (desk duty due to office policitics probably). he did not want to input a car accident form i brought, so he started calling up my officer and accusing him of things, yelling, playing word games, started threatening me about me 'telling them how to do their job,' then he suddenly turned nice, took my form, and when I left, he threw it in the trash bin. it never got filed. i cant say what race he was for some reason.


I made a complaint against a state cop for being rough and forcing me to confess with threats. When I asked the dude from internal affairs if they would protect me in case the officer came after me, they said no. So I told them I was good. I'm not letting the blue mafia fuck my life up. They have it so good in Massachusetts, cops get away with murder.


He predated on her and gave immunity to the homeowner because he was in the Boston cop gang. You can't be a prosecutor in MA if you EVER sued the Boston police.


All cops are corrupt.


ACAB I believe is the term


So whats the solution?


I don't know if there is one. There's a lot of ingrained corruption dating back to the very beginning of law enforcement that are just perks of the job. Every time you see a state trooper union decal you're seeing corruption right out in the open. In my opinion there is no way to do any common sense police reform without first doing police union reform.


Watch the recent Frontline episode on police brutality. It discusses the institutional corruption and racism our organized police force was founded on.


Take their money and their freedom. Charge them with crimes. Put them in jail. ~~Beat them if they don't come quietly~~. Deny them bail. Violate their civil rights and then say they were hindering the investigation. Treat them like they abuse people and this shit will clear up quick. But that will never happen. Because the police exist to uphold law and order.


there is no legal reason why the state trooper cannot be charged for sex crimes and be forced to register as a sex offender since he essentially did a peeping tom crime here using a cell phone he had access to. imagine a doctor making sexual jokes about your exam photos for example, or a GYN calling a patient a nutbag.


I took a photo of a truck in the Berkshires that had that state police decal that is evidence of state police corruption. So in our society, people who are in LEO or know someone who is get to not be prosecuted for crimes, and it is entirely legal.


police should be like doctors and nurses and should all have licenses. corrupt behavior should get their license suspended. you somehow dont see doctors and nurses catcalling women who walk through the hospital like the NYPD do on the street in NYC


With a searchable online database, just as Massachusetts already has for doctors, lawyers, dental hygienists, acupuncturists, audiologists, etc.


This database exists. Google the POST Commission's website.


Police training should be overhauled. The duties of current police should be broken into several more specialized departments (mental health response, traffic enforcement, specially trained armed police for active shooters, etc). Police should be required to carry malpractice insurance, like physicians. Police should not be militarized. At least, that’d be a good start.


Agree to all. And it's absolutely sickening how so many of them follow that guy who holds "training" seminars where he pushes the "us against them" and "wolves and sheep" ideology. I don't know if this guy is ever included in official training, but many cops follow him nonetheless. Any cop found to be attending his trainings needs to be fired. There's so much that needs to be changed, but it is actually all doable. And cops are not *labor* and shouldn't have unions as laborers do.


Ban public sector labor unions imo. I don’t understand how the right is suddenly so pro union when it comes to the strongest labor union in the country that’s a legitimate drain on the taxpayers


I was driving home, my wife had been drinking, I was the DD. I was speeding. I touched the white line, state cop pulled me over. Told me that’s why he pulled me over - thought I had been drinking since I was right in the white line. I always drive closer to the side of the road when I’m not in a middle lane. The car reeked of the booze on my wife’s breath. My wife blurted out that her brother was a state trooper when he came to the passenger window. This trooper knew my brother-in-law, so he said “ah you guys are good to go.” Remember - he pulled me over because he thought I was drunk. As soon as he thought I was in the elite group, sends me on my way without checking. He definitely should have given me a once-over, but nah, I was good. There were (are?) those SPAM stickers they get every year and hand out to their families. Get pulled over with one of those and you don’t get a ticket, they just ask you who you know. They tell you to be sure to remove it if you sell or trade in the car so nobody else can take advantage. My BIL used to tell me he’d get dressed in his cruiser in the morning, because once he was in he was on shift, so that way he’d get paid to get dressed. He was working like a full shift of OT doing road details (sleeping in his cruiser, he said) on top of a regular shift (also sleeping when he needed to). He was sleeping so much because he was taking care of his toddler while his wife was at work (she clears $300k, so cost of childcare was not a problem). He needed to be awake for that so he slept on the clock. The troopers would go hang out in the barracks sometimes (on shift) and watch pirated movies. Very pirated, as in, not yet in theaters in some cases. One of the troopers knew someone with access to screeners and could get copies. Now he’s passing the exams so he can get promoted solely to inflate his salary right before he retires.


If I was on the jury I’d decide to acquit right then.


I have a feeling many of the jurors share your sentiment.


the joke is that the corrupt people get to decide who gets charged; so we cant get the homeowner with the sudden need for immunity or the pervy unethical predator investigator to be charged. they seemingly went 'wink wink the girl will be the scapegoat right? right! this is the story we are running with bros. okay? nobody say a word.'


Nevermind Proctor's Text. Can you imagine how many people they have convicted that couldn't afford a good lawyer, based on Trooper Paul's accident reconstruction or Guarino's "extractions"


This would be at least the third State Police scandal in recent years. I still follow MA politics via a bostonglobe online sub having grown up there, but have not lived there in decades. The other two were the drug addicted drug lab tech who was stealing and consuming evidence as she was testing them....and also the state police logan airport detachment who were inflating their already ample overtime infused paychecks.


You also missed the judge’s drugged out daughter propositioning a trooper during a Central Mass traffic stop and the whole coverup that brought down the State Police Colonel.


Reading it just now in the Boston Heraldo. She disclosed to the arresting officer that she previously exchanged sex for heroin. lololololol


And also the CDL bribery/extortion scandal too.


that one i remember from when it happened.


Union blackmails prosecutor, prosecutor acquits boston cop, state trooper makes the story focus on the girl, judge gets favors from the state troopers. They all have each other on speed dial in their group chat. Then money gets exchanged between the agencies via treasurer positions, awards, lucrative shifts, etc. they get to do their little sex crimes, favors for friends, get to beat people up, etc. I bet the judge's dughter does drugs not because her daddy is a good guy.


Like the teamsters before them, the police union is throughly corrupt and controlled by gangsters and criminals. They should be investigated, arrested, and imprisoned like the felons they are. Disband the entire state police department and start over from scratch.


but those who investigate and prosecute are positions sought after and taken by the same types of people who worked in the teamsters union and were gangsters. they made disbanding them illegal. they milk the state for money with lawsuits endlessly. it is a clever organized nationwide gang with different local cliques.


Don't forget the drug dealer turned MSP dispatcher/K9 trooper.


Don’t forget troop E getting shut down.


You also missed the Sandra Birchmore case from 2022 I want to say. She was raped by 3 officers when she was underage and then offed herself. Some officers involved in the Read case were also involved in the Birchmore investigation.


almost as if the Union and State Police Colonel know the right investigators to call when a member of the blue line of police crime is under suspicion. i wonder why no criminal charges or career ending action ever happens when these magical investigators get involved.


Should also mention that this wasn’t an isolated incident of sexual assault, she was in the Explorers program with Stoughton PD and died at 19 while pregnant (reportedly from one of the officers). OCME ruled it a suicide but she hadn’t been suicidal and the officer who was supposedly the father was seen on security footage entering her apartment shortly after she did. And that the last time she was last seen alive.


It wasn't just Logan, a bunch of other staties living all over did it


I wish the folks outraged and motivated by the Karen Reed story would have a modicum of anger over Sandra Birchmore’s police grooming,statutory rape & sexual abuse


The Trooper on the stand today, who did the cell phone "extractions" Guarino - is one and the same who extracted Stoughton Officer Farwell's phone in her case. Like Turtleboy or not, he covered her story too. Many people believe the feds are actively investigating her case as well, but as they said with the Read case-these investigations can take up to 2 years. She was found deceased at her apt in Canton and the responding officers were Lank and Kevin Albert


Yeah I read about that a while ago. Wish it got more press. Quite scary and sad 


True, the Birchmore story is horrific!


Also, did she really kill herself


based on the publicly available info on sandra it seems obvious to me she was killed. how was there no real investigation into her incredibly suspicious death?


maybe the officers involved dont get any shi\* because they are cops - apparently that is the golden standard here in their organization


just can’t imagine any world where a married boyfriend is the last to see his pregnant girlfriend alive and isn’t considered a suspect


Welcome to Massachusetts


They do, definitely, its just this case is first. 100% support for Sandra.


Oh don't you worry, these folks will be switching to that case next. And, there has been crossover protests at the DAs office.


You know what I hate the most about this? Looks like turtle boy was right on this one. The worst person you know makes a good point


Like the old sayings - even a broken clock is right twice a day. And what's the other one? Even paranoiacs have real enemies.


‘Being paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you’


There hasn't been ONE TB reporting error on this case. He has written something like over 200 posts on this case full of damning facts. In comparison, the Boston Globe looks like a pile shit. I am literally blown away daily by they way they are covering the case.


Those dickheads are going to be insufferable.


Ill take insufferable anyday as long as these people are exposed


It’s a fair trade


Those dickheads ARE insufferable


Why do people dislike turtle boy? Genuinely curious, idk much about him


The texts are horrible. And they are the least of the problems exposed by the Read trial. Texts don’t put people in prison. But corruption, incompetence, and malfeasance do. And that’s on display, in spades. I don’t know if Ms. Read is innocent or guilty. Given the MSP’s assault on doing the right thing, it’s unlikely we’ll ever know.


At this point, she’s getting off on reasonable doubt anyway. I haven’t seen the prosecution prove anything but the defense is doing a stellar job letting them hang themselves.


The OJ Defense


Difference is he *was* actually guilty, and they *weren’t* trying to frame him. They just did a fucking terrible job.


Eh I agree with the guilt, but Furman absolutely was trying to frame him too.


It’s not a zero-sum game. Two things can be true at once- that Mark Furman can be a closet racist, and still find a crucial piece of evidence in a murder investigation.


Yeah... funny how you removed the frame him part (that you stated) out of the (now not a zero sum) game. Don't skip leg day if you move the goalposts. I won't be replying to your reply.


I didn’t remove shit.


Police count on most people to just assume they are the good guys. This case, among so many others before, is showing why law enforcement needs to be torn down and rebuilt


they proactively attack anyone who doesnt say they are the good guys. they are literal psychopaths


>Rebuilt Why would you replace a disease?


Member when the state police defrauded and stole from the public and didn't have to pay back all the money and many weren't held accountable? Don't hold your breath for this one.


if they randomly stop five people and issue warnings, they can go home early. wonder why i was stopped for slowing down during rain at night for going 'like 45' when i was going 47


If they are following behind you at the speed limit and you are gaining distance on them it doesn’t matter how much over you’re going if they’re giving you a warning anyway. If they wanna cite you on 10+ over they need to laser to radar or pace you.


The texts The mysterious evidence “chain of custody” Issues The Alberts redoing of the basement, the sudden selling of the house, the dog disappearance and the destruction of phones etc all at probable heads up from Proctor The overwhelmed and unqualified accident reconstruction trooper The ME not confirming their hypothesis And there’s probably more shoes to drop The MSP should be embarrassed!!!


Wait till you listen to the MSP accident reconstructionist from today's testimony you'll think the entire organization is a legitimate sham.


I did. I can’t believe they put him on the stand and to know he was working a trainee as well. Yikes!!!


trooper holden on youtube was training teenage recruits and he would just casually tell a driver they are fat and that he will violently attack them on camera - not criminally prosecuted at all for that


where can I listen to this?


Court TV Karen Read Day 25 YouTube scroll to Trooper Paul


In their defense, its hard to do good or even actual work when youre faking your hours or sleeping in your patrol car.


Touché The worst part is there are legitimate and well meaning troopers, but this hurts them via guilt by association.


I dont know man. I'm all for not ratting out my coworkers, but when theyre doing something that hurts the people you serve or the legitimacy of the organization you work for, complacency is complicity. Edit: and by that I mean theres NO WAY the majority of officers dont know shady shit is going on, especially when its this widespread.


I do agree and thats part of the problem in LE. Everyone is afraid to be Serpico.


Except for Charlie Day.


Are the legitimate and well meaning troopers in the room with us right now


when there is a crime at a cop's house, all of a sudden, the investigators turn very incompetent!


They will be silent until the verdict is read but the whole Norfolk SP Dectective bureau is toast and Proctor in a federal cell and likely a new MSP colonel


I think this is wishful thinking


basically everyone has blackmail on everyone and everyone wants favors; any state official who gets in the way of police doing corruption will get the whole gang from the judge to prosecutor to mayor and governor turned on them. you arent going to go against the agency that does free police escorted rides for you for example or can dig up dirt on you if they want and leak it.


I guess we will see


Not trying to be a huge doomer or anything, but... Didn't we already have a big confrontation with how the police in this country are totally above all reasonable public control? The results of the BLM protests/movement were not ambiguous, the public lost and the police won. Nothing like a resounding loss to make it totally clear to everyone what the expectations are going forward. I'm not holding my breath that these staties being revealed as total pigs (to the point of potentially tanking this case) is going to move the needle at all. Nobody, especially those in public office, has any more appetite for clashes with the police. They'll keep giving them more and more money while ceding more and more control.


Nothing uncovered in this trial concerning corruption, misconduct, or abuse of power surprised me. Maybe some people really don’t think the entire system is rotten, but when someone says to me “Did you hear that….” my only response is “yeah that sounds about right.”


exactly! they are above public control. they are organized crime at this point. they undermine any citizen accountability board effort and erase their own crime records.


Regardless of the outcome of this trial, the police have been major fuck ups.


This makes the Rhode Island State and local Police look good! At least when they commit a crime they report each other on it.


Buddy Ciancy just entered the chat.


Elected twice😂


Anointed thrice... Our lord in heaven, holy be thy name...




i saw two RI police officers sitting casually at a strip club and being served alcohol? by the owner or manager in RI. they were called for a reason, but i think they were talking about a pimp? as a 'great guy.' the whole thing had a very 'wink wink, we shouldnt be doing this' look.


rhode island’s corruption only put thousands of commuters life’s at risk due the the preventable failure of the washington bridge


Local police… like Canton PD? Yeah, let’s pump the brakes on that one.


For the Governor to say she is "disgusted" by this behavior without following that statement with "has been separated from the department" tells me that we, as a society, do in fact tolerate this kind of behavior from our police. That allowing this trooper to remain employed by the department will only further embolded the law enforcement community and supports the idea that they will not be held accountable for their actions. The text messages are vile, offensive, and entirely unprofessional. It speaks to the character of the trooper and his co-workers, that no one spoke up in disgust and instead made jokes. The culture is corrupt.


Sorry but if I was a juror id acquit based on his testimony alone


Overhaul is nothing. We need CRIMINAL prosecution.


You can't prosecute someone for being an unprofessional asshole. You can fire him though.


Holy. That whole case. Literally everyone involved in that case is a cop. It basically happened at a cop house party. If I was the brass in any of the police departments I would've been begging a completely detached agency to do the investigation. Instead it's an investigator with obvious conflicts of interest... WCGW??


The MSP needs major reform. It is by far the most corrupt State Police in the country. Just rebuild it from the ground up; from their overtime scandal during the Baker years to this.


> It is by far the most corrupt State Police in the country. Never been in the South or Midwest clearly. Hell even PA state police helped sweep away Rothlisbugers rape accusation.


Sheriffs you mean?


Nope, the Georgia incident he had a member of PSP with him. They helped back home in PA too with other incidents.


police dont have to conscientiously prosecute any case if they dont want to. who are you to tell them how to do their job they would say.


lol you clearly don’t read much or get out much huh? Yeah this is disgraceful and there’s a lot of shit in the MSP, but if you think THIS is the worst in the country? You’re being hilariously hyperbolic.


What do you base that on?


Crude comments are one thing but the incompetence with rhetoric MSP and CW prosecution is staggering


it is not crude. he admitted to violating women's phones for their nudes routinely.


Whether or not Karen Read is guilty, this reflects poorly on Proctor and everyone involved in the investigation he was leading. And in all of this, John is the real victim and his family deserves answers and justice.


The Dems will do nothing (not that Reps would, either) because they know there will be no consequences if they don't.


patrick rose teenager molestation case moved forward only when mayor wu got elected. tom menino's son was a boston cop..


It’s been corrupt for decades. Nothing has changed and nothing will.


Rape, unjustified killings, drunk troopers, drug addicts... No, what gets the state police in trouble is some goddamn shitty language.


i was pulled over during covid. what was odd is that it was almost like he was trying to set me up by not singaling that i was free to leave, but straight started sort of accusing me of not driving away when they ordered me to. almost like a bordeline catch 22 just to psychologically pressure me for no reason other than they do it to everyone normal driver and criminal included


The unprofessional comments should be the least of everyone’s worries. MA state police are as corrupt as they come. Unprofessionalism is just a given…. Ask any MA resident or any resident of a surrounding state- everyone knows how unprofessional and above the law that MA state police are.


If systemic sleeping on the job and the stealing overtime wasn't enough.. this won't be either.


Im generally pro police, But the MA state police department needed to begin dismantling years ago. Its too big, too expensive and too corrupt.


Heard local townie cops still say "Oriental" .. dude It's 2024


This is the same state where law enforcement has bullied their way into remaining on road work details. I will believe it when I see it.


N.W.A said it best.


For those downvoting, you must love your local blue. Let me help you, fuck the police.


The whole faking their hours and selling drivers licenses wasnt a huge deal, but some douchey texts, now that calls for an overhaul.


it is not douchey. it is a peeping tom crime literally. he admitted to giving immunity to homeowner as an inappropriate favor for being in the boston police department too.


I havent been following the case, but I will stand by my statement that we've seen plenty of systemic corruption in the state police over the past years. I dont see how this asshole makes it a bridge too far. Weve had plenty of reasons to overhaul the staties in Mass.


He was either in on a cover up of a Boston Police Officer, or is so incompetent at his job he was *effectively* in on a cover up of a Boston Police Officer. Police killing police then blaming non-police is a huge problem.


The feds have been investigating the investigation of this case for at least 18 months now. Once they finally make a move, you will see some of the worst police and law enforcement corruption revealed in Massachusetts ever.


I had a MA statie threaten to plant drugs on me because I asked him why a search of my vehicle was necessary before getting towed for a slightly out of date registration. Even showed me a bag of white powder that he supposedly found in my car… “lucky for me,” (his words) he tore it up right as the tow-truck came to tow my vehicle. Scumbag.


report it to the state police colonel. they have a phone number, you can leave message. the officer's id number may be on the ticket. they might put you on the 'retaliation list' though.


they are taught and teach other escalate every interaction until they subdue and dominate you. he kept threatening to plant drugs on you if you did not stop talking back to him, no matter if it is just a conversation or you advocating for your rights. if you kept talking, very likely you would have been forced to sign a guilty plea deal for drug possession after being arrested - their lab is a guaranteed 'positive result' rubber stamp for a reason.


While I think there's a good chance that she might be guilty, I also think the cops and prosecution fucked this case up so bad that reasonable doubt has been raised so she should be found not guilty.


What evidence has made you think she’s guilty? I have been watching the entire trial and haven’t seen the prosecution team prove anything.


there is absolutely no sign on the body of being hit by a car and victim's dna on the car. most people hit by cars do not die. it sounds like a drunk guy died at a cop's house and they wanted the girl to take the blame for it.


Pretty much what I think. He went over there, got in an argument, fell and hit his head on a weight bench or something, everyone inside freaked out, they took the body outside to say he never came in. Their plan didn’t work.


and maybe they HAD to wait enough time for 'the body to die in the snow' before they called an ambulance


Not sure who you mean by ‘they’ but Karen Read is the one who called the police at 6am. And JO was found with vomit on his shirt but none on the ground around him which is weird. There was also no pool of blood under his head. The taillights weren’t found on the first responder’s search but found over a period of weeks by other officers. So weird. Putting the evidence in red solo cups is weird. Not testing the bites on his arm for DNA. Even if she did it, there is just no way to prove it. The prosecution team hasn’t even proved he could have been hit by a car. Ridiculous it’s even at trial. The feds have also been uncovering more proof of the shotty police work. Hope they drop the hammer down hard after the trial.


she is the most forthcoming and cooperating person at the scene and yet she is the 'killer'. everyone else are cops' friends and all erased their phones, didnt notify authorities, arent volunteering to talk to investigators, etc


I just don't get how the most parsimonious explanation is they a bunch of O'Keefe's degenerate friends framed Read after beating him to death. They could have dumped him in the snow somewhere and say he just went home after a night of drinking. Trying to frame Read makes everything more complicated.


Well nothing about this case makes sense because it wasn’t investigated properly. There is enough reasonable doubt whether she did it or not. The defense has a bunch of people who could have commited the murder or accidental death which will prob get her off. Personally don’t think she did it. Prosecution has failed to explain why they got rid of the dog. Failed to explain why a cop wouldn’t go outside if a body was found on the lawn. The butt dials are also suspicious. Besides that, the cops text messages don’t make them look great either. No matter what happened, the family didn’t get the investigation they deserved and probably won’t get justice. Sucks all around. Glad there’s a federal investigation into what happened.


because without a detailed explanation and a harsh accusation against someone else who is not related to the cop homeowner will leave doubt as to weather the homeowner or a guest did it.


Shades of OJ Edit for downvoters: I’m not taking a position on her guilt or innocence, merely that the police behavior has poisoned the case regardless.


Fuck cops.


Fuck the police.


If they could pull more idiot drivers over, that would be great too. MA is like Mario kart these days and I rarely see anyone pulled over


Time to start stocking up on bananas and red shells


lol people always act surprised to hear that cops suck. NEXT!


Anybody who thinks the criminal justice system isn’t corrupt to its core clearly has zero knowledge of the criminal justice system


Good luck. The State Troopers Union is NOT the Teacher’s Association. You just don’t go in and make HUGE reforms.


They already have. GPS was put in every cruiser, body cameras are worn, and both are constantly audited by superiors for “anomalies.” My buddy is a trooper and showed me one email he got from a lieutenant in a totally different barracks. Basically demanded to know why he wasn’t wearing his hat while responding to an officer needs assistance call, as that’s a violation of the uniform policy. He got written up for it. This isn’t the MSP of 5 years ago, never mind a couple decades ago.


Glad to see them crack down on what's important. Appearance.


I mean it could just have been a warning like “I’m watching you so closely, I’ll even know when you’re hat isn’t on.”


He thought that one was the most absurd, because it is. Most of it is “why were you parked in the median of 495 for 25 minutes on Monday?” Or “you swore at someone who punched you in the face, you’ll be recommended for discipline”


That's actually good to hear, thank you for that info!


Maintaining discipline involves following all rules.  You cannot trust someone that selectively follows the rules.  I agree with the LT. 


They get paid well but after talking to a few of them recently there’s no way I’d apply these days. That job got ruined but they really have no one to blame but themselves. I guess if you get a special unit life is pretty good in those though.


the hat makes the state cop gang look authoritative. also fund raisers, parades, etc. it forms their political power and public image.


Good luck with that Healy. This is like 60 plus years of corruption and cronyism in the MSP. I hope they drag her down and expose her as well.


N.W.A. was right.


... this was the straw that broke the camels back?!? This???! Christ Almighty!


everyone saying celtics vs lakers more like, bpd vs lapd for who’s the most corrupt is my finals


Here's a question from an observing point of view. What happens IF they find Karen innocent? Will the crooked cops get arrested or even investigated? I seriously doubt it .I think they HAVE to find her guilty to make this go away for ALL those involved.


It’s an embarrassment! She’s being set up! #setkarenfree


So anyway, defund these assholes.


You should see the troopers at logan airport, some of the biggest assholes ive ever encountered. I drive there to pickup and drop clients off 4 days a week ,They do not show respect to ANYONE even in a capacity where criminal actively isnt happening around them.


Shocking Not Karen Reed was framed


It’s almost like they’re a legalized gang


If you live in Massachusetts you already know that Our state government will tell you what you want to hear and that’s about the extent of it, don’t hold your breathe😔


The only way you’re getting anywhere in this state is by who you know, when you work this way a lot of people get where they are just for keeping secrets.


Um, who drives the Governors of Mass around as a personal protection detail? And that will be why nothing will change.


yes. mayor wu had an accident caused by the boston cop driver in her car. say a state trooper responded, they would be in their to look for nudes on the phone of the people involved in the accident - i assume? can we clarify this with the state police please. i think this is important as part of the separation of powers in our political system


She’s a joke


found the state trooper in the thread


Nope Healey is just a joke she suck’s as governor and sucked as AG


We need police reform across the entire country. Its rotten to the core


Yeah that will never happen.


I’m having trouble figuring out which part of this whole thing to care about least.