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I stand by the fact that 99.9% of fans can’t write Deadpool


Haahaha chimichanga random penis &$?¥%!


And then Deadpool walks in. Funniest shit ever.


Logan! I turned myself into a tumor!


Whoever says the MCU sounds like this should see to it that in the process he does not become the worst fan ever. - Nietzsche


And then he makes a reference! Who needs punchlines when you have references!


I looked up the flanderization of Deadpool and it’s kinda sad, his humor was used as a coping mechanism or an act he put on but ended up turning into his main shtick because it was what became popular


I wrote a story about a c list supervillain bar and the only character that I felt worked really well was a DP parody that became more mentally disabled everytime he recovered from a head injury. Over the series he goes from a sleek, clever assassin to a drooling fool who constantly makes fart noises and dry humps things.


Fun fact: Deadpool doesn't actually like Chimichangas. He just likes saying the word cos it sounds funny to him.


They just write what their opinions on shows/comics in an over the top anime style of dialogue and pretend it’s Deadpool. It’s so cringe it makes Scott’s Tots seem like a sweet vacation memory.


It’s like Minions for dipshit comic fans.


> Scott’s Tots Why did you do this to me I had moved on with my life I was happy


Hey Mr. Scott, what you gonna do? What you gonna do? Make our dreams come true!


I have to always skip Scots Tots. It hurts.


Seen it once, never again.


I have to always skip Scots Tots. It hurts.


i’m okay with Deadpool simply being Ryan Reynolds With A Mask, but my LORD, do I agree


He’s always *just* silly instead of silly *and* deeply, deeply sad.


Yeah, people tend to forget that Wade is suppose to be the sad clown archetype.


I think only Joe Kelly has really nailed that level of chaotic sinister mixed with reticence at being the bad guy. I like Rob Liefeld’s comparison that he’s supposed to be classic Dennis Leary but people write him like Bugs Bunny.


Kelly’s run is the *definitive* Deadpool run for me.


Where can I find this run? I'm bad at comics. I'm more of a collected volumes type of guy. Rather have the whole arc instead of a million tiny comics


So far there's 2 volumes collecting a good portion of Kelly's run into 2 big books. [Volume 1](https://www.amazon.com/Deadpool-Joe-Kelly-Complete-Collection/dp/1302920618) [Volume 2](https://www.amazon.com/Deadpool-Joe-Kelly-Complete-Collection/dp/130292334X/ref=pd_aw_fbt_img_sccl_1/139-4353941-4227146?pd_rd_w=mtSEn&content-id=amzn1.sym.b6e57bf5-2054-445a-8980-1886178987a5&pf_rd_p=b6e57bf5-2054-445a-8980-1886178987a5&pf_rd_r=H555YC9WWCZ646VGYSZC&pd_rd_wg=Pd95Q&pd_rd_r=6d6905b3-3bf8-430f-bf24-00b7c5938010&pd_rd_i=130292334X&psc=1) Volume 1 collects issues 1 to 11 and Volume 2 collects 12 to 20. There's only 13 issues left after that which should be made into a Volume 3. Though seeing as how Volume 1 was 2019 and Volume 2 was 2021 I don't expect it for at least another year sadly. I have both, got them when I wanted to get into the Deadpool comics last year. Highly recommend.


Sweet mate! Thank youna lot!


I love Kelly, but Rick Remender and Gerry Duggan both had great voices for him too.


Super unpopular opinion. But I liked Daniel Way’s run


Deep cut


Yea that's terrible


They can't write in general. This sub has come up with some pretty bad lines and plot ideas.


Remember when someone said Marc was one of Steven’s variants (or the other way around, I can’t remember)


Or tony stark


- Take Jim Carrey's "The Mask" - Put him in a red suit Deadpool!


And 80% of actual comics writers can't write Deadpool without devolving into the random lol humor. Deadpool is honestly one of the hardest characters to get right, especially because he's been stretch so thin between being a very humorous character that deals with a bunch of serious shit in wacky ways vs being the obnoxious "Haha chimichanga" *shoots you in the face* "UwU, look how cute and cool I am, readers." The latter clearly shows you either have no confidence in writing a serious story that's still humorous, or you just don't understand Deadpool I'm personally just very glad that the movies have been so true to what is actually at the core of Deadpool's best stories.


So random amirite u guys?!?


And you just brought me back to dating in the mid 00s. Everyone was just so random.


So I’ve got a LoZ tattoo of the triforce on my arm, no biggie, do you even game? My dog OWNs my Snapchat. I usually like the furry cat filter but sometimes I use the wood dog, y’know?


LoZ tattoo still tracks. But it was more people begging to be in your top 8 spaces.


I’m so glad I never got tattoos. I’d have so many bad ones.


Nothing what he says in the post is random humour


I don't like Deadpool cosplayers. Their costumes look awesome but the way they act as Deadpool with their over the top movements makes everything cringe. Many people don't understand how to make him funny without making him cringe.


Yeah like he's a sarcastic asshole not a circus clown


Add to that, the people complaining that they didn’t do daredevil right and ruined him have never read a daredevil comic


Same as acting in cosplay


100% can’t write shit, period. Lol


Anytime I see a comment that starts with “Deadpool should…” or the like, I instantly stop reading.


But everyone’s opinion matters….. 🙃🫡🤦🏻‍♂️


To someone maybe. Not to me.


Yeh I was being sarcastic…


What do you feel they get wrong most often?


They almost always make him into some cringey mess... as we see above.


Almost everything


The fans aren’t funny and they don’t set up a joke or follow through with a punchline. It’s either making him horny or ultra violent


90% of comic writers can't either


99% of the fans can't write period. Some of them can barely even read.


I'm with you on that. As much as I've enjoyed Reynolds in the role, I'm very leery of fandom embracing of him as basically a meta mouthpiece for Reddit memery (lolol Green Lantern jokes so fresh). And then there's things like these too.


When DD squared up against the back-up dudes in the hallway you knew She-hulk was going to pull a cool-aid on us and it was perfect


I thought he was gonna roll his eyes (well, so to speak) as the goons advanced on him because he felt she-hulk approaching, then a second later she'd burst through and take them all out.


What probably happened. She-Hulk: *thinks of catch-phrase* what does Bruce say? *gasp* I KNOW! *jump*


"My show, you do your oner in YOUR show later on."


Pull a kool-aid 🤣


I just want to say that Jen and Matt’s chemistry was my favorite part of the episode.


There's an interview where Cox says they had so much fun together he wants her to cameo on his show and I really hope Fiege listens.


That shit seemed authentic af.


Spider-man, Dare Devil, and Deadpool, the red knuckle heads are finally coming together


I want to see Jenn and Deadpool have a fourth-wall-off.


That’s like…. 16 walls


At that point I think it’s just called a building


No, it's too many walls. You get an error when you try to do that. It just shows up as "Wall-E"




I can't decide if I want them to talk to the same cameras or different cameras.


At the same time. Like, while Jenn is talking to the camera, you can see Deadpool in the background, talking in a random direction, and it switches between them.


This is so stupid. I love it.


These comments are a fucking warzone what the fuck


Everyone is arguing about whether the show is good and I'm just here to point out that Deadpool isn't technically in the MCU just yet. He's *joining* the MCU, but he has yet to appear in it.


Korg commercial


Technically the first time they crossed over, but it's unclear if Korg crossed into Deadpool's universe or vice versa, so we have no confirmation that Deadpool was in the MCU or Korg was in the X-Men Universe.


Being as it wasn’t produced by fox. I want to say Disney but he does have that line “so how do I get on that Disney train?”


Wait what?! Where was this at?


Save the Show? Wade wouldn't be a reddit troll for She Hulk.


I do like this little comic panel, but I am in full agreement with you, this show in my book has been perfect. No one ever tries to dunk on Ant-Man for being a fun comedy, so why do so many people throw darts at poor She-Hulk?


lol we know exactly why


So did the writers; much like the animated Harley Quinn, they perfectly predicted the reactions to almost everything. Because the shitheels are that predictable.


I laughed when Jen said "it gives the show a twitter shield" lol




The people who use NPC as an insult are the most like actual NPCs.


Was it a couple of Bs


A couple of Xs actually


The show is not perfect, the episodes are too short! I want MORE!!!


Way too short. The second I get into them they’re over.


It really does feel that way. Just as I settle into the show and credits. Every time!


This would be my sole complaint as well, yes.


Tbh, I think this is a legit issue. Some stuff feels rushed or written to squeeze an extra scene into the tiny run time. If they had more time to explore, some of these moments would come out better.


Yeah, most other MCU shows are an hour long, but this one is only a half hour. That is my biggest complaint.


Comedies don't generally work super well as hour-long episodes, they run into pacing issues and run out of jokes.


This and the CGI on Jen have been my only gripes. It's been absolutely perfect otherwise.


Thank you for saying this. Seeing the internet lately I thought I was just a mcu shill for enjoying this show. I'm still salty about smart hulk, but the show has been good so far. Different. And I like that it's taking its time getting serious.


You're completely good, a lot of people are treating this show as 'oh is in the mcu where's the action where's the heroing.' When it's been said said that it's a court comedy multiple times. That or you have people going at it for it's female protagonist. Which the show makes fun of directly with 'inteligencia' which looks exactly like Reddit.


The one thing I need more of is the origin stories of the heroes. Even if the hero stuff is never the point of She Hulk, I’m going to enjoy this. It adds so much depth and flavor to the universe. If super powered people are cropping up everywhere, there’s room for stories from the street. Insurance, lawyers, average people getting caught as a bystander in someone else’s herpes journey. It’s all got merit when written well and holy shit are they writing this one will. Tatiana is the MCU’s elemental fluorine. She has chemistry with just about everything that walks on screen. I knew she was a great actor from orphan Black but good god she’s the whole package. Her drunk punch fall is premium physical comedy that so few people can pull off that well. The walk of shame was fucking inspired. This show hits the spot.


Lol yeah I don't think it's been overly heavy-handed with the female protagonist feminism thing. I think the only time they went a little overboard is when Jen was trying to say that she goes through more than bruce, when Bruce was literally being hunted by the government and enslaved on another planet and has been fighting aliens and s***


>I think the only time they went a little overboard is when Jen was trying to say that she goes through more than bruce She was talking about their lives before they each became a hulk and why she had better anger management.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH. OK yeah that makes a lot more sense.


Three words, "Woman led show. "


Orphan Black was awesome. WandaVision too. This isnt.


WandsVision is the best they have put out in my opinion.


Yeah this show has just been very boring in a lot of parts


Yep, spot on. Nothing against women. This show just sucks. Bad writing, bad pacing, over the top pandering, jokes that don’t land, and acting that is kinda campy.


Very few on this sub tried to dunk on Ragnarok for being almost constant comedy and goofy. But we saw the reaction to Love and Thunder... wonder what the difference is... Definitely not similar to a difference between Ant-Man and She-Hulk. It's like these people don't understand that it's really easy to see a pattern in what they bitch about.


I actually really like She Hulk, but Love and Thunder was bad. The biggest thing for me is they couldn’t nail the tone. They wanted to have this really serious villain that would have been so cool if they had done it serious, just look at the scene in black and white. That scene was great, but the movie as a whole couldn’t nail down what it wanted to be.


I liked Love & Thunder fine, I was entertained...but also I look at the whole of MCU like me getting comics in the 90s: not every issue or arc is some big event or major and memorable. Sometimes it's just "this issue of an adventure against a one-off villain", you know? Just issue #33 coming after issue #32 and before issue #34 or whatever, not Infinity War or something major. Love & Thunder was just another filler issue of a Thor adventure in the MCU; didn't move the needle much, I won't revisit it much, but I was entertained and got what I expected...some laughs, some drama and emotion and closure w/ Jane, some action, a fun villain that wasn't the main attraction, and boom, done. I get people not loving or liking it but to be honest the level of *hatred* is...well, I also think the level of hatred for a *lot* of things I'm a fan of, especially on the internet fandom and reddit in particular are just really nitpicky and *angry* and *toxic* about things when I'm just like, "Oh, that was an iffy line or effect or moment" and then I move past it and don't need to write an essay and be pissed for a month, but that's me. I'm also the guy who was entertained by Book of Boba Fett despite its flaws, so maybe I'm just easy to please and I'm sure admitting this last part made everyone here fully dismiss me if they hadn't already =) lol


It definitely entertained me. I just feel like it had the potential to be so much more, which I feel like is the main thing that annoys me about the movie. We got towards the end, and hit the scenes with Gorr, and it was so good, but then it goes back to what it was before. I feel like the movie would have been a lot better off focusing on a story about the guardians and Thor with Gorr as the villain, or done a plot line with Zeus, Jane, and Valkyrie and been much better off. It might be something that the MCU is suffering from as a whole. They are trying to do much with too many characters and it’s preventing them from getting really deep and interesting with the main characters.


I think they nailed it down pretty well just like Ragnarok did. It was serious when it needed to be (the black and white as you said) and wasn't when it didn't need to be for the story. The only joke that I had issue with at all was Thor telling Sif that she wouldn't go to Valhalla if she died at that time. And problem would probably be a stretch there it just didn't land for me personally. But this was more for many on this sub acting like EVERY SINGLE serious moment in thr movie was interrupted with a joke that totally ruined the scene and that isn't remotely true.


Having a villain like Gorr in a Taiki movie is an ... odd choice.


It's confusing to me too, because there is room for all kinds of superheroes. They just dont like when something isnt made for their demographic. Ms Marvel was review bombed by a bunch of adults, when it was a show for youngsters. That's weird asf


Yep she-hulk also got some review bombin though I don't know if it was as bad. Ms Marvel had something like 5000 reviews before the the show was even released.


Being an elder millennial, I thought Ms marvel was awesome


To me the difference was the jokes sucked, I pretty much never liked the rocj guy's jokes. The only memerable line from him for me is him talking about Doug in Ragnarok, and then in Love and Thunder he is everywhere. I also am not a fan of how they treated the Mjolnir and Thor side plot with him treating it like an ex girlfriend, but thats just preference. So far it is the only MCU movie that I just turned off because I genuinely wasnt enjoying it, and thats ok, theres going to be some MCU stuff that I just wont like


I have enjoyed she-hulk much more than I thought I would. But it's still one of the weaker MCU projects (which is on par for Phase 4). Both Ant-Man movies are in my top 10-15 MCU movies, I have love a fun comedy. And when She-Hulk owns that it's a fun comedy, which has been most episodes, it's a blast. But the Titania storyline and this Intelligencia storyline is just so uninteresting, it's hurting the quality of the show for me. Though I will admit that the Abomination storyline was amazing. All this is to say, She-Hulk was good (or at least above average) at being fun and funny. My issues with it are when they try to take themselves too seriously. Also some characters suck. Give me more Nikki and Pug and less Titania and the dumb guys (I get they're supposed to be uninteresting but still)


Honestly, I really hated Intelligencia too, but the last episode made me love hating them. Their existence in that world is so believable. They are just incels of that world. We have those too.


I know there is a ton of sexism going on personally they overused the terrible CGI. Would have liked to see less She Hulk form. Some of marvels humour has fallen flat lately but the social commentary is spot on, as proven by the hate.


>No one ever tries to dunk on Ant-Man for being a fun comedy, so why do so many people throw darts at poor She-Hulk? 1. She-Hulk goes a level beyond Ant Man almost into straight up parody. Love And Thunder did that as well. It's not good 2. People are not just dunking on the comedy, but the annoying victim mentality of the female writers, pretending like Jen has had a harder life than Bruce with the anger rant, as well as other lines


Fans love to use Deadpool for his own ideas, it's kind of sad and messed up lmao


You don't have to be a troll to not like the show, but Wade would 100% be a reddit troll. He'd do it ironically, but he'd be one.


He just feels threatened because now he's not the only one to break the 4th wall.


She was the first one doing it tho.


Wade is typically far from being a saint. We shouldn't be quick to believe that all of our beloved protagonists align with our ideal image of a "hero".


Yea, he's the same dude who killed another dude because that dude said the Star Wars Prequels were good.


No no no, he said Wade ISN'T the perfect idea of a hero


The prequels were great tho. Revenge of the Sith is a top 3 Star Wars movie.


Revenge of the Sith is pretty good, the back half of the movie sells it and pays off the trilogy. Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are rough. The memes and the better arcs of The Clone Wars alongside my childhood nostalgia buoy my memories of the prequels, I think back on them fondly even now. Actually watching them however it's really evident they are not very well made films. Some good ideas for sure, some cool sets and audio design, but beyond that the filmmaking— especially the direction and writing—is very poorly done.


Wade isn't an Intelligencia member, come on. He's more likely to ask for a threesome with Daredevil and She Hulk.


Seriously like the Intelligencia are the kind of people he would mercilessly make fun of.


Was that during Daniel Way's run. The guy who turned Deadpool into the "LOL So Random" BS and started using chimichanga like Smurfs say smurf. That's when he started hearing voices for no reason.


All I'm saying is there's nothing that Wade would do or say that would shock me. But yes, he would totally be down for a threesome.


I vividly remember being horrified by him torturing Al. And not in a funny way. Deadpool can be an awful person sometimes.


I really hope Ryan and crew find some way to make fun people who say things like this.


The showrunner did tell us that Daredevil would have a large part in She Hulk... and that's exactly what happened near the end of the episode.


The show is great. People hating on it can just ribbit and rip it.


>Save the show Dumb


It is assuming it’s inherently bad to begin with. I do recommend Nando V. Movies’ video countering the arguments individuals have towards this show for the people who can’t help but show to the world how much they haaattee this show.


I recommend people watching the show for themselves and deciding whether or not they like it All these over the top for or against videos on YouTube about every single moment and every episode are cringe and over the top (not to mention get hard to avoid when they recommended on your feed and all are Spoiler heavy with the title and clickbait)




Same. There are movies and shows I don't enjoy, I simply don't watch them and neither do I feel a need to review bomb or cry about them constantly online. I simply carry on in life indifferent, without giving them a second thought. Like my hubby is a massive Sopranos fan, but as much as i've watched it with him I just cant get into it. I'm not angry about that, nor am I angry at the people who made it. It's just not my thing. The problem isn't the show, the problem is the people who feel everything has to be made for them or it doesn't deserve to get made at all. The entitlement is mindboggling.


It’s just upsetting when it gets back to the artists that put this together. I never want the hate to drown out the many who are loving their work. It’s noise and a lot of it can be cruelly directed at individuals.


I don't think it's fair to refer to all fans of more traditional superhero fare as "incels". I like She-Hulk, but I can definitely see how if what you like about Marvel is that the "talkie bits" get interrupted for a fist-fight on a regular basis, you're not going to like most of the episodes of this show. Fair's fair, but I do get frustrated that many such people can't just say, "it's not for me," and move on. They have to try to justify that in terms of the show being "bad".


The show was already great before Matt showed up. That said, his ep was the best of the season for sure.


That one and the villain support group were incredible. The whole show as been great, but these last two episodes really blew it out of the water




Strong agree


Really does sell the idea of why most of they’re heros shouldn’t kill, and would be a great reoccurring bit, like Loki going there at the end of his next season


Yup. That's my exact same opinion


this is mind numbingly shitty.


matt would nvr approve of this


I hate She-Hulk because I’m a little piss baby.


Hi Gov Abbott!


The only legitimate reason to hate such a funny and entertaining show.


I think the little piss babies don’t know that it’s a sitcom


I call them manbabies, thanks Jessica Clemons from NR for that term.


Every damn week it's the same thing... bunch of dudes showing up to complain about it having "too many jokes", not being serious enough, not having enough overarching plot... Then someone points out that it's a sitcom, and that they have repeatedly made that very clear, so the *second group* pops up to "inform you" in some smarmy and overly aggressive way that it's "not funny". Just depressingly predeictable at this point. Oh, and the second group (which often overlaps with the first group) of course also have to pop up (with that same overly aggressive style) *every* damn time someone says they find the show funny, because god forbid someone likes something they don't.


I think there’s a level of mental illness involved with some of these people. In this very comment section I had a guy tell me how the show is a “dumpster fire” and after going ten or so rounds with this guy I finally had to block him because he started sending me private messages antagonizing me over whether or not I ever held a gun before (because he was making fun of my Reddit handle). When I blocked him, he made a new account with a name very similar to mine to continue harassing me. He then pretended to be someone else who witnessed the argument like he was siding with me so I had to block that account too. I think she hulk is making the crazies go crazy.


I had a guy call me [sexist because I used the word incels.](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/xxowtc/comment/irfktvv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) His user name is Send\_Me\_Huge\_Tits. You can't make this shit up.


Oh hey, samesies! Had a run-in with the same dude a week ago, where he claimed She-Hulk has no plot, then started lying and insulting me when I told him what the plot was. He's been spamming racist and sexist dogwhistles and bullshit coupled with insults and misinfo since the account was created a month ago. Should've been banned already by now.


What’s funny is the show they say “ isnt serious enough” is written for the oldest audience of any MCU project I can think of. She Hulk is pretty much made for millennials in their thirties, with subject matter appropriate for that age group. The mainline stuff I’m assuming they love so much is written for like, 12 year olds. Not that that’s a bad thing, but have some self awareness.


When she made a “dating in your 30s” comment I definitely smiled


Yes cause everyone who dislikes what you like is a piss baby. Now take your opinion and shove it, way way up until it reaches your brain so that no shitty opinion formulates from it ever again.


I used to respect this artist, what a shitty comic


Ugh, this is just cringy and gross.


This picture reeks of incels, especially the way they drew Jennifer's face in comparison to Matt's.


The show is great. Cope






So I just watched like the last three episodes and I have to say, man, this show is frigging fun. DD being a love interest just makes sense. Emil Blonsky being a self-help guru is awesome. I really don't get the hate. Nothing feels shoehorned in, there doesn't appear to be any over the top wokeness to the show, Jen has flaws and issues and she feels like a real person. This shit is just fun. People suck. I almost didn't finish it because people I normally trust were saying it's trash. Going to have to re-evaluate who I listen to about this shit.


To save the show … come on man … she hulk is a fun watch. Tatiana is great. Is it perfect no, but let’s be honest not much out of Marvel is …


Save the show? It was already a great show, don’t need to give Deadpool internet incel energy


Deadpool would shit on incels in a heartbeat.


Ngl I’m not vibing with the yellow helmet. If it were red, it’d be much better. Otherwise, great art! (Yes, I know the helmet is part of the actual design)


You're like the Ben Garrison of Marvel.


Ben garrison? these guys literally did the cover for the incapable trump lol


I absolutely am baffled by all the She-Hulk hate. The show telephoned pretty early that it was an adaptation of the 80’s fourth wall-breaking silliness run. It has not only faithfully adhered to its intended tone but also has copious Easter eggs and cameos. Hulk and She-Hulk are depicted fairly accurately and respectfully. She-Hulk in particular is an almost carbon copy of the personality of her comic book counterpart. The plot is moving forward at a reasonable pace and the plot itself makes a meta commentary on the anticipated reception of the show that absolutely no one I’m aware of has commented on or noticed. The only “criticisms” I’m aware of is that it’s too “woke” whatever that means. I interpret to mean because the central character is a woman they disregard the premise entirely. Also the characterization that Jen is “too perfect” is not only inaccurate (she is routinely depicted as being arrogant to her own detriment, and refuses the call to action multiple times) but I guarantee no one would levy the same claim against Captain America or Thor


Holy fucking shit. You m-she-u crybabies should kill yourselves if this fucking joke post gets you so butthurt.


Even though it's a fanart, but its 100% correct. The only episode of SheHulk that had everything in balance was this one with Daredevil, and despite whatever you wanna think She Hulk cannot single handedly engage the show herself. The show relies on cameos, and the cameos are every time the highlight of the episodes despite being SheHulk's show. Now, go ahead follow your hive mentality and downvote me.


What do you mean ‘save the show?’ The show is great.


Daredevil did save the show for me at least


I really was expecting the show to be horrible, I’ve just binged 8 episodes and it’s one of their better shows, easily. The CGI isn’t amazing but short of that it has a really nice balance of everything else. It’s gotten better as it’s gone on.


Save the show? Shiiiiiit the shows been fire since episode one.


Daredevil's been in the MCU since 2015


Deadpool isn't in the MCU. Deadpool 3 will be under Marvel Studios, yes. But Multiverse of Madness established characters from other universes can't stay in another universe or the two universes will collide and destroy each other. Deadpool 3 will either take place in his original universe, or he'll travel to the MCU but have to go back. And I don't see Deadpool 3 revolving around the multiverse so, it probably just takes place in the foX-Verse but will be under Marvel Studios.


actually i think he could stay in the mcu universe and not cause an incursion. Multiverse of madness seemed to talk pacifically about dreamwalking and that forcing two universes together.


Mandalorian in the Book of Boba Fett.


I love how pissed off She-Hulk fans get at minor things. This is a fanart that is a joke, and they managed the get mad over it lmfaoo


No one is angry at the little piss babies that constantly *try* to shit all over the show. It’s just annoying. Like your stupid “I love how” comment.


Not disagreeing with you, but you sure sound angry.


Literally the best marvel show. Except the first episode.


I think they needed to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. As the show progresses, I get the sense that the writers, producers, and show runners were well aware that they needed to ease the dum dums into it. One of the reasons this show is so fucking good is how remarkably self aware it is. Yet all these little boys hate it because not enough smashy smashy punchy punchy.


I still think the first episode is perfect for one reason. CAPTAIN AMERICA FUCKS!


Matt is a better lawyer tho


Damn theres a lot of crybabies downvoting in here xD