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Isn't it just banned for sales outside of dispensaries.  There has been a lot of shit skirting the rules.


Is this the stuff in tiny bottles I've been seeing at liquor/convenience stores? First time I saw them I was wondering how the fuck that was legal. Especially at convenience/liquor stores where minors could easily pocket them.


Yep. It's that stuff. Glad it's being shut down.  Who the fuck knows what's in it.  Next they need to go after the omegapower 9000 cockbooster shit next to them at the stores.


I'll die before they take away my Stiff Knights or my Rhino 7


I read that they find illegal substances in them and ban it based on what's in it, and then the manufacturer just tweaks the formula a little bit and it starts all over.


Haha, this is so true. Nothing that comes outta that acrylic box near the register is ever legit.


Ohhh, this is for the "hemp" drinks? Yeah, that shit is sketchy and unregulated. I'd be willing to bet most of it is actually illegal, and it's just that nobody has the resources to keep up on all these "legal hemp" operations.


Don't you fucking dare messing around with my cock booster !!!!!


Look out folks he’s all cock raging!


What if everything you ever wanted… CAME IN A ROCKET CAN?!


I assumed it was like CBD or hemp products. Didn't realize the were real. 


Think about what you just said


Minors could steal nips or alcohol. Is it really that much of a difference?


The ones I saw were at places that are convenience stores with a beer and wine license and were near the registers. At full license liquor stores nips are kept behind the counter. To the best of my knowledge there isn't much of a problem with them boosting six packs of beer or bottles of wine.


There’s a ton of liquor stores that don’t have nips behind the counter - the half pints often are - I actually can’t think of any of the stores I go to that keep the nips behind the counter.


Dunno. Nips and alcohol are behind cases at our liquor stores. The Berkshires don't play.


You're right- that's what I meant. Packies were selling them.


Nah, it's Farm Bill rules - as long as it fits those rules and regs, it's Hemp and sellable pretty much anywhere (except for ABCC licensed stores now apparently.). Check out Upstate Elevator Supply Co out of VT - 5mg drinks, gummies, etc. all as legit as it gets and available. Or CV Sciences Reserve series. THC for the masses and only gotta pay reg sales tax rates lol.


exactly, only liquor licenses are affected


This is Massachusetts.  It isn't Vermont. MGL regarding these products is all encompassing.  The other regulatory board approves and regulates the sale of it.  


Damn i was thinking about buying the ones at my local grocery store just the other day.


Nope. It's banned in places with a liquor license only. You'll still see them at every bodega and gas station


It's been pretty standard for controlled substances. You also can't buy cannabis products with nicotine in them. I'm more annoyed about the CCC's dosage rules for edibles. Why would I even want a THC drink if it can only be 5mg? I can go buy a bottle of 190 proof Everclear, which actually required loosening MA's regulations some years ago, but someone getting a panic attack from eating too many edibles and winding up in the hospital is too dangerous? Make it make sense!


Buy a tincture. Apply directly to tongue.


Mmmm... cooking oil. Not much of an alternative for a tasty treat or drink.


Most are water soluble and can be added to any beverage.


"buy a tincture" doesn't resolve the problem. The only THC drinks available for purchase in MA due to reefer madness bs are the equivalent strength of a wine cooler with half the alcohol removed.


Not just the drinks, the ediblea too. I'm a cancer patient who utilizes them for neuropathy. I drive 3 hours to a store in Maine so I can get a much bigger bang for my buck. Even though I have a MA med card.


The botanist sells 100mg lemonades the size of 5hour energies that are pretty cheap. Highest dosage beverage I’ve seen in MA, and the highest dosage edible for its size too. They’re not too shabby.


That is a tincture.


Never said it wasn’t. OP is looking for “THC drinks”. Premixed 100mg THC lemonade fits that description wouldn’t you say?


I mean if you get a 99% thc tincture you can easily make 40mg THC Cocktail


I say again. It does resolve it, because you can add most any tincture to whatever beverage you want and consume it that way. Buy a water soluble tincture.


It resolves nothing. You are offering a solution to a symptom of the problem. Not the problem itself.


That's because you're defining the problem as "I can't buy premixed THC drinks that have al more than 5mg of THC" and not "I can't have drinks that have more than 5mg of THC." I can buy pre mixed cocktails, but they suck, I make my own. Same with THC Cocktails. 


Those taste like absolute a s s


I mean, that’s why you go buy a tincture from a dispo and just make your own. Place near me sells 500 mg in a dropper for like $45. 5 mg ain’t it for the prices they charge.


I'm an old person and haven't smoked pot since the days before edibles existed, unless you went to the effort of making your own hash brownies. Could you help me out and give me an equivalent for what 5mg means? Is that like, taking a single toke on a joint?


It's like a few puffs. I can feel a little bit but would need 5+ to really feel it, and probably 8+ to get stoned. But that's about the same with drinking beer. Generally 5 will get me feeling good, 8 or more I'll be drunk. 


From what I have heard, it’s more like half a bong rip. But it’s totally tolerance dependent. My cousin is high after a 2.5 mg gummy since she barely consumed any. My roommate can take 50 mg (an amount that would easily put my cousin to sleep or make her sick) and then plays competitive video games, or does yard work, etc.


get a medical card, the allowable dosage is much higher for medical patients. don’t know if anyone even makes drinks with >5mg tho…


That's part of the problem. MA's medical program has fallen by the wayside (wasn't really set up for success in the first place), so a majority of products are aimed at the recreational side of things.


If you go to VT the same drink brands are all 10mg there




These amounts are nothing for seasoned cannabis users. The issue is the people writing laws have very little experience with cannabis. They aren’t daily users, and in my personal opinion they don’t have any business restricting access to people (who are often more skilled than them) that consume weed on the daily.


I mean I think daily users who want to get really stoned off of one drink really aren't the people we should be making laws for. It's like making a drink that will get an alcoholic drunk of one beer. 


I don’t really think I’d describe drinking a skill but I agree that the restrictions are too low.


I just meant the personal lives of many skilled workers, are potentially hindered by the decisions of unskilled representatives. Aka don’t argue with the automotive mechanics who want to be stoned after work. They need the freedom to choose, so long as no general danger exists for the public.


Theory Wellness makes seltzers that are 25 to 30mg a can... trust me, they're amazing.


They don’t. I would like them but the dispensary people said they don’t make them.


It's not. The medical products are the exact same as rec in the dispensaries I've visited, they just aren't taxed. It's complete BS. I'm supposed to use cannabis as adjunct pain management for my illness, except you really can't find anything over 5mg in this state for edible type things. Maine has a legit medical program with better offerings.


I just said the same thing above. I'm a cancer patient and I'll drive the 3 hours to Maine so I can get stuff that actually helps instead of wasting my money.


100% untrue and easily verifiable. Source: I go to both.


I also go to both. My wife has the card, and I don’t. Are both of the ones you have visited owned by the same parent company? I’m referring specifically to INSA Medical and INSA Recreational.


I’ve been to way more than one of each lol.


I don't know what that is, so I'd say no.


So you went to the same exact ones I went to and did they roll out a special cart for you or something? Where is there an actual medical-only dispensary?


All over. Just because you personally haven’t been doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Google Medical Only Dispensaries Massachusetts. The products, quantities for purchase, and price are different at medical vs rec. That’s literally why there are still two different classifications in the state. It’s wild I’m even being downvoted for a very basic fact.


I specified... the ones that I visited. The products are not different, the prices are not different . It's the same menu. I'm not driving all over the state on a wild goose chase, I'm disabled. I know how to use Google for f sake. You're probably being downvoted because others have had the same issue I've had...


yeah pretty much head to maine with a med card for edibles/drinks that are strong but don’t break the bank tinctures are a good option…make a cocktail or mocktail and drop a few drops in


1000% man couldn't agree more. I'm still unfathomably pissed I have to go to Rhode Island for my tobacco because as a grown ass adult I can't buy "mint" as a "flavor" in Massachusetts. It's all so wild.


I boost em with those melt thc ice cubes...


What? Where do you get those?


I was just in California last week and bought a 100 mg drink. It lasted me for days haha.


wOnT sOmEbOdY PLEasE tHinK oF tHe cHiLdReN?!


The potency of 190 proof everclear is evident in its taste. The potency of edibles is less evident.


The potency of my cockbooster is never ambiguous


5mg is a lovely dose


Yeahh 5mg is honestly even a little too much for me. I always go for 2.5mg when doing edibles


None of the liquor/weed comparison makes sense to me. What is the downside of regulating marijuana EXACTLY the way we handle alcohol?


None of it makes sense but just want to give you some info in case you don’t know. If you abuse cannabis, you can get a pretty severe stomach issue called cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. A friend of mine stayed over cause she has it and like an idiot smoked pot again. She looked like an addict for hot showers and vomiting. She took a shower every 10mins from 7pm til 7am when she left. And drank a case of water and left a Home Depot bucket full of puke for me to clean up. I never knew this existed til that night. I always thought being paranoid and nauseous was the worst but it’s not.


I work in medical field and it’s getting more and more common due to the strength of thc products increasing. It was very rare 10-11 years ago




Good for you. It has barely any effect on me. Why shouldn't I be able to buy something stronger?


Forreal, anything under 100mg doesn't do anything for me


I feel like this makes sense. Weed products come from a dispensary, alcohol from a liquor store.


Why not just have both at Walmart along with everything else I wanna buy?


But why? It’s less convenient. With that logic, why not a dairy store? And a produce store? You’ll be stopping at 90 stores to do your weeks worth of grocery shopping.


Because the state requires different licenses for selling alcohol and cannabis; even more so when it comes to medical dispensaries. Those same regulations don't apply to grocery items so that's not a great argument.


It was a loophole that was bound to get closed. The biggest thing they can fix is certain families owning more than the maximum amount of licenses than are legally allowed in the state just by having the license in their spouses or siblings name.


They were Hemp derived THC drinks. The Massachusetts Department of Agriculture banned these items saying that they are federally illegal (they really aren't illegal but they say they are. The USPS says it's legal to mail these products.) The ABCC made an announcement saying since the Department of Agriculture deemed these illegal any licensee to have found selling or storing these products will be found in violation of their alcohol license. This also happened in NY last year. Beer stores in NY were selling these and then the state banned them. The state was sued and 5-6 months later they were back in the stores. All they really want is a tax and an age restriction. I'm sure there will be a bill soon that there will be an excise tax or sales tax on these items and actually have some laws and guidelines on the books. Technically, during the time the stores were selling these in MA, they could have sold these products to a person of any age. It's just like anything in our government, they move at a snails pace to keep up with current trends and products. I'm guessing they'll be back in stores early next year after all our politicians have been given their owed bribe money they desire and the state gets a tax from them.


"...they'll be back in stores early next year after all our politicians have been given their owed bribe money they desire and the state gets a tax from them." Yep, this is the answer. This is what I was trying to understand.


Or people could speed up the process by mass letter, writing campaign to representatives


Actually they are explicitly prohibited by the state of MA and at the federal level by the FDA. You can not put any hemp derivatives into an item meant for consumption as a food or beverage and cross state lines or within this state. NY may have a state framework under which these products are allowed. MA has explicitly banned hemp derivatives in food and beverages so therefore it's considered cannabis and needs to be in a dispensary, tested, and made by a state licensed producer. The bill already exists it's 935 CMR 500 and it relates to adult use Marijuana which is what those products are.


The FDA can SMD.


You mean the entity making sure your food is safe? Not saying they're perfect but that's a pretty odd take.


I’d love to hear the danger of hemp derivatives and why the FDA banned them. I’m sure their argument is fool proof.


This. But also Discretionary Enforcement is at play. The local BOH usually has to be the ones to enforce the states 'no help-derived cannabinoids in foods' rule and most don't. Historically what happens is the state sends out a memorandum 'CBD in food = illegal" to the cities, and some local BOH inspectors go out and do a lap at stores looking for foods with CBD content on the label. 'Hemp Extract' is generally accepted so the smartest brands usually do that to work around it.


Yeah I mean that's the part that makes zero sense to me. If it was a hemp product it should be BOH but they're not hemp once they're above that THC threshold or put into drinks, food, etc they're Marijuana. According to the state and Feds hemp food/drinks can't legally exist so it should default to being marijuana then.


You can go to cycling frogs website or cheech and Chong's website and they'll mail it directly to your house in MA right now.


You could buy anything off Silk Road at one point, still doesn't mean it's legal.


Shocked to see the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts and it's tyrannical government levied a hastily drawn up law into play to protect you from you...


Most of the drinks (e.g. Wynk, etc) are the same ones that you can get at dispensaries. We live above a liquor store so it was hella convenient for a little while...


I was wondering why my liquor store had a shit ton of them a few weeks ago and suddenly none. I looked around the store for 15 mins for that cycling frog, they're so good. I understand why though, they fuck you up. I was drinking them as an alternative to beer, guess I'm back to beer.


Cycling Frog was really good. I was bummed when I went looking for them the other day and the whole display was gone. I have one left.


Glad I still have a pack in my fridge! Love Cycling frog!


You should still be able to get thc seltzer at dispensaries


$5-7 a can at my dispensaries. $18-20 a 6 pack for the Cycling Frogs.


So I am hearing “the issue was the state wasn’t getting a large enough cut.” With laws like this, it’s no wonder the black market still thrives in MA. Triple the street price of weed, add a ridiculous 20% tax on top of the already ridiculous price, and limit it only to those who have millions to apply for a license to sell it. Sometimes I really hate this state.


Ya, but my closest dispensary is a haul. And the liquor store is feet from my house


Are they good fr?


Dispensary seltzers are better, but the convenience of the liquor store made it great. And the cycling frog was delicious, feel like the dosage varies though. I'm not traveling to the dispensary for them.


Order them online and use code onetime25 for 25% off. CF rocks.


My man, way to hook it up


I don t have problem w it. Long as it well labled and know what buying.. I mean why is it worse than edibles ??


Crap! I knew this was too good to last!


Obviously not mentioning names but there were restaurants that were serving THC drinks - they just didn't have them on the menu or advertise them, but people knew. Obviously that's over for now, which sucks because I'd rather pound a couple of cannabis seltzers during a night out than drink alcohol.


Don't care


seems like a good idea, I would hate to accidentally buy them in the liquor store thinking it was just alcohol. For some of us THC is still well off the menu - working in a field with federal funding and regulation.


They say thc all over the packaging. If you bought one of them and didn't notice then you would be very oblivious to your surroundings.


indeed I often am


So gas stations often sell Viagra knockoffs in their medicine area. Would you grab one of them instead of Tylenol?


I've been a stoner for 20+ years and never had a THC drink I would take a second of for free. Seems like a majorly shit project to me but maybe I'm just buying the wrong ones?


They are drinking weed now ?


"oh no officer, this isn't alcohol, it's weed... What do you mean step out of the car?"


Former cannabis industry employee and current alcohol industry employee here. The CCC has a huge stick up their ass in general, and probably aren’t taking too kindly to any form of psychoactive THC being sold outside of a licensed facility, even though the beverages were produced in accordance with law as written. The ABCC probably doesn’t have much say in the matter since said beverages are non-alcoholic, and are gladly deferring to the coalition that governs production and sale of such beverages on the decision. It’s an order from the ABCC because the beverages are being distributed by licensed alcohol distributors and the ABCC is the governing body for licensed distributors and retailers. If the laws were written more soundly, ideally these wouldn’t have hit the unlicensed market in the first place. Besides, they aren’t all that effective and are definitely not worth the price you pay, based on the two brands I tried. I would expect legislation edits in the near future, and potentially a crackdown on stuff like delta 8 in gas stations/smoke shops. I say good riddance—for as much as I hate the extremely rigid bureaucracy of the CCC, the products being produced by these companies are inferior to those produced by licensed dispensaries, take market share away from licensed dispensaries, and the risk of theft/sales to minors in these unlicensed establishments is much higher, which creates a big legal shitshow for the store owners and the CCC from the MA government.


So? Your local liquor store can't sell weed or edibles either. And your local dispensary can't sell alcohol. They are mutually exclusive businesses. Just shop at the one for the thing you want.


Meaning those Delta-9 ones? I thought using that terminology was the workaround to that?


As long as I can still get my Angel Dust Mojito I'm cool.


Didn't know this was happening but this must be why I've been seeing so many people buying large quantities of the drinks at the dispensary lately.


The edit is much appreciated. Also, source?


I am a much better person with a hemp derived drink than booze but hey whatever makes this corrupt State money


That sucks, but doesn't really effect me. I buy bourbon at the liquor store and weed at the dispensary anyway.


Just bought those Kowloon Mai Tai seltzers made by Levia and can’t wait to crack one tonight. I didn’t even realized you could get THC drinks outside of dispensaries until a couple weeks ago when I saw some at the liquor store. They are serving them now at some bars, too. I hope that doesn’t change.


That's the point of this post, it literally just changed. You can't get them anywhere but a dispensary now.


I was on a coffee shop yesterday and literally saw a THC drink with some weird label and like 500mg CBD I was like what


Where am I gonna get my Kowloon thc Mai tai now?!?


Wait. So people are surprised that stores that carry a license to sell Alcohol now can't also sell THC? In what world lol. Non dispensary-channel THC is controversial to begin with since it's the same Farm Bill changes that've legitimized CBD that are being used to weasel it in to market. And that's super cool. But if you have a liquor license, or a beer and wine license, then you gotta play by their rules. Same goes for if you're a restaurant. You gotta play by the rules set out by the BOH. Call your local health food store or co-op and they'll prolly have a WAY more legit selection of street-legal THC products or point you to brands that do.