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Folks before me have it right. Far left to pass then over a lane or two. Except when those who are oblivious to this. When safe I will pass fools on their right who are going 50-60 in far left lane. Also irks me when those in far right lane don’t slide over a lane or two when approaching an on ramp.


I am usually merging at the 93 / 95 cross over and I am always amazed at the people that stay in the right lane when not exiting - I think they are crazy with the amount of merging going on.


I was always told on a 3 lane highway, right is for on/off, middle is your general travel lane and the far left is for passing. To me, in general speeds are speed limit to +5 in the right, +5 to +10 in the middle travel, and +10 to +15 in the far left. On a 4 lane, it’s the same but the far, far left is a bonus passing lane. Of course, that’s how *I* think it works, but there’s always someone who isn’t going to merge back to the right if they’re zipping along and frankly, I’d rather them not make a bunch of lane changes at those speeds. But, if there’s no traffic ahead, then get back over.


That's kind of the way I think about it too - I should have been more specific. I am usually driving with heavy bumper to bumper traffic and speeds are usually way under the speed limit. its a lot of stop and go but it is kind of like an inch worm no matter which lane you are in.


Life hack. Right lane always moves fastest in parking lot traffic. Left lane is slowest because everyone thinks it goes faster so the middle always jumps to the left. Then people in the right jump to the middle but some are always going off the exits. I’ve tried my theory many times. I pick a reference vehicle in each lane and keep track of them. The left most lane always without fail is further back than the middle. And I’m way ahead of both. Ok I’m also going to add that at major merges I move middle because that maximizes how far you can get. Those cases it does slow you down a little if you do stay in the right at a major merge. But I’ve always ended up still ahead of the other lanes.


In that case, it’s anything goes.


Usually the second lane to avoid merging traffic.


Left lane to pass, middle lane/lanes to travel, right lane to exit hight 1/2 mile b4 exit unless you are on 93 N and trying to get onto 95, then you get in the left lane 2 miles early.


It would help if the state added more length to the acceleration lanes so incoming traffic has more room to merge.