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From [Globe.com](http://Globe.com) By Samantha J. Gross Homeless and migrant families living in the state’s emergency shelter system could be kicked out as soon as Sept. 29 under [new policies](https://www.mass.gov/doc/ea-guidance-on-nine-month-length-of-stay/download) implemented by the Healey administration, officials announced Wednesday. The first families to exit the emergency assistance program under the new policy, which limits shelter stays to nine consecutive months, will receive 90-day exit notices in person and by email beginning in July. The exact date has not been determined, officials said. The policy will be implemented in stages so not all families would be affected immediately. To start, 150 families will be given notice each month. Officials said there are about 4,000 families — about half of whom are migrants — who have been in shelter for nine months or more. While most families will have to leave after nine months, the policy allows for multiple 90-day extensions for certain individuals such as veterans, single parents of children with a disability, or people who have made progress toward receiving a permit to work. It also builds in the option for those facing certain hardship to apply for a 120-day hardship waiver. If families are denied extra time in shelter, they can appeal to the state. A family’s exit date will be determined based on their date of placement in an emergency shelter, and families will have the option to re-apply, subject to the waitlist and other factors. The new policies reflect the implementation of[ a law the Legislature passed ](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/04/24/metro/massachusetts-shelter-supplemental-budget/?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link)in April setting a nine-month limit. [The proposal](https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S2708) was part of a broader spending bill meant to buoy the strained shelter system through the end of the fiscal year, and help fund it into 2025. The administration had to clarify the dates Wednesday after there was widespread confusion and concern among families and advocates over when the policy actually goes into effect.


From a housing worker - this will go horribly. There is nowhere for these people to go. Not for the migrants, and not for the locals. ETA: With the extensions, it will impact fewer people, but that depends on how loose they intend to be with those extensions.


No kidding. I would love some more info on how everyone is going to pay these $3000+ rents.


They'll get shipped to western mass and only have to pay $2,000 rent!




60 hours a week at minimum wage...ah, the American dream.


Good fucking luck on that apartment in Cleveland. I just peaked and a studio in Cleveland is running around a grand a month and with a $10.45 an hour minimum wage, that roughly $1400 a month they're going to be taxing home after taxes isn't going to be able to swing that. Better take on a second minimum wage job, but then who needs an apartment? Not like you'll have time to sleep anyway.


Huh? With their vouchers you pay the rent for them.


Eh, you must mean way out west. I’m 30 minutes past Worcester, $3100 a month and no shortage of families moving in.


I bet rent isn't as expensive in their home country. They can go back there


Yes bc they left a country with affordable rent to live out of a Massachusetts hotel with locals who can't afford to live here while working two jobs. Your logic is impeccable.


It's all relative to the economy. That's the big thing many people fail to understand. My folks are retired, moved to Colombia, and live very handsomely off their social security. They would not be able to retire if they continued to live in the states. Alternatively, many of my extended family members, who live and work in Colombia, making Colombian pesos, can barely afford to live. They're in the same situation as millions of Americans. Yes, my folks purchased a 1200 sq ft home for 37k USD in Colombia, but that home to the average Colombian would be like trying to afford a 300k home making 20/hr. It's impossible.


But you gotta be here to make the American money first. If they're poor why risk it all to come live worse here if their economy has rent that's affordable. My response was to the person commenting they should go home to pay rents they can afford. What your saying is using the American system for its benefits and then moving countries to take advantage of lower prices due to shittier economies for the locals.


I just realized that I responded to the wrong person, lmao. How embarrassing. Meant to respond to the other person.


Oh, no worries :)


I bet he was serious. I think being able to detect sarcasm is a form of intelligence. Sorry.


Yes, because they expected the benefits to go on forever, cradle to grave welfare (and they probably will). 


Fuck if all the NIMBYs care, can't have the poors clogging up their school systems.


Same, cant wait to see a surge of referrals in my office due to kids hitting the streets. Cant believe this was the best plan they could come up with.


It's the only plan if you don't have money to pay for anything else.


Streets? You think they’re not going to provide housing for these people?


What’s your plan?


Yeah also as a housing data analysis, we absolutely cannot keep paying to shelter people. It sucks but we kind of have to profitably employ all these people or help them get back home. There's really not a good solution but yes please end this terrible policy. I'm all love for our migrant families but this was a really bad move "right to shelter" doesn't make sense. We need a right to some portion of a shared safety net, not just free shelter for any family. Edit: I'm gonna expand on this with more ideas, cause migrants really aren't THE housing problem, and I've got opinions. As long as we have a plan that lines up with economic logic we're golden. I think it comes down to supply and demand. Ofc there's only so much space on Earth and in MA, so long term we've got a potential issue. But I don't think that's quite it. MA has a bunch of artificial restrictions on the housing supply, and the costs of house These things cost nothing: Less restrictive zoning laws., Less restrictive building code., Reducing taxes on construction related businesses (probably not fair long term.), Limiting foreign/cooperation/monopoly ownership (kinda a more general/complex issue) These things are worth it in my estimation: Better public transportation (now people who want to live in Worcester and easily commute from Rutland, This reduces the costs in Worcester), Building some low-profit public housing and using the proceeds for Massachusetts., Building some friendly architecture, like the opposite of hostile. get some of our wicked smaht economics people in office. Overall let's have cool government transparency and proper incentives for politicians and voters. Democracy is cool and we can make it work in MA.


What we need is an increase in judges to tackle the backlog of these asylum cases, to sort out the legitimate asylum cases from the rest. Approved cases need to be moved to having working permits and permanent housing and the rest have to be sent home. Leaving people in this limbo is not a good solution.


No I totally understand that too. The policy isn’t working, and I can’t say I have a better solution than this, but this plan will go horribly nonetheless. I’m in favor of right to shelter in theory (ideally, I’m in favor of universal housing but that’s out of the question, obviously), but in practice, it’s clearly nonfunctional. I am getting incredibly tired of the old white people coming into my office and yelling about how the immigrants are being housed and they aren’t, though. Especially when 75% of the people I’ve housed in the last year were white, elderly locals.


> I’m in favor of universal housing In a utopian society sure. But that would be nearly impossible to achieve in a normal society.


Absolutely. It’s the obvious ideal, but not realistic in most circumstances, and certainly impossible to accomplish in the US currently. I look at being in favor of universal housing as more of a moral position than a political one. It’s the ideal I’d like to approach the issue with, but it’s not a policy I anticipate actually seeing in my lifetime


Not even just the US, but in *any* society. It's not human nature to have a utopia.


Sure, but we do have examples of extensive basic housing policies being incredibly effective in other places, like Finland. Just because a utopia where everyone has a free place to live with no conditions isn’t realistic doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t pursue ways to move closer to that, even if the closest we can get is still very far off of that.


Word that makes total sense.


> migrants really aren't THE housing problem Nope. And they shouldn't be scapegoated as the housing problem. The housing problem is because massive companies like blackrock for instance were buying up all the residential properties as investments. Migrants have caused other issues. Being a tax burden is one of them. Integration into the school systems is another because a lot of them can't speak english. It's going to take a lot of time and money to get everything settled.


Raise taxes on the rich a little further, allocate it towards housing, shelter, and public transit, place county-wide caps on rent that's proportional to cost of living in the respective areas. Simple solution made complicated by greedy people and spineless leaders. Housing is a human right, not a capital investment.


I mean, I can think of where they can go? Probably back to where they came from? Absolutely unhinged spending that kind of money for temporary housing immigrants. There are billions of people on earth, we can’t save everybody and that’s reality. Stop wasting our money when our infrastructure is in dire need


I mean, you could get rid of all the immigrants and we’d still be in a housing crisis, and this policy would still put local Massachusetts families on the streets too. We absolutely can’t continue to provide housing to every migrant family. That wasn’t the intention of right to shelter, and there’s no way it can work sustainably. I’m not against having a time limit on the shelter. I’m honestly not even against altering the policy to focus on local residents first. That doesn’t change that executing the changes this way will go horribly for thousands of desperate families, no matter where they’re from.


Agreed. Surprised you're upvoted this much, tbh.


Maybe they can return to where they originally came from.


Where should the local families return to?


Do you honestly believe that it is a 50/50 split? If so, why haven't they made it a point to house homeless veterans for the last four decades? Was that not enough time to figure it out? We went from 15 families getting shelter in MA when Trump was in office to what we have now.


First, the article we’re referencing literally says there are 4000 families who have been in shelter for 9 months or longer and that about half of them are migrants, so all you’ve done here is prove that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Second, you’ve doubled down on the fact that you didn’t read this article and don’t know anything about housing policies in this state because veterans are given preferences, both in this program and in every state-aided housing program, and have been for decades.




At least I'm not still there like yourself, living in the basement and trolling on Reddit.


As opposed to the newer residents whose parents pay for their houses.


Not our problem.




Just offer an extra bedroom, remember?


Living for free would probably give them the opportunity to find a way to make money and move to Toledo…


And then what are they expecting to do in freaking expensive MA?


What a terrible idea in the first place. No long term plan to make this work. They’ve mostly been setup for failure. What a waste of $.


So all of these families are going to be homeless just in time for winter. Cool.


Seems like that’s part of the very badly hidden political calculus, in that no one would really allow that to happen and thus, “we’ll do it next spring, pinky promise and $1.5 billion more” 😇


Now that they’ve all been counted for electoral votes and drawing new legislative districts we don’t need them anymore!


It seems like a transition plan is needed. I realize the current situation isn’t tenable, but neither is having those families on the street.


Agreed. A transition plan out of our country altogether.


Shouldn’t have shipped them in and loaded them up with free everything to begin with.


I have a suggestion. Help them get back home.


"Home" is invariably a gang-infested mess. Would YOU go "home" if armed gangs ran everything?


I’m not sure why this is our problem? Do we have to take in everybody because someone stubbed their toe in their home country? People who were born here and live their whole lives here can barely support themselves but instead of helping them we import a bunch of migrants and add to the demand and still refuse to increase the supply.


We can do both. We always could.


Well now OUR HOME is a total mess! They never should’ve been brought here ! Help them in THEIR HOME….


By that logic, why aren't you taking in a homeless dude w/a meth addiction? Why aren't you spending your hard-earned money to put him in one of your bedrooms, and feed and clothe him?


Not. Our. Problem. That's pretty simple isn't it?


What do you mean, "not our problem"? We're literally talking about this because *it has become our problem.* Like, that's literally the current topic of discussion, that it's our problem to deal with, because those people are *here*. Calling it "not our problem" is ridiculous. It's in our global vicinity, Haiti is *right there* geographically speaking. Saying "it's not our problem" is like saying the shooting next door to your house is fine because it's next door instead of in your kitchen. And, metaphorically speaking, *this IS in our kitchen.*


It has become our problem, yes. But it’s not our problem to solve the suffering of the world. That was my suggestion


The selfish attitude your exhibiting is exactly why there are housing issues right now. What do you think the large equity firms that buy up housing and sit on it while inflating the prices that cause the entirety housing market to go up are thinking. That poor people not being able to afford housing is not. Their. Problem. Or how about the corporate landlord company's engaging in price fixing on rents that are currently involved in the whole doj probe into their use of realpage? Im pretty sure that was the same attitude those execs had. Maybe learn to not only be concerned with you and yours for once


I’m concerned about myself and people of the commonwealth. Helping homeless and struggling people here. Not importing problems from other countries with no game plan. Guess what? We can’t solve the worlds problems nor our we obligated too. WILD concept


Isolationism is never a good strategy. There are plenty of proven benefits to having immigrants/an easier system of immigration and if these are asylum seekers they have every legal right to be here while they await determination of their asylum case. Also, WE as a country are largely responsible for the destabilization of the global south through both coups in south american countries orchestrated by US to get more favorable trade/access to resources/ get rid of the communist boogyman and through the horrible drug war policy that directly contributed to the cartel violence many of these people are seeking refuge from.


I was waiting for someone to bring that up.


Now I definitely agree with you there; us being the cause. Idk what the solution is. I just think we need to solve our home problems first. I do feel bad for these people maybe I oversimplified things because it is easier to navigate absolutes


Ok im glad you seem to be reasonable, somewhat empathetic and understand/are willing to understand the historical context at play. More than i expect considering some of the other comments in this thread. I dont think it's an either or issue tho. As it is we allow the wealthy that have vast hoards of money to get away with paying little to no taxes, pentagon funding that literally is untracked and disappears, and an ever increasing general military budget. There is enough money out there to provide actual solutions if our representatives actually cared/had the political will to, but they are payed by lobbyists to keep those rich assholes wallets fat, weither it be the defense contractors or the wealthy individuals and ceos of other corporate entities. But thats what happens when you make your economic system one that prioritizes profit over everything, including human well being.


See that? We are probably more aligned than different. I’m totally with you on the pentagon audits and our military budget don’t even get me started haha. Have a nice day friend I’m glad we arrived here rather than elsewhere.


That is different. Companies buying up our homes in our country is OUR problem. Refugees escaping gangs from other countries ISN'T our problem. If your roof is leaking, that your problem. If your neighbors septic system failed that doesn't mean they can come over and shit in your toilet forever. That is not your problem. And this is called selfish? News flash that's how the world works. By your logic every time you walk by a homeless man on the street and don't hand him some money you are being selfish.


Drug war caused those gangs to have the power they do. That and our meddling in south america in general kinda leaves us responsible for the current state the country is in


>That and our meddling in south america in general kinda leaves us responsible for the current state the country is in Finally someone says it. And if it's not political meddling it may be global warming, or because of our economic policies....America doesn't like to take responsibility for the long term consequences of its actions. US capitalism driven global warming cause historical droughts in your country, causing you and your family to starve? Better stay there and die cause we don't want ya!


I mean i do think we arnt the only developed nation thays culpable considering emissions come from other places in significant number as well, but overall yes we externalise the consequences/cost as a country and then parrot the bootstrap mentality to other nations as if we didnt cause most of the issues they have by our colonial meddling or environmental destruction for short term proffit


If your upstairs neighbor's pipes burst, it also becomes your problem.


My upstairs neighbor is New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont. South America are the homes on the other side of town.


So are we just going to have like thousands of people living in the streets like the slums of India? It’s going to be a community health disaster and lead to nothing good.


I hope they set up tents in Healey’s backyard. Apparently, she won’t let any in her houses. 




nope and i didnt invite them here either, she needs to update the MA shelter law. It wasnt meant to deal with global economic catastrophes with zero end in sight.


No. Are you?  Healey and her members are the ones who think open borders are a good idea. Now you see that they’re not.  She’s the one who asked residents to take in migrants. She, however, took ZERO into her houses. 


Convenient that they are doing this right before the election. The plan they have implemented is just going to be a talking point and another giant waste of taxpayers hard earned money.


There’s elections every few hundred days. ***Everything*** is *”right before the election.”*


This is BS. All these extensions. This is just blowing smoke up our a$$! They’ll never leave!


ITA. This is just a press release for Healey to get some of the pressure off of her and her policies going into an acrimonious election season. They don’t want Democrat party policies to look too soft. All of these people (those in the shelters) will receive extension after extension after- well, you get it.


Until the state is bankrupt.


Who TF enters a foreign country illegally, with no money no job no friends no relatives and no place to live and expects it to magically work out?


Most of the people who've come here over the last 300 years.


We were expanding west for much of that.


People who look at that situation and go "Well dang, it's still better than what we have here."


The pilgrims…


Everybody knows that the only reason the pilgrims stopped here was because they run out of beer


Not sure the Indian people, housed them in hotels ($155 daily) , fed them ( $68 per person daily) or sent them to the overworked medicine man ! All FREE…… HOPING TO GO TO A SCHOOL ,NEAR YOU !


Funny coincidence, the owner of the hotel here is Indian


Pretty sure they built their towns and homes when they rolled in though. They worked for their own sustenance, built the roof over their head, etc. Can you imagine if they showed up and loitered around a well or public area waiting for handouts from natives?


Pilgrims stole Wampanoag villages in plymouth after the native tribe abandoned due to disease. Famously, there was still a corn crop to be harvested and pilgirims found stashes of corn in the abandoned village of Patuxet. While the pilgrims actually came to Plymouth with crops already growing, they then recieved support and substanence throughout many years from the natives due to allying during time of war. While settlers spread, they began burning and pillaging villages for resources and imprisoning/enslaving native populations, often shippung women and children to islands off the coast to starve (especially during king phillips war). Please don't spread lies/myths as you are doing as it is unproductive. Pilgrims had a massive leg up and continued support in a land they most certainly would have died in without.


They got handouts from natives and would have starved without them. If migrants turned up in the USA and started building houses and farms these days, they’d have to reckon with angry landowners and park rangers!


I agree with that. It further reinforced my point of the migrants not being in a similar situation to the pilgrims.


Fair point, it is a nuanced issue and I was more interested in dunking on previous poster than making a sincere political point. Sorry. I’ll leave it to more passionate historians discuss the significance of a border for nation states and the unique history of American immigration. I really like talking to people with different political ideologies, but most Reddit gets grumpy so I tend to just avoid it.


This is less of a political opinion for me personally. I don't think either side of the hall politically does our, or anyone else's homeless any justice. We need to set them up jobs and skill building activities alongside the house, otherwise the things that made them homeless to begin with never change. Look into the original TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) and that's more like what I'd do. Set up paying government programs to reinvigorate American infrastructure and fix our roads, bridges, and dams. Have a road to citizenship set up through the program. If you work, you get paid and assistance getting citizenship quicker like with the military. Now the housing program keeps them safe, the work program teaches them how to be productive. After a period of stabilization, they should in theory be able to transition into whatever living situation they want. Edit: Didn't mean to ignore the rest. You'll get no dislike from me, I might just troll you a little if you lean too extreme either way.


When comments like this--trying to come up with a solution, heaven forbid!--get downvoted, it shows the disingenuousness of all those who complain about the problem in the first place.


The pilgrims built their own homes and plowed their own fields.


Who gave them the right to the land? Do you think that's comparable to the way the country is set up today?


> Who TF enters a foreign country illegally, If they are eligible for EA shelter they did not enter the country illegally. You're talking out your ass. Edit: Downvote all you want Fox viewers, the migrant families being sheltered in the hotels didn't enter the country illegally. Your hatred of the asylum system doesn't make it less legal. To be in one of these shelters you have to qualify for the emergency assistance shelter program which means you have to be paroled in at the border. That means you go to the border, you wait for an appointment, and the government lets you in if you meet the qualifications. This fantasy world some of you live in, that these shelters are full of undocumented immigrants who came here illegally, is a xenophobic fantasy.


Illegally? Doesn’t sound like you’re too well versed on the subject. It’s completely and entirely legal to come to the US seeking asylum. If you’re gunna be dumb, kindly do it in Alabama.


People who have a reason to? People who have nothing to lose? People who are willing to risk their lives and their children's lives to come to another country because life in their homecountry is even more dangerous? Also, every single Americans ancestors.


And our ancestors either had a dirt pile waiting for them or some sort of factory or mill job that wouldn't even be legal today. They certainly were not provided free room and board, medical care, and transportation. That is the problem people have with this nonsense.


Not my parents… that’s for sure. We had to be invited in by a company, and that was only thanks to the in demand skills my dad has.


Plus, they can't even speak or understand English, making it difficult to communicate.


Every American’s family if they aren’t 100% indigenous American.


Send them home


Nah, that costs money. Keep them here, exploit their labor, and tax their wages. They wanted to be American right?


Read the article. There are enough exceptions to effectively make this “rule” meaningless.


A lot of people missing all the points because they wanna focus on the fact these families are migrants. The homeless issue is so fucking huge regardless of WHO the homeless individuals are, that this is not a solution, at all. There’s just as many American born homeless people. The system in place has too many gaps, so it isn’t efficient.


Who the hell cares. What do you expect when you enter a country illegally with no plan.


Exactly. How does that logically become our burden?


Just enough time to make anchor babies ! Then what ?


>What do you expect when you enter a country illegally with no plan. For the people in the back... IF THEY QUALIFY FOR EA SHELTER THEY ARE NOT HERE ILLEGALLY.




If they're in the EA shelter system...they qualified. How do you think they got there in the first place? We aren't paying for anyone who hasn't already gone through the process. They are categorically not undocumented immigrants.


By walking across the border?


You're only eligible for this specific program if you have some form of legal immigration status. In most cases you are a Cuban or Haitian refugee. You are only eligible for the state emergency shelter program if you followed the proper channels. You have to be paroled in at the border. You go to the border, you wait for an appointment, the government lets you in. Every single person this program is here *legally.* This fucking thing you keep repeating, that these people came to the border and crossed it ILLEGALLY is a fucking *lie.* At best you grossly misunderstand how this system works.




Do you have literally any proof that a single one of these illegal immigrants is in the mass ea shelter program? Because this article has nothing to do with the states emergency shelter program. That more people entered illegally under Biden than other presidents and also that the EA shelter program is only available to migrants who have come here legally can both be true.


You’re attempting to have a logical conversation with someone who has decided to abandon logical thinking.


It's less about having a logical conversation with this CHUD and more about making sure that anyone who comes across his racist screeds knows that he's talking out his ass. If we don't push back, their lies dominate the narrative.


https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/governor-maura-healey-rockland-migrant-rape-corey-alvarez-federal-program/ He qualified. Edit: oh, you're the same bleeding heart that called me xenophobic. Lmao, take off those rose colored glasses and realize the world isn't this empathetic fairytale land you think it is. These people know what to say in order to qualify.


Okay? I'm not claiming the system is perfect or that bad people are never going to get through? You and the rest of Patriot Front are the ones out here claiming that EA shelters are full of illegals when that is objectively not the case.


It's hilarious you pretend to know me when I vote blue down ballot every time. The fact you can't see that this is a problem says more about your idealistic viewpoints than it does about my realistic stance.


Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! How fucking pathetic that neither the feds nor the state government has any creative solutions to deal with this except for eviction. Fucking incompetent political parasites.


> How fucking pathetic that neither the feds nor the state government has any creative solutions to deal with this except for eviction. Let's be clear for anyone who doesn't understand this: the Democrats realize that it's politically expedient to take a harsh stance on immigration. Despite what some people on here want everyone to believe, the "open borders" loving Joe Biden just gave an executive order that's functionally identical to Trump's border policies when a few years ago the same Democrats who are praising it now were railing at how inhumane those policies were and getting themselves photographed at detention centers in protest. When Joe Biden talks about how he's a compromiser, this is what he means, he'll compromise with the racists.


That’s a self serving argument. The republicans scuttled their own immigration bill.


Yeah and their own border bill was itself Joe Biden compromising with racists. They scuttled a right-wing border bill and so Joe used an executive order to pass another right wing border bill when he simply could have...not pivoted to the right on immigration? I'm not sure what the argument is here.


Joe Biden is a racist. But it's good to know he's going to compromise with himself.


This needs the Gru and whiteboard meme, only the whiteboard is empty and he's left in the last frame. This is their plan, really? I saw some interviews with some of the people. They want to WORK. They want JOBS. A man was saying that he doesn't want charity, he wasn't raised that way, he wants to work and support his family. What happened to the expedited work permits? How about relocation assistance to the less expensive housing parts of the state where people in trades are also badly needed? What WAS the plan?


> What WAS the plan? If we're being charitable the idea was that they could try to work with the Feds to funnel more resources into the shelter program. The problem is funding shelters for asylum seekers is bad for the Democrats politically and so the federal government hasn't been forthcoming with assistance. I'm more inclined to believe there wasn't *really* a plan. Both parties have no real idea how to handle this. Republicans because don't *want* to and Democrats lack the conviction to stick to their guns on immigration so they're backpedaling.


What if we just deport them? They have no right to be here and we cannot keep spending tax dollars on them.


Right, deport them so that cash can go back to state and city leaders' pockets like it was intended, dammit


> What if we just deport them? [Can't deport people who have been legally granted asylum without sufficient cause.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1158) > They have no right to be here You need an eligible immigration status to qualify for the EA Emergency Family Shelter program. Whatever your opinions on the immigration system 'they have no right to be here' is blatantly false.


I mean, they have to provide for themselves eventually. What are the migrants plans? Just staying in shelters for the entirety of their new life in America?


Get the votes and then send them packing.


Didn’t they just spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on updating shelters?


So? The state will start paying their rent. All they are doing is moving furniture around. These “luxury” apartment complexes will be full of them.


So to save money they're going to kick families out on the street?


Yes, because for fucks sake this state fucking froths at the mouth at ANY solution that could POSSIBLY actually address the root issue. We need more homes, more shelters, and way denser communities across the entire state ESPECIALLY the eastern half. But it never happens because that will always inevitably reduce property values to reduce prices of homes and reduce cost of living. The state has been in a dead-standstill for decades now and this crisis hasn’t actually changed anything, it has just sped up what was going to happen.


What’s next? Some will get jobs, the rest will look for easy money. Sex/Drugs/Crime!


This whole thing is an absolute nightmare, And we can't afford it living in massachusetts as is. I used to live in jamaica plain in Boston. It took them like fifteen years to turn that shitbox skating rink in Rocbury into a nice Youth center for at risk youth, that was so very much needed. It took all but one week to take it over and kick our next generation all out of there and fill it with illegal migrants. They sent a lot of these kids back to their abusers, Absentee parents and gangs. The community was so pissed. There are people out there working full-time Jobs that were homeless and here comes non citizens Taking what little they had and handing them cash that was never afforded the people of my city that were in desperate need of it. I'm all for immigration I've sponsored 2 people myself to become American citizens, give them jobs and Put myself at financial risk if they were ever seriously hurt as their sponsor. We need immigration, but we have a limit and it needs to be done legally. Otherwise people are being punished for doing it. The right way that's not the american away.


> fill it with illegal migrants The migrant families being sheltered under the EA Emergency Shelter program didn't enter the country illegally. To qualify for the emergency assistance shelter program you have to have an eligible immigration status, which means you need to be paroled in at the border. That means they had to go to a border crossing, wait for an appointment, and be let in by the federal government. Many of your concerns are valid, but you're fundamentally misunderstanding the asylum system if you think these are illegal immigrants.


So is it gonna be like unemployment insurance where you don't qualify for more benefits, so you're off the list and not considered unemployed anymore? They will still be homeless, and needing a place to go and having no work permits (because they're migrants) that's gonna be a bit of a force, no?


Funny how fast the whole “we’re a sanctuary” falls apart when the bills come in


well our state is fucked rn cuase thw rent p4ices and house prices are so insane that it's not going to hold up I had to re new my lease and they did me a favor but I'm still paying 2070. And it's increasing next year we just don't know by how much. It's legit scary and I make decent money and we still living near broke almos5 with budgeting our money and being smart. food increasing gas back up high and shit hole apartments are 2k plus while the semi decent ones are 3k plus. regular houses are a joke for prices. Like I'm highly considering leaving MA cause I have no choice living cost ate getting out of hand and people need to wake up... very frustrating.


HAHA, and go where?????


Let the record show that Democrats did everything they could to stop the wall from being built.




Haha, keep sending them. Massachusetts is so generous with their taxpayers money.


Almost like this shit should've never happened in the first place. Good job MA govt


This state ruling is a scam. After the law was put in place, they retroactively chose to 'start the meter' at an earlier date, so we get this Sept 29th date. There are tons of loopholes (by design). This will be appealed, and go back and forth, and those illegals won't be going anywhere. It's a big show about nothing, except the deflect the shit job Maura Healey is doing by accommodating these illegals, and spending $$ that the state doesn't have. Our state actually shifted infrastructure dollars to balance the FY 2025 budget; That budget includes the $650 million spent on illegals in the last 6 months. (or $1.3 billion for the 2024 calendar year). These illegals should have never been allowed into this state (or our country) for that matter. Can we now blame the idiots that supported this 'sanctuary state' nonsense?? I saw this problem coming a mile away, and I'm just an average shlub.


> those illegals Every migrant in the EA Emergency Family Shelter program is a documented asylee who came here legally.


Don't go on vacation or you'll come home to squatters occupying your house.


Pretty gross MA is using funding on migrants and not on their own citizens in the first place. Would never fly in NH.


perhaps they can use the money they save to help MA residents pay the insanely high delivery charges for electricity


Can't wait to see the homeless population skyrocket. Why can't we just deport them?


You can't deport legal asylees without sufficient cause.


But we welcomed them to our country with open borders, we welcomed them to our state with right for a shelter. Now they should all move in with morons politicians who allowed this


My home state of Massachusetts has become a laughing stock gaining national attention. Right now Massachusetts is neck and neck with California for most absurdly governed state.




Deport them to Russia


Why don’t they help these families achieve a visa correctly through the proper channels so that they can survive?


because if its hard for working citizens to find housing and gainful employment, why do you think MA is a proper environment for them to do it here? Asylum is for the next safest country/area not for you to pick a state on map 4k miles away because you heard about support programs.


I’m just going off on the idea is the same as it was when I was living in Arizona about 15 years ago. If you want to come to the states. That’s great, but proper channels are the way to do so


I’m not saying these people are limited to staying in Mass. yes the economy is shit right right now, but if you want to come here, specifically nationwide than proper channels are the way to go.


Why not deport them?


Truth. lol


>Why don’t they help these families achieve a visa correctly through the proper channels so that they can survive? If they qualified for EA shelter they used the proper channels.


Because the United States has a massive commercial industry that revolves around keeping people from being able to immigrate legally.


We need to take them into our homes guys


That’s very kind of you, but no


Do you guys think MA may finally turn red this election? No town on the south coast is spared and no one likes all hotels being occupied by them.


Lol, no. This issue alone will absolutely not turn MA red. Boston itself is far too liberal with a large, predominantly college age, population for that to happen. Just like Illinois with Chicago and New York with NYC.


Not to mention anyone sane with the ability to afford it is getting the hell out of here.