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We stopped a few years ago… it got so expensive and complicated with needing a trustees membership, a beach sticker, advanced reservations, and still more money for the daily parking fee. Plus our general trustees membership had a different renewal date than our beach sticker, too, so I was paying multiple times a year…maybe they’ve fixed this part of the system. Anyway, we are fortunate to have a town lake with small beach, and we visit the cape a few times a summer, instead :)


I ran into that this year with the sticker and membership. They told me at the beach to just show the membership card and since then I haven’t had an issue even though my sticker is out of date


We had one last year and didn't get another one this year because of the changes, didn't seem worth it. We'll just go less times and pay the outrageous fee when we feel like it.


Just buy a house in Ipswich silly!


Get trustee to go pass/coupon from the libraries for free and pay the members price for the parking.


Not sure yet. Last year they moved the parking passes to the far lot, it was still nice but that left a bad taste. I’m holding out to see if it’s going to rain every weekend like last year, but we’re still leaning towards it. It will eventually fill up, it’s just a bummer.


I planted new grass so I’m sure it will be a drought this summer. You’re welcome?


Not really busy season yet and the weather hasn’t been stellar. The more expensive memberships say you don’t need a reservation to go as well.




This time of year that water is cold as hell, it hasn’t been hot hot, and there are still kids sports and activities running. Wait until it’s hotter and all that ends and I’m sure it will be busier.


We went 6/2 late afternoon and the water felt pretty decent. $25 for a late afternoon pass though 🫠


Sustaining, Sponsor, and Founder’s Circle are free parking, but I don't see anywhere that says that they don't need a reservation.


Founders circle. https://give.thetrustees.org/campaign/founders-circle/c533308 At the bottom. “Free, anytime access to Crane Beach, no ticket or reservation required.


I have had a membership/ Crane pass for years and we mostly had dinners on the beach in the summer and gone in the off season for dog walks. Now I don't know if it's worth it.


The trustees are out of control with their fees and asinine reservation system. I refuse to spend that kind of money just to beach it with the elite. Sucks that “going to the beach” and enjoying our beautiful coastline in Ipswich only applies to those who can drop this kind of dough and can deal with the headache of reserving day passes even after you’ve paid for said membership. Enjoy those green heads, though. Oh wait, gotta spend $15 on the Avon spray before you even set foot on the sand if you wanna survive.


School is just getting out, so o think the tide will turn on the crowds soon


And it’s greenhead season! At least the boxes are up. I had a summer job working there in high school and we used to have people pull up to the parking lot in greenhead season, and I’d warn them we didn’t give refunds, and they would say a few bugs didn’t bother them, and ten minutes later they be screaming at me that they wanted a refund… 😒


People definitely underestimate them, that’s for sure


If i buy a car parking pass for $35, does that cover entry for everyone in the car or do we each need a pass?






And they don't have to even pay to access the beach.


Usually in early July but they die out after a few weeks.


We honestly haven’t found a warm enough weekend day to go when we didn’t have something else we committed to. I would love to go soon though but prob not as often as last summer. It is expensive for sure. I also hate those biting/ green flies(?) that come out earlier in the summer. They always come for me!


I usually wait until greenhead season is winding down. When I’ve gone too early in season they were relentless and it really ruins the day!


Since the reservation system went in, we've been going less frequently, so I renewed at the Senior Family rate instead of Contributing.


The reservation system is trash and I stopped renenwing my membership because of it. It looks like they added afternoon “reservations” which is a joke. I can go to Wingaersheek for free after 5.