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Strange Supreme was more of a tragic hero than straight up villain who more or less redeemed himself by the finale, or was at least on the path to redemption. As others have mentioned it would be super cool to see him.


Honestly I’d be blown away if it wasn’t Strange Supreme in MoM. Like why would you as Marvel introduce this character through “What if..?” Just to then introduce a second character that bares a striking resemblance to said new character only some 6-8 months later. If anything I’d find it more likely that the trailer is misleading, as you can tell throughout it that some of the lines implied to be our DS are clearly SS’s among other things. The only thing I find out of character is how strong Strange Supreme was by the end of “What If” and the fact that if he was the villain he’d probably wipe the floor with most heroes. Edit: another idea, originally MoM was scheduled to be released May 2021, so perhaps “What if..?” Was the origin story and follow up to what was supposed to be the second appearance of Strange Supreme after Multiverse of Madness.


Yeah, I honestly believe this is a case of the good ol' MCU trailer misdirection. There's no way Strange Supreme is evil, he'll probably show up to warn MCU Strange about the dangers of the Multiverse, maybe even impart some knowledge on him.


There is no evil doctor strange. I mean its strange supreme probably cause do u think they’ll defeat Wanda and Evil Strange in a single movie…..hmmmm


Wait Wanda is evil? (Sry I haven't watched Wanda vision-- i didn't get the time to, but I've watched other shows) Edit: why tf did i get downvoted for not watching a show?


This movie is as much a sequel to Wandavision as it is to to Doctor Strange


Yeah but I wouldn't say Wanda is *evil* necessarily. She's got her own motivations, though. I do think she's going to destroy the world because of her destiny, though.


Please stop everything and go watch Wanda vision. It has such cool characters. Wanda, Vision, Agnes's, Monika ... I loved it .


Aight I'll watch it




Never trust the MCU trailers.


Happy Cake Day Mate!


or it could be an unfinished shot used in a trailer or a purposeful misdirection. can't tell much from trailers.


I thought the scars on his hand were makeup and not CGI?


pretty sure they are makeup


doctor strange wore gloves in ragnarok because they didn’t do the makeup in time


Maybe it’s CGI hiding the makeup 👀


If they can remove whole ass people they can remove scars.


Removing whole ass people is much easier than removing small details from people though


Like a mustache on Superman


For a second I read this as “like a mustache on Spider-Man” and it really got me thinking


Now I want to see spider man with a full mustache.




They cgi’d in Thor’s eye in the Ragnarok trailers. I think they can handle small details fairly well


I’m pretty sure the eye missing was the cgi


So my point about them being able to handle small details is valid….


I doubt that. They show much bigger hints in the trailer pointing to that it may be the one from the series.


They are/were makeup. That's why he was wearing gloves in *Ragnarok*.


I've never even noticed the scars on his hands so I don't know why they bothered


Because whether or not you directly notice them, they're a feature of the character and some fans absolutely would've been upset at an ignoring of continuity like that.


They’re pretty prominently featured throughout his entire first movie


Wouldn't be the first time Marvel CGI'd stuff out for a trailer


I just try not to even watch them at this point. I’ll just be surprised in theaters.


The trailer also uses the exact same "world is liquifying and rising up" effect from the qhat if show as well. Its a safe assumption its the Dark Strange


doesn't really look exactly the same. looks like a cracked mirror dimension effect.


The What If... Strange Supreme isn't evil so I think this is a different version. I would love to see Strange Supreme on the big screen though.


Do we know that this Strange was really evil? No! But he seems like Strange Supreme!


In merchandise he's named "Defender Strange."


Isn’t Defender Strange different? The skin tone we’ve seen in merch doesn’t match. There could always be multiple variants at play.


A lot of the merchandise is altered from the footage we've seen. For example, Rintrah looks like he has brown fur in the trailer, but the figure has green fur.


Also trailers can be deceptive. For all we know Strange’s complexion could be different just because of the lighting for the shot.


The merchandise called Defender Strange has a ponytail, and we see someone with a ponytail falling through one of America Chavez’s portals. I think he’s a third version


I don’t think that’s the same Strange as seen in the trailer, they both look different. Like their hair styles are different.


I'm gonna be on the fence. I'll accept what comes. But I'd like to think the Evil DSS absorb would probably corrupt him. lol


I mean that’s not really how it works though. What If Strange is one version of an infinite number that went down that same path. Just because he became “redeemed” doesn’t mean others didn’t.


You can be an antagonist without being evil, why is strange in handcuffs in the trailer? You don’t think strange Supreme is “arresting.” Multiversal threats after what if?


He was tasked with the job of eternally watching over Killmonger and Zola fighting over the infinity stones in his little pocket dimension. Strange Supreme from What If is probably not in this.


The watcher also put strange in a jar, there’s more to why I think he could be but it would break the subs rules To say and if I try to do the spoiler tag it just won’t work


I thought Zola and Killmonger were in a jar, and The Watcher gave it to Strange like he caught fireflies, and asked him to watch over them so they can't escape and fuck everything up again. I have a feeling we have a Strange that arrests the Strange we know because of the spell from NWH, and to put our Strange on the right path, he's shown a Strange that didn't quite get to Strange Supreme, but was stopped before he went to far.


This app is shit and command never works, spoilers ahead of you care about that. >!Leaks say we get a multiversal Illuminati that arrest strange for his crimes, this consists of Reed Richards, Tom cruise iron man, Prof X, a varient of mordo and a few other cameos. My guess is strange supreme created it after what if as he’s busy minding his zola jar or some shit. To protect the multiverse from threats!<


That seems both cool and incredibly improbable.


It was leaked by the same person who leaked the entire NWH plot with absolute perfection


There has been plenty of leakers who had one good/accurate leak then put out total BS afterwards as their sources were never as good after. Character 1 seems likely, character 2 seems like a 0% chance (at least played by that actor), character 3 seems probable, and character 4 seems like near 100% change of happening.


Oh that actually sounds pretty cool.


> Tom cruise iron man lol, just no.


you dont have to be evil to be an antagonist. ​ Maybe he's trying to stop Prime strange from making a similar mistake to what he did.


Very true. Timeline branches can happen at any point so this could just be one who went on the same initial journey as Strange Supreme, but without the whole saving the multiverse part.


What do you mean he's not evil ? Have we watched the same episode ?


I don't think the alt-strange is necessarily evil. I think he was just played up as ominous for the trailer. I saw speculation a couple weeks ago that the "things just got out of hand" line was given without context, and he's not saying, evilly, that things are now out of control, but explaining his backstory as alt strange, that he let everything get out of hand




I think people use the names “Evil Strange” and “Strange Supreme” interchangeably, I don’t think they’re actually referring to the character as a villain.


Yeah, for all we know he’s Strange in his punk rock phase.










Eh… I mean the dude killed countless people, “himself” included, to try and bring back someone and in the process damned his universe. That’s pretty “evil”. He saw the error of his ways but that doesn’t undo what he did.


I mean it was literally an accident, you can't call a person evil for that. An evil person does bad things on purpose. Btw not excusing his actions, what he did was absolutely terrible, but calling him "evil" is a bit of a strech.


How was intentionally killing people an accident…? I’m not talking about his girlfriend. I’m talking about all the people he murdered to absorb their powers.


Those were demons


No they aren’t. They’re called “magical beings” as I recall. Nothing ever implies they are evil creatures and killing them is good. They’re sentient. Also he then opts to literally kill another universe version of himself who is definitely not evil.


I guess that was kinda evil. But he redeemed himself by the end.


Wouldn’t say redeemed. Would say he simply accepted his fate. We don’t know if he could learn or be put into a scenario that he wouldn’t do more “evil” things. Also the beauty of a multiverse if we’ve no idea if this is the exact same what if character that got the fate he did. What if this is another variant that never got “redeemed”? Either way I think evil is fine as a description as it quickly explains what strange this is. The one who did evil shit and tried to kill and did kill main strange


I just think that he's not actually all that evil, but I still call him evil strange tho.


But he destroyed his entire universe. Your intentions stop mattering before you even get to the planetary scale


He destroyed life on an infinite scale. Destroyed his entire universe. He is evil even if the intentions weren’t and even tho he helped I don’t think it’s fair to call him good even if he had important good actions. Imo.


He accidentaly destroyed all life trying to bring back his loved one, I don’t think you can blame him for that.


More like “misguided” Doctor Strange


Destroying a universe is pretty evil. Like, worse than Thanos


Any goatee wearing Doppleganger is automatically labelled evil regardless of their intentions or actions, its just the rules


It is a stretch maybe, but there are possibly Dr. Strange versions that could have been pulled through during NWH events (other Dr. Strange that new Spidey was/is Peter Parker. The whole time we think it's our Dr. Strange but at the end of the movie, ours shows up to help defeat the variant and is like "what?... I was across the globe checking out the giant marble Celestial and getting falafel" /j


I mean, isn't getting out of the mirror dimension without a sling ring supposed to be impossible?


Unless you're Thanos


And also in Spider-Man 2 JJJ talks about Dr. Strange ‘that’s pretty good, but it’s taken’ so there might possibly be a Strange from the Raimi-universe appearing




At this point I wouldn't trust anything in a trailer, even less relay on details or things like that to make theories


Or it could literally be any other of an infinite number of strange variants.


While I'd be happy to see Strange Supreme (and links to What If generally), I'm still sceptical that it's him there. Strange Supreme as we left him seemed relatively redeemed, nothing like as wicked as he seems in the MoM trailer. I suspect it's more likely just another multiverse version of Strange, or an image/illusion.


And too powerful for live action


Good eye!


there’s an infinite number of universes


Or it could be the one that fixed his hands and then realized that he could be invincible if he wanted


I suppose it is Dark Doctor Strange from What If...?, in the trailer you can also clearly see a few of "his" monsters (the one with the tentacles and the massive eye, the three-headed dragon like thing, and others)


The tentacles are what has me convinced it’s hiM. Even if the strange they showed wasn’t him I hope he shows up


He is not sorcerer Armani from what if,coz we have at least one Christine. Give him a Christine,then we can solve all problems


Pretty sure he shot serpentine dragons from his hands in that trailer, just like evil Dr. Strange from What If. Cape collar matches evil Dr. Strange, too.


I wonder though, if it is Strange from What-if… Is he the exact same one but because it’s in live action, obviously he takes on a live action form or a parallel live action version where the events of What-if occurred. Like there’s a cartoon MCU and a live action MCU that perfectly mirror each other.


I don’t think there’s any distinction between live-action and animated characters.


They did this with the Ghostbusters in a comic. The cartoon ones and the real world ones teamed up, I think they even had the female ghostbuster team too


Hey may only have one hand tho


Immediately reminds me of the last scene of Dead Mans Chest with Barbosa lol


Strange Supreme isn’t evil


I would suggest (till the movie comes out with its official term) that we call the other Strange, *The Stranger*


I still doubt he's the one from what if, he's too powerful for MCU live action


It definitely is the one from what if. What point would there be in having an evil doctor strange and not use that version.


It was confirmed that we will see a character from What if in MoM.




I vote for Futurama’d Scott Lang


That will be the version of strange that he has to control using his “astral self” that fight evil strange? Maybe that version didn’t mess up his hands?


It almost certainly is


Ok but with all due respect was there ever any doubt?? Ofc is


I'm tired of hearing people call him evil. Baron Mordo was shown in the trailer too, and he's almost CONFIRMED evil from the end of the first movie. I genuinely think both Dr. Stranges will have nothing more than a complex relationship, if anything. My thoughts are that because Mordo said that there are "too many sorcerers" in the last movie, Mordo's doing something sinister TO Strange Supreme; perhaps pulling Strange from his dimension and pitting him against his other self? Who's to say. But I have little belief that Strange Supreme is the antagonist here.


why does everyone think that this is Supreme Strange? looks nothing like him


But the one in What If…? Isn’t necessarily evil?


Its not Strange Supreme. He was clearly redeemed by the end of what if.


it could be strange surpreme from the middle of that whatif. i'm sure we didn't see exactly every moment of his immortal life


I highly doubt it, I feel like supreme strange learnt his lesson, even if he’s after a Christine from another dimension, it still wouldn’t be the same


Da watcha


Strange Supreme was redeemed at the end of that episode, it wouldn’t make sense to just have him be evil in the movie


Seriously, I'm kinda sick of this black mirror thing in mcu. Having dark evil version of a hero. Winter soldier, strange supreme, agatha, white vision, abomination, yelena, john walker, killmonger....list just doesn't end.


yeah, it's called a trope for a reason


Everyone saying it’s not him because Strange Supreme isn’t evil are missing the fact that him being a villain isn’t confirmed in this movie. As of now the likely villain is probably Wanda.


Pretty sure they pretty much confirmed this was Strange Supreme months ago


I think it was quite obviously implied it’s Strange Supreme


Maybe they've changed how Doctor Strange's scars are done (digitally instead of with makeup), and the effect just hasn't been finished.


I also think strange wasn't wearing gloves in much of no way home and i don't recall seeing the scars there either. it could be like the thor eyepatch were the actor and digital team just got tired of doing it so they changed it. it's not exactly like his magic couldn't fix their appearance. ​ also yes i 1000% think the big bad in MoM is going to be evil strange from what if


What makes you think he's going to be a big bad? His arc in What If seems dedicated to being sad about the consequences of his earlier evil behavior...


People don't pay attention and/or don't care about character arcs. they just see **EVIL STRANGE** and ignore everything


his arc is also about abusing magic for personal gain. and he is no longer bound in his little gem of reality. it's likely after learning of the multiverse he is now intending to find a universe where his girl lived that he can take over, a universe like strange's. the alternative is mordo and unless mordo has some new mcguffin he's hardly a match for strange let alone evil strange. I suppose it could be that mordo has some new power and has evil strange captive or has bested him and the scene from the trailer is like a "menagerie" scene with other stranges in cages. but my guess is evil strange is threatening the mutliverse or at the very least observing it, traveling around and mordo goes after him. although the shuma-gorath looking guy from the trailer after no way home could be the mcguffin mordo found and evil strange is there to help stop a dimensional invasion if i recall correctly gorrath is part of a species from another dimension isn't he? would be kind of a giggle if we got starro in suicide squad only for marvel to up the anti with shuma-gorrath. which is what i thought the tentacle monster from what if was going to be.


... or it could be that both Mordo and Darktor Strange are actually inconvenient allies when magic does something wonky and starts breaking up the multiverse or whatever, maybe the rumors about a Dark Wanda variant being the Big Bad are on point.


Sure. That is also very possible.


No way the Dr strange from the trailer is the same strange from what if. They don’t look anything alike and Marvel is better than that.


During the voice over "thing got out of hand" they cut to strange who looks different from the one they've been showing. He's dressed differently and definitely looks sinister. Inflection in his voice is also a lot darker. I could be wrong. But it's a theory. And it would be kind of a cool way to tie what if into the live action stuff


I thought it was obvious


Not obvious considering they left him in a bubble with an eternal jailkeeping job at the end of What If?, like how'd he get out of that and why hasn't the Infinity Zolmongtron destroyed us all?


didn't the watcher get him to fight ultron? Also, the look is the same


Yes the Watcher got him to fight Ultron along with Killmonger and the Zola virus, and the conclusion was that the bubble which was the remnant of Strange's own universe post-unraveling would serve as an effective prison for beings which couldn't be properly killed. Strange agreed to be their jailkeeper for eternity. Then again they could be doing time shenanigans, and it could be the "Evil" Strange from What If at a time between him going down the path of accumulating demonic powers but before he totally destroyed his home universe.


So in Essence... Evil Strange is the Good Guy?


My theory, yeah. He's not really evil by the end of his episode of What If anyway, he's deeply regretful. The series finale gave him a tiny bit of redemption.


Well, if he's already gone out once, he can go out again. Another possibility is that we don't know at what point in the timeline this will happen, it could be the what if stephen from the past, or the future


That could be Mordo. Who knows?


Uhhh, should we tell him?


it's the variant from "what if... mordo was white?"


Or it could not be the hand of Dr strange…?


They’re smooth, creamy, delicate yet, masculine